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If You deny White Genocide especially in America U are a fucking Retard

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wcnQJd_XRQQ

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You nailed it. Whites are the ones who allow because they lazy to pick their own vegeatbles on the farms, lazy to do cleaning jobs and want only nice jobs, 3 vacations , luxury phones, gym memebership, ordering food delivery because lazy to cook.
No, the niggers from Africa going into Italy on boats have absolutely nothing to do with white people not wanting to do those low level jobs.
Life in America is starting to become extremely uncomfortable for White people and it's basically unavoidable at this point. I also think they're lying about the percentage of white people in this country.

No matter where I go, there's almost always a ton of black and brown people and they always give me some sort of weird, hateful/arrogant/jealous stare and attitude (not all of them, but always some of them), just for being White. I've literally done nothing to these people.

The area I live in is majority white too. I guess this country is just so shitty nowadays that White people basically never leave their houses. They order food through delivery apps, order fucking groceries through delivery apps, and sometimes even their job is work from home.

I went to some late night IHOP (ik it's goyslop but whatever) last night. I used to go there all the time at like 2AM with and it was pleasant, good, and full of white people enjoying themselves after a night out or something. i went in and i was just fucking surrounded by vicious fat shitskins and niggers hate-staring at me for no reason other than being Im a white Person. The staff were rude, incompetent niggers. There were also multiple nigger and brown men staring at some other dudes Girlfriend, not even hiding the lust in their eyes. Who the fuck let these people into this country?

You can't go outside and enjoy ANYTHING anymore. It all fucking sucks ass. I've been all over America and it's basically like this everywhere (I know I sound like a demoralization shill, I swear I'm not, it's just this bad). I'm genuinely considering leaving the country at this point. Anyone else relate? It's so fucking over lol, like genuinely. I don't get how more Whites don't feel the same way. I guess it's just because like I said every White person basically hides in their fucking house nowadays lol
Form groups, gangs and communes with other white people. That's what deathnics do when they are minority.
No it wont that problem would work 10 years ago they literally flood the nation with all flithy scums and niggers the system constantly hates you and muh white bad you cant win no amount of kids will save this only kike and shitskins eradication
shitskins and niggers should get genocided RACE WAR NOW
Niggers, kikes, spics, muzzies etc
The white ones are not made for fighting.
the behavior of them is very calm and collected.
While ethnics have inherently aggressive behavior.
Your cracker tears are as sweet as chocolate :feelsaww:

Imagine being the most privileged race in literal history, and whining this much.
This niggers fr talking about privilege. :feelskek:
I wonder what color of hair your wife will dye for her boyfriend. I hear they have a hot date coming up, cuck.

When you say niggerish shit like that you show you’re just a tool for the Jews. Good little nigger yes yes, keep sowing civil unrest and unpheval, hahaha yeeeees good little black goyim.
that's basically every big western city these days
when I was a kid my town was 90% white, clean and known as the nicest part of the city
now it's full of foreigners who don't speak English, it's dirty, there are homeless people everywhere, the crime rate has skyrocketed, there's open drug dealing, all the service workers are immigrants, impossible for a white person to get a job, etc
this change happened in the span of 10 years
They've already went from "it's not happening" to "well it is happening but it's not being done on purpose and why does it matter anyways do you think niggers are subhuman or something? The only reason they commit crime and Africa is a shithole is because of white people and it's probably a good thing that you will go extinct."

Which is funny because I talked to my boomer dad about it who stopped getting the jewish talking point NPC software upgrade and he still denies that whites will become a minority because that was what they did for the last 30 years. That and also just calling you a racist for even bringing it up and relying on the power that word still has over normietard rightwingers.

The idea of it not happening on purpose and all white countries just coincidentally decided that it's time for the most successful race in the worlds history to commit racial suicide while ignoring the disaster that multiculturalism already has been for the last 7 decades let alone what these brownoids do once they're the majority in South Africa is equally retarded as denying that it's happening. Their demand for evidence that it's happening on purpose and especially out of a hatred of white people is so unreasonable, they literally expect some document signed by all world leaders that says "we hate white people and that's why we're trying to make them go extinct." And even if you could magically get a document like that, most of these people don't give a shit, leftoids would say it's good for climate change and the animals. Brownoids are just seething with envy and get this revenge-fetish against whitey brainwashed in their heads since birth by both their family, school and entertainment and their IQ is so low that they'll never question this nonsense or see their own hypocrisy. The only people you should try to convince are young straight white men, if they're over 25 and still being gay leftists theyre retarded so don't bother.
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Protocols of Zoin pretty much paint the whole picture

In the 1960s it was quoted the last majority white generation waa being born

Better for superior white workers/scientists/breeders be extinct than to live in a shitskin utopia where all non whites are willing slaves for their Jewish masters and eating bugs all day

I think non whites know how hellish their existence is going to be once we are gone and they resent us for it

They also resent us for being inferior room temperature IQ subhumans as well but ya

Its over for everybody buddy boyo
They've already went from "it's not happening" to "well it is happening but it's not being done on purpose and why does it matter anyways do you think niggers are subhuman or something? The only reason they commit crime and Africa is a shithole is because of white people and it's probably a good thing that you will go extinct."

Which is funny because I talked to my boomer dad about it who stopped getting the jewish talking point NPC software upgrade and he still denies that whites will become a minority because that was what they did for the last 30 years. That and also just calling you a racist for even bringing it up and relying on the power that word still has over normietard rightwingers.

Turns out it's not just my dad, IT is equally retarded.

America is 58% white in the last census and they count sandniggers and jews as white in America for some reason. That's excluding the illegals. So basically it already is minority white and if not it will be in the next 10 years. Same demographic shift as in Europe and probably Australia. In the 60s it was still 90% white. it's insane how boomers have destroyed white nations in one generation.

I looked it up now and I can see their confusion:

I don't think there's such a thing as "hispanic whites" unless they're actually Spaniards.


Texas, Florida and New Mexico huh? All states close to the border, yeah I'm gonna need a DNA-test for those "white hispanics".

You don't deny it retards, this is your new response:
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shitskins and niggers should get genocided RACE WAR NOW
What about aspie browns that aren't low iq and don't have brownoid features?
Feminism has been pushed onto you mayos. You need to reject feminism and the white birth rate will recover
It’s more suicide than genocide.

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