- Joined
- Nov 8, 2017
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- 394
in america
40.4% of females are OBESE?
the average caloric intake of all americans is 3750.
thats 8.5 mcdonalds double cheesburgers a day. thats the average american.
how are these fucking landwhales eating so much food? STOP EATING SO MUCH FUCKING FOOD YOU FUCKING OBESE CUNTS. YOU HAD ONE JOB. DON'T GET FAT. YOU JUST HADDD TO EAT THAT FUCKING GAINT PLATE OF NOODLES AND MEAT SAUCE YOU SICK CUNTS. AND THEN EAT THE 5 CANDY BARS YOU GOT FROM LEFTOVER HALLOWEEN CANDY. THEN YOU HAD TO EAT HALF THE BAG OF CHEETOS AND DRINK MT DEW YOU FLUBBERY FAT SACKS. THEN YOU HAD TO EAT 3 PACKAGES OF POP TARTS THEN YOU HAD TO EAT SOME ICE CREAM TO TOP IT OFF THEN YOU GOT HUNGRY AND HOUR LATER AND DECIDED TO EAT EVEN MORE FUCKING NOODLES. THEN BEFORE BED YOU GOT A CRAVING FOR SOME PIZZA AND THEN TOPPED THAT OFF WITH SOME BBQ WINGS AND SOME COCA COLA. YOU FAT COWS. YOU DEGENERATE HOGS. [size=xx-small]YOU HAVE NO MEASURE OF SANITY YOU JUST CANT STOP FUCKING EATING YOUR FUCKING FOOOOOOOD. then you wonder why you are so fat. why am i so fat i just dont understand it. i dont eat THAAAAT much. i dont understand ...nom nom nom... sip sip sip.... why im so fat i the scale just seems to keep going up it must be my thiroid or my PCOS or my stress from chad chasing. it has nothing to do witht the fact that i eat over 4000 calories a day nooooo im not the problem. maybe if i go for a 15 minute walk twice a week that will help.....nom nom nom..... but im too tired maybe ill just eat some more food. ill start dieting tommorow ....nom nom nom nom nom....... [/size]
now lets take a look at male statistics.
35% obese
but its actually lower because bmi statistics dont take into account for muscle. so its probably more like 25% and btw obese males dont even look that bad. but obese women sure fucking do.
"bear mode" is actually considered attractive to some women. "dad bod" is also technically obese, and women find it fine.
i fucking hate fate women. i will never fuck a fat chick as long as i live. they are disgusting. repulsive too. and to the degenerate normie males and chads who ACTUALLY FUCK fat women and help promote fat acceptance, you need to leave the genepool.
losing weight is effortless. your body burns 2000+ calories a day. all you have to do is just not eat 3x the amount you body needs. you dont have to work out at the gym, you dont even have to stop drinking soda. just stop eating so much fucking food.
and if every woman stopped eating over 4000 calories a day, the dating pool would INCREASE 66%. cause 40% of women are obese, 60% of women are healthy. 4/6 = 66%
now me being a 4/10 i have to somehow ascend to a 6/10 to get any kind action. so i have to spend the next few years looksmaxing hard. while the fat single women i could be with continue to keep eating and getting fatter.
"where are all the good guys?" they say.... where the fuck are all the girls that are shaped like humans? they are all taken. the rest are at home eating 10 burritos with a 52oz coke.
in america
40.4% of females are OBESE?
the average caloric intake of all americans is 3750.
thats 8.5 mcdonalds double cheesburgers a day. thats the average american.
how are these fucking landwhales eating so much food? STOP EATING SO MUCH FUCKING FOOD YOU FUCKING OBESE CUNTS. YOU HAD ONE JOB. DON'T GET FAT. YOU JUST HADDD TO EAT THAT FUCKING GAINT PLATE OF NOODLES AND MEAT SAUCE YOU SICK CUNTS. AND THEN EAT THE 5 CANDY BARS YOU GOT FROM LEFTOVER HALLOWEEN CANDY. THEN YOU HAD TO EAT HALF THE BAG OF CHEETOS AND DRINK MT DEW YOU FLUBBERY FAT SACKS. THEN YOU HAD TO EAT 3 PACKAGES OF POP TARTS THEN YOU HAD TO EAT SOME ICE CREAM TO TOP IT OFF THEN YOU GOT HUNGRY AND HOUR LATER AND DECIDED TO EAT EVEN MORE FUCKING NOODLES. THEN BEFORE BED YOU GOT A CRAVING FOR SOME PIZZA AND THEN TOPPED THAT OFF WITH SOME BBQ WINGS AND SOME COCA COLA. YOU FAT COWS. YOU DEGENERATE HOGS. [size=xx-small]YOU HAVE NO MEASURE OF SANITY YOU JUST CANT STOP FUCKING EATING YOUR FUCKING FOOOOOOOD. then you wonder why you are so fat. why am i so fat i just dont understand it. i dont eat THAAAAT much. i dont understand ...nom nom nom... sip sip sip.... why im so fat i the scale just seems to keep going up it must be my thiroid or my PCOS or my stress from chad chasing. it has nothing to do witht the fact that i eat over 4000 calories a day nooooo im not the problem. maybe if i go for a 15 minute walk twice a week that will help.....nom nom nom..... but im too tired maybe ill just eat some more food. ill start dieting tommorow ....nom nom nom nom nom....... [/size]
now lets take a look at male statistics.
35% obese
but its actually lower because bmi statistics dont take into account for muscle. so its probably more like 25% and btw obese males dont even look that bad. but obese women sure fucking do.
"bear mode" is actually considered attractive to some women. "dad bod" is also technically obese, and women find it fine.

i fucking hate fate women. i will never fuck a fat chick as long as i live. they are disgusting. repulsive too. and to the degenerate normie males and chads who ACTUALLY FUCK fat women and help promote fat acceptance, you need to leave the genepool.
losing weight is effortless. your body burns 2000+ calories a day. all you have to do is just not eat 3x the amount you body needs. you dont have to work out at the gym, you dont even have to stop drinking soda. just stop eating so much fucking food.
and if every woman stopped eating over 4000 calories a day, the dating pool would INCREASE 66%. cause 40% of women are obese, 60% of women are healthy. 4/6 = 66%
now me being a 4/10 i have to somehow ascend to a 6/10 to get any kind action. so i have to spend the next few years looksmaxing hard. while the fat single women i could be with continue to keep eating and getting fatter.
"where are all the good guys?" they say.... where the fuck are all the girls that are shaped like humans? they are all taken. the rest are at home eating 10 burritos with a 52oz coke.