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Venting I wasn't a bad looking kid

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
When I was around 5/6/7 i wasn't that hideous. I had blonde hair, my lips weren't as noticeable, and I looked like a fairly standard white kid. Back then was when my social life peaked. I made friends fairly easy and somehow I was pretty good at talking. It's strange how in those days socializing just came naturally. I could keep a conservative going without thinking. It was subconscious.

I was bullied when I was 6/7/ but it wasn't for my looks. The bullying was instead directed at how sensitive and emotional I was. I won't go over what happened as the details are unpleasant.

Everything changed as I got older. Around 10 my features started shifted drastically. My face started elongating. My lips grew fat. My cheeks became more puffed out like a puffer fish whenever I smiled. My blonde hair faded away into brown. By 12 I had somehow transformed into a hideous down syndrome looking freak. I don't know how or what happened to trigger such change but my life was never the same. People, even adults started treating me more poorly. More and more negativity and bullying was directed at me. My face an obvious target. After I became extremely ugly I could never have conversations with people like I used to. No one was open anymore. The torment I endured then from others is still carved into my mind. I don't even want to discuss it because it was so bad
had blue eyes until they turned poo for no reason :reeeeee:
maybe mouthbreathing caused some of it? it's allegedly why some kids turn ugly
also got a pitch black nigger hair , used to be brown. Got hit by puberty and became a subhuman ogre.
Puberty is supposed to prepare you sexually and I came out worse looking than I did before.
I was also better looking as a kid. My looks declined around 9 and were pretty bad till age 16. After puberty, I was only slightly below average. Unfortunately, my mind was too fucked up from the bullying and ostracism from when I looked really bad to turn things around at all
brutal. childhood is a 10 year good life free trial for an incel.
maybe mouthbreathing caused some of it? it's allegedly why some kids turn ugly
That's probably true. I was a chronic mouth breather because I shared a house full of animals I was allergic to and couldn't breathe through my nose. I wonder how my life would've turned out if I hadn't been a mouth breather. Probably not too differently.

Puberty is supposed to prepare you sexually and I came out worse looking than I did before.
I don't understand how it can significantly change your looks so much. It's a brutal metamorphosis.

had blue eyes until they turned poo for no reason :reeeeee:

also got a pitch black nigger hair , used to be brown. Got hit by puberty and became a subhuman ogre.
It's not fair.
I was also social as a kid then 3 kids made sure every day was my worst and took my social skills with them
Mogs me, I was ugly as fuck as a kid

I was also better looking as a kid. My looks declined around 9 and were pretty bad till age 16. After puberty, I was only slightly below average. Unfortunately, my mind was too fucked up from the bullying and ostracism from when I looked really bad to turn things around at all
I'm sorry. Ltn is already basically over nowadays. Being a mentalcel plus ltn is truecel tier.
I was also social as a kid then 3 kids made sure every day was my worst and took my social skills with them its
Social skills are subconscious. Sure you can mask, but you'll never be able to naturally fit into any social situation without effort like normies do. I'm sorry those savages beat you into being a mentalcel.

I'm sorry. Ltn is already basically over nowadays. Being a mentalcel plus ltn is truecel tier.
I know. I'm like a 4/10 right now. If my acne would clear up and I could sleep probably to get rid of my bad dark eye circles, I'd probably be a 5, but that's very unlikely with the health issues I have and how fucked up my mental health is. Asperger's makes it almost impossible to even make guy friends, let alone get a gf
I know. I'm like a 4/10 right now. If my acne would clear up and I could sleep probably to get rid of my bad dark eye circles, I'd probably be a 5, but that's very unlikely with the health issues I have and how fucked up my mental health is. Asperger's makes it almost impossible to even make guy friends, let alone get a gf
In this dating market it's over for you. The best thing you can do is find the least painful ways to cope.
Social skills are subconscious. Sure you can mask, but you'll never be able to naturally fit into any social situation without effort like normies do. I'm sorry those savages beat you into being a mentalcel.
Thanks brocel, You don’t need to apologise for the actions of normie scum, I was always kind of a mentalcel but at least I could pretend to be a good talker
In this dating market it's over for you. The best thing you can do is find the least painful ways to cope.
And that's precisely what I do. I eat lots of junk food because I enjoy it, and I also do a lot of car related stuff. Funny thing is, a guy of my looks level could have done alright 50-100 years ago. My grandfather was probably a 3/10, and still managed to have a wife and make 10 kids with her. Different times nowadays, and that is what my parents failed to realize
That sucks man. Respect.
Same here, puberty fucked me over. Maybe I did have a bit of truecel-ness in me when I was 5-12 but it wasn't noticeable. Once puberty came around, I declined in looks a lot. Hair receeded to hell and a big ass 5head.

I don't even know how this is possible that puberty can make you look uglier. I'm 100% certain some of it is because I ate slop when I was a kid so that could've affected my looks to a degree but the rest is just garbage genetics.
ER's journal is extremely relatable. I was even a late bloomer like him which caused me to be bullied for my height.
I was also a late bloomer in terms of height and weight. I forget how tall I was in middle school and early high school, but I was one of the shortest and skinniest people there. I got bullied all the time for it. People would call me shorty and worse of all, joke around that I was anorexic when in reality I just had health conditions. One asshole jokingly offered me his candy bar and said to eat it so I wouldn't starve to death. I grew around 5-6 inches in a few months from 15-16 and gained some weight, but the effects of being bullied that badly stunted my social skills beyond repair.
Same here, puberty fucked me over. Maybe I did have a bit of truecel-ness in me when I was 5-12 but it wasn't noticeable. Once puberty came around, I declined in looks a lot. Hair receeded to hell and a big ass 5head.

I don't even know how this is possible that puberty can make you look uglier. I'm 100% certain some of it is because I ate slop when I was a kid so that could've affected my looks to a degree but the rest is just garbage genetics.
It's just genetics. Genetics are cruel and cold. It's crazy how fast they can fuck you up. How awful they would tease you in such a manner before doing so.

Thanks brocel, You don’t need to apologise for the actions of normie scum, I was always kind of a mentalcel but at least I could pretend to be a good talker
Not anymore.


And that's precisely what I do. I eat lots of junk food because I enjoy it, and I also do a lot of car related stuff. Funny thing is, a guy of my looks level could have done alright 50-100 years ago. My grandfather was probably a 3/10, and still managed to have a wife and make 10 kids with her. Different times nowadays, and that is what my parents failed to realize
Most people aren't capable of empathy unfortunately. Even our parents and forefathers.
Most people aren't capable of empathy unfortunately. Even our parents and forefathers.
Yep. They just figure that everything is the same as in their time when it is completely different
Me neither but puberty fucked me
I remember in hight school I showed a girl a picture of me as a kid she immediately said "Wow Customs you looked so nice as a kid"
Me neither but puberty fucked me
I remember in hight school I showed a girl a picture of me as a kid she immediately said "Wow Customs you looked so nice as a kid"
Fucking brutal man
Same here, I was actually a pretty cute looking kid...
i was cute as a kid, but didn't grow past certain childish features and remained babyfaced cutecel
When I was around 5/6/7 i wasn't that hideous. I had blonde hair, my lips weren't as noticeable, and I looked like a fairly standard white kid. Back then was when my social life peaked. I made friends fairly easy and somehow I was pretty good at talking. It's strange how in those days socializing just came naturally. I could keep a conservative going without thinking. It was subconscious.

I was bullied when I was 6/7/ but it wasn't for my looks. The bullying was instead directed at how sensitive and emotional I was. I won't go over what happened as the details are unpleasant.

Everything changed as I got older. Around 10 my features started shifted drastically. My face started elongating. My lips grew fat. My cheeks became more puffed out like a puffer fish whenever I smiled. My blonde hair faded away into brown. By 12 I had somehow transformed into a hideous down syndrome looking freak. I don't know how or what happened to trigger such change but my life was never the same. People, even adults started treating me more poorly. More and more negativity and bullying was directed at me. My face an obvious target. After I became extremely ugly I could never have conversations with people like I used to. No one was open anymore. The torment I endured then from others is still carved into my mind. I don't even want to discuss it because it was so bad
For me at 2 years old, before i fucked my maxilla.
I were ultra autistic kid at 6 and problably got my first kiss at 4 (i didnt even remember)
I did fucked up shit i havent told a single soul at 6. Over from there on ngl.
For me at 2 years old, before i fucked my maxilla.
I were ultra autistic kid at 6 and problably got my first kiss at 4 (i didnt even remember)
I did fucked up shit i havent told a single soul at 6. Over from there on ngl.
first kiss at 4? why are you here then
When I was around 5/6/7 i wasn't that hideous. I had blonde hair, my lips weren't as noticeable, and I looked like a fairly standard white kid. Back then was when my social life peaked. I made friends fairly easy and somehow I was pretty good at talking. It's strange how in those days socializing just came naturally. I could keep a conservative going without thinking. It was subconscious.

I was bullied when I was 6/7/ but it wasn't for my looks. The bullying was instead directed at how sensitive and emotional I was. I won't go over what happened as the details are unpleasant.

Everything changed as I got older. Around 10 my features started shifted drastically. My face started elongating. My lips grew fat. My cheeks became more puffed out like a puffer fish whenever I smiled. My blonde hair faded away into brown. By 12 I had somehow transformed into a hideous down syndrome looking freak. I don't know how or what happened to trigger such change but my life was never the same. People, even adults started treating me more poorly. More and more negativity and bullying was directed at me. My face an obvious target. After I became extremely ugly I could never have conversations with people like I used to. No one was open anymore. The torment I endured then from others is still carved into my mind. I don't even want to discuss it because it was so bad
I know a cousin, she used to be easily 7/10 at below 10, she would grow up into a model i tought.
Instead she looks like a panda, fucked up hormones, white as fuck, mental illness can really fuck someone up.
Puberty ruining your looks, a classic truecel trait i can relate to
I was okayish until like 9 when I started showing nasolabial folds and my allergy-induced mouthbreathing caught up to me.
10% for saying he looked good when he was 6? @SlayerSlayer did this really deserve that?
I relate, or at least I think I wasn't that ugly. Girls weren't repulsed by me, but puberty changed it.

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