Today is day 1 of NoPorn for me. I'm tired of being a degenerate coomer.
You can't do nofap with internet access. If you want to get rid of wanking and porn, you have to get rid of the ACCESS first.
A couple of days without wanking and the relapse don't count, no matter what your addicted brain says.
Either you are free from the drug or you are not.
Relapse = addicted once again.
Amen brother we are better than those sinners we can control ourselves.
Oh really?
What is your current streak, wanker?
We shouldn't view pictures or videos of degenerate whores exposing their filthy holes, they are filthy femoid animals
Don't look at
@MarquisDeSade main thread, he posts naked whore gifs nonstop.
I will stop cooming this week so I can have better masturbation sessions next weekend
Try 30 days, it was my record. Never in my life before i had such an urge to get rid of my seed.
I had a couple of clump (?) in my ejaculation, like wtf?
Based Believer i honestly started to believe in God more because of afterlife, its my only hope/chance
Hitler (good) lost against jews (evil).
Now we live in a world created by jews (evil).
Whores and incels everywhere and it will get only worse - the amount is growing. Nuclear family destroyed, thanks to jews.
And you believe in god? Why should god create a world, where the evil kikes form it to the living hell?
but bible clearly says that non virgin or adulterous women shall be stoned to death and i expect them to go to hell.
And i thought only muslims do the stoning death