I hate all 4chan so much by now.
One of the many things I hate about all 4chan so much by now is how they still focus so much on bullshit like trips. Like, who gives a fuck about that shit!? /r9k/ has been completely taken over by shitcunts, normies, facebook, redditors, trannies ... and they still pretend to be "edgy" and kewl because of irrelevant bullshit like trips.
They are living off of past glories they themselves didn't even create. People like us who were driven away from /r9k/ were the ones who made it great in the first place. This is like with Hollywood normies wearing shirts from punk rock backs ... somewhere in the past, these punk rock bands really were outsiders and everything, but then it got commercialized and only the cover, only the "shell", the fashion was left. Now it's just a fashion, something outside.
4chan still has the same look, it LOOKS different just like punk rock shirts LOOK different than pop shirts but apart of the looks it's just the same bullshit and doesn'T mean shit anymore.,