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Serious If you don't participate in politics, YOU'RE VOLCEL

Kasper Poole

Kasper Poole

Apr 11, 2020
How does participating in politics help YOU as an Incel?
  • Improves sympathy and understanding to the plight of Incels.
As Incels, I believe it's necessary for us to be understood not only in our space, but through the world around us. If we keep our knowledge to ourselves, the average person wouldn't be able to understand our situation and we won't be able to gather support as a group which is important for our growth as individuals.
  • Provides an avenue for Incels to participate in legislation and nation building.
This is important because, as Incels, we need to have output in the decision making process for legislation and nation building as it will give us representation to help prevent and limit discrimination thereby allowing us to create our own legislation to benefit ourselves.
  • Incels as a normality in everyday life
This, to me, is what I feel SHOULD BE the end goal of every Incel, and something we, as Incel, should move forward as our ideal goal in politics. Think of LGBT approach, and apply that to Incels!

Tl;dr: Participate in Politics and prove to everyone that we, as Incels, deserve the right to be heard and are of value to society!
i am a politician ded srs
Dude I'm literally a gorilla. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

All incels have the responsibility to support the least feminist political movement/party.
what is this retarded cope
All incels have the responsibility to support the least feminist political movement/party.
Movement yes, political party, no. Usually they are Islamic parties which I really don't need
I will be incel politician
Nah. Though instead of international men's day we could have international incel day, and PEACEFully protest are situation. But we'd just get gunned down and no one would care, so..... NAH.
Okay, Volcel!

All incels have the responsibility to support the least feminist political movement/party.
As long as you participate

what is this retarded cope

I will be incel politician
I honestly think you're one of the most charismatic incel in this forum

Nah. Though instead of international men's day we could have international incel day, and PEACEFully protest are situation. But we'd just get gunned down and no one would care, so..... NAH.
How about an internation incel MONTH? That's a VOLCEL talking... Tell that to the LGBT who got shot down until gay marriage became legal! Think!!!
Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.
Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.
Tell that to the LGBT community, Black community and Woman's suffrage, and fuckin' tell me why we, Incels CAN'T do this?
I do participate in politics. Sort of.
The only political issue I can get behind is "taking away rights from holes."
Why not support policies that support you?
Because every political issue which supports men is demonized. Holes thinks Men's Rights is a joke and so do those cucked politicians.
Almost every single penny from NGO's and government is spent on holes to give them an easier life. There are practically no political movements which support us.
Politics can be good, but I don't agree with involving yourself in politics for the sake of a particular group. All that leads to is certain political ideas that would otherwise be unrelated becoming connected. People should be able to choose their own ideas rather than adopting ideas from the political group they joined because of one specific issue.
Politics is retarded cope
The only way an incel can help incels in politics is if they're a politician in power.
The problem is if you have power, you're not an incel because a foid will sleep with you to gain a piece of your power.

See the contradiction?
And I'm not voting for people who have nothing in favor of me. Fuck them and fuck those that vote for them.
Yes, even you if you're one of them.
the reason women are not sexually attracted to us is genetics; politics can't change biological hardwiring. that said, there are some political issues that I still care about in spite of that (making the US less war hawkish, ending the war on drugs, making big corporations like amazon pay taxes, legalizing prostitution etc). I liked Tulsi Gabbard's policies, Bernie was my second choice because we agree on the most important issues.

don't really care about the 2020 election as it stands. Trump does not care about any of those things that I just mentioned so I wouldn't vote for him, and I'm not going to go out and vote in the middle of a pandemic for fucking Joe Biden
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Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.
What do you specifically mean by "participate"? Mere voting? Activism? Organizing? Something else?

And to what end from a body politic standpoint? Integrating incels into the existing framework of society or creating a new framework all together? Or Something else? How do you propose this be done from a tactical standpoint?

This concept of political involvement from the grassroots perspective tends to be very idealistic and lacking in pragmatism for most. Offshoot movements tend to be very disorganized, filled with petty infighting, and lacking in a strong yet attainable vision which is capable of withstanding the inevitable trials it will experience as ends are sought after. Plus, there is the whole matter of how things actually work in the milieu of politics, which is...complicated...in its own right.

Though skeptical, I'm interested in hearing more about the scope of your ideas/strategies before I make a judgement on the statement as presented.

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