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Serious If Girls are Attracted to Confidence, Then Sexual Harassment is Impossible.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
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Deleted member 5861

Deleted member 5861

Blackpill Scientist
Apr 18, 2018
Sexual Harassment 99% of the time is basically a guy hitting on a woman when she doesn't consider him attractive. To hit on a woman, even without indicators of interest, is a sign of confidence. Especially if he keeps pushing when the woman initially declines. If this scenario happened then the woman would fawn over his confidence despite bleak situation and fall in love with him. But that doesn't happen, because confidence doesn't make a man attractive out of nowhere. Otherwise having the confidence to rape a woman would make him the hottest man in the world, right?
you claim to be high iq but all i see is pure autism
You need to be confident to sexualy harass a female, a high inhib guy like me could never even lay a hand on a woman.
NT is more important than confidence.
you claim to be high iq but all i see is pure autism
I never stated "I" was high IQ. And having an account in an incels forum is autistic anyway...
being attracted to a single quality doesn't mean you wanna have sex with them
Great thread OP, fuck the haters this is blackpill not autistic at all. People are slurring the word "autistic" out to damn often against any awakened thoughts that they simply can´t comprehend.
Great thread OP, fuck the haters this is blackpill not autistic at all. People are slurring the word "autistic" out to damn often against any awakened thoughts that they simply can´t comprehend.
Heroinfather is a faggot. I made a thread about how being high IQ has disadvantages and he was a hater over me "bragging" when I never talked about myself.
Heroinfather is a faggot. I made a thread about how being high IQ has disadvantages and he was a hater over me "bragging" when I never talked about myself.
Agreed I think he is low IQ, he doesn´t seem to understand what people are talking about most of the time. Your thread here is gold FaceandLMS video material tbh.
This is the stuff Cucktears doesn't have the balls to respond to. Good post OP
Harassment becomes confidence at 6'0
desperation =/= confidence
Hitting on a foid is desperation?
no but sexual harrassment is. Unless you are not selfware at all you will know how she will react to what you are doing.
no but sexual harrassment is. Unless you are not selfware at all you will know how she will react to what you are doing.
Ugly=Bad reaction.
Attractive=Good reaction.

That's brilliant. I never thought of that.

I mean, think of how confident you have to be to rape someone! Trying to rape puts you in so much danger, and it often goes badly, but you still get yourself out there. Rapist has to be very confident! Sexual harassment too - I'm too high-inhib and scared of repercussions to do that kind of thing. Only confident guys could sexually harass.
No, harassment has more to do with low-inhibition than confidence. I have absolutely zero confidence, for example. But, I'll tell my therapists that I want to nut in them. I'm just low-inhibition and retarded with nothing to lose.
Yup. Only an autist would think they're same thing (remembers where this is) oh yeah...
Hitting on women = desperation. Must be one of those "its over if women don't approach" guys.
why is sexual harrassment even considered a thing when sexuality is just a social construct?
Hitting on women = desperation. Must be one of those "its over if women don't approach" guys.
OK look ill show you the difference in video form
why is sexual harrassment even considered a thing when sexuality is just a social construct?
kinda this, normally you could be watever, but yea the fucking construct limits you or trys to limits you in your behaviors

~ As soon as you see the Cultivated Construct,
your marked as a Conspiracy Maniac

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