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Blackpill If You Are An Incel & You Still Worship And Serve The Cucked Christian God Of Western Society, You Are A Fucking Idiot (End Of Discussion)



Feb 28, 2018

These guys are out here getting pro male "incel Initiatives" passed while you are praying to a God that allows feminism and hypergamy to spread rampantly and ruin your entire existence. All of us would probably be married with children right now if Christianity was still being properly enforced, but stop coping and be honest, your religion is dead and its completely worthless now

Gay men are getting married in your holy temples (churches) despite what your "word of God" holy text (Bible) says

Can you imagine that happening in a mosque? :feelskek:

Your religion is dead, deep down even you don't really believe in it anymore, people aren't even willing to fight and die anymore for your God :feelskek:

Convert now, Islam is the future
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cucked only if you live in west,east is much differant
The future depends on Talibancels. Holy fuck how I wish somehow Islam spread in the west.
cucked only if you live in west,east is much differant
Give an example?

What Eastern Christian Nation isn't ruled by feminism and the women aren't allowed to be hypergamous whores?
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Imagine fucking a 15 yo virgin pussy
Arabcels should join Talibans.
Fuck man. I wish I was Talianmaxing.
Give an example?

What Eastern Christian Nation isn't ruled by feminism and the women aren't allowed to be hypergamous whores?
Sure thing bro, Balkans, Poland and Russia are liberal shitholes like the west!!!

Christianity is based as islam is, even more so, what is preached in the west isn't Christianity
:blackpill:niv bible version removes 60k words from kjv, the only true bible for christians is the bible version kjv 1611 :

ACCORDING to above preachers, what most churches teaches nowadays arent true real BASED christianity. just like jihadis is the true based muslim(taliban), most christians arent really TRUE christians (because they are reading a different bible therefore have different teachings).
Sure thing bro, Balkans, Poland and Russia are liberal shitholes like the west!!!
What laws there are stopping the women from being hypergamous whores?

Also JFL at Russia as an example, it would not be a commonly known thing to have a "Russian mail order bride" if the women weren't allowed to be hypergamous, no woman would even advertise like that for fear of death if she lived in an Islamic society

Let me make this simple for you so you can stop with all the coping and mental gymnastics



Christianity is based as islam is, even more so, what is preached in the west isn't Christianity
1. No true scotsman fallacy

2. What is preached in the west IS Christianity

Here's what you don't understand, there is a huge fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity which PREDESTINED Christianity to become a religion that gets watered down and corrupted


The prophet of Christianity was always preach bullshit like turn the other cheek, and his most touted "accomplishment" was LETTING HIMSELF GET TORTURED AND KILLED BY HIS ENEMIES

The prophet of Islam was a warmonger that married a loli and consummated his marriage with her at the age of 9

One is a weak pacifist

The other is a fucking based savage :feelskek:

Christianity is like a really strong armor that has gaping holes where your vital points are, it doesn't matter how strong the armor is when your enemies can just direct their weapons towards its weak points

Western society used the whole "Jesus is love" bullshit to shame and silence Christians, who had to "turn the other cheek" and keep giving their enemies an inch until they took miles and miles, and here we are today where someone can say they are a "Gay Christian"

ACCORDING to above preachers, what most churches teaches nowadays arent true real BASED christianity. just like jihadis is the true based muslim(taliban), most christians arent really TRUE christians (because they are reading a different bible therefore have different teachings).
Everybody Christian thinks their way of being a Christian is "the real deal"

The core problem of the religion lies in the doctrine of its prophet, Jesus being a "turn the other cheek" pacifist whose greatest feat was letting himself get tortured to death is the kind of weakness that even made people feel safe rewriting the word of God

That's what truly makes Christianity an inferior religion

Secular society was able to use Christians own prophet against them, to guilt them into accepting more and more secular beliefs

"Why are you so hateful, Jesus is loving and forgiving, he wouldn't hate gays like you guys do, you guys preach hate"

That's why you now have "Gay Christians" today and gay weddings taking place in Christians churches

The very prophet of the Christian religion IS THE WEAKNESS OF THE RELIGION

He is the chink in the armor that can be exploited
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What laws there are stopping the women from being hypergamous whores?

Also JFL at Russia as an example, it would not be a commonly known thing to have a "Russian mail order bride" if the women weren't allowed to be hypergamous, no woman would even advertise like that for fear of death if she lived in an Islamic society

Let me make this simple for you so you can stop with all the coping and mental gymnastics



1. No true scotsman fallacy

2. What is preached in the west IS Christianity

Here's what you don't understand, there is a huge fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity which PREDESTINED Christianity to become a religion that gets watered down and corrupted


The prophet of Christianity was always preach bullshit like turn the other cheek, and his most touted "accomplishment" was LETTING HIMSELF GET TORTURED AND KILLED BY HIS ENEMIES

The prophet of Islam was a warmonger that married a loli and consummated his marriage with her at the age of 9

One is a weak pacifist

The other is a fucking based savage :feelskek:

Christianity is like a really strong armor that has gaping holes where your vital points are, it doesn't matter how strong the armor is when your enemies can just direct their weapons towards its weak points

Western society used the whole "Jesus is love" bullshit to shame and silence Christians, who had to "turn the other cheek" and keep giving their enemies an inch until they took miles and miles, and here we are today where someone can say they are a "Gay Christian"
Islam is a religion for those who can't achieve anything in the real world. Just so happens most shitholes are Islamic. They get promised great awards if they go and blow themselves up. There can't be any scientific progress if everyone adheres to the actual islamic law and after a while said society collapses into a stone age.

Islam can only exist in eternal war and because their goal is world domination, what happens after that? The whole world will just split into two classes one which is like 1% and owns everything and other 99% who are super poor and most are incels.

Keep sucking dick of a religion created by a schizophrenia affected ego maniac
Truth to be said Apostle Paul said that women cannot rule over men, should be covered with a veil and should be quiet around men.

Muslims expanded from that by adding ancien Arab culture of women being literally property.
Cope. You are confusing Christianity with Soyanity ( respect wahmen bro :soy: ).

Quote every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman clement of al

Albertus magnus 580393

Tertullian 666509

Women among without religion all savage beasts none is found 17451496

Quote woman is the daughter of falsehood a sentinel of hell the enemy of peace john of damascu

Unnamed 1
No point in converting to Islam if you don’t believe in it. Also you aren’t guaranteed a wife for converting unless you’re white (JBW) or a thugmaxxed black guy.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OQzoiyZSYxM

You should watch this video by Colttaine "islam is right about women".

Islam is a mess and can never sustain a healthy society. Maybe some of these soldiers will have sex with teen virgins female, but in 10-20 years the country will recollapse. Also for every soldier getting a reward you have 5 dead.
Blindly supports islam, the religion that sends incels to blow themselves up promising them virgins in la la land. What a fucking idiot.

Christianity is based
Islam is certainly the most "virile" religion, presently.

As sympathetic as I am to Christianity, I must admit that mainstream Catholicism and Protestantism are utterly unsalvageable.

The European Orthodox churches are somewhat better, but not by that much.

I think the most promising Christian sects, by far, are the orientalist Orthodox churches, ie Coptic, Ethiopian, Syriac and the Indian Orthodox churches. Could they ever become as based as Taliban Islam? I don't know, but they are among the few Christian churches which haven't become complete jokes and complete liberal disaster. They are among the very few Christian churches that actually separate the men and the women during religious services (any church which doesn't do this is not worth taking seriously).
Imagine having religious morals as an incel
Islam is a religion for those who can't achieve anything in the real world. Just so happens most shitholes are Islamic. They get promised great awards if they go and blow themselves up. There can't be any scientific progress if everyone adheres to the actual islamic law and after a while said society collapses into a stone age.

Islam can only exist in eternal war and because their goal is world domination, what happens after that? The whole world will just split into two classes one which is like 1% and owns everything and other 99% who are super poor and most are incels.

Keep sucking dick of a religion created by a schizophrenia affected ego maniac
JFL, I just like the fact that you didn't even try to argue against what I said about Christianity, its like you've accepted that what I said was true, and the weakness of the Christian prophet is the root of its failure as a religion

That's the first step buddy, don't worry, you'll get there :feelskek:

Cope. You are confusing Christianity with Soyanity ( respect wahmen bro :soy: ).
Talk is cheap, Christianity was an inherently weak religion and that's why its a dead religion today

A religion that won't even fight and kill for its God and his law is a dead religion, all this "muh black pilled beliefs of the past" shit doesn't matter if it isn't backed up with violence

It was destined to end up like this by virtue of the doctrine of its prophet

Like I just told someone else:
Everybody Christian thinks their way of being a Christian is "the real deal"

The core problem of the religion lies in the doctrine of its prophet, Jesus being a "turn the other cheek" pacifist whose greatest feat was letting himself get tortured to death is the kind of weakness that even made people feel safe rewriting the word of God

That's what truly makes Christianity an inferior religion

Secular society was able to use Christians own prophet against them, to guilt them into accepting more and more secular beliefs

"Why are you so hateful, Jesus is loving and forgiving, he wouldn't hate gays like you guys do, you guys preach hate"

That's why you now have "Gay Christians" today and gay weddings taking place in Christians churches

The very prophet of the Christian religion IS THE WEAKNESS OF THE RELIGION

He is the chink in the armor that can be exploited

Blindly supports islam, the religion that sends incels to blow themselves up promising them virgins in la la land. What a fucking idiot.

Christianity is based
Retard they are sending men of all backgrounds to blow themselves up lol

Its you falsely asserting that all suicide bombers are incels
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Sure thing bro, Balkans, Poland and Russia are liberal shitholes like the west!!!

Christianity is based as islam is, even more so, what is preached in the west isn't Christianity
No it is not sorry. I know christianity has been part of white european heritage for 1000's of years, and I know some Arabcel named roosh v. with his babushka fetish is promoting orthodox xtianity but JUST because our ancestors practiced it does not mean we can afford to. sure if you had arranged marriages, lived on a farm, were an isolated peasant who did not face any enemy invaders you could act like a cuck(our ancestors used to think leeches cured the plague does that mean we should do this too just because our ancestors did something)

The POINT is that the tru teachings of christianity teach passiveness, being a cuck, turning the other cheek, loving enemies. (frankly it was a way for chad european kings to keep themselves in power. why have a bunch of angry militaristic islamic peasants who could overthrow you at the drop of a hat, when you can have weak cucks working the fields while you have all the women to yourself)!

Sure greek orthodox "christians" in greece fought the islamic turks in the balkans. SURE the church was an essential instrument. HOWEVER this was NOT a TRUE christian organization. Jesus would tell the Slavs to "turn the other cheek" LET the muslim turks take their women. LET the muslim turks control their territory etc. (turn the other cheek is a CORE teaching of the religion).

The heroic slavs who flattened the islamic turks were DISOBEYING christianity by HATING and FIGHTING their enemies.

RATHER than re-invent the wheel, and use mental gymnastics and try to make a cucked religion like christianity more masculine why not JUST admit its BULLSHIT! and that our ancestors were acting like cucks!, and practice ANY other religion instead of christianity. Honestly Islam, Bhuddism (not bullshit white-hipster bhuddism but real WARRIOR culture bhuddism of asia), or even Hinduism would be better for europe rather than cucktianity
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I'm a pagan not a Muslim, with that being said, I hate Christfags just as the next person.:feelsjuice:

What laws there are stopping the women from being hypergamous whores?

Also JFL at Russia as an example, it would not be a commonly known thing to have a "Russian mail order bride" if the women weren't allowed to be hypergamous, no woman would even advertise like that for fear of death if she lived in an Islamic society
It irritates me to no end when conservative, crypto feminist cucks champion Russia as a paragon of traditionalism. Russia is only slightly less cucked and feminist than the West, they are really only slightly "behind the times." Russia is about where the America and the West were in 2009-2011.
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If only Europe took on the religion of Arabs
Christianity and Judaism are the father and mother of communism along with many other things we despise, I believe Europe would be better embracing its indigenous pagan historical past. Sure, Islam is less cucked than Christianity or Judaism, but it's still a foreign religion nonetheless.
It irritates me to no end when conservative, crypto feminist cucks champion Russia as a paragon of traditionalism. Rufus is only slightly less cucked and feminist than the West, they are really only slightly "behind the times." Russia is about where the America and the West were in 2009-2011.
I think the owner of this forum on Twitter said it best last week, "Leftists and neoconservatives are entirely gynocentric." :feelsclown:
Christianity and Judaism are the father and mother of communism along with many other things we despise, I believe Europe would be better embracing its indigenous pagan historical past. Sure, Islam is less cucked than Christianity or Judaism, but it's still a foreign religion nonetheless.

I think the owner of this forum on Twitter said it best last week, "Leftists and neoconservatives are entirely gynocentric." :feelsclown:
Liberalism and contemporary "conservatism" have far more in common than apart.
I believe Europe would be better embracing its indigenous pagan historical past.
Lets not go crazy bro

A lot of this modern day feminist "sexual freedom" shit is very close to pagan beliefs
Lets not go crazy bro

A lot of this modern day feminist "sexual freedom" shit is very close to pagan beliefs
There's new age feminist bullshit paganism and then there is old school esoteric traditional paganism, I represent the later. My kind of paganism would whip those feminist new age wiccan bitches into submission. Though our numbers are small and miniscule, we still do exist. :feelsjuice:
Liberalism and contemporary "conservatism" have far more in common than apart.
They're both neoliberals, support corporate welfare, and enforce crony capitalism on everybody else.

The only thing they really disagree upon is gun ownership, abortion, national borders, censorship, and wage arbitrage, but beyond all of that they're virtually indistinguishable.
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I'm a pagan not a Muslim, with that being said, I hate Christfags just as the next person.:feelsjuice:

View attachment 480518
BASED photo! what pagan are you?
There's new age feminist bullshit paganism and then there is old school esoteric traditional paganism, I represent the later. My kind of paganism would whip those feminist new age wiccan bitches into submission. Though our numbers are small and miniscule, we still do exist. :feelsjuice:

They're both neoliberals, support corporate welfare, and enforce crony capitalism on everybody else.

The only thing they really disagree upon is gun ownership, abortion, national borders, censorship, and wage arbitrage, but beyond all of that they're virtually indistinguishable.
a lot of feminism is from the social gospel movement a CHRISTIAN movement. (however hating feminism is a cope a lot of inceldom has to with demographics
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8
I can't believe there are self-described incels here who still consider themselves Christians. GTFO you bible thumping faggots
Islam is a religion for those who can't achieve anything in the real world. Just so happens most shitholes are Islamic. They get promised great awards if they go and blow themselves up. There can't be any scientific progress if everyone adheres to the actual islamic law and after a while said society collapses into a stone age.
they beat 3 of history's most powerful empires using ak47 and goats, so that is kind of an accomplishment lol.
View attachment 480343

These guys are out here getting pro male "incel Initiatives" passed while you are praying to a God that allows feminism and hypergamy to spread rampantly and ruin your entire existence. All of us would probably be married with children right now if Christianity was still being properly enforced, but stop coping and be honest, your religion is dead and its completely worthless now

Gay men are getting married in your holy temples (churches) despite what your "word of God" holy text (Bible) says

Can you imagine that happening in a mosque? :feelskek:

Your religion is dead, deep down even you don't really believe in it anymore, people aren't even willing to fight and die anymore for your God :feelskek:

Convert now, Islam is the future
I'm a Christian but I have to admit this is very based, the past won't came back
BASED photo! what pagan are you?

a lot of feminism is from the social gospel movement a CHRISTIAN movement. (however hating feminism is a cope a lot of inceldom has to with demographics
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

I'm the kind of pagan that worships primordial chaos and the chaos gods. My beliefs revolve around Gnosticism. For me the natural landscape of this earth is my temple.

I worship Set, Dionysus, Pan, Hermes, and Loki, but ultimately for me, these are all manifestations of the same underlying God, the God of chaos that takes delight in the destruction of social order. :feelsjuice:
The only thing they really disagree upon is gun ownership, abortion, national borders, censorship, and wage arbitrage, but beyond all of that they're virtually indistinguishable.
I'm the kind of pagan that worships chaos and the chaos gods. My beliefs revolve around Gnosticism.

I worship Set, Dionysus, Pan, Hermes, and Loki, but ultimately for me, these are all manifestations of the same underlying God, the God of chaos that takes delight in the destruction of social order. :feelsjuice:
what is Gnosticism (sparknotes version)
what is Gnosticism (sparknotes version)
The belief that a very ancient evil demonic God has taken over and possessed this world making it his realm, also known as the Demiurge.:feelsjuice:
however hating feminism is a cope a lot of inceldom has to with demographics
Feminism is literally why the demographics are the way they are right now though

If women were kept in their place out of the work force, getting pregnant and raising babies there would be an influx of young women being pumped into the sexual market rather than the currently declining population from reduced birth rates
Give an example?

What Eastern Christian Nation isn't ruled by feminism and the women aren't allowed to be hypergamous whores?
Good idea ill make a thread about it tommarow
Retard they are sending men of all backgrounds to blow themselves up lol

Its you falsely asserting that all suicide bombers are incels
Cope tard, no one who gets laid is going to blow themselves up. Only incels are suicide bombers you fucking idiot
Feminism is literally why the demographics are the way they are right now though

If women were kept in their place out of the work force, getting pregnant and raising babies there would be an influx of young women being pumped into the sexual market rather than the currently declining population from reduced birth rates
:feelswhat: There would be just as many young men to compete with pumped into the sexual market.

I don't know if you know this, but the global population is higher than it's ever been, and continues to increase by leaps and bounds.

Is inceldom becoming more, or less common in the world?
Cope tard, no one who gets laid is going to blow themselves up. Only incels are suicide bombers you fucking idiot
"The religion I do/used to believe in is shit so I can't comprehend someone genuinely believing in their God or religion"

If someone who is "getting laid" thinks 72 virgins are waiting for them after they blow themselves up why wouldn't they do it?

:feelswhat: There would be just as many young men to compete with pumped into the sexual market.
Only a problem if women have rights, men tend to date down and women tend to date up

As long as the train keeps chugging everybody will get a chance

For example lets say eveybody magically paired up (everybody of "legal age" like 18), there would still be some extra men without a partner because more men are born than women, but that guy would probably only have to wait a few years before his partner is "of age" so he'd get a partner, and so on

So long as people keep reproducing every guy will get a chance even if we all magically paired up

I don't know if you know this, but the global population is higher than it's ever been, and continues to increase by leaps and bounds.
Not my fucking problem lol

Is inceldom becoming more, or less common in the world?
Yes, but only because giving women rights and privileges is becoming more common in the world

Do you think inceldom would still exist if we took away all women's rights today

Lets be honest, there will always be men in history who never get to reproduce or have sex

Some men are born with hideous physical deformities, etc, extreme and rare cases, cases so bad even a prostitute would not fuck them so they die a virgin

But for the most part inceldom would not exist if women did not have rights
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JFL at comparing Christian and Muslim nations. Conquests of a small European Christian nation. Christianity was very virile.

JFL at comparing Christian and Muslim nations. Conquests of a small European Christian nation. Christianity was very virile.

View attachment 480622
Catholic Christian? Because in general it was much more
Christianity was based until the 19th century a little bit of the 20th after that it was just a relapse, you can't believe in god anymore or he abandoned us or the end is near because after the flood these are the more distant times from him
"The religion I do/used to believe in is shit so I can't comprehend someone genuinely believing in their God or religion"

If someone who is "getting laid" thinks 72 virgins are waiting for them after they blow themselves up why wouldn't they do it?
The only people who blow themselves up, can't attract woman. They get manipulated, given hope, and used by the normie/chads for their own gain.

They feel it when it happens

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