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Blackpill If you had a chance before visiting this website, its gone now

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2047
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Deleted member 2047

Deleted member 2047

Dec 8, 2017
Lets put all the memes, lookism vocab, and semi-ironic self-loathing out of the way. I want to speak directly to the person behind that screen. Lets be real, most people here aren't nearly as disfigured and fucked up as they pretend to be here. No, its not a case of FAKECELS FAKECELS FAKECELS, I'm just being realistic. There are guys out there uglier than you who have gfs. No, don't cope and call it betabux. You know its real.

But heres the thing, in the chance that you wearn't as far gone as you thought you were before you came here, that chance its gone now. This place has shattered your mind and destroyed any chance of acting like a normal person. Just look at yourself.

Now back to your regularly scheduled memeing.
True i think this site is run by the jews tbh to poison young minds and steal all the aryan women.
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My mind was destroyed by inceldom. That's why I'm here.
Ok.... If thats what YOU want to think man cool. i was fucked before i went on this site and to answer that uglier guys have girlfriends.... / REDEEMING QUALITIES. / IF YOU DONT HAVE SHIT AND YOUR UGLY ITS OVER! lowiq and broke.and ugly for example..
Cope. If an ugly male has a gf is because he brings additional things to the table like status, money, or superior intelligence. Not to mention his gf won't feel the same attraction as towards Chad, as biological lust can't be controlled.
quite the contrary actually. before discovering the blackpill i was low IQ enough to actually take those bluepill platitudes to heart and despite being low IQ, no social skills, obese, manlet(5'7-8ish at the time) etc all i would need to do is be positive, confident, take a shower, you know the rest if i wanted to get laid. boy, how wrong was i... and femoids are only the tip of the iceberg. the blackpill enlightens you on how looks and genetics determine everything such as how society treats you(halo effect) and this is what motivates me to actually do something; it drives me to gymcel, nofap, shower etc. the blackpill forces me to TRY in life. it has AWAKENED me.
My mental state has gotten worse since i found r/incels, hallnations have became a monthly occurance. Im not "disfigured" but im still pretty low on the 1/10 scale. My inceldom is a combo of below average looks and mental setbacks.
Finding /r/incels and incels.is has made my life better unironically
True i think this site is run by the jews tbh to poison young minds and steal all the aryan women.
Tbh it might be. The mods are trying to remove all anti-Semitic reasonings that prove that inceldom was ultimately caused by the Jews through women.
the blackpill enlightens you on how looks and genetics determine everything such as how society treats you(halo effect) and this is what motivates me to actually do something; it drives me to gymcel, nofap, shower etc. the blackpill forces me to TRY in life. it has AWAKENED me.
quite the contrary actually. before discovering the blackpill i was low IQ enough to actually take those bluepill platitudes to heart and despite being low IQ, no social skills, obese, manlet(5'7-8ish at the time) etc all i would need to do is be positive, confident, take a shower, you know the rest if i wanted to get laid. boy, how wrong was i... and femoids are only the tip of the iceberg. the blackpill enlightens you on how looks and genetics determine everything such as how society treats you(halo effect) and this is what motivates me to actually do something; it drives me to gymcel, nofap, shower etc. the blackpill forces me to TRY in life. it has AWAKENED me.
naw they are beta bux, you don't think if a 6'3 chad walked in and showed intrest in the girl she wouldbnt dump her 5'5 balding skinnyfat boyfriend.

Relatioships are only for chads if you want the girl to be loyal
How did this site specifically fuck us over?
yeah listening retards like the OP has damaged me, ngl
But heres the thing, in the chance that you wearn't as far gone as you thought you were before you came here, that chance its gone now. This place has shattered your mind and destroyed any chance of acting like a normal person. Just look at yourself.

In what way einstein? Do you seriously believe you can't change your behavior? You my friend are beyond repair. Acting NT is a habit you can develope. but as you aquire more experience thats going to become a integral part of you. The way you act is a direct mirror of your belief system. And the only way to change does is by acquiring know experience that contradict your old beliefs.

Its the same paradox as getting your first job. Inorder to get a job you need experience, but you can only get experience if you have job. Its a catch 22 infinite loop. The only way to so solve it, is by taking a job that doesn't repuire skills and start gaining more experience. Same shit with girls. Inoder to get in the "game" you need that first experience to assure yourself youre adequate enough to get a girl. The way you make it, is by putting on a show and hope some drunk roastie is to dumb to sense you autism vibe. But than again this only works if you've already passed the girls treshold. After that its a matter of not fucking up untill you get your first slay.

When you get validated thats when you can really escape.

This thread is bullshit and OP knows it.
lol i was fucked before this site, i would say porn was the root cause of my problems and even before than i was high inhib pussy fag
How did this site specifically fuck us over?
Yeah, I think we were already fucked, and the fact that we use this site is just confirmation.
There are three options for males to find a partner.
1. be Chad
2. betabux if sub 5
3. If 5-6, settle for used goods or landwhale

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