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If you have upper eyelid exposure it's over

NeverSubmit said:
You are still ugly without it


Either his face is naturally bloated or he should leanmax
Twisted said:
Should I still do the thing for brighter lashes?

Brighter? You mean longer lashes? Yes. It's just a solution you put on your upper eyelids. It's not a surgery. It's really cheap.
Facade said:
Either his face is naturally bloated or he should leanmax

Lack of bones mostly. But he did have less facial fat before.
Facade said:
Either his face is naturally bloated or he should leanmax

It's the first one. Doomed from womb2tomb.
Twisted said:
What surgery would you recommend for my eye area then?

Why do you need to get surgeries for everything? Just be glad you don't need it. 

Focus on your lower third instead.
itsOVER said:
He desperately needs a brain transplant tbh.

Agreed it's painful too much.(Even for me) I need a brain transplant as well tbh
CopingGymcel said:
Lack of bones mostly. But he did have less facial fat before.

Pretty sure that was just decent pictures since itd make no sense for me to weigh less now but have more facial fat.
CopingGymcel said:
Why do you need to get surgeries for everything? Just be glad you don't need it. 

Focus on your lower third instead.

Most autistic people develop extreme obsessions for certain parts of their lives.
I have upper eyelid exposure, fuaark..
Twisted said:
Octopusgun2 said:
It doesn’t look that you have scleral show. I doubt that any surgeon would want to perform a canthopexy on someone with no scleral show.
What surgery would you recommend for my eye area then?
Only upperlid fillers.

You’re honestly either born with a good eye area or you’re not. You don’t have scleral show which means that no surgeon would want to perform a canthopexy on you.
Octopusgun2 said:
You’re honestly either born with a good eye area or you’re not. 

This. JFL at copers. Muh eyelid surgery to give me hunter eyes...just stop, lol.
Octopusgun2 said:
Only upperlid fillers.

You’re honestly either born with a good eye area or you’re not. You don’t have scleral show which means that no surgeon would want to perform a canthopexy on you.

His eye area isn't even bad so it's pretty pointless to fix something that isn't actually broken. @Twisted should focus on his height,body,lower third and autism
itsOVER said:
Octopusgun2 said:
You’re honestly either born with a good eye area or you’re not.
This. JFL at copers. Muh eyelid surgery to give me hunter eyes...just stop, lol.
There can be some things improved for the eye area, but only to a minimum degree. If you have an average eye area then there’s nothing you can do about it. If you have scleral show, monolid upperlid, NCT, etc...Then surgery will give you a far better eye area.
eurocel said:


pure sui fuel


Look at this guy, holy shit. Mascmogs me into oblivion  :O
itsOVER said:
This. JFL at copers. Muh eyelid surgery to give me hunter eyes...just stop, lol.

Your eyes are not your biggest flaw so it's useless to focus on that
Twisted said:
Do you think I’ll have a good eye area once I get the fillers?

You already have a good eye area.
CopingGymcel said:

Look at this guy, holy shit. Mascmogs me into oblivion  :O

Your jaw is more masculine but he has a way stronger chin and eye area.

That's aesthetic as fuck tbh.
CopingGymcel said:

Look at this guy, holy shit. Mascmogs me into oblivion  :O

The one on the top mogs you?
Octopusgun2 said:
There can be some things improved for the eye area, but only to a minimum degree. If you have an average eye area then there’s nothing you can do about it. If you have scleral show, monolid upperlid, NCT, etc...Then surgery will give you a far better eye area.

It's all very expensive cope. Fillers are the only thing that's a tiny bit legit if you dont have NCT or scleral show and thry aren't gonna jump you from ugly to attractive.

Like for me...pretty much all I could do is get fillers to remove my dark circles and reduce upper lid exposure a bit. No way to make the eye area vertically narrow though, JFL at people who think they'll get hunter eyes from this shit.
eurocel said:
The one on the top mogs you?

Who do you think I am talking about, buddy boyo?  :relief:
Facade said:
Your eyes are not your biggest flaw so it's useless to focus on that

Lower third is worse.

But neither are good.
CopingGymcel said:
Who do you think I am talking about, buddy boyo?  :relief:

well i don't know, your usage of lookism vocabulary might suggest that you mean the guy on the bottom.
Twisted said:
Octopusgun2 said:
Only upperlid fillers.
You’re honestly either born with a good eye area or you’re not. You don’t have scleral show which means that no surgeon would want to perform a canthopexy on you.
Do you think I’ll have a good eye area once I get the fillers?
Slightly. You just have to accept the fact that you weren’t born with a MM tier eye area and move on TBH. You can permasquint to fraud your eye area if you hate your eyes that much.
eurocel said:
well i don't know, your usage of lookism vocabulary might suggest that you mean the guy on the bottom.

Octopusgun2 said:
Slightly. You just have to accept the fact that you weren’t born with a MM tier eye area and move on TBH. You can permasquint to fraud your eye area if you hate your eyes that much.

He should be glad that his eye area is above average with top tier coloring tbh.

Could have been a lot worse. Could have had bug eyes with lots of upper eyelid exposure.
itsOVER said:
Lower third is worse.

But neither are good.

Well my eye area is also average at best(Even though my bdd tells me otherwise) but I have recognized that I have much bigger flaws (Skin,Frame,Current height,mental health issues). Your lower third and the facial bloat are your biggest flaws and you should focus on that.
CopingGymcel said:
He should be glad that his eye area is above average with top tier coloring tbh.

Could have been a lot worse. Could have had bug eyes with lots of upper eyelid exposure.

It's fucking over for him, I don't understand why you think he's ever getting laid soon. If it's not a LARP account his brain is irreversibly fucked.

Wouldn't trade positions with him if I had to inherit his autism, 100% srs.
Twisted said:
Octopusgun2 said:
Slightly. You just have to accept the fact that you weren’t born with a MM tier eye area and move on TBH. You can permasquint to fraud your eye area if you hate your eyes that much.
What else would be the problem with my eye area if I got the fillers for hooded eyes?
I’m obsessed with eye area as I need it to be good if I want to become a PSL 7+
Your eyes’ plaberal fissure height are your problem, as in your eyes aren’t vertically narrow enough to be considered hunter eyes. You can fraud that by squinting (but don’t make it obvious that you’re squinting as it’d make you look aspie).
Facade said:
Well my eye area is also average at best(Even though my bdd tells me otherwise) but I have recognized that I have much bigger flaws (Skin,Frame,Current height,mental health issues). Your lower third and the facial bloat are your biggest flaws and you should focus on that.

Can't do anything about bloat as it's caused by a lack of bones. 

Lower third is relatively easy to fix if you've got money for implants. Unfortunately I have fuck all money.
itsOVER said:
It's fucking over for him, I don't understand why you think he's ever getting laid soon. If it's not a LARP account his brain is irreversibly fucked.

Wouldn't trade positions with him if I had to inherit his autism, 100% srs.

I want him to succeed, I really do. I like the boy, he's a good guy. He deserves some pussy in his life.
CopingGymcel said:
I want him to succeed, I really do. I like the boy, he's a good guy. He deserves some pussy in his life.

Ofc he deserves it but his autism makes the whole thing 10x harder. This is probably the reason why he wants to looksmax to Chad status and even that is not guaranteed
CopingGymcel said:
I want him to succeed, I really do. I like the boy, he's a good guy. He deserves some pussy in his life.

I wanted to bang Victoria's secret models and be driving a lambo.

Uufortunately wanting stuff doesn't make it a reality. And the reality is he's totally fucked unless they develop a cure for autism.
itsOVER said:
I wanted to bang Victoria's secret models and be driving a lambo.

Uufortunately wanting stuff doesn't make it a reality. And the reality is he's totally fucked unless they develop a cure for autism.

There is no cure for autism because it is a complex developmental disability and not a disease. The autism is deeply implemented in his brain structure
Facade said:
There is no cure for autism because it is a complex developmental disability and not a disease. The autism is deeply implemented in his brain structure

Guess it's over then.
itsOVER said:
Guess it's over then.

His only hope is looks/ surgerymaxing until he looks like a god. And it will be still hard for him to hold basic conversations. A girl has to show a huge level of interest for him to look past his autism. The only thing that is worse than autism is untreated selective mutism
Facade said:
His only hope is looks/ surgerymaxing until he looks like a god. And it will be still hard for him to hold basic conversations. A girl has to show a huge level of interest for him to look past his autism. The only thing that is worse than autism is untreated selective mutism

He's not at a high enough level to look like a god, ever. Only a Chadlite. Plus he's short and this HGH thing is probably cope as at nearly 19 his plates have probably closed.

Just imagine gstting matches on tinder, girls into you...but you having to ask for an STD test before they're allowed to kiss you. Even chico wouldn't get away with that. It's fucking over.
Twisted said:
Selected mutism happened to me at the first few months of sixth form but it has not happened to me since as I haven’t been bullied since secondary school

@itsover underestimates the potency of the halo effect and how much it can save you

Take Ted Bundy, most people on here would say he is a chadlite/PSL 7. Despite commiting heinous crimes, he still had several female admirers.

If women can look past him being a serial killer due to his looks, then they can easily look past my autistic quirks if I became a PSL 7 or higher.

It would be definitely over for you if you had selective mutism like Cho. Ted Bundy is a bad example because he is a really charismatic serial killer + his good looks. But you can always copy and analyze certain behavioral patterns in order to appear more NT that could help you and of course your looksmaxing
Twisted said:
Selected mutism happened to me at the first few months of sixth form but it has not happened to me since as I haven’t been bullied since secondary school

@itsover underestimates the potency of the halo effect and how much it can save you

Take Ted Bundy, most people on here would say he is a chadlite/PSL 7. Despite commiting heinous crimes, he still had several female admirers.

If women can look past him being a serial killer due to his looks, then they can easily look past my autistic quirks if I became a PSL 7 or higher.

Ted Bundy was probably mentally capable of speaking to his admirers though. I doubt he was measuring his testicles to see which one was longer and getting condoms and a home STI testing kit out before a first kiss.

Sorry to disappoint but no one could get away with the autism you display. The self sabotage is too high.
itsOVER said:
Ted Bundy was probably mentally capable of speaking to his admirers though. I doubt he was measuring his testicles to see which one was longer and getting condoms and a home STI testing kit out before a first kiss.

Sorry to disappoint but no one could get away with the autism you display. The self sabotage is too high.

Ted Bundy had extremely good social skills.Yes he was insane but he was a very charismatic guy
Facade said:
NeverSubmit said:
You are still ugly without it
Either his face is naturally bloated or he should leanmax
Needs longer hair, leanmax, and beardmax...
Needs longer hair, leanmax, and beardmax...

Longer hair yes, as for leanness my 'bloat' is caused by recessed bones rather than fat (I'm not overweight at all), and I find beards irritating and feel it's all cover up game which is easily seen through anyway.

What I really need is a totally different face.
itsOVER said:
Needs longer hair, leanmax, and beardmax...
Longer hair yes, as for leanness my 'bloat' is caused by recessed bones rather than fat (I'm not overweight at all), and I find beards irritating and feel it's all cover up game which is easily seen through anyway.
What I really need is a totally different face.[/quote]
Mulletmax bro
My eye area is chadtier its the only thing i got going for me
i have a little bit of it but it's not a death sentence at all imo, only when you have a ridiculous amount of it.
whogivesafucc said:
i have a little bit of it but it's not a death sentence at all imo, only when you have a ridiculous amount of it.

According to this forum you need to be 6'4" with hooded eyes, 8 inch dick, and 4 pounds of cheekbone mass to get laid.

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