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Toxic Femininity If you aren't doing exactly what a foids says, your abusive! (TwoX ChromoCope)



Fatcel Blackcel
Jan 1, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1bducp0/i_dont_know_who_needs_to_hear_this_but/

The latest gem from TwoX Chromosomes, the best source of unintentional blackpills on reddit. Foids always hark on about accountability and about how not being able to dice up their unborn baby is society forcing them to take more accountability then men do:feelswhat: I don't know I don't understand foid logic.

Anyway as all know the divide between foids and men (sub8s) is widening so foids probably don't have as many stories of le abuse to congregate and seethe about in whisper networks, since only Chads get foids and they pretty much just pump and dump them. So guess what, pumping and dumping foids...sorry being emotionally (((avoidant))):foidSoy:.

Some great excerpts from the minds of the average modern foid

Just because he doesn't yell at you, insult you, or beat you, doesn't mean he's not bad for your emotional health at best and an abuser at worst.
Just because he doesn't abuse you doesn't mean he is not abusive :foidSoy:

A lot of the emotionally distant/avoidant behavior that some men display is actually an attempt to control others around them under the guise of 'just needing space' or 'setting boundaries'.
So boundaries for foids when they are dealing with sub-5s but no boundaries from Chad otherwise thats abuse

I'm making this post because I just spent a couple of weeks giving advice to one of my friends to help her build the courage to leave her now ex boyfriend, who was displaying all of these behaviors towards her.
Let me guess she just walked away and nothing happen, real abusive dynamic you have there retard
I myself, also went through several relationships like this, one of which resulted in almost getting me killed (long story, don't want to get into it here), because society doesn't want to recognize that neglect/apathy/abandonment can be forms of control and abuse IN AND OF THEMSELVES.
So somehow being denied Chad's attention almost killed her and somehow neglect can be used to psychiclly control foids into killing themselves. Makes sense :feelsYall:'

But this is the real kicker and to me demonstrates that foids dont want equality but control through pretending to be vulnerable
It may not be physical abuse, but it is abuse in the sense that these behaviors are meant to keep you on edge and to convey a message of 'I can do whatever I want, when I want, and you have to put up with it or else I'll just leave'.
Isn't that literally what the fucking point of modern day relationships, especially when you aren't even fucking marry. It really is mind boggling the entitlement and lack of accountability that foids have to the point where not doing as they command is abuse. Honestly at some point it became obvious to me that foids are broken beyond prepare by feminism. There is no point in interacting with this creature.
i really dont understand foid logic anymore

not that i ever understood them but

its really starting to turn into mirrored 4D chess now
Beckies are insufferable by nature, and they become even more when Chads don't commit to them, so they spend their lives complaining about men to each other and giving their betabuxers a headache. The only advantage of being an incel, if there is any, is that I don't have to put up with this.
I can't have empathy for people who have had partners, they are two privileged for my empathy, sexhavers aren't human beings, they're animals and I hate them.
Imagine being so gl that you can make foids kill themselves just by ignoring them. Some men live in an alternate reality.
She straight up described how foids act and attributed it to passive men.
The latest gem from TwoX Chromosomes, the best source of unintentional blackpills on reddit. Foids always hark on about accountability and about how not being able to dice up their unborn baby is society forcing them to take more accountability then men do:feelswhat: I don't know I don't understand foid logic.
This type of abuse is exactly the kind of abuse foids usually use. Now that men have recognized that violence gets punished, they might use the exact same strategies women use to pressure men into doing what they want so now women experience this kind of abuse on their own skin.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1bducp0/i_dont_know_who_needs_to_hear_this_but/

The latest gem from TwoX Chromosomes, the best source of unintentional blackpills on reddit. Foids always hark on about accountability and about how not being able to dice up their unborn baby is society forcing them to take more accountability then men do:feelswhat: I don't know I don't understand foid logic.

Anyway as all know the divide between foids and men (sub8s) is widening so foids probably don't have as many stories of le abuse to congregate and seethe about in whisper networks, since only Chads get foids and they pretty much just pump and dump them. So guess what, pumping and dumping foids...sorry being emotionally (((avoidant))):foidSoy:.

Some great excerpts from the minds of the average modern foid

Just because he doesn't abuse you doesn't mean he is not abusive :foidSoy:

So boundaries for foids when they are dealing with sub-5s but no boundaries from Chad otherwise thats abuse

Let me guess she just walked away and nothing happen, real abusive dynamic you have there retard

So somehow being denied Chad's attention almost killed her and somehow neglect can be used to psychiclly control foids into killing themselves. Makes sense :feelsYall:'

But this is the real kicker and to me demonstrates that foids dont want equality but control through pretending to be vulnerable

Isn't that literally what the fucking point of modern day relationships, especially when you aren't even fucking marry. It really is mind boggling the entitlement and lack of accountability that foids have to the point where not doing as they command is abuse. Honestly at some point it became obvious to me that foids are broken beyond prepare by feminism. There is no point in interacting with this creature.

>Yikes incel, you aren’t entitled to sex!

>Chad not committing to me specifically over the literal thousands of girls he has at his disposal is literally murder!!!

Rules for thee, but not for me.
Imagine being so gl that you can make foids kill themselves just by ignoring them. Some men live in an alternate reality.
That power of dating or really side fucking foids several tiers below you, it seems great since initially you get worship but foids are egomaniacal and self centered by nature so not doing as they command is abuse.
She straight up described how foids act and attributed it to passive men.
Its never the foids fault understood, if a guy doesnt want to change cause a foid told him its abuse
This type of abuse is exactly the kind of abuse foids usually use. Now that men have recognized that violence gets punished, they might use the exact same strategies women use to pressure men into doing what they want so now women experience this kind of abuse on their own skin.
Yeah, she is accusing the men of being manipulative while manipulating men to get what they want and getting mad when it doesn't work
>Yikes incel, you aren’t entitled to sex!

>Chad not committing to me specifically over the literal thousands of girls he has at his disposal is literally murder!!!

Rules for thee, but not for me.
Omega kek, but its true somehow getting neglected by her boyfriend almost cost her life, bro imagine fucking up this badly on Story mode
Omega kek, but its true somehow getting neglected by her boyfriend almost cost her life, bro imagine fucking up this badly on Story mode
Women’s capacity to fuck up even the most basic shit never ceases to amaze me.
More foid copes
In addition...

Yes, there is typically a reason these men have developed their avoidant or dismissive attachment style, and that reason is typically "suffered trauma during childhood."

It does not matter. You can have empathy for the reasons why someone developed their disordered thinking without compromising your boundaries, safety, sense of self, desire to be loved, etc.

Whatever reasons people have for being the way they are, the way they are is not your responsibility to manage. It is theirs. They are adults, now, and it is on them to figure out their trauma and fix their disordered thinking.

Then what the fuck was the point of the post, the whole point is that they dont care if you leave you dumb slut
Beckies are insufferable by nature, and they become even more when Chads don't commit to them, so they spend their lives complaining about men to each other and giving their betabuxers a headache. The only advantage of being an incel, if there is any, is that I don't have to put up with this.
Foids will crush your heart and then get mad at you for not trusting them anymore. Being emotionally distant and apathetic is the appropriate response for an incel to give to a foid.
women are truly rotten corrupt creatures
I don't know who needs to hear this but
100% you're gonna hear some bullshit self-fellating opinion after hearing this
Lol just leave the relationship. Oh wait, he's good looking and this confuses her because she gets tingles in her privates from him.

TwoX ChromoCope​

Lol nice
100% you're gonna hear some bullshit self-fellating opinion after hearing this
FrFr, its signaling all the foids that whatever therapy retardation is bouncing around in there head and justify it
Lol just leave the relationship. Oh wait, he's good looking and this confuses her because she gets tingles in her privates from him.
Exactly, a woman demand the right to chop up unborn babies but cant even take the basic step of leaving a guy (CHAD) without being gassed up by some bitter foid
TwoXChromosomes is a gynocentric hellhole even by Reddit standards. I am surprised subs like TwoX are even allowed on the site as the male equivalents have been banned...

Foid logic is that if you try and make her feel loved and be clingy then that's love bombing, they get 'the ick' and fuck other men out of boredom. Then if you try and distance yourself you're also 'abusive' which justifies fucking other men out of boredom. It's all just a way to shirk commitment and look for the next opportunity to leap on the cock carousel - commitment is toxic to the modern foid. To them committing energy to a sub8 relationship is seen as 'settling' and that's not empowering in a gyno-centric world.

It's an abhorrent race to the bottom.
TwoXChromosomes is a gynocentric hellhole even by Reddit standards. I am surprised subs like TwoX are even allowed on the site as the male equivalents have been banned...

Foid logic is that if you try and make her feel loved and be clingy then that's love bombing, they get 'the ick' and fuck other men out of boredom. Then if you try and distance yourself you're also 'abusive' which justifies fucking other men out of boredom. It's all just a way to shirk commitment and look for the next opportunity to leap on the cock carousel - commitment is toxic to the modern foid. To them committing energy to a sub8 relationship is seen as 'settling' and that's not empowering in a gyno-centric world.

Yeah using logic is a strong word, because its more saw post-hoc justification for whatever emotions men bring out of them. Ugly male liking her is creepy, Ugly male disliking her is incel misogynist. Handsome men being with her is funny, caring, Handsome man that doesn't what to be with her is abusive. It doesn't really matter what action you take it what she feels in that moment that matters.
These are Chad only thoughts every woman has, only masked behind heavy coping nonsense.
she is basically saying dont date autistic men
Anything that makes a woman feel negative emotions is "abuse" to them. Manipulative as hell.
I can imagine all the narcissistic and BPD foids typing in the comments "you're so right girl!!!1! he's the abusive one because he doesn't give me all the attention in the world!!"
Imagine being so gl that you can make foids kill themselves just by ignoring them. Some men live in an alternate reality.
Foids are so retarded
she is basically saying dont date autistic men
That much is obvious, more specifically she doesn't want to date men that don't emotionally validate her constantly (but are still 8/10, tall, blonde and blue eyed)
That much is obvious, more specifically she doesn't want to date men that don't emotionally validate her constantly (but are still 8/10, tall, blonde and blue eyed)
no thats just her standard for sub8 men/marriage material
Nobody owes you anything in life no love, accountability or their time if these foids can't understand it they'll end up a new statistic.
This is what happens when a BPD / narc abuser wants to feel like a victim
Anything that makes a woman feel negative emotions is "abuse" to them. Manipulative as hell.
if you as much as fart in their direction without feeling awe and celebrating her begena for a foid is enough to call you abusive
Isn't that literally what the fucking point of modern day relationships, especially when you aren't even fucking marry. It really is mind boggling the entitlement and lack of accountability that foids have to the point where not doing as they command is abuse. Honestly at some point it became obvious to me that foids are broken beyond prepare by feminism. There is no point in interacting with this creature.
exactly, if anything doesn't go foid way she leaves you immediately, without giving a secoind chance. You either comply to her dictatorship or she leaves you. It's we men who are willing to make compromises and adapt and cater to another's needs, while foids just twist and wring men how they want and wreck them emotionally as a result. It's hillarious how this bitch cries abuse when we know that it's foids who always act cold and distant and as if you did something wrong. And when you simply reciprocate and stop validating her and giving her attention she suffers near collapse or something
exactly, if anything doesn't go foid way she leaves you immediately, without giving a secoind chance. You either comply to her dictatorship or she leaves you. It's we men who are willing to make compromises and adapt and cater to another's needs, while foids just twist and wring men how they want and wreck them emotionally as a result. It's hillarious how this bitch cries abuse when we know that it's foids who always act cold and distant and as if you did something wrong. And when you simply reciprocate and stop validating her and giving her attention she suffers near collapse or something
They give any excuse to avoid sub5s
Beckies are insufferable by nature, and they become even more when Chads don't commit to them, so they spend their lives complaining about men to each other and giving their betabuxers a headache. The only advantage of being an incel, if there is any, is that I don't have to put up with this.
They are not entitled to an attentive and emotionally supportive partner.

See a therapist if you want somebody to be there and listen to you.
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Beckies are never gonna get Chad, so they become femcels (in some situations)
Beckies are never gonna get Chad, so they become femcels (in some situations)
Yeah, they already say the quiet part out loud, they only want certain man for relationship (i.e. chad) and all there seething stems from the fact that they aren't available because of obvious reason. Most foids complaints about men all stem from the fact they are chad only
They aren't entitled to having a man servant or emotional laborer.
Nobody is owed a shoulder to cry on. Besides, emotional support isn't everything. She can still live a great life without Chad's care and support. She needs to learn to care for herself before any Chad will.
Nobody is owed a shoulder to cry on. Besides, emotional support isn't everything. She can still live a great life without Chad's care and support. She needs to learn to care for herself before any Chad will.
Yeah, she should learn to be comfortable with herself, if she can't survive without a man to do her emotional baggage they should just be alone and die alone
i really dont understand foid logic anymore

not that i ever understood them but

its really starting to turn into mirrored 4D chess now
dont try to understand foids
I can't have empathy for people who have had partners, they are two privileged for my empathy, sexhavers aren't human beings, they're animals and I hate them.

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