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Serious If you can't afford kids don't have them



Schizophrenia & OCD
Jun 21, 2018
If you can't afford to give your child a massive amount of money when they become an adult, then what the hell are you having kids for ?

Do these fucking idiots really think their kids are going to have quality of life working 2 cuckwage jobs so they can pay to live in a jack squat appartment ?

Why is everyone so goddamn delusional ? They all assume little billy is going to become a doctor or a lawyer ... but he's not ! He will stock the shelves at target and home depot until he dies.
I'm not addressing you or incels at all, i'm saying women need to keep their fucking legs closed, because life is just misery.

I dunno...
is called being dumb and stupid and 99% of people are like this.
Having kids you can't afford is bad...but having kids when you're in your mid 30s or older is even worse.

Brb, odds of having a downie being increased more than 100 fold
Brb, vastly high odds of the kid being autistic
Brb, lower IQ
Brb, odds of a shit ton of other genetic defects skyrockets

I know it's not economically viable to have kids when you're 20, but if you can't afford to have kids by the time you're 30...then just don't have kids at all.
I'm not addressing you or incels at all, i'm saying women need to keep their fucking legs closed, because life is just misery.
Because the government(tax payers) will finance all of your and your child's expenses, a lot of lower class women intentionally get a couple of kids so they could lift-off the benefit money and never work a day in the life. On top of that you the sperm donor is your slave for the next 18 years.

So, a lot of the times it isn't even an oopsie, its a cold and calculated strategic move for the purpose of becoming the "welfare queen".

Also when women see Chad, their brains short circuit, that won't rest until they get piped down by him.
If you can't afford a good genetics, don't have kids.
If you're ugly or short the only justification in having kids is if you're rich, so at least the ugly kids can cope with money until they die. Otherwise don't bother with having kids.
I understand that you are very angry right now but try to understand that men are the ones who act out with logic and reason 99% of the time. Females act out with emotions 99% of the time.

The majority of the time a female has a baby it is for emotional reasons
-She thought a guy looked cute and wanted his cum
-She is in a failed relationship yet thinks a baby will bring them back together
-She saw Teen Mom and thought having a baby would be cute like in the shows

It is quite rare to find a woman who planned out her pregnancy. For women, pregnancy "just happens" teehee
My mother planned me.
It's highly unlikely I'll have kids, but not impossible.
People win the lottery too.
Because most people are fucking selfish idiots if you havent realized. I asked my parents this question everyday when i was a teen. They said to suck it up or gtfo. So i gtfo, hope they die from aids in a retirement home caused by their own excrement.
"Yes, goyim! Cull the population for us!"
No shit.

Bloody c*tholics filling up the world with people they can't afford to feed!
Don't have kids you can't afford?
That was easy.
Too easy.

Meanwhile the moron hordes reproduce like rats.
Imagine if the 3rd world followed this simple advice? But lol they wouldn't be the third world if they could think beyond impulses of UGH UGH YES FUCK FEEL GOOD SQUIRT
If you can't afford to give your child a massive amount of money when they become an adult, then what the hell are you having kids for ?

Do these fucking idiots really think their kids are going to have quality of life working 2 cuckwage jobs so they can pay to live in a jack squat appartment ?

Why is everyone so goddamn delusional ? They all assume little billy is going to become a doctor or a lawyer ... but he's not ! He will stock the shelves at target and home depot until he dies.
Are you retarded? Kids don't have to be fucking spoiled to have a decent life, they can be poor as fuck and still have a great life, if you said don't reproduce if you're ugly (how would you even?) or have a mental illness then maybe i'd understand, but you're just being stupid.
Consider this, do you suppose that people think about the lives of their potential children before having them? I don't mean an idealized version, but some idea of what their actual life might entail? I believe that everyone should be required to watch videos of people dying in all manner of ways before they're allowed to procreate, and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to imposed suffering.

But it's irrelevant anyway, people don't care, nobody cares.

JFL if you believe that parents think about the striving and struggling their children be forced to endure before having them.
Glad my parents only decided to have one
Seriously. My parents had 4 kids for some dumbass reason. Even when I was kid, I was open to the option of never being born
Having kids nowadays is the worst investment.
but dumb poor people forget to use contraception which is why abortions exist
I'd rather have kids I can't afford, than have kids when i'm older, or not have kids at all.

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