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Serious I wonder why Japan is dying...

Lack of testosterone is a serious threat for a civilization. Microplastics, hormones and chlorine in drinking water, shitty diet, PE and exercise made fun only for the strongest children discouraging other children from exercising, letting only mentally ill women to have an access to testosterone treatments. Japanese men are civilized and polite, that's what foids absolutely HATE, they want to destroy the positives of Japan. This mixed with female privileges and white knighting creates a disaster like this.
the japanese always preferred rape as a means to procreate, but now that the world really hates rapists they have to masturbate about it instead and die off
@Biowaste Removal @AsiaCel @Lv99_BixNood Chinese should invade and mass rape these cucks as revenge
Anandkonda trying not to divide people of the same race and region challenge: Difficulty, impossible.
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WW2 in Asia was just as bad as in Europe.
  1. Netorare/cuckoldry is the number one porn category
No fucking way. :shock:

Can anyone find a stat on this? If so it's so over for that country especially since most guys there are porn addicted coomers

Yeah, i like Japanese media but Japan is an objectively cuck soy country. JFL at idolizing it.
Hey now, look at what they were historically:
-First non-European power to industrialize
-Took on and defeated Ruzzia
-Samurai culture
-Organized industry effectively, look at Toyota and the such.
WTF?? :feelskek::feelskek: And there are people like @Chudpreet who thinks these nipcucks are some kind of moggers :lul:
Well, I mean they mog Curries historically and also built a developed society post war
Should come as a surprise to no one. Yet absolute fucking retards think the males coping with escapism is why their birth rate's going down
Those people are the same who would follow the logic of "don't blame the symptom, blame the cause fully" on other issues yet not this
Yet people still act like Japan is an ethnostate:feelsclown:
Ethnostate like 20 years ago:


Dude, I hope not

I like Japans history and culture, even today they still excel in tech so ofc It hurts me to see what is befalling Japan.
No fucking way. :shock:

Can anyone find a stat on this? If so it's so over for that country especially since most guys there are porn addicted coomers

It’s hard to find info on this. That said, while I do recall seeing stats recently saying 4 in 5 Japanese males aged 15-18 are incel (a record number apparently, and sadly unsurprising), that doesn’t necessarily mean most are coomers. Med Europe has Japan-tier birth rates and I don’t think anyone would make the same assumption about them.

“Otaku” culture isn’t actually that mainstream in Japan, to the surprise of many. Certain franchises like One Piece and Evangelion are huge, but overall it’s apparently looked down on by Japanese normies. Many popular anime, manga, and JRPG franchises actually have a larger audience overseas or in America alone than in Japan. Hence why you’re seeing a lot more Japanese products try to cater to Western sensibilities (it isn’t just ESG, lol). So I don’t think the preferences of hentai addicts reflect those of the average Japanese male.
Those people are the same who would follow the logic of "don't blame the symptom, blame the cause fully" on other issues yet not this
They’re so good at getting cause and effect mixed up I’m starting to think they do it on purpose. I struggle to believe people can be that dumb sometimes.
Dude, I hope not

I like Japans history and culture, even today they still excel in tech so ofc It hurts me to see what is befalling Japan.
As worrying as Japan’s situation is getting, I still have a lot of hope for them. After all, they have more hope than the West. They tweaked their refugee policy for the better last Summer (though they sadly also made it easier for legal shitmmigrants to bring their families over), and, though they unfortunately have many shitskins, most of their foreign residents are from other EA and SEA countries.

I think their hope rests on:
1. Assimilating these EA and SEA foreigners socially and economically – this should be easy, as chinks, flips, etc. assimilate economically in the West, and should be able to fit in with the Japanese socially as well since they have similar physiology. If they assimilate, many will become right-wing and oppose further shitmmigration. They’ll also fight on the side of the Japs in case Japan’s only hope ends up being a collapse and subsequent race war.

2. Keeping the native Japanese birth rate at least above 1 – for obvious reasons.

Jeetnigger, nigger, and sandnigger birth rates should hover around the national average for second gen and onwards diaspora communities, as they do in the West. Maintaining a strong numerical advantage over shitskin invaders is the most important thing
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They liked the aot ending as well

Eren should’ve ended the world.

What is in their water supply that’s making Japanese males this stupid
MK Ultra through Movies by the CIA so JBWmaxxers from Cuckmerica could come and steal Ricecels Women
Hey now, look at what they were historically:
-First non-European power to industrialize
-Took on and defeated Ruzzia
-Samurai culture
-Organized industry effectively, look at Toyota and the such.
Of course, but this was the Japan of almost a century ago. Japan today is a defeated vassal state of the jUSA.
Anandkonda trying not to divide people of the same race and region challenge: Difficulty, impossible.
Nobody is trying to divide people, they were always divided and opposed already. How did nipcucks and chinks being muh same race every matter when they committed all the atrocities?
the issue with japan is they are so gynocentric that they only view women as something to look at they don't see women on their level and less and less of them even think about trying to get a gf
they are also incredibly xenophobic despite benefiting from globalism
their younger gens aren't so xenophobic
true, but given their elders first culture it does not mean much. even as a white male (given its higher status in asia) its ridiculously hard to get a job in japan even if you are qualified.

japan is quite dystopic, its great for a tourist who wants to CONSUME but living there seems like actual hell especially if your social/financial status is subpar.
Yeah, maybe Cantonese in the Bay Area are cucked but North Chinese stand on business. It helps that North Asian men are 5'11-6'5 on average
Overseas Cantonese are some of the worst while mainland northern Chinese send some of their best there’s no comparison
they are also incredibly xenophobic despite benefiting from globalism
They sadly aren’t very xenophobic, though I sure do wish they were. Place is opening up its borders to mass cheap labor migration now despite automation being on the horizon
Japanese cunts only care in life is to fuck their boss.
Japan is supposed to be the antithesis of the west...not the west...
Bugmen culture. What do you expect?

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