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Venting If I didn't have shitty parents/family I wouldn't be so mentally (& physically) fucked



Oct 14, 2021
I could write a whole book about everything wrong with my parents and family.

My "dad" was a cheapskate who had 2 jobs and had some money but still chose to keep us living in the worst neighborhood in the city and in a shitty small house and I never even had my own room until I worked and could move, the only few times I've ever interacted with him he either insulted me or hit me.

My "mom" beat the shit out of me every day, almost broke my nose once, threw a bucket of boiling water on my feet which I still have a scar from to this day, I remember crying like every normal kid about going to school for the first time when I was 5-6 years old, instead of comforting me like a normal parent should, guess what she does? she beats the shit out of me to force me to go every day, like every single "mother" does to her male children to castrate them into becoming cucks/betas, she thought me to be a pussy and always be obedient and just take the bullying and beating with a smile and never complain about it, I still got into fights in school to protect myself, guess what she does? she beat the shit out of me for fighting for myself, also she locked me inside my entire childhood and teenagerhood, the one time I sneaked out and went to a park with a "friend" she beat the shit out of me and went into schizo mode and kept talking about how everyone will kidnap me and rape me or turn me into a child labor slave, I was 13 at the time btw, she always treated me like an autist that can't think or do anything on his own, she still thinks that to this day and probably will never stop thinking that, I have a hard time figuring out why they all thought that, maybe I'm actually autistic or they just hated me idk.
To this day she still gaslights me and lies to me by saying "it was for my own good".

My "brothers" beat the shit out of me too, none of them ever wanted to be my brother or friend, always made fun of me and bullied me in front of their friends, and again just like my parents they always treated me like an autist who can't do anything on his own, my entire childhood and teenagerhood I was thinking I was autistic because everyone around me treated me like an autist.

I could go on and on, keep in my mind that this is literally only like 5-10 percent of the shit and abuse/trauma they put me through, I've went through every stage of my life feeling alone, no one to go back to or ask for help even as a kid when you're supposed to have a good supporting family, tbh I never wished for a good family, it feels too much to ask for when I look at how much I've been through, I just wanted them to leave me alone and stop abusing me.

I've never had a day where I was happy, but trust me I will be the happiest man ever on the day I watch them all die, I have plans for revenge but I think the best kind of revenge is watching slowly die and rot and wageslave, maybe I'll make a part 2 of the different ways "karma" paid them back for what they did.

This is a venting post, I'm not looking for advice, there isn't any advice that could change the past anyways.
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Well said, I can relate
yes we need some lifefuel
it was supposed to be one of my first few threads here when I signed up tbh, I might write one but idk, it might have too much info
it was supposed to be one of my first few threads here when I signed up tbh, I might write one but idk, it might have too much info
just doxx yourself bro
They are fully responible for your suffering and ending up like that as they passed you defective genes and also destroyed your mental health from begining of your life by treating you like this. That whole story shows that we are in fact barly behind our failures and awful lifes as most major things concerning our shitty lifes were decides by others (often when we weren't even born yet).
Aside from that hope you will find peace someday brocel but Im afraid that its not even possible after being mentally scarred like that :blackpill::feelsbadman:
I could write a whole book about everything wrong with my parents and family.

My "dad" was a cheapskate who had 2 jobs and had some money but still chose to keep us living in the worst neighborhood in the city and in a shitty small house and I never even had my own room until I worked and could move, the only few times I've ever interacted with him he either insulted me or hit me.

My "mom" beat the shit out of me every day, almost broke my nose once, threw a bucket of boiling water on my feet which I still have a scar from to this day, I remember crying like every normal kid about going to school for the first time when I was 5-6 years old, instead of comforting me like a normal parent should, guess what she does? she beats the shit out of me to force me to go every day, like every single "mother" does to her male children to castrate them into becoming cucks/betas, she thought me to be a pussy and always be obedient and just take the bullying and beating with a smile and never complain about it, I still got into fights in school to protect myself, guess what she does? she beat the shit out of me for fighting for myself, also she locked me inside my entire childhood and teenagerhood, the one time I sneaked out and went to a park with a "friend" she beat the shit out of me and went into schizo mode and kept talking about how everyone will kidnap me and rape me or turn me into a child labor slave, I was 13 at the time btw, she always treated me like an autist that can't think or do anything on his own, she still thinks that to this day and probably will never stop thinking that, I have a hard time figuring out why they all thought that, maybe I'm actually autistic or they just hated me idk.
To this day she still gaslights me and lies to me by saying "it was for my own good".

My "brothers" beat the shit out of me too, none of them ever wanted to be my brother or friend, always made fun of me and bullied me in front of their friends, and again just like my parents they always treated me like an autist who can't do anything on his own, my entire childhood and teenagerhood I was thinking I was autistic because everyone around me treated me like an autist.

I could go on and on, I've went through every stage of my life feeling alone, no one to go back to or ask for help even as a kid when you're supposed to have a good supporting family, tbh I never wished for a good family, it feels too much to ask for when I look at how much I've been through, I just wanted them to leave me alone and stop abusing me.

I've never had a day where I was happy, but trust me I will be the happiest man ever on the day I watch them all die, I have plans for revenge but I think the best kind of revenge is watching slowly die and rot and wageslave, maybe I'll make a part 2 of the different ways "karma" paid them back for what they did.

This is a venting post, I'm not looking for advice, there isn't any advice that could change the past anyways.
If you don’t have family shit like this you shouldn’t be here, very relatable
Brutal story, if my family was different i wouldnt be borderline crazy from childhood. Your mother sounds like an literal Satan, she is like my mom and dad in one person. My dad mentally abused me and beat me often, always threatening me, i wasnt allowed to do anything and i was blamed for everything. My mom same as yours thought the soonest someone leaves the house he is masacrated and raped so she never left me out of the house, when i was bigger she would push guilt onto me if i left her home alone. My brothers were ok and my sister is a devil of her own. Crazy people shouldnt be allowed to have kids.
If you don’t have family shit like this you shouldn’t be here, very relatable
this thread was my reply to your other thread but I added some more details, keep in my mind that this is literally only like 5-10 percent of the shit and abuse/trauma they put me through :feelsclown:
Your mother sounds like an literal Satan
Foids are more evil than Satan, Satan looks like a good guy compared to foids.
Brutal story, if my family was different i wouldnt be borderline crazy from childhood
Reminds me of a memory in my childhood when I used to cry after my mom beat the shit out me, I used to scratch my face really hard like a zombie or some shit, she watched that shit and did nothing, this was when I was fucking like 7 JFLLLL at this fucking life
she is like my mom and dad in one person
did she also teach you to be a pussy and beat you for fighting back your bullies?
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This is why Humanity deserves to not exist. It has squandered the gift it's been given and abused itself. It will abuse itself to extinction soon enough.
I'm really sorry brocel, i think a lot of incels have problems with their families in one way or another. not only a problem of looks but most people tend to be depressed too and becoming failures, that's family's fault too. my father and mother didnt beat me, only my father but it was more of a psychological thing(like screaming like a psycho in your face 24/7 for simple things like not picking up something or closing the door of the car wrongly) my parents are very broken individuals but i can forgive them as they care about me, while they fucked a large part of my life and im surely broken because of them they suport me to this day so i cant complain much.

I hope you are living without your parents now and its your choice if you want to forgive them or not but if i were you i would not talk to those people in all of my life, also your brothers what the hell? didnt they simpathize with you a little at least?
Aside from that hope you will find peace someday brocel but Im afraid that its not even possible after being mentally scarred like that :blackpill::feelsbadman:
Personally the only peace that I think I could achieve is death. I think happiness for me.. true happiness and not fake happiness is impossible to achieve and is untenable.
this thread was my reply to your other thread but I added some more details, keep in my mind that this is literally only like 5-10 percent of the shit and abuse/trauma they put me through :feelsclown:
Yeah same like mine
I'm really sorry brocel, i think a lot of incels have problems with their families in one way or another. not only a problem of looks but most people tend to be depressed too and becoming failures, that's family's fault too. my father and mother didnt beat me, only my father but it was more of a psychological thing(like screaming like a psycho in your face 24/7 for simple things like not picking up something or closing the door of the car wrongly) my parents are very broken individuals but i can forgive them as they care about me, while they fucked a large part of my life and im surely broken because of them they suport me to this day so i cant complain much.
it might sound like a "grass is greener" on the other side thing but I really envy you tbh, you're lucky.
I hope you are living without your parents now and its your choice if you want to forgive them or not but if i were you i would not talk to those people in all of my life, also your brothers what the hell? didnt they simpathize with you a little at least?
I don't think I will ever forgive, I can't forgive.
my "brothers" were just as evil as my "parents", they used me as a laughing stock in front of their friends, made fun of me for being a nerd and treated me like an autist.
Personally the only peace that I think I could achieve is death. I think happiness for me.. true happiness and not fake happiness is impossible to achieve and is untenable.
same tbh some damages that were done to us are irreversible and we will be forced to live with those scars if we won't decide to rope :feelsrope:
Personally the only peace that I think I could achieve is death. I think happiness for me.. true happiness and not fake happiness is impossible to achieve and is untenable.
the only peace I'll have is revenge, dying without taking revenge is just more torture to me.
same tbh some damages that were done to us are irreversible and we will be forced to live with those scars if we won't decide to rope :feelsrope:
Those scars are the worst kinds.. ones that can't heal. :cryfeels:
the only peace I'll have is revenge, dying without taking revenge is just more torture to me.
I have a good idea of what I want to do.. it's mainly just sitting around and making the climate worse. I'm having no kids so why do I need to make the future any better than my life now? I don't get a reward for doing anything so why bother?

In fact my existence is non stop punishment. I get money taken from me from raffles when I win, intimidated by normies, talked down to by normies. It's so tiresome. :dafuckfeels:
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I have a good idea of what I want to do.. it's mainly just sitting around and making the climate worse. I'm having no kids so why do I need to make the future any better than my life now? I don't get a reward for doing anything so why bother?
Good idea tbh but I doubt it'll really do anything, but it's still huge lifefuel to think this shitty planet might drown in the next 50 years (probably just bs but still lifefuel if its true)
Good idea tbh but I doubt it'll really do anything, but it's still huge lifefuel to think this shitty planet might drown in the next 50 years (probably just bs but still lifefuel if its true)
God I hope its real. :feelsohgod:
Im sorry you had to go through this brocel, hope you get your revenge
it might sound like a "grass is greener" on the other side thing but I really envy you tbh, you're lucky.
I dont think im an enviable person, i didnt have as bad as you for sure but i've had a lot of problems over the years. i dont know if you know of hoarders, but my mom is basically one. think about living in a house like that to this day that im almost 26, been trying to leave over the years but couldnt as i cant even get a job. social interactions were a pain as if i wanted to bring guys over to my house they would freak out for sure. also bear in mind that my father was on the military and loved to get mad at me for his problems with my mother, overall not a great experience. everything is better now, but nowhere near what i want to be.
I don't think I will ever forgive, I can't forgive.
my "brothers" were just as evil as my "parents", they used me as a laughing stock in front of their friends, made fun of me for being a nerd and treated me like an autist.
Just ghosting them all would do fine then, are you working rn? hell even wageslaving and living alone seems heavens if the choice is spending time with those monsters
Just ghosting them all would do fine then, are you working rn? hell even wageslaving and living alone seems heavens if the choice is spending time with those monsters
I have to live with them and interact with them. The abuse stopped a few years ago but they still treat me like an autist, it seems like they either forgot everything they did or they're just trying to gaslight me into forgetting, it worked for a while when I was busy working but when I'm alone in bed I still remember everything vividly.
I think I can move out and live alone next year but idk if I will, i'll have to think about it.
Family is a meme. In the place you are supposed to feel safe, you are betrayed and abused in the worst way.
Humans are savages, all that stuff about having spirit and values seems to make less sense than ever.
It's all about power, power comes from good genes.
I kinda want to punch my mom for what she did to me too.
I feel you.
I'm calling larp on this. Sounds like an Incel cover story :hax:
I will now recount that which I've never told anyone else:

I was born with several birth defects, resulting in constipation and facial/penile deformities.

Facial/Penile Deformities:

Screenshot from 2021 12 29 12 06 51

When I was a four-year-old, my parents and I lived in a duplex, where my father would hit Mother and damage the walls, resulting in holes near a wooden desk she used for sewing. I recall pouring soap in my eyes at this age to stop them from arguing.

When we moved, my father would regularly come home and argue with Mother over anything he disliked. He broke the windows in our living room as well as the windows in our kitchen, he broke a "Leopard Statue", he broke our kitchen table, he broke plates, he threw Mother's computer and clothes into the garbage bin. He'd regularly pound on Mother's room door(Used for crafts). He'd yell at Mother as he was driving her to work.

One day, Mother was asked by my father to write a check, which she did. However, he was angry because she was drying off after a shower. This led him to shove her onto the floor(She was naked) and kick her legs repeatedly, which I was present for and saw. He also broke her fingers and cut her knuckles, injured her knees and kicked her abdomen. Our utilities were cut off three times due to failure to pay, and the result was living with my paternal grandparents for weeks at a time. On the day we moved in with my maternal grandparents, me and Mother sat in the dark since my father didn't pay the utility bill("Well, then leave"; he left the house after yelling, which I hid from).


In my case, they certainly did. When I was a young child, I was denigrated by teachers because my writing was scribble from "Dysgraphia".

Mother used to grab me very forcefully(By the neck, as I was fidgeting with items; I would ache from it) and repeatedly tell me "Do you hear me!?! If people see you doing that, they will think you are men-tally retar-ded!" while shaking me and shaking the item near my eyes. She would tell me how embarrassing it is to have an autistic son who fidgets with items as a form of stimulation.

My grandmother would often ask me to do things for her. I obediently tried to follow her instructions and received denigration as a result. She would yell at me and say things like "Look! Use your eyes!"(Because I was anxious and had visual processing issues), "Did you hear me!?! That isn't the way I told you to do it!"(When I would drop things or make mistakes because I was sweating and anxious out of fear of upsetting her). She would tell me "Put your head up. No one did anything to you" because I was too anxious to make eye contact with her.
fair enough. The hatred in my eyes is more than valid @JoeBruhcel

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