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Serious I would have killed myself a long time ago if I lived in America



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
Imagine living in a country where 14-16-year-old grown women are called CHILDREN. The problem is that the US government has a lot of control over the population. The Brazilian government wishes it had this kind of power, but it never will. This country's drug warlords are more powerful than the entire police force combined. If I were Chad I would be fucking 13-year-olds and no one would give a fuck. The more chaotic a place is, the better it is for the individual.

Latino culture will never reach this level of cuckoldry. The place is too corrupt and chaotic for anything similar to the control that the US government exercises over its people to exist here. Women can scream as much as they can, macho culture is not going anywhere in Latin America. If a woman cheats, she can expect to be murdered.
Imagine living in a country where 14-16-year-old grown women are called CHILDREN
some states even 17 is, seriously the age of consent laws in america are so fucking retarded...
there is a myth that Brazilian women give to anyone. they give to any chad, and betray the chad partner with another chad. even older women who are already out of the sexual market are looking for norm with money. if you have bad genetics and you're poor, it's over.
there is a myth that Brazilian women give to anyone. they give to any chad, and betray the chad partner with another chad. even older women who are already out of the sexual market are looking for norm with money. if you have bad genetics and you're poor, it's over.

Brazilian women are very loose tbh. At 15 they're already mega whores. Unfortunately, I'm ugly so I can't benefit from all that sluttiness. But they also get killed a lot. Every day there's some cucked boyfriend os husband who kills his foid.
I’m an americancel. Fuck it’s so over. We are in the worst situation with foids
I don't know about Brazil, but if you were an average adult fucking a 13yo you'd probably get lynched anywhere in Latin America. We're much more Western than any other ethnic part of the world and people seem to forget that. If you were a teenager though it would probably be acceptable. My mom once said that a 17yo guy dating a 14yo would be completely normal.

Either way it's over.
They raise the age of consent because foids lose their last bit of their soul at around the teenage years. As a child a foid is about as loving as her parents are, so there is still plenty of cards on the table for them to be decent human beings. Around teenage years, when she's old enough to actually possess an instinct to reproduce and still hasn't been completely corrupted by public education is the prime time to have a child when possible. The female (not a foid in this scenario) still has some love left and there is a small chance you can genuinely build a proper family with them.

The government doesn't want men and women to have genuine, loving families, so they raise the age of consent so men can only have kids with man-hating she-demons without a soul, who will happily abort her child and treat you like a piece of shit for no reason. The result of this? Incels are created because they can't ever find happiness. Actual MGTOWs (I categorize MSTOWs as incels) are then created because they can't ever find love from a woman and are trying their best to make a decently satisfying life without women.

Do you think we have this idealized version of a good virgin housewife in our heads for no reason at all? That we're just being illogical? No, it's an evolutionary adaptation to desire this woman because that is what women are CAPABLE OF BEING. That is who we're SUPPOSED to reproduce with, and without any interference from the government, this is what they fucking become. That is why I hate it when people use the phrase AWALT. Women can be the fucking backbone of a family, they can motivate a man simply by EXISTING TOLERABLY AND NOT BEING A WHORE. They can get a man to do virtually anything and everything for them if they just exist tolerably as a virgin. That's fucking it.

This is why men have an almost allergic reaction when they see feminists, because they know that it takes an INSANE amount of effort to be that fucking toxic of a human being. This is why I'm angry at women all the damn time. Because I know damn well that it's fucking hardwired in them to try to have healthy kids, and that it's within their biological imperative to be a good housewife. When women treat men like shit and start spouting feminist ideals, they had to put in so much effort to restrain their natural instinct. They deliberately made themselves miserable just to make men like us fucking suicidal for NO GOD DAMNED REASON.

TL;DR JB foids are the only ones worth having kids with so the government takes a metaphorical shit on our hopes and dreams by raising the age of consent.
I live in the US. It really sucks. In a few states it's as high as fucking 18. It's gotten so idiotic, that men over 30 are half-jokingly, half-insultingly called pedophiles for showing interest in 18-20 year olds. Age gaps where the man is 10 years or older are considered "inappropriate" by many. An adult man merely talking to an unrelated teenage foid is suspected of being up to no good.

The more chaotic a place is, the better it is for the individual
I absolutely I agree

Latino culture will never reach this level of cuckoldry
I don't know about Brazil but Colombia is gradually getting more cucked and gynocentric by the year
I don't know about Brazil, but if you were an average adult fucking a 13yo you'd probably get lynched anywhere in Latin America. We're much more Western than any other ethnic part of the world and people seem to forget that. If you were a teenager though it would probably be acceptable. My mom once said that a 17yo guy dating a 14yo would be completely normal.

Either way it's over.
Brazilians are too pussified to do anything about it. The "children" run the household around here.
Imagine living in a country where 14-16-year-old grown women are called CHILDREN. The problem is that the US government has a lot of control over the population. The Brazilian government wishes it had this kind of power, but it never will. This country's drug warlords are more powerful than the entire police force combined. If I were Chad I would be fucking 13-year-olds and no one would give a fuck. The more chaotic a place is, the better it is for the individual.

Latino culture will never reach this level of cuckoldry. The place is too corrupt and chaotic for anything similar to the control that the US government exercises over its people to exist here. Women can scream as much as they can, macho culture is not going anywhere in Latin America. If a woman cheats, she can expect to be murdered.
If you go for a foid younger than this you are a monster -

Imagine living in a country where 14-16-year-old grown women are called CHILDREN. The problem is that the US government has a lot of control over the population. The Brazilian government wishes it had this kind of power, but it never will. This country's drug warlords are more powerful than the entire police force combined. If I were Chad I would be fucking 13-year-olds and no one would give a fuck. The more chaotic a place is, the better it is for the individual.

Latino culture will never reach this level of cuckoldry. The place is too corrupt and chaotic for anything similar to the control that the US government exercises over its people to exist here. Women can scream as much as they can, macho culture is not going anywhere in Latin America. If a woman cheats, she can expect to be murdered.
the higher classes are already turnning into cucks, and they will to force this garbage down the lower classes throats
the higher classes are already turnning into cucks, and they will to force this garbage down the lower classes throats

I doubt it will happen. Yes, they're trying but it won't work. I have seen foids selling chocolate candies ( brigadeiro) at the front gate of university campuses just to survive or help at home. Brazil will never have the level of wealth that the west has and that's good. Too much wealth in society creates more problems than good, it's bad for the individual. There are several reasons for this... Brazil lacks the human resources and the infrastructure to become rich. Women will never gain true independence from men unless they immigrate.
I doubt it will happen. Yes, they're trying but it won't work. I have seen foids selling chocolate candies ( brigadeiro) at the front gate of university campuses just to survive or help at home. Brazil will never have the level of wealth that the west has and that's good. Too much wealth in society creates more problems than good, it's bad for the individual. There are several reasons for this... Brazil lacks the human resources and the infrastructure to become rich. Women will never gain true independence from men unless they immigrate.
probaly true. being a shithole have it's perks
@Mainländer Is what the OP is saying true?

@wizardcel How's it like living in Brazil? Don't you worry about someone breaking into your home at night? Or do you live in run down homes that's vulnerable to weather such as rain? Is food hard to come by? I'm curious as to what's it like living in a shithole nation.
I have very ambivalent feelings about the US. Many of the things I like come from there, and they're very noteworthy for their accomplishments, but yeah, the modern American culture is retarded as fuck.

The mix between puritanism and feminism is one of the most retarded and hellish things ever, and combining that with the police state that is the US, your life as a man can be utterly ruined over pretty much nothing at every corner you turn.

@Mainländer Is what the OP is saying true?
What he said is true but it mostly applies to the lowers strata of society. Among favelados, criminals, people from the countryside, yeah, if you're a cheating whore expect to face dire consequences. There are established genders roles, "sexism", all of that. But the Brazilian state and the massive western and cultural marxist influences are working like crazy to change it and turn us into yet another cucked PC feminist country, and they already accomplished it mostly among the higher, especially educated, classes.
America is a degenerate shithole,cant wait to leave and live off grid one day
To be fair, age of consent laws are not a threshold for what pedophilia is, but retards tend to think they are.

They exist so that incels and normies won't go for JBs, but if you are a chad and do that no one will care.

But yeah OP, the US is insane. I'm surprised that being american isn't a risk factor for mental retardation in the DSM.
They exist so that incels and normies won't go for JBs, but if you are a chad and do that no one will care.
That's the worst part of all tbh. It's sad because if you watch something like "to catch a predator", it's pretty much all ugly, incel looking men who got catfished presumably because they thought a girl was actually showing affection and interest towards them. Doesn't happen to Chad.
@wizardcel How's it like living in Brazil? Don't you worry about someone breaking into your home at night? Or do you live in run down homes that's vulnerable to weather such as rain? Is food hard to come by? I'm curious as to what's it like living in a shithole nation.

I have a normal life here. I have heard stories of people who had burglars break into their houses, it never happened to me. Thankfully. My house is normal, it won't fall apart because of a storm. Although it happens to those who are at the fringes of society. I'm fat.. so food is no issue.
It’s a cesspool where the extremists of each group stands out.
I have a normal life here. I have heard stories of people who had burglars break into their houses, it never happened to me. Thankfully. My house is normal, it won't fall apart because of a storm. Although it happens to those who are at the fringes of society. I'm fat.. so food is no issue.
Do you live in any of the poorer areas of Brazil?
They raise the age of consent because foids lose their last bit of their soul at around the teenage years. As a child a foid is about as loving as her parents are, so there is still plenty of cards on the table for them to be decent human beings. Around teenage years, when she's old enough to actually possess an instinct to reproduce and still hasn't been completely corrupted by public education is the prime time to have a child when possible. The female (not a foid in this scenario) still has some love left and there is a small chance you can genuinely build a proper family with them.

The government doesn't want men and women to have genuine, loving families, so they raise the age of consent so men can only have kids with man-hating she-demons without a soul, who will happily abort her child and treat you like a piece of shit for no reason. The result of this? Incels are created because they can't ever find happiness. Actual MGTOWs (I categorize MSTOWs as incels) are then created because they can't ever find love from a woman and are trying their best to make a decently satisfying life without women.

Do you think we have this idealized version of a good virgin housewife in our heads for no reason at all? That we're just being illogical? No, it's an evolutionary adaptation to desire this woman because that is what women are CAPABLE OF BEING. That is who we're SUPPOSED to reproduce with, and without any interference from the government, this is what they fucking become. That is why I hate it when people use the phrase AWALT. Women can be the fucking backbone of a family, they can motivate a man simply by EXISTING TOLERABLY AND NOT BEING A WHORE. They can get a man to do virtually anything and everything for them if they just exist tolerably as a virgin. That's fucking it.

This is why men have an almost allergic reaction when they see feminists, because they know that it takes an INSANE amount of effort to be that fucking toxic of a human being. This is why I'm angry at women all the damn time. Because I know damn well that it's fucking hardwired in them to try to have healthy kids, and that it's within their biological imperative to be a good housewife. When women treat men like shit and start spouting feminist ideals, they had to put in so much effort to restrain their natural instinct. They deliberately made themselves miserable just to make men like us fucking suicidal for NO GOD DAMNED REASON.

TL;DR JB foids are the only ones worth having kids with so the government takes a metaphorical shit on our hopes and dreams by raising the age of consent.
Inspirational read:feelsokman:
They raise the age of consent because foids lose their last bit of their soul at around the teenage years. As a child a foid is about as loving as her parents are, so there is still plenty of cards on the table for them to be decent human beings. Around teenage years, when she's old enough to actually possess an instinct to reproduce and still hasn't been completely corrupted by public education is the prime time to have a child when possible. The female (not a foid in this scenario) still has some love left and there is a small chance you can genuinely build a proper family with them.

The government doesn't want men and women to have genuine, loving families, so they raise the age of consent so men can only have kids with man-hating she-demons without a soul, who will happily abort her child and treat you like a piece of shit for no reason. The result of this? Incels are created because they can't ever find happiness. Actual MGTOWs (I categorize MSTOWs as incels) are then created because they can't ever find love from a woman and are trying their best to make a decently satisfying life without women.

Do you think we have this idealized version of a good virgin housewife in our heads for no reason at all? That we're just being illogical? No, it's an evolutionary adaptation to desire this woman because that is what women are CAPABLE OF BEING. That is who we're SUPPOSED to reproduce with, and without any interference from the government, this is what they fucking become. That is why I hate it when people use the phrase AWALT. Women can be the fucking backbone of a family, they can motivate a man simply by EXISTING TOLERABLY AND NOT BEING A WHORE. They can get a man to do virtually anything and everything for them if they just exist tolerably as a virgin. That's fucking it.

This is why men have an almost allergic reaction when they see feminists, because they know that it takes an INSANE amount of effort to be that fucking toxic of a human being. This is why I'm angry at women all the damn time. Because I know damn well that it's fucking hardwired in them to try to have healthy kids, and that it's within their biological imperative to be a good housewife. When women treat men like shit and start spouting feminist ideals, they had to put in so much effort to restrain their natural instinct. They deliberately made themselves miserable just to make men like us fucking suicidal for NO GOD DAMNED REASON.

TL;DR JB foids are the only ones worth having kids with so the government takes a metaphorical shit on our hopes and dreams by raising the age of consent.

The beta uprising needs to happen in American soil first.
Do you really think the trade off isnt worth it?
America has forsaken it's ugly men in the name of cuckoldry and greed...
Imagine living in a country where 14-16-year-old grown women are called CHILDREN. The problem is that the US government has a lot of control over the population. The Brazilian government wishes it had this kind of power, but it never will. This country's drug warlords are more powerful than the entire police force combined. If I were Chad I would be fucking 13-year-olds and no one would give a fuck. The more chaotic a place is, the better it is for the individual.

Latino culture will never reach this level of cuckoldry. The place is too corrupt and chaotic for anything similar to the control that the US government exercises over its people to exist here. Women can scream as much as they can, macho culture is not going anywhere in Latin America. If a woman cheats, she can expect to be murdered.
Based and blackpilled. Do you want to commit suicide? Come to the US! We don't allow toxic machismo, men who hit women when they deserve it are hated.
I have a non incel brazilian friend and he says 20yos dating 15-16yo foids there jfl

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