Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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LifeFuel if you could have ONE wish granted,what would it be?

Anything? Then my wish would be being able to make infinite wishes further, tbhtbh
I would wish that there was no way for anyone on earth to be happy other than doing anything they can to make my life perfect.
Perfect health for me and my family until the day we die.
Health>everything else
- yeah the topic says pretty much everything.
what would it be?
my biggest wish is to either be immortal and/or find the woman whom i love!:what:
Fixing my socially retardness and becoming NT. That's all not having friends or a social circle is a death sentence in Life.
If I had one wish,
I would ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss.
Swap bodies with a certain chad i'm aware of
Unlimited money.
I want a death note

Being a criminal, rapist etc. gets you treated better than being non-NT/truecel
ha ha whoms going to be ereased uith it? the chads?
A fleet of Piracycels from India and China form to rape the world.. they conquer the world and establish a Barbarycel Empire where incels become kings among men and treasured as saints until the end of our days. Normies, Chad-lites and Chads are used as cattle but get the 1-7 scale women (to maintain the population of the work force) while us incels get the 8-10 scale goddesses.
A fleet of Piracycels from India and China form to rape the world.. they conquer the world and establish a Barbarycel Empire where incels become kings among men and treasured as saints until the end of our days. Normies, Chad-lites and Chads are used as cattle but get the 1-7 scale women (to maintain the population of the work force) while us incels get the 8-10 scale goddesses.
PERFECT!!!!!! :what:
Restart life as a normal socially adapted person.
Become a chad, literally. It will get you females.
i would wish to have the prime teen virgin girlfriend i deserve
become a real life paladin so i can hit people with my ashbringer and get 5million templars verdict critical strike on them

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