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Experiment If a foid offered to have sex with you out of pity but told you she wasn't actually attracted to you, would it be worth it?

  • Thread starter slapthatsillywilly
  • Start date


Nov 4, 2024
Just a thought experiment. If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it? I feel like it would depress me because I'd long to actually be desired. But I'd probably do it. How about you?
No it’s 100% a trap
Hell yeah.

I'd honestly be happy that she even felt enough sympathy to let me smash lol
Joaquin Phoenix Reaction GIF
Yes, but women don't think this way so I'd know shenanigans are afoot.
not even 1/1000 women will do this
Every hooker I've fucked seems to have that combo of pity towards me and disdain towards her job. (Maybe I'm projecting)

The BJs are still worth it
Just a thought experiment. If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it?
Sure. It would be at least a learning experience and I could say that I'm not a virgin any more without having to pay which automatically makes other women more attracted.
I mean a pussy is a pussy i couldnt guve a rats ass if it was out if pity as long as i can go as many rounds with her as i can lol
Probably not.
Just a thought experiment. If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it? I feel like it would depress me because I'd long to actually be desired. But I'd probably do it. How about you?
assuming she doesnt despise me, and is willing to do it, why not? you ascend, you get poon, and at least you get the V card out of the way without paying
Sure. It would be at least a learning experience and I could say that I'm not a virgin any more without having to pay which automatically makes other women more attracted.
Just a thought experiment. If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it? I feel like it would depress me because I'd long to actually be desired. But I'd probably do it. How about you?
Take the offer. But make sure to pay her $100 in the morning so you a)save your dignity and b)make her feel like a prostitute (and a cheap one at that) :feelshaha:
Alternatively, say yes and then go "uhhh, maybe not, guess I changed my mind..." once she gets naked. Only chance you might ever get to genuinely make a woman feel like they make you feel every day.
Nah, I don't want other people to feel bad, especially not at the expense of feeling good myself.
Alternatively, say yes and then go "uhhh, maybe not, guess I changed my mind..." once she gets naked. Only chance you might ever get to genuinely make a woman feel like they make you feel every day.
Only works if you are tall or attractive
Nah, I don't want other people to feel bad, especially not at the expense of feeling good myself.
True, I also wouldn't do that. Although, I would be fine doing that to some of the women I have known. It's just that, the type of woman who would be kind enough to offer sympathy sex to an incel is not the type of woman I would be happy to hurt.

Also think it wouldn't really work, women can always just go out and get infinite positive reinforcement from simps around the world. It wouldn't leave any lasting impact since their lives are just not comparable to ours in that regard.
It's just that, the type of woman who would be kind enough to offer sympathy sex to an incel is not the type of woman I would be happy to hurt.
That's another factor. These nice women should rather be protected.
Also think it wouldn't really work, women can always just go out and get infinite positive reinforcement from simps around the world. It wouldn't leave any lasting impact since their lives are just not comparable to ours in that regard.
And that's another one.

Yeah, multiple reasons to not do it.
That's another factor. These nice women should rather be protected.
I wouldn't go that far. Being kind is easier when you are in the privileged and superior position. And most people (especially women) doing good are expressing some kind of self-interest (feeling powerful, getting to take the leading role in a relationship, getting high on moral superiority). I definitively would appreciate them. If I had ever met one, lmao. But I don't want to idealize them just because they contrast so strongly with the amorality of the average woman.

Might sound weird, but I know I try very hard to take care of others when I have the power to do so. Risking one time bad sex and some awkwardness to give someone less privileged than yourself a potentially life-changing experience is an obvious trade if you care about utility. The fact that almost no woman cares to do so should make you think less of them.

Then you raise your evaluation of the few women who do give miserable men the chance at some pity-sex back up a bit. Putting them back on slightly above average moral levels. But don't put them into the "Saint tier" just yet. They haven't proven themselves to be that great, yet.
Might sound weird, but I know I try very hard to take care of others when I have the power to do so. Risking one time bad sex and some awkwardness to give someone less privileged than yourself a potentially life-changing experience is an obvious trade if you care about utility. The fact that almost no woman cares to do so should make you think less of them.
You are obviously right. But it's all about relatives. They are, relatively speaking, the "most moral" women. And so we should try our best to make them reproduce a lot so in the future there will be more, and kinder, women. They IMHO don't have to be perfect to warrant protection for that reason alone. It's similar to e.g. I fully support Israel even though they do lots of wrong things as they are simply the "most moral" in that region.
But don't put them into the "Saint tier" just yet
Yeah, absolutely not. But you also need to consider that these women are judged negatively by their peers. So even though the action itself doesn't cost them a lot, they might be harmed because other women and men might think of them less. People often see kindness as weakness and they might see that the nice women just cannot get anyone better.
You are obviously right. But it's all about relatives. They are, relatively speaking, the "most moral" women. And so we should try our best to make them reproduce a lot so in the future there will be more, and kinder, women. They IMHO don't have to be perfect to warrant protection for that reason alone. It's similar to e.g. I fully support Israel even though they do lots of wrong things as they are simply the "most moral" in that region.
I don't think the genetic perspective is the right one in this case. Humanity will be editing its genome to be w/e we want it to be long before we have made a meaningful impact on female nature through breeding (especially since the impact of this would be so small).

If you don't pressure ok-ish girls to do better, they have no incentive to do so. They will already get every bit of attention and support they could get from men like you just by being a little bit nice. So, they will maximize their own benefits by catering more to other people, trying to find out where the spot of "minimal niceness" is where you will still fully support them.

Obviously, irl I would advise you to forget all about that and just be nice to any women who is nice to you so you can get out of this hell. But, from a more theoretical / moralistic perspective, I think men need to be careful not to sell themselves and their support so cheaply. If you give everything for so little, you have nothing more to bargain with.

Btw, very happy that you feel that way about Israel and the conflict over there. I don't care about the country itself much, but it's just nice to see someone be that reasonable on here on that particular topic lmao.

Yeah, absolutely not. But you also need to consider that these women are judged negatively by their peers. So even though the action itself doesn't cost them a lot, they might be harmed because other women and men might think of them less. People often see kindness as weakness and they might see that the nice women just cannot get anyone better.
True. Although they get much more positive male attention for being pro-male (in very low-effort ways) than they get hate from other women. I suspect it's more that they get the positive attention of most men (especially low status ones) no matter what they do, so it's basically worthless to them.

Like, I would definitively be very nice and forgiving to a girl who does something as kind as sleeping with an incel. Even if that doesn't come across in the way I talk about it. I would still try to see the worst in the woman who just was kind to me (or another man in need), but I wouldn't judge her harshly for it. We are all flawed animals, I can forgive most things and I would do my best to forgive someone who has proven herself like that. But I would still want to at least be allowed to perceive "the bad" in that person. And I would want to push her to be even better. To leave room for someone even better to be treated even better by me. Something like that.

Hope you are doing well mate. Nice to see you are still around.
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No. By that logic, I could pay a whore
Volcel if you wouldn’t jfl
Yes. It's better than dying a virgin like Elliot, Cho, Harris, Klebold, Ricardo Lopez, etc.
I don't think the genetic perspective is the right one in this case. Humanity will be editing its genome to be w/e we want it to be long before we have made a meaningful impact on female nature through breeding (especially since the impact of this would be so small).
That's only true if human genome editing will be allowed which is not sure. Of course you could suspect that nations which don't allow it will have worse humans and thus fail, but you could also assume singularity comes before or not significantly after widespread availability of human genome editing which would make the point moot.
So, they will maximize their own benefits by catering more to other people, trying to find out where the spot of "minimal niceness" is where you will still fully support them.
Maybe, but my idea was more like that if you help the "best" then everyone will have an incentive to one-up the niceness to get your support. (Of course it's not that important). Because IMHO you always need to reward better behaviour even if it's not that great. So maybe "try our best" was too strong, but some kind of reward could make sense.

If you give everything for so little, you have nothing more to bargain with.
That's definitely true. Damn, you are smart
I don't care about the country itself much, but it's just nice to see someone be that reasonable on here on that particular topic lmao.
Yeah, I also don't know why people have such a strong anti-israel opinion here.
I suspect it's more that they get the positive attention of most men (especially low status ones) no matter what they do, so it's basically worthless to them.
Yeah, you are right. Additionally, concerning friends, having lots of male friends wouldn't help most women as they might be their friends but also would want to have sex with them. So they want more female friends which they could actually lose.
would still try to see the worst in the woman who just was kind to me (or another man in need)
Sorry, do you mean the opposite or did I understand something wrongly? Or did oyu just mean "worse aspects"?
But I would still want to at least be allowed to perceive "the bad" in that person. And I would want to push her to be even better. To leave room for someone even better to be treated even better by me. Something like that.
Yeah sure. Just because they are kind doesn't mean they are angels. But I still think judging people on a relative basis makes more sense than judging them on an absolute basis. Because there will always be relative differences. And even if, for example, everyone were nice you would still want to reward the nicer people most.
Hope you are doing well mate. Nice to see you are still around.
Yes I am for some part. I am also really, really happy you are active again, you have always been marvellous for this forum.
Sorry, do you mean the opposite or did I understand something wrongly? Or did oyu just mean "worse aspects"?
I would always look at the less flattering potential explanations for someone's behavior. What changes should be how you react to it, not what you allow yourself to perceive. Even if a girl had pity sex with me, I would still analyze her motives critically. But I would also do my best to give back to her, however I can.

In a sense, I think of this as a form of kindness and as a way to seek intimacy. If you idealize anyone who is nice to you, you will never get to know these people for the flawed, shitty humans they are deep down.

It seems much more meaningful to me to try and get to know the ugly side of even your friends and allies, so you can prove to them that you genuinely like and accept them despite their flaws.

Not to get too cringe for comfort, but there is a good quote about this from Bleach of all things...

View attachment 1733957029053.webp

Yes I am for some part. I am also really, really happy you are active again, you have always been marvellous for this forum.
I probably would but I'd be cautious that she might falsely accuse me
Yes, even pity sex would immensely improve our lives. Our confidence and mental health would significantly improve. We would have less to be ashamed of. We could confidently say that we've had (unpaid) sex. And we would have better odds of attracting other women. Being an adult male virgin is a huge turnoff for many women.
If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it?
I would, better than staying a virgin forever.
How to get falsely accused of rape (TUTORIAL)
No I wouldn’t want to be false accused.
Just a thought experiment. If you talked to a sympathetic foid who was like ok so I'm not attracted to you and I would never see you as bf material but I feel sorry for you so I'm willing to kiss you/sleep with you once would you take it? I feel like it would depress me because I'd long to actually be desired. But I'd probably do it. How about you?
Nah I wouldn’t, you can still do things to boost your self esteem without making every decision about your ego

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