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Venting If you have consistent access to prostitutes, you can't say you're a truecel.



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
I understand wanting a relationship is part of the incel experience, but the truth is "love" is a fleeting emotion and not real. Incel is mainly about sex. I will concede that the sex Chad gets is better than sex with a hooker, but banging hookers is still sex, and if you can access these consistently, you don't know the pain that UScels go through. I have to see all these hot girls scantily clad and I can't have any of them and I also can't go to a brothel for a release. All I can do is fap my circumcised dick which is only semi-satisfactory. If I could buy hookers on a consistent basis my mental health problems would be depleted by at least 50%. Now of course if you live where prostitutes are legal and they reject you, you're a truecel. But if you're a 4/10 who can't get a girlfriend but can get prostitutes frequently, you can't call yourself a "true"cel. Incel yes, truecel no.
im too high inhib to do it, the closest i came to doing it was making an account on some escort site in the uk.

some sort of mental barrier, i cant even imagine myself getting naked and touching a girl , its painful to even imagine like some absurd dream.
I understand wanting a relationship is part of the incel experience, but the truth is "love" is a fleeting emotion and not real. Incel is mainly about sex. I will concede that the sex Chad gets is better than sex with a hooker, but banging hookers is still sex, and if you can access these consistently, you don't know the pain that UScels go through. I have to see all these hot girls scantily clad and I can't have any of them and I also can't go to a brothel for a release. All I can do is fap my circumcised dick which is only semi-satisfactory. If I could buy hookers on a consistent basis my mental health problems would be depleted by at least 50%. Now of course if you live where prostitutes are legal and they reject you, you're a truecel. But if you're a 4/10 who can't get a girlfriend but can get prostitutes frequently, you can't call yourself a "true"cel. Incel yes, truecel no.
Just go to a strip club or log on some degenerate dating site and offer foids money for sex.

Ive gotten decent results. They aren't no 8+/10 but good enough.
Just go to a strip club or log on some degenerate dating site and offer foids money for sex.

Ive gotten decent results on PoF and Mocospace. They aren't no 8+/10 but good enough.

Bro I don't want to get in legal trouble
Bro I don't want to get in legal trouble
Im also in the U.S and Ive never gotten in trouble. Just have an untraceable number like google voice and you should be fine. Would honestly worry more about degenerates than law officers.
Fucking a prostitute is not sex and i want more than sex anyway
Fucking a sex doll = sex too then?

Rape = sex? Since you are putting your penis in a girls vagina

Yup, technically rape is sex. It's forced sex without consent
im too high inhib to do it, the closest i came to doing it was making an account on some escort site in the uk.

some sort of mental barrier, i cant even imagine myself getting naked and touching a girl , its painful to even imagine like some absurd dream.
This, I'm also too low inhib, Fuck I get anxiety even from going to a McDonald's, let alone a prostitute
Rape isnt sex its sexual assault. Prositution isnt sex its a business transaction. The women needs to enjoy it for it to be called sex.


Can you believe this guy? Female worshipper

@NEETard how are babies made then?

Can you believe this guy? Female worshipper

@NEETard how are babies made then?
Female worshipper because i know the definition of sex?

Also idk what point you are making by asking how babies are made. Sex in most cases but some are the result of rape.
Female worshipper because i know the definition of sex?

Also idk what point you are making by asking how babies are made. Sex in most cases but some are the result of rape.

females aren't attracted to their betabuxxers in most cases
ive heard some trucels even get rejected by prostitutes
ive heard some trucels even get rejected by prostitutes

Yeah that's true if you get rejected then its fair to claim truecel status

Can you believe this guy? Female worshipper

@NEETard how are babies made then?

I think he's trolling nobody is this retarded, or maybe we have another @Zyros on our hands, I still remember that back and forth I had with him :feelskek:

Zyros: If you paid for sex then you didn't lose your virginity
Me: That's not a biological definition, its subjective BS
Zyros: <Some more bullshit>
Me: OK, so hypothetically, if a virgin woman pays a bunch of guys to gangbang her she's still a virgin afterwards
Zyros: SILENCE <avoids addressing the question>

These nonsense kinds of arguments fall apart easily if you simply assert the biological definition, and display with examples how convoluted and illogical their personal definitions are

Female worshipper because i know the definition of sex?

Sex - "sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse"

There is no definition I have found that stipulates the woman needs to enjoy it for it to be sex

1. If two gay guys are having sex is it not sex because no woman is involved?
2. If two lesbians are having sex but neither enjoyed it, did no sex take place?

Your definition is subjective and flimsy

Rape isnt sex its sexual assault. Prositution isnt sex its a business transaction. The women needs to enjoy it for it to be called sex.

Theft is not ownership (even though you now actually possess said stolen thing). Store bought meat isn't actually food.The animal needs to be hunted and killed by you personally for it to be called food

This is something I talked about before that is especially for you:
There are two kinds of hunters:

OBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts for survival and/or personal gain, he values:
Food (eats the meat of the hunted animal)
Selling meat and/or various animal parts for money

SUBJECTIVE HUNTER: One who hunts "for sport", he values:
Amount of kills
Size/quality of the animal killed
Handicaps used during the hunt to show off his hunting prowess - "I used X rifle with no scope"

The so called incels and black pillers against paying for sex, are blinded by their ego, they are stuck in the "subjective hunter" mindset and they don't seem to get that such a mindset is only "maintainable" by attractive men. PUA culture is all about the "subjective hunt", that is why they treat looks like its a "handicap mechanic" that allows them to show off their "hunting prowess".
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I think he's trolling nobody is this retarded, or maybe we have another @Zyros on our hands, I still remember that back and forth I had with him :feelskek:

Zyros: If you paid for sex then you didn't lose your virginity
Me: That's not a biological definition, its subjective BS
Zyros: <Some more bullshit>
Me: OK, so hypothetically, if a virgin woman pays a bunch of guys to gangbang her she's still a virgin afterwards
Zyros: SILENCE <avoids addressing the question>

These nonsense kinds of arguments fall apart easily if you simply assert the biological definition, and display with examples how convoluted and illogical their personal definitions are

Sex - "sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse"

There is no definition I have found that stipulates the woman needs to enjoy it for it to be sex

1. If two gay guys are having sex is it not sex because no woman is involved?
2. If two lesbians are having sex but neither enjoyed it, did no sex take place?

Your definition is subjective and flimsy

Theft is not ownership (even though you now actually possess said stolen thing). Store bought meat isn't actually food.The animal needs to be hunted and killed by you personally for it to be called food

This is something I talked about before that is especially for you:
Damn, you tore him apart lmao. Brutal IQ mogging
Sex - "sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse"

There is no definition I have found that stipulates the woman needs to enjoy it for it to be sex

1. If two gay guys are having sex is it not sex because no woman is involved?
2. If two lesbians are having sex but neither enjoyed it, did no sex take place?

Your definition is subjective and flimsy

Sex - "sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse"

When you are being paid to sit there and let a man you arent attracted to, fuck you. How are you having sexual activity? Does your sex doll have a sex count too? Does your hand have a sex everytime you (masturbate).

1. If two gay guys are having sex is it not sex because no woman is involved?
Two people having sex together = sex. It doesnt matter if its anal or vaginal. They are both enjoying it therefore its sex.

2. If two lesbians are having sex but neither enjoyed it, did no sex take place?
No. This situation would never happen. Why would 2 lesbians have sex with each other if neither enjoyed it? Maybe they are getting paid to do it for porn? Then it would be a business transaction. Maybe they are being forced to do it (since you said neither enjoyed it) then it would be some form of sexual assault.
Never escortcelled
When you are being paid to sit there and let a man you arent attracted to, fuck you. How are you having sexual activity?

By your logic when a chef prepares food professionally for payment they aren't "cooking", because it only counts as "cooking" when they do so for their own enjoyment without payment (like for friends and family)

By your logic teachers aren't actually educating children, because they are only stuck in a classroom doing it because they are being paid to do so, not because they enjoy doing it as they would with their own children

Etc, etc, etc

Payment and an act are completely separate, if you pay someone to kill someone they still murdered someone, it doesn't matter if they did it for money or out of rage/personal benefit, a murder is a murder, an act is separate from reasoning behind it.

If you kill someone on purpose, or you kill them in self defense, you still KILLED them, the reasoning behind the act, doesn't change whether or not we acknowledge the act takes place, it took place regardless

I have to believe you are trolling me right now and you are just board and looking to get responses, because this is some serious retard logic

Now I'm done arguing whether 1+1=2

Does your sex doll have a sex count too? Does your hand have a sex everytime you (masturbate)

A doll and my hand aren't conscious beings, if I tell either to "suck my dick" they aren't going to do anything at all because they aren't conscious, your comparison doesn't make any sense
By your logic when a chef prepares food professionally for payment they aren't "cooking", because it only counts as "cooking" when they do so for their own enjoyment without payment (like for friends and family)

By your logic teachers aren't actually educating children, because they are only stuck in a classroom doing it because they are being paid to do so, not because they enjoy doing it as they would with their own children

Etc, etc, etc

Payment and an act are completely separate, if you pay someone to kill someone they still murdered someone, it doesn't matter if they did it for money or out of rage/personal benefit, a murder is a murder, an act is separate from reasoning behind it.

If you kill someone on purpose, or you kill them in self defense, you still KILLED them, the reasoning behind the act, doesn't change whether or not we acknowledge the act takes place, it took place regardless

I have to believe you are trolling me right now and you are just board and looking to get responses, because this is some serious retard logic

Now I'm done arguing whether 1+1=2

A doll and my hand aren't conscious beings, if I tell either to "suck my dick" they aren't going to do anything at all because they aren't conscious, your comparison doesn't make any sense
Ok so lets say you are right. Escortcels are having sex with prostitutes. Why are they posting here then? This is a forum for virgins. We post here because we cant get laid. Escortcels are apparently getting laid so they should be banned.

And you are probably going to say 'escortcels have to pay a girl for sex therefore they are still incels' or some stupid shit. But wouldnt the same apply to beta buxxers? Would you like having guys who have been married for years posting here because they pay for 90% of the things in their relationship?
Illegal in shithole of lithuania (separatist part or Russia)
Ok so lets say you are right. Escortcels are having sex with prostitutes. Why are they posting here then? This is a forum for virgins. We post here because we cant get laid. Escortcels are apparently getting laid so they should be banned.

And you are probably going to say 'escortcels have to pay a girl for sex therefore they are still incels' or some stupid shit. But wouldnt the same apply to beta buxxers? Would you like having guys who have been married for years posting here because they pay for 90% of the things in their relationship?

Blackpilled (Conditional): Person who is not currently incel, but agrees to respect the views portrayed on the forum. The user should be indistinguishable from other members, mentioning they aren't incel is an instant ban.
Trucels can’t even get escorts to fuck them. I know escorts thought @Emergency Manual had a fucking STD due to his HS disease that isnt even contagious.
Trucels can’t even get escorts to fuck them. I know escorts thought @Emergency Manual had a fucking STD due to his HS disease that isnt even contagious.

he's the truest of cels
Blackpilled (Conditional): Person who is not currently incel, but agrees to respect the views portrayed on the forum. The user should be indistinguishable from other members, mentioning they aren't incel is an instant ban.
When people make threads about escortcelling they are admitting to no longer being an incel (with your guys logic since prostitute = sex). So shouldnt that be an insta ban?
When people make threads about escortcelling they are admitting to no longer being an incel (with your guys logic since prostitute = sex). So shouldnt that be an insta ban?

Mods have stated in the past that you are allowed to discuss escortcelling
Prostitutes are too expensive for us cels. I need go to Netherlands.
Well shit this thread got controversial quickly
But that conflicts with the other rule. Or do mods know that fucking escorts arent sex. Its one way or the other

Its an unwritten rule, since part of incel is "unable to form romantic relationship".

Also anyone can get a hooker if they go out of thier way so then they could disclude everyone as being fakecel if they use that rule
High IQ

If you have a car, you aren't trucel either tbh.
That is actually true. I know that sounds stupid to plenty of people here but if you have a car you are most likely neurotypical, which means you are normal.

what if you're ugly?
what if you're ugly?

I find it kinda weird. Imagine, you have a normal life besides females. You made your driver licence early on and you have a car, you have an aprpenticeship, you have a job you are actually ok with and your salary is also somewhat acceptable, you have perhaps a social circle, you even live by your own. You are basically absolutely in the flow of life.
At this point you are at least normal within your brain.
I find it kinda weird. Imagine, you have a normal life besides females. You made your driver licence early on and you have a car, you have an aprpenticeship, you have a job you are actually ok with and your salary is also somewhat acceptable, you have perhaps a social circle, you even live by your own. You are basically absolutely in the flow of life.
At this point you are at least normal within your brain.

I got my drivers license at 17 so all that job shit does not apply to me
banging hookers is still sex, and if you can access these consistently, you don't know the pain that UScels go through.

I am really not up to date..what is the situation in the US rn? is prostitution totally illegal
I am really not up to date..what is the situation in the US rn? is prostitution totally illegal

It's illegal everywhere except a few counties Nevada, which I don't live in. In order for me to get hookers I have to go to Mexico.

In 99% of US its illegal

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