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Experiment If Earth Gets Invaded By An Advanced Humanoid Alien Species What Would You Choose?

Its the title

  • Side with humans against the aliens

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • Side with aliens against humans

    Votes: 66 91.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 28, 2018
I want to gauge the general mindset of this forum

My answer is aliens, because if I fight for humans, if I somehow live, I go right back to being an incel, if I fight for the aliens and live, even if they despise me, I can still talk my way into being breeding stock based on the merit of my military service lol. Even that is an upgrade to an incel life. If they do see my as an asset I could get a low level position in their society and get to breed with alien women, either way its a better outcome than just siding with humanity

This poll is related to my thread here - https://incels.is/threads/normie-pr...only-perks-of-inceldom-the-black-pill.120488/
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I am already an alien to human society, so I will side with my own kind, namely the humanoid aliens.
I would just watch the world burn.
thread has been made multiple times before and i will always side with the aliens, i hate humanity and earth has never felt like home
I am already an alien to human society, so I will side with my own kind
humans are probably the niggers of the universe to whatever is smart enough to fly here and invade so you might as well just LDAR when they come
I would side with aliens
I'd fight for the aliens. Hopefully they would reward me by enhancing my pathetic human body.
go for the one that will reward me more

probably the aliens in this case
I would sacrifice myself to help aliens destroy this gay planet
I would only side with the aliens if they treat me better than humans like you said. Since this is an advanced alien species, I would have to side with the humans since I’d probably be looked down on anyway. The aliens would have no incentive to help me since I have nothing valuable to offer them. I’d be useless on both sides regardless. Might as well take the path of the least resistance.

This is assuming I’m forced to fight. My preferable option would be to just sit back and let nature decide who wins. Also I don’t think mating with another humanoid species would actually be possible.
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It depends. Would the female aliens be willing to give me a chance?
I would chill with my cat until it was all over.

Also, I would try to hook up with them.
Abstain. Id not die for the race, but I wouldn't be dumb enough to fight for
I would fight for aliens and go ER on the whole humanity.
Time to do something heroic, not letting for invaders to have all pleasure of exterminating pest femoids
Ban all humanfags
Aliens of course. I want to fight against humanity. If I died, I would be happy AF and if I lived I hope they would treat me well.
I don't give a fuck about humans. I'll side with aliens just to get revenge.
Also I don’t think mating with another humanoid species would actually be possible.

Just to be safe I'd still do it lol, also who knows, an advanced species might have the tech to make such a pregnancy possible.
fresh alien pussy please

Just to be safe I'd still do it lol, also who knows, an advanced species might have the tech to make such a pregnancy possible.

cope, we have to secure the existence of the human race no species mixing
we have to secure the existence of the human race no species mixing

Sounds really familiar, like this irrational group we see all the time on this site............ :feelshmm:
If I were forced to take a side, I would stay on the alien side. Fuck fighting for femoids.

Most probably, in this hypothetical scenario I would go out full Rambo style, pillaging and looting as much as I can, at least for a while or until I get fragged. All of this, not before drinking some home made vanilla latte.

Then I would pick a small handful of selected people and try to found a hidden community to sciencemax and pillagemax together. Vanilla latte would become our traditional drink. If aliens happened to have some relic or artifact, I would try to steal it and use it for (mass) producing catgirls. Well, assuming again I don't get fragged.

TL;DR: Just be a deserting and egghead of a legionnaire theory br00000.
If I were forced to take a side, I would stay on the alien side. Fuck fighting for femoids.

Most probably, in this hypothetical scenario I would go out full Rambo style, pillaging and looting as much as I can, at least for a while or until I get fragged. All of this, not before drinking some home made vanilla latte.

Then I would pick a small handful of selected people and try to found a hidden community to sciencemax and pillagemax together. Vanilla latte would become our traditional drink. If aliens happened to have some relic or artifact, I would try to steal it and use it for (mass) producing catgirls. Well, assuming again I don't fragged.

TL;DR: Just be a deserting and egghead of a legionnaire theory br00000.

I'm really liking your strat, nekomimi's and vanilla latte party ftw lol
Aliens, no doubt. Hopefully human + alien breeding is legit. Plus its very likely that they will have the technology necessary to carry those things out no doubt.

After that maybe I will walk around the deserted earth and see life restart again, thats if I live up to 80. But its very likely that alien technology will make it plausible to live 100+ with ease.
I hope aliens come to harvest the earth’s soy supply. That way no more soyboys.
I'm really liking your strat, nekomimi's and vanilla latte party ftw lol

Thanks bro. :panties: I would be tempted to try integrating in alien society, but I assume this would be impossible or at least highly risky because if aliens won, they would take the entire human race as slaves.

Honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. If sectmaxing went correctly, I would stay in a community with no competition for reproductive resources and almost a total guarantee not to get killed by its members.
Thanks bro. :panties: I would be tempted to try integrating in alien society, but I assume this would be impossible or at least highly risky because if aliens won, they would take the entire human race as slaves.

Honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. If sectmaxing went correctly, I would stay in a community with no competition for reproductive resources and almost a total guarantee not to get killed by its members.

I'd hope they make me an overseer for the slave colony of the people in my country, I would every once in a while go up to the cells of past stacies and roasties I know and greet them, and ask them how their day is going :feelskek:
Depends on what's better for me tbh, I am partial towards aliens though so I picked them. I wouldn't fight for humans because my chances of surviving as a soldier are very low and survival (human victory) would mean things stay as they are now, except we are living in a post-war wasteland and now, in addition to inceldom I likely have to deal with PTSD. I wouldn't join the aliens if their victory meant I get killed off or enslaved as well, I'd only join them if I'm convinced they would reward me somehow.
It depends. Would the female aliens be willing to give me a chance?
Hmmm, maybe the alien equivalent of the dogpill is the humanpill.
votes should have been made public, funny how the 3 ppl who voted human didn't comment in the thread :feelswhat::feelswhat:

I used to make votes public all the time, but barely anybody would respond, a lot of these guys on the site are cowards, there are likely a lot of "white banner" incels who don't comment at all, and just lurk, and take part in threads like these so long as they can go unnoticed. Some likely even just normies browsing the site.

Making votes private is the only way to get honest answers sadly
definitely help aliens if they’re able to get to our planet they will win for sure
aliens no doubt. I would like to be space tourist visiting alien cities. Sacrificiong humans is well worth it, ideally shed my humanity via DNA editing and become one with the alien
Knowing our luck, we'd help the aliens then get killed anyway by the alien equivalent of Chads.
JFL if you think the aliens would have some sort of human recruitment center. Another thing that gets me is the fact that aliens always have to be hyper advanced whenever people picture interactions with them
Lmao. Earth has been invaded by aliens since ancient times. The grays, Tall whites, and reptilians are the biggest perpetrators.
Knowing our luck, we'd help the aliens then get killed anyway by the alien equivalent of Chads.

I don't think Chad would be an issue in a truly advanced alien species because it would be a strict patriarchy.

They would be confused by our plight

Aliens: "Female vote.......... but who the fuck allow?"
If I can see humanity get destroyed by the aliens while sitting on a front row seat to watch and enjoy it, I would join their side.
I don't think that I'd be of any use to an advanced alien species tbh
That is me...


Yes, the resemblance between tall whites and Nordics is uncanny. It is thought that whites are combination of them and Neantherthals, and I would agree. Maybe they are the gods Nordic folklore speaks of.

Have you figured out how to use your tall white powers yet?
I am disassociated with my fellow species so the answer is obvious.

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