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Blackpill I wouldnt be in such an lazy lifestyle if I wasnt single



Proud believer in Ochako Urarakaism
Sep 14, 2023
These stupid foids are so fucking spoiled they left me in this mess and a gf is the only way I can get the lifefuel to clean my room, car or do anything productive outside my job and hobbies but I feel fucking lazy as it feels like wtf is the point of doing any of that boring shit as an incel.
These stupid foids are so fucking spoiled they left me in this mess and a gf is the only way I can get the lifefuel to clean my room, car or do anything productive outside my job and hobbies but I feel fucking lazy as it feels like wtf is the point of doing any of that boring shit as an incel.
Very true. When I was 15 and had a huge crush on this one girl in high school, my life completely changed. I had the motivation to get up in the mornings, I got the motivation to want hobbies (I couldn't actually have any because my parents wouldn't let me leave the house. But nonetheless I wanted hobbies), and suddenly my default mood was happy. I was never tired or depressed.

Now imagine actually having someone who likes you back. It must be that feeling times 1000.

Normies deny it, but a gf is lifechanging. But since we don't have one, there's really no reason or motivation to get up and do anything.
Very true. When I was 15 and had a huge crush on this one girl in high school, my life completely changed. I had the motivation to get up in the mornings, I got the motivation to want hobbies (I couldn't actually have any because my parents wouldn't let me leave the house. But nonetheless I wanted hobbies), and suddenly my default mood was happy. I was never tired or depressed.

Now imagine actually having someone who likes you back. It must be that feeling times 1000.

Normies deny it, but a gf is lifechanging. But since we don't have one, there's really no reason or motivation to get up and do anything.
the feeling of not being wanted by anyone, even after changing everything that you could about youruself is brutal
Pretty much. I have no future, so why bother doing anything besides what's easy and enjoyable? I wish I had motivation, but I can't just flick a switch and suddenly become a robot; it just doesn't work out like that, much to my parent's dismay.
They really sneaked this into a children's show.
Children's media is surprisingly blackpilled. However it makes sense since children are very blunt and can tell when someone is attractive or not.
Children's media is surprisingly blackpilled. However it makes sense since children are very blunt and can tell when someone is attractive or not.
we been programmed snce birth, all the villains are fugly and the heroes attractive :feelscry:
Normies deny it, but a gf is lifechanging. But since we don't have one, there's really no reason or motivation to get up and do anything.
children are very blunt and can tell when someone is attractive or not.
A little girl on the bus once started crying when she saw me and called me a demon.
nah you gotta focus on other shit mang, you gotta find good copes
I've been doing that for over five years now, but it's getting old. I just can't imagine myself doing this for another thirty or more years.
we been programmed snce birth, all the villains are fugly and the heroes attractive :feelscry:
It's simply biology, hardly programming unless you mean by God or nature.
A little girl on the bus once started crying when she saw me and called me a demon.
Brutal. Children just stare at me blankly, as if I were some alien or something. If children don't like you, it's over.
If I had a loving girlfriend, I would be wageslaving right now gladly providing for society and building a beautiful life for my family.

Alas, I have none of that, and I rot stealing autismbux from wageslaves.
A little girl on the bus once started crying when she saw me and called me a demon.
That's so brutal, I can't even imagine experiencing that :cryfeels: :society:
we been programmed snce birth, all the villains are fugly and the heroes attractive :feelscry:
Ever watch the original Teen Tians show? It was always my favorite tv show, but the one villain was a Sub5 guy and the heroes were usually attractive, of course. That one villain was called Control Freak and he was a fat and ugly couch potato who's only power was using technology to his advantage. He was portrayed as more of a fanboy of the Teen Titan's than a truly evil villain. I actually felt bad for him. He probably only became bad after a lifetime of bad treatment from people, just like many of us on this forum.
These stupid foids are so fucking spoiled they left me in this mess and a gf is the only way I can get the lifefuel to clean my room, car or do anything productive outside my job and hobbies but I feel fucking lazy as it feels like wtf is the point of doing any of that boring shit as an incel.
I also have no motivation to do anything. When all I can do is rot alone in my room, why bother trying hard at anything? I'd rather cope by enjoying video games and TV than try to work hard, clean up my place, or waste time socializing with normies who hate my guts due to my looks and autism. Getting a loving and hot gf would literally change my whole life and give me motivation to do stuff. My depression would go away, I'd care more about hygiene, eat healthier and have way more energy. Fuck normies who say that having a relationship isn't important. Those same normies who say shit like that lose their minds if they are single more than a week. Normies try to gaslight you to believe that single life and a life with a loving relationship are equally good. It's not just about the lack of sex, even though that is a huge part. It's also about the lack of love, and the feeling of having nobody that wants to hang out with you.
I also have no motivation to do anything. When all I can do is rot alone in my room, why bother trying hard at anything? I'd rather cope by enjoying video games and TV than try to work hard, clean up my place, or waste time socializing with normies who hate my guts due to my looks and autism. Getting a loving and hot gf would literally change my whole life and give me motivation to do stuff. My depression would go away, I'd care more about hygiene, eat healthier and have way more energy. Fuck normies who say that having a relationship isn't important. Those same normies who say shit like that lose their minds if they are single more than a week. Normies try to gaslight you to believe that single life and a life with a loving relationship are equally good. It's not just about the lack of sex, even though that is a huge part. It's also about the lack of love, and the feeling of having nobody that wants to hang out with you.
Well agreed, tf is the point of cleaning your room if you are single?

I am only motivated to go to martial arts because of discipline forcing me into it
Well agreed, tf is the point of cleaning your room if you are single?

I am only motivated to go to martial arts because of discipline forcing me into it
Yeah, it's just not worth the effort to clean my room. It's only ever going to be me in there, so why even bother? I still go to the gym to lift weights because I'm used to it after years of discipline and it feels weird if I don't go. Other than that, I just try to do the bare minimum to get by. I'm glad I have a gaming laptop, because online car driving games are one of my best copes. The only thing I put effort into cleaning is that laptop because it offers me a lot of fun and I need to take care of it. Motivation is easy to find if you have reason to do something. For the most part, us incels don't have anything great to look forward to, so we have no reason to be productive. If we had loving girlfriends it would improve almost every aspect of our lives.
Yeah, it's just not worth the effort to clean my room. It's only ever going to be me in there, so why even bother? I still go to the gym to lift weights because I'm used to it after years of discipline and it feels weird if I don't go. Other than that, I just try to do the bare minimum to get by. I'm glad I have a gaming laptop, because online car driving games are one of my best copes. The only thing I put effort into cleaning is that laptop because it offers me a lot of fun and I need to take care of it. Motivation is easy to find if you have reason to do something. For the most part, us incels don't have anything great to look forward to, so we have no reason to be productive. If we had loving girlfriends it would improve almost every aspect of our lives.
Well agreed, my best cope as of now is changing into LDARing when I get the chance as I am slowly going from an athlete to a professional LDARer so I can eventually build up the courage to rope. Although occasionally I would clean my room just to avoid cockroaches but not picture perfect, just bare minimum of clean.
Well agreed, my best cope as of now is changing into LDARing when I get the chance as I am slowly going from an athlete to a professional LDARer so I can eventually build up the courage to rope. Although occasionally I would clean my room just to avoid cockroaches but not picture perfect, just bare minimum of clean.
My life is changing more and more into LDARing too. I feel less motivated to go to the gym anymore. I even feel less motivation to do my hobbies anymore. I still do the bare minimum of cleaning so things are still sanitary, just cluttered. Same with hygiene. I shower as infrequently as I can get by with, but I still brush my teeth because I don't want to spend thousands on dentist bills. I'm not sure how long I will last before ending it. I have severe OCD that eats away at my sanity relentlessly every day. I've had it this bad since age 7, and it will only stop when I die. I'll probably last as long as my parents are around because they are good to me and I don't want to make them sad. My father is 70 and in rough shape and my mother is 59 in rough shape. Without them I would have absolutely nobody to talk to and would be fully isolated. At that point it would be illogical to keep going when it's over anyway.
My life is changing more and more into LDARing too. I feel less motivated to go to the gym anymore. I even feel less motivation to do my hobbies anymore. I still do the bare minimum of cleaning so things are still sanitary, just cluttered. Same with hygiene. I shower as infrequently as I can get by with, but I still brush my teeth because I don't want to spend thousands on dentist bills. I'm not sure how long I will last before ending it. I have severe OCD that eats away at my sanity relentlessly every day. I've had it this bad since age 7, and it will only stop when I die. I'll probably last as long as my parents are around because they are good to me and I don't want to make them sad. My father is 70 and in rough shape and my mother is 59 in rough shape. Without them I would have absolutely nobody to talk to and would be fully isolated. At that point it would be illogical to keep going when it's over anyway.
I feel ya, I am only 20 and I have less and less motivation to go to the gym and martial arts and just want to LDAR and to make it worse I have been having restless nights lately because of the thought of being a KHHV still on this forum at 30 while everyone else is already married or having a gf living in my head and bugging me at night and I honestly doubt I am going to make it to 30. It may feel like its still long ways away til 30 but holy shit it felt like it was a flash when I was 15 and that 5 years felt quick and 10 years will be just as quick.
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I feel ya, I am only 20 and I have less and less motivation to go to the gym and martial arts and just want to LDAR and to make it worse I have been having restless nights lately because of the thought of being a KHHV still on this forum at 30 while everyone else is already married or having a gf living in my head and bugging me at night and I honestly doubt I am going to make it to 30. It may feel like its still long ways away til 30 but holy shit it felt like it was a flash when I was 15 and that 5 years felt quick and 10 years will be just as quick.
Yeah, I'm only 19 and it feels like I'm running out of stamina to keep going in this life. It's so fucked up to have to be this exhausted and sick of life at such a young age like us. I also have bad insomnia. I haven't slept straight through without waking up once, twice or three times in around 3 years. I'm also a night owl, so everything in society is against my natural circadian rhythm. I'm in the process of looking for a nightshift job. I doubt I will make it past 35, and might even go before 30. I have some chronic health issues that require daily high dose laxatives just to keep my intestines going. My heart also has a defect called LVNC. If my physical health issues don't finish me off in 10 years, I will probably finish it myself then. The thought of becoming a middle aged man with no friends, family, gf, and still a virgin loser is not pleasant.
Yeah, I'm only 19 and it feels like I'm running out of stamina to keep going in this life. It's so fucked up to have to be this exhausted and sick of life at such a young age like us. I also have bad insomnia. I haven't slept straight through without waking up once, twice or three times in around 3 years. I'm also a night owl, so everything in society is against my natural circadian rhythm. I'm in the process of looking for a nightshift job. I doubt I will make it past 35, and might even go before 30. I have some chronic health issues that require daily high dose laxatives just to keep my intestines going. My heart also has a defect called LVNC. If my physical health issues don't finish me off in 10 years, I will probably finish it myself then. The thought of becoming a middle aged man with no friends, family, gf, and still a virgin loser is not pleasant.
Before we both know it we will both be middle aged single men who never been in a relationship

All I can do is hope for the gender war to start while I am still in my prime
Before we both know it we will both be middle aged single men who never been in a relationship

All I can do is hope for the gender war to start while I am still in my prime
Yep. Time goes by and leaves us in the dust. Agepill is brutal. It wasn't so bad as a child but now I can see how far behind I am compared to most people, and it will only get worse the older I get. If people found out that I have never been in a relationship they would mock me and laugh in my face. That's why I try to never talk about that stuff with people.
You're not wrong at all

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