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News If you don't believe in a higher purpose chaos is the only path



just put custom title theory
Jun 7, 2018
Don't believe me? Look at normie degenerates and tell me if they look like they've found a purpose beyond fucking.
Actually based and High IQ. Normies will spontaneously combust according to the second law of thermodynamics.
I believe in God and Christ almighty
Don't believe me? Look at normie degenerates and tell me if they look like they've found a purpose beyond fucking.
Chaos can also manifest itself if you accept and absorb light and dark energies.

It can elevate narcissism and self-interest tenfold when you feel like you have the world figured it and you know what you need to do to improve your lifestyle.

Getting overwhelmed by it, you may end up lost in despair and lose interest in the world and the future when you have conflicting emotions within yourself.

This is my take on this. It can either fuel you or destroy you

@Transcended Trucel
What's your take on the idea of Chaos?
I believe in khilafah
I believe in complete and utter chaos for all.
Death does not discriminate !
The degeneracy of Western societies is strongly correlated with moving further away from Christianity and it's ideals and teachings.
You are coping hard. Allah is a big ass myth and retards who fall for the khilafah meme and try to implement it and Islamic sharia get blown up to smithereens. Allah obviously prefers gay pride parade over the success of the Muslims.
Lmao found an lgbt liberal cuckold

Run back to IT cuck
I kinda agree ngl
Good, normies are destroying their souls and minds. I love it.
Imagine believing in sky daddy in 2019. Faggots, Jews and women rule the world. Yet you still think khilafah is a possibility, you're actually retarded.
Lol at this literal reddit tier neckbeard. Come up with something original for once

Muh sky dad

Muh spagetti monster


Sharia is the solution for women and fags dumbass. But you wouldn't want that since women and fags are right up your alley being a liberal sjw lmao

Keep believing in gaytheism that kike ploy to spread freedom and degeneracy. No wonder most kikes are gaytheists. Spread your ass cheeks wide for Cohen cuck
I agree. While it treats them like second class citizens it doesnt do enough. They deserve worse
Foid extincion is the only way. No matter the system foids Will whore around.
I agree. While it treats them like second class citizens it doesnt do enough. They deserve worse
Stop being unrealistic man, sharia is the most we can accomplish without men getting cucked sympathy for foids again and... liberating them again, any system with foids more based than sharia is just an unmaintainable utopia.

But genetically editing/eradicating them or replacing them with robots... now that would work better.
Just fucking lol at you, playing all righteous. Irreligion is disbelief not belief. Also every time fucking dumb ass Muslims try to implement the Sharia they get owned by their own corrupt leaders. You have women without hijab in the heart of Makkah. You have Israel owning retarded Palestinians. Myanmar committing genocide against Rohingya. China committing genocide and mass conversion against the Uyghur. Iraq and Sham being filled with Shias and Sunni Muslims being killed off. Basically all Muslim governments are corrupt. Muslims are fleeing to kaafir countries. Yet you fucking think a so-called god is on your side.

You actually have retard-tier IQ.
Bruh what the fuck was this gay sperg level post.

Are you alright in there? Why are your feelings so hurt?

Were you a yezidi sex slave or something. Probably some kind of white worshipping cuck
You don't even comment on what I'm saying, you just insult and don't actually say anything of value.You literally talk like someone from IT.
You sound like you discovered the internet last week
The meaning of life is to literally procreate as much as possible, yet we are denied this right from the start
Just fucking lol at you, playing all righteous. Irreligion is disbelief not belief.
You don't understand, NT normans have a natural tendency towards degeneracy that must be suppressed, just look at western society to see what happens in a society without beliefs, where every non-right wing ideology and belief is tolerated no matter how absurd and evil, you get a clown world.
Go to Morocco, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria,etc. That is real clown world, you can't even go to a proper hospital. Government just bulldozes your house if they want to.
Those are 3rd world which not all muslim countries are, and the issues of a 3rd world muslim country are the issues of any other, instability, unsafety, dictatorial government, etc.
too bad I will always be at the bottom in this society, whatever may be the new trend among normies. Our lifes are already chaos
Chaos can also manifest itself if you accept and absorb light and dark energies.

It can elevate narcissism and self-interest tenfold when you feel like you have the world figured it and you know what you need to do to improve your lifestyle.

Getting overwhelmed by it, you may end up lost in despair and lose interest in the world and the future when you have conflicting emotions within yourself.

This is my take on this. It can either fuel you or destroy you

@Transcended Trucel
What's your take on the idea of Chaos?
Yes for sure. Chaos and narcissicsm can make or break a person. Lots of people over do it or lack the mental discipline to keep themselves in control which is the problem.
Go to Morocco, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria,etc. That is real clown world, you can't even go to a proper hospital. Government just bulldozes your house if they want to.
Why argue with muslimcels bro, you know how we are defensive about allah and all that. it'll only devolve into shitty insults. Have yourself a good one mutadbrocel.
Normgroids cope by rationalizing their chaos as some sort of order.

I will repeat this: nobody is really interested in objective rationality
The meaning of life is to literally procreate as much as possible, yet we are denied this right from the start
Cope our meaning is life is to go EEERRR.

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