But that alone would really harmed society. If undesired men just stopped working and LDAR all day it would meant total collapse of society. Women work is usually not needed THAT much, they are secretaries, stewardesses, psychologists - those proffesions are only 'needed' when society is already working fine. Chads are usually managers, bosses, models, actors - those proffesions are only needed when you have army of beta males working real jobs - plumbers, electricians, drivers, miners, farmers etc. I already have a plan to work fewer hours every year, as I already have some savings, and I don't need much. I know that I would work all day and night if my oneitis didn't left me 10 years ago.
But you gonna see some troubles in the west anyway. More and more europeans gonna just LDAR, and more and more young male immigrants will come from Africa and Middle East. This is not a recipe for a stable society.