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Serious Ideas don't matter. Only PUSSY matters.



Aug 21, 2018
The only thing that exists is matter.

Photons, protons, electrons, etc.

Nothing else exists.

Your consciousness is just an electric storm inside a spider web made of grey matter. Your life is the sum of experiences you have had. Your memory is your brain atoms remembering how it felt for your skin atoms to touch other atoms. Words are random sound waves that your brain consistently maps onto what your eye, skin, ear atoms experienced.

The word 'love'? The sound of the word in English? It's completely arbitrary. It only has meaning because your brain atoms remember what it felt like to be breastfed by your mother, what it felt like to be kissed and hugged by her.

You exist because your DNA atoms replicate themselves.

Your first erection, your first crush, your first oneitis, was your DNA atoms programming your other atoms to desperately desire replicating your DNA atoms.

All philosophy is an attempt by the philosopher's brain atoms to either cope with no pussy or to trick others into helping him get pussy.

Obviously gay philosophers prefer dicks and ass, no need to be autistic in the comments.

ALL communists become communist because they think once they get rid of Bill Gates, all the JBs that Epstein flew around will prefer poor men instead.

All Nazis become Nazi because they think a never ending race war will force other whites to rely on them.

It's like the kid who got picked last during sports wishing there would be a mega sport tournament that would force his classmates to take him off the bench.

Just look at what most Fascist leaders were during the Great Depression - being homeless, living under bridges, etc.


What did these German and Italian incels do? They scared normies about Russian incels invading and stealing all the German JB pussy (sfcels love talking about how Weimar Germany was a giant brothel) and that Germans could stop themselves from getting cucked by cucking others (Hitler said he wanted Russia to be "Germany's India") and used that fear to get power for themselves and get prime German pussy.

What do you think is the opposite of a German Nazi? A Jewish feminist?

A feminist man is an incel who scares normies about blackpilled incels, domestic abusers, powerful Chads, street rapists, etc coming to abuse their daughters. He pushes for laws that incentivise women to break up with their partners. He makes women afraid of all non-feminist men. And then be tries recruiting them into his polyamorous polycule. Since his university pay is low and he doesn't believe in marriage, he can't be divorce raped. In fact, his girlfriends pay for themselves.

Don't believe me? How many male feminists have been exposed as creeps, abusers, sexual predators, etc?

There is no difference between any division or distinction you can think of.

EVERYTHING is a sexual strategy.

Now think - will the philosophy you believe right now help you get laid?

No Pussy? No Work.

No Pussy? No Fighting.

No Pussy? NO BELIEF.
.is funked up my formatting
It literally is the only thing that matters, not only biologically.

We all know how complete loser fuckups got laid without having to pay once (so ascended) and suddenly they went from broke retard to well adjusted normie with a high paying degree.

Ever wondered why women and people who you think are more retarded than you get bachelor and master degress yet you fuck up all the time and can't concentrate to even finish one semester successfully?
They have Sex, you don't.

If you get laid, something happens with your brain, which masturbation cannot possibly replicate. You suddenly lose the barriers who made it impossible for you to get motivated (discipline is a meme, motivation is the reason people are successful, which is genetic) and you get shit done.

Never let Normies gaslight you thinking otherwise, having sex with women is literally the solution for all our problems.

It's vital this stuff happens during the right time too when you're still growing mentally in your late high school and college years, after that the brain gets stuck and you'll never be able to have the same brain structure conducive to a well adjusted life.

Never let anyone Tell You that sex isin't the meaning of life. Its what we are here for.
The human brain, both male aswell as female can't function properly without sexual contact.

No sex for your entire life will make You fucked up in the head. The consequences will become inevitabile.

Not having sex in highschool is brutal because sex is supposed to turn You from a boy into a Man.

Sex determinates the social hierarchy

This is why it should be considered a human rights violation that women are not offering me sex without trying, I am serious.

My life is shit because woman do not have sex with me. The government should pay me at least 100 million euros in damage and deliver me a petite 15 year old (legal in my country) virgin wife.
Feeling High and getting your Biological Imperative needs met ( Sex ) , Matters
Feeling High and getting your Biological Imperative needs met ( Sex ) , Matters
It's the foundation of everything. I only care if society is good because any potential children of mine would be affected by it. If I don't have any kids, why should I stop watching anime and work more overtime to feed Chad's children?

His smile is brighter than our future :cryfeels:
Read every single word. :cryfeels:
Read every single word. :cryfeels:
Max Stirner said all concepts were 'spooks'. I say all ideas are copes, or sexual strategies.

We should abandon all spooks, scams, and copes and focus on how to get PUSSY
Max Stirner said all concepts were 'spooks'. I say all ideas are copes, or sexual strategies.

We should abandon all spooks, scams, and copes and focus on how to get PUSSY
Yes everything but reproduction is completely cope. We should do unspeakable things just to get pussy.
Yes everything but reproduction is completely cope. We should do unspeakable things just to get pussy.
We should create out own country, like Outer Heaven
We should create out own country, like Outer Heaven
Too many copers are stopping us from achieving such a dream. If every man stopped coping for a second and finally admitted to themselves that all their ideas that they cook up in their minds all amount to just getting as much sex as possible everything would much easier. It's not about some man made idealogies, it's about fulfilling our core biological need. Too bad this world is all about "mog or get mogged" mentality. Men compete too much with one another and not focus on something far more important.
Too many copers are stopping us from achieving such a dream. If every man stopped coping for a second and finally admitted to themselves that all their ideas that they cook up in their minds all amount to just getting as much sex as possible everything would much easier. It's not about some man made idealogies, it's about fulfilling our core biological need. Too bad this world is all about "mog or get mogged" mentality. Men compete too much with one another and not focus on something far more important.
So true. Every guy complaining about birth rates of his race is just begging to be betabuxxed. It's just a veil.

So now we have /pol/acks praising white single mothers with white children. The desire for a foid caused them to create a spook/ghost/cope, and the cope permitted them the weakness of liking single mothers.

If they were honest about wanting loyal foids they would demand virgins and abandon any belief that contradicted that desire.

I know what I am. 23 chromosomes puppeting a machine trying to get my semen code into another flesh computer.

I built a belief system aroumd that knowledge. Enforced monogamy. State assigned girlfriends. Mandatory paternity testing. This is the society that would ensure my genetic immortality.
@UGLY @Logic55
So true. Every guy complaining about birth rates of his race is just begging to be betabuxxed. It's just a veil.

So now we have /pol/acks praising white single mothers with white children. The desire for a foid caused them to create a spook/ghost/cope, and the cope permitted them the weakness of liking single mothers.

If they were honest about wanting loyal foids they would demand virgins and abandon any belief that contradicted that desire.

I know what I am. 23 chromosomes puppeting a machine trying to get my semen code into another flesh computer.

I built a belief system aroumd that knowledge. Enforced monogamy. State assigned girlfriends. Mandatory paternity testing. This is the society that would ensure my genetic immortality.
Indeed, we as men seek the best possible fertile pussy available on the sexual market. The fact that men started to like older used up whores (single moms) is super unnatural and speaks how dire the problem has become. Those men are going in the complete opposite direction of what men actually desire but they still want to pass on their lineage no matter the cost. The younger the foid the more appealing the she is and I’m not talking about underage foids who have not hit puberty yet. Honesty cannot be achieved unless the ones controlling the dating market get overthrown for good.
Sure. Tell the slim TikTok holes of equal quality to provide me with a hole of similar genetic IQ.
The only thing that exists is matter.

Photons, protons, electrons, etc.

Nothing else exists.

Your consciousness is just an electric storm inside a spider web made of grey matter. Your life is the sum of experiences you have had. Your memory is your brain atoms remembering how it felt for your skin atoms to touch other atoms. Words are random sound waves that your brain consistently maps onto what your eye, skin, ear atoms experienced.

The word 'love'? The sound of the word in English? It's completely arbitrary. It only has meaning because your brain atoms remember what it felt like to be breastfed by your mother, what it felt like to be kissed and hugged by her.

You exist because your DNA atoms replicate themselves.

Your first erection, your first crush, your first oneitis, was your DNA atoms programming your other atoms to desperately desire replicating your DNA atoms.

All philosophy is an attempt by the philosopher's brain atoms to either cope with no pussy or to trick others into helping him get pussy.

Obviously gay philosophers prefer dicks and ass, no need to be autistic in the comments.

ALL communists become communist because they think once they get rid of Bill Gates, all the JBs that Epstein flew around will prefer poor men instead.

All Nazis become Nazi because they think a never ending race war will force other whites to rely on them.

It's like the kid who got picked last during sports wishing there would be a mega sport tournament that would force his classmates to take him off the bench.

Just look at what most Fascist leaders were during the Great Depression - being homeless, living under bridges, etc.

View attachment 1052129

What did these German and Italian incels do? They scared normies about Russian incels invading and stealing all the German JB pussy (sfcels love talking about how Weimar Germany was a giant brothel) and that Germans could stop themselves from getting cucked by cucking others (Hitler said he wanted Russia to be "Germany's India") and used that fear to get power for themselves and get prime German pussy.

What do you think is the opposite of a German Nazi? A Jewish feminist?

A feminist man is an incel who scares normies about blackpilled incels, domestic abusers, powerful Chads, street rapists, etc coming to abuse their daughters. He pushes for laws that incentivise women to break up with their partners. He makes women afraid of all non-feminist men. And then be tries recruiting them into his polyamorous polycule. Since his university pay is low and he doesn't believe in marriage, he can't be divorce raped. In fact, his girlfriends pay for themselves.

Don't believe me? How many male feminists have been exposed as creeps, abusers, sexual predators, etc?

There is no difference between any division or distinction you can think of.

EVERYTHING is a sexual strategy.

Now think - will the philosophy you believe right now help you get laid?

No Pussy? No Work.

No Pussy? No Fighting.

No Pussy? NO BELIEF.
Sure. Tell the slim TikTok holes of equal quality to provide me with a hole of similar genetic IQ.
Oh hey, what's up dude. I've been slowly reading your life story thread.

I was explaining to another incel about how I was anxious to the point that I couldnt ask my university with help for my anxiety, which reminded me of you.

I don't know what made us this way - ethnic parenting, or ugly looks, or something else.

The Foid Distribution Bureau of the Marxist Rodgerist state of Incelistan would definitely get you and other incels a virgin foid when possible. One with similar virtues to yourself too, if luxury allows.

However, it would be pointless to ask TikTok Thots to go against their evolutionary imperative of securing Chad genes out of the goodness of their own hearts.

It's easier to persuade them when they are desperate, or to abandon them all together for different women.
A feminist man is an incel who scares normies about blackpilled incels, domestic abusers, powerful Chads, street rapists, etc coming to abuse their daughters. He pushes for laws that incentivise women to break up with their partners. He makes women afraid of all non-feminist men. And then be tries recruiting them into his polyamorous polycule. Since his university pay is low and he doesn't believe in marriage, he can't be divorce raped. In fact, his girlfriends pay for themselves.
I mentioned a gay Jew chadlet in the "joker has no rules thread" this is literally him in a nutshell
Great thread. Should be stickied eventually
Great thread. Should be stickied eventually
Fuck it, people ask for their thread to be pinned all the time.

What did Jesus say? Knock and the door will be opened?

@Fat Link

Please pin this thread so we can dissolve some of the copes seen on this forum
I mentioned a gay Jew chadlet in the "joker has no rules thread" this is literally him in a nutshell
Gay gay or bisexual who uses gay to get pussy?
Gay gay or bisexual who uses gay to get pussy?
Yeah and all the feminist stuff too. MtF trannies employ the same methods then you find them in a restroom perving on little girls. Remember the trannies rape women when they finesse their way into women's prisons.

It really is understated how gay numales are just engaging in sexual/reproductive mimicry.
They genuenly should pay us.
I, myself, find this ideea a Little bit hard to believe but i should keep reminding myself that we litirally recieve brain damage. From our own brain telling us that we should have sex and also from others making fun of us
What is depression?

To me, it feels like my brain telling me, "you're 90 years old, it's time to die, die now, stop waiting".

Why does my brain act this way? Let's use Savannah Theory

When early humans were living in the wilderness, we were either having group sex or tournament-mating (polygamy).

If you were Chadwick Tyrone and stretching out all the JB black Stacey's, you were enjoying life. Your brain was flooding itself with happiness chemicals to encourage you to keep impregnating bitches.

But if you were caveman Urkel? What would your brain be doing?

Maybe your sister got impregnated by Chadwick, but your dick was drier than th Sahara.

You have a few options:
  • Kill Chadwick and his children and impregnate all the foids (good luck winning the fight)
  • Help your sister raise Chadwick's children by hunting food, etc. This means your Y chromosome will die out, but your X chromosome will be passed on through your sister.
  • Kill yourself (this means your Y chromosome won't pass on. But it also means you won't be eating the resources that could feed your nephews and nieces instead)
Therefore, male depression may be a way to protect some of your genes when all of them can't be transferred in a situation of extreme starvation. You didn't reproduce, but your sister spread those depression genes to her children.

If her son, your nephew, becomes the next Chadwick, his brain will be flooded by happy chemicals and he'll enjoy life

If her son turns out to be an incel, he can help his sisters by killing himself.

Dolphins commut suicide too. Some of them just stop jumping for air and asphyxiated themselves. Dolphins will do that sometimes if their entire family dies.

If your entire tribe dies and there's no way for you to pass on your genes, there's no point to living anymore. So your body will either shut off your sex drive so you no longer feel sexually frustrated, or it will make you kill yourself to reduce your total suffering in the long term.

@lifefuel should I copy and paste this in its own thread?
Yeah and all the feminist stuff too. MtF trannies employ the same methods then you find them in a restroom perving on little girls. Remember the trannies rape women when they finesse their way into women's prisons.

It really is understated how gay numales are just engaging in sexual/reproductive mimicry.
You're right, it's definitely understated. I thought it was overblown until I read the story of the threesome with a husband, wife, and MtF single, where the MtF ended up impregnating the wife. Textbook sneaker male behaviour from the animal kingdom.
  • Help your sister raise Chadwick's children by hunting food, etc. This means your Y chromosome will die out, but your X chromosome will be passed on through your sister.
This point is super interesting to me since I have a sister and just by her already successfully reproducing I don't have as much motivation to pass on my DNA.
What is depression?

To me, it feels like my brain telling me, "you're 90 years old, it's time to die, die now, stop waiting".

Why does my brain act this way? Let's use Savannah Theory

When early humans were living in the wilderness, we were either having group sex or tournament-mating (polygamy).

If you were Chadwick Tyrone and stretching out all the JB black Stacey's, you were enjoying life. Your brain was flooding itself with happiness chemicals to encourage you to keep impregnating bitches.

But if you were caveman Urkel? What would your brain be doing?

Maybe your sister got impregnated by Chadwick, but your dick was drier than th Sahara.

You have a few options:
  • Kill Chadwick and his children and impregnate all the foids (good luck winning the fight)
  • Help your sister raise Chadwick's children by hunting food, etc. This means your Y chromosome will die out, but your X chromosome will be passed on through your sister.
  • Kill yourself (this means your Y chromosome won't pass on. But it also means you won't be eating the resources that could feed your nephews and nieces instead)
Therefore, male depression may be a way to protect some of your genes when all of them can't be transferred in a situation of extreme starvation. You didn't reproduce, but your sister spread those depression genes to her children.

If her son, your nephew, becomes the next Chadwick, his brain will be flooded by happy chemicals and he'll enjoy life

If her son turns out to be an incel, he can help his sisters by killing himself.

Dolphins commut suicide too. Some of them just stop jumping for air and asphyxiated themselves. Dolphins will do that sometimes if their entire family dies.

If your entire tribe dies and there's no way for you to pass on your genes, there's no point to living anymore. So your body will either shut off your sex drive so you no longer feel sexually frustrated, or it will make you kill yourself to reduce your total suffering in the long term.

@lifefuel should I copy and paste this in its own thread?
Go for it :yes::yes::yes:
This point is super interesting to me since I have a sister and just by her already successfully reproducing I don't have as much motivation to pass on my DNA.
Playing with my cousin's son mellowed me out too. It feels bitter-sweet. That's why I had trouble stomaching @BlkPillPress 's posts accusing incel uncles spoiling kids of being assholes who undermine parents. I still don't know what to believe. I see both sides.

Like, if I can't have kids, what's wrong with me making my nephew happy? Family bonds are important, and I could be useful to him in the future. Plus, how am I supposed to betabuxx my own wife and make kids?
Playing with my cousin's son mellowed me out too. It feels bitter-sweet. That's why I had trouble stomaching @BlkPillPress 's posts accusing incel uncles spoiling kids of being assholes who undermine parents. I still don't know what to believe. I see both sides.

Like, if I can't have kids, what's wrong with me making my nephew happy? Family bonds are important, and I could be useful to him in the future. Plus, how am I supposed to betabuxx my own wife and make kids?
Being a provider for your nephew is far better than betabuxxing some single white mom who had kids with tyrone and now wants you to take care of her mutt children. Betabuxxing as an uncle > being stepdad to some stranger mutts. It's all about actual family bonds at the end of the day.
Being a provider for your nephew is far better than betabuxxing some single white mom who had kids with tyrone and now wants you to take care of her mutt children. Betabuxxing as an uncle > being stepdad to some stranger mutts. It's all about actual family bonds at the end of the day.
Savinf up money for gifting jaw surgery to my nephew on his 18th birthday is the best way to ensure my X chromosome gets passed on
Savinf up money for gifting jaw surgery to my nephew on his 18th birthday is the best way to ensure my X chromosome gets passed on
My nephews are still young so I have no clue how they will turn out but I can already sense one of them is going to suffer from inceldom. But they both have a 6'5 dad so they should be good in the end. I talked with my sister about how they would benefit from a height increase and said to her that she needs to get them HGH but she said it's harmful. Stupid toilet.
My nephews are still young so I have no clue how they will turn out but I can already sense one of them is going to suffer from inceldom. But they both have a 6'5 dad so they should be good in the end. I talked with my sister about how they would benefit from a height increase and said to her that she needs to get them HGH but she said it's harmful. Stupid toilet.
My mother didn't want to give my mallet brother HGH. Once she was convinced, it was him that started refusing.

People are lazy and hate pressure. Woman doesn't want the headache of going to the doctor for an injection. Boy doesn't even want to think about height, LMS, etc. Bluebell fantasies are easier and nothing in childhood put stress on him.

My mother gave me blackpilled advice since I was three and I was still incredibly blueprinted despite that. The ignorance of hope is a wall many miles thick.

Don't give up. Keep trying. Talk to her. Talk to the children. It'll take time.
My mother didn't want to give my mallet brother HGH. Once she was convinced, it was him that started refusing.

People are lazy and hate pressure. Woman doesn't want the headache of going to the doctor for an injection. Boy doesn't even want to think about height, LMS, etc. Bluebell fantasies are easier and nothing in childhood put stress on him.

My mother gave me blackpilled advice since I was three and I was still incredibly blueprinted despite that. The ignorance of hope is a wall many miles thick.

Don't give up. Keep trying. Talk to her. Talk to the children. It'll take time.
You see the problem is that we live in completely different countries and there is a language barrier. And also my sister actually hates me and never wants me to even be with them. Brutal Horn effect. They actually showed interest in meeting me but we know how foids are. The last thing what I heard about them is that one of my nephews is already struggling at school: no friends, not fitting in. A very brutal early sign of long life inceldom but my toilet sister thinks he needs to change schools :lul: .
Sometimes the blackpill is healthy for normgroids even if it makes them depressed later on in life. This genetic shit is serious stuff. You have to maximize your potential from an early age as much as possible. Sucks that your brother manlet remained a manlet.
Since none of us have access to women, the only thing left to do in our lives is to learn how to live without sex and love. I am currently on a self-improvement journey.
Since none of us have access to women, the only thing left to do in our lives is to learn how to live without sex and love. I am currently on a self-improvement journey.
I'd imagine martial arts are a good cope because progress is stringently measured and marked with various belts. Not like painting which is multivariabled and hard to measure.
I'd imagine martial arts are a good cope because progress is stringently measured and marked with various belts. Not like painting which is multivariabled and hard to measure.
I cope in many different ways. I listen to music, play video games, exercise, travel, etc
I cope in many different ways. I listen to music, play video games, exercise, travel, etc
Nice, man. What kind of exercises? Full on gym? Cardiovascular?
Nice, man. What kind of exercises? Full on gym? Cardiovascular?
Simple cardio such as walking. I walk a lot so that my heart is healthy. It's also a stress reliever. Walking also reduces the risk of developing other health problems/conditions
Pussy is the foundation of everything, including our existences, including this forum's existence.
Without pussy none of us would exist, this forum wouldn't exist, my posts wouldn't exist, math wouldn't exist, nothing would.
Reproduction is the core directive of every being.
Pussy is the foundation of everything, including our existences, including this forum's existence.
Without pussy none of us would exist, this forum wouldn't exist, my posts wouldn't exist, math wouldn't exist, nothing would.
Reproduction is the core directive of every being.
Crazy to think that a pattern of atoms arranged other atoms into the same pattern, and now we have billions of consciousnesses debating sexual dynamics on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
you know duh funny thing is @mlcurrycel those philosophers actually HAD means to release sexual frustration, since brothels were easily accessible in their timeline without much controversy, or general bullshit laws. And those whores didn´t become millionaires either, by being someone´s cum deposit.

We, actually are part of the poem that was hand written by these individuals, yet they did NOT went through!! what we are currently going through in this miserable lonesome piece of shit deprivation caused by this faggot world.

I actually hate normie men more than whores, since they are the enforcers of this cucking(mogging) festival of hell.

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