S.T.A.L.K.E.R discord: gdc47
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- Feb 20, 2019
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baby boomers and mileanials where the shistest generations to ever exist, they alone are destroying hundred of years of culture, two generation of hypocrisy foid worship, hendoinsm, letting foids do whatever they want, entitliment, and extended infancy, 18 yo back than was fucking man, with job own house and a wife, nowdays a 18 yo is going to cuckversity, either live with his parents or in some place in the university, and never worked a day in life, back them loving relation ships was a thing, nowdays it's all one night stand of foids with chad and tyrones, in the past they thought we would colonize the starts, and we arrive here with smartphones not living or lifes just looking at a screen all day, while the fertility rate is dog shit, and the country is swarmed by third wolders who are themself breeding like rats, back than to get a job you only needed a car and paint it with taxi, nowdays it's one billion regulations that is making the son of some politicians filthy rich, back than to get rich you only needed hard work, nowdays to get rich you need to be born rich, back them intelience and physical strengh was the best someone could have, now the only thing that matters is you looks, this generation is wasting their youth playing video games and porn.