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Serious If JBW is real than why are most incels white?

Many refuse and or too poor to take the flight to SEA. That and standards are too high, like there's plenty of people here who still have racial preference like what? jfl
If you’re beyond a certain point of ugliness (like sub 5 or 6) JBW is just a cope.
Asian foids give me one word replies, total indifference, and expressions of disgust to me more so than normal foids.
“Just be white” = Just be Chad
jbw is just cope, the only advantages whites have is that they more acceptable socially
Living permanently in SEA requires money or a remote job which is not easy to get
SEA is not an option. Better incel than betabux a gook.
SEA is not an option. Better incel than betabux a gook.
This. And literally anybody of any race can betabux third world gooks. But white men are the only ones who have to resort to that.
Because wh*tecels are picky af they don´t kmow of easy they have it.
Because (((JBW))) is nonsense.
Untouchable ganges swimmer IQ.
Keep coping, just admit that you are ugly, take the blackpill, you are mental only if you are suffering from catatonic schizophrenia.
Keep coping, just admit that you are ugly, take the blackpill, you are mental only if you are suffering from catatonic schizophrenia.
Inbred Pakistani mullah level IQ. First you said it was autism, now schizofrenia. Make up your mind.
Whites are just overrepresented on forums overall because they're all slightly autistic but need their daily dose of human contact. Once more curries and other ethnics get better access to the internet they'll swarm incel sites to spout JBW theory
Inbred Pakistani mullah level IQ. First you said it was autism, now schizofrenia. Make up your mind.

Whatever it is, you are not (((mental))) as long as you realize you are mental, no mental people can't realize that they are mental. If you are typing on this forum and keep claiming you are a mental that means your brain is fully functional.

Now stop coping and swallow the blackpill, if you can't swallow through your mouth, try administering it through your butt hole. I know blackpills are hard to swallow, but it's always better to take as soon as possible.
Whatever it is, you are not (((mental))) as long as you realize you are mental, no mental people can't realize that they are mental. If you are typing on this forum and keep claiming you are a mental that means your brain is fully functional.

Zakir Naik level IQ. Typing on a shitty forum doesnt mean you're mentally normal. Define mentally normal. Is low IQ, extreme lazyness, lack of charisma, no understanding of social cues, mentally normal?

But how can I accept that I'm ugly if whites cant be incels?

As I said, the knowledge level of mental disorders by some ethnics here is fucking subhuman.
Living permanently in SEA requires money or a remote job which is not easy to get
Imagine thinking SEA is the only place JBW works
Is low IQ, extreme lazyness, lack of charisma, no understanding of social cues, mentally normal?

Holy fucking cope. LMAO, that personality meme, again, damn. Are you a PUA boyo? Yes you are mentally completely normal even if you don't have those. PUAs are doing all those charisma and social cue shit night and day, do you think they are slaying?

But how can I accept that I'm ugly if whites cant be incels?

WTF does this even mean? How am I supposed to tell if you are ugly or not? WTF? Or may be you are, you need to realign your idea about your looks may be?

As I said, the knowledge level of mental disorders by some ethnics here is fucking subhuman.

Whatever helps you to get a good night sleep.
Asking the real questions here :feelsthink:
Most incels in the WORLD are white because white men empowered their women (and in turn all women who live in the west, including ethnic women) to no longer need them. In poorer countries where most ethnics live, women can't afford to be "Chad-Or-Nothing"-hypergamous cuz there is no welfare, and there is more pressure on them to settle down.

Most incels in the WEST are white simply due to most people in the west being white. And many ethnic women who live in the west may still feel familial or cultural pressure to date their "own men" if they we're talking about older generations. As time goes on, the number of ethnic incel men will grow as ethnic women become more "empowered".

That's IMO. I could be wrong.
Most probable reasons:
1. Too autistic (or very young)

I would bet that most whitecels aren't even out of highschool yet.
Ethniccels have a reason to believe it's over though, and you know something is wrong when you're in your late 20s and haven't had a single relationship.
Most people, even if they have no luck in high school, eventually get a relationship in college years.
most incels are ethnics that don't have access to the internet
I would bet that most whitecels aren't even out of highschool yet.
Ethniccels have a reason to believe it's over though, and you know something is wrong when you're in your late 20s and haven't had a single relationship.
Most people, even if they have no luck in high school, eventually get a relationship in college years.

Yea, I also think this is true, here most whitecels are very young, like they are still in their high schools, whitecels should not call them incels until they reach 25. But I encourage young ethnics, since staying hopeful and bluepilled will hurt them even more in the long run.
they are either all incels larping as blackpilled normies, edgelords, or antiracemixxers. Which is why im starting to take them less seriously.

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