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I was stuck in a car today with another manlet who talked my ears off



Jan 22, 2024
This fucker talked my ears off. After a seminar, I was supposed to take the bus and head to a medical appointment in 30 minutes, he offered me a ride along with 2 other guys (we're all ethnics). He claimed my home was the same direction that he was going, no it fucking WAS NOT. It ended up being an hour and a half because I got stuck with this guy dropping off other guys, and he talked about how he can show me his house as it's along the way (no thanks).

He started getting into conspiracy theories about who killed JFK (which is based) and how he wants to work for the CIA right after talking about the evil shit he claims they did. Then something about wanting to run for governor in the future, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that nobody is going to take an asian manlet seriously especially with a heavy accent and a high pitched voice, and he's annoying as fuck and doesn't know how to read the room. Even other guys seem to run from him at the seminar. He still lives with his mom, and he shit talks his dad who "tore the family apart". This guy barely knows me and he is telling me all this. Then another 30 minute ramble about how this random bitch broke his heart, not getting to the point, something about how she told him he has a "heart of gold" and him simping for her and random shit about wanting to spend the rest of his life with her (she didn't feel the same way I am sure). I ask "so how did she break your heart" (my mistake asking), he says "I am getting to that point soon" and then another 30 minutes of on and on and on with a bunch of namedropping of people I don't even know. He talks about the druggie friends he had, and how girls in high school thought he was creepy. I asked him if he worked out back then and how he dressed, he said he dressed like shit, and I said "the only difference between a confident guy and a creepy guy is how attractive he is". He got offended instead of laughing. He then started talking about how he was actually popular in high school, which is whatever to me. He barely knows anything about me but he's spilling his life story onto me, then calls himself an "extrovert" and says I must be an introvert. No, I am just not retarded and spilling all my dirty laundry.

He kept going on and on and on and on, missing some turns and causing the ride to get longer, and he finally gets to my clinic. He knows I am already late, and says he will sit out waiting for me if it turns out I can't get checked in, and that he can drive me home. That's a big fucking NO. Look, I am friendless and desperate, but I am not THAT desperate. I tried to gently tell him that's fine he can drive off, if I missed my appointment I'll just eat lunch at the Subway nearby. He gave me his number and was desperate for me to text him back. I said I will (I did not).

Why why why did he come up to me and offer to give me a ride? Did I look like another incel to him? (probably)

It makes me wonder do I look like this to other people when I make the rare decision to open my mouth? Girls don't talk to me either. I can feel other guys humor me. I wonder if he would've been less annoying to me if he didn't have that high pitched voice and accent of his. I've met chad looking motherfuckers who were weird and annoying as hell too (and they somehow got girls, though mentally ill BPD types), but this asian manlet was even more annoying, especially when he starts talking about simping for girls and wanting to be a governor to "change the country". Bitch you can't even change yourself!
He barely knows anything about me but he's spilling his life story onto me
Lol this just goes to show man, lonely men are an epidemic! This guy has no one to hear him out so he just poured on the first sucker he could get in that car hehe. It's nice you humored him at least, although you didn't even have a choice.
This fucker talked my ears off. After a seminar, I was supposed to take the bus and head to a medical appointment in 30 minutes, he offered me a ride along with 2 other guys (we're all ethnics). He claimed my home was the same direction that he was going, no it fucking WAS NOT. It ended up being an hour and a half because I got stuck with this guy dropping off other guys, and he talked about how he can show me his house as it's along the way (no thanks).

He started getting into conspiracy theories about who killed JFK (which is based) and how he wants to work for the CIA right after talking about the evil shit he claims they did. Then something about wanting to run for governor in the future, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that nobody is going to take an asian manlet seriously especially with a heavy accent and a high pitched voice, and he's annoying as fuck and doesn't know how to read the room. Even other guys seem to run from him at the seminar. He still lives with his mom, and he shit talks his dad who "tore the family apart". This guy barely knows me and he is telling me all this. Then another 30 minute ramble about how this random bitch broke his heart, not getting to the point, something about how she told him he has a "heart of gold" and him simping for her and random shit about wanting to spend the rest of his life with her (she didn't feel the same way I am sure). I ask "so how did she break your heart" (my mistake asking), he says "I am getting to that point soon" and then another 30 minutes of on and on and on with a bunch of namedropping of people I don't even know. He talks about the druggie friends he had, and how girls in high school thought he was creepy. I asked him if he worked out back then and how he dressed, he said he dressed like shit, and I said "the only difference between a confident guy and a creepy guy is how attractive he is". He got offended instead of laughing. He then started talking about how he was actually popular in high school, which is whatever to me. He barely knows anything about me but he's spilling his life story onto me, then calls himself an "extrovert" and says I must be an introvert. No, I am just not retarded and spilling all my dirty laundry.

He kept going on and on and on and on, missing some turns and causing the ride to get longer, and he finally gets to my clinic. He knows I am already late, and says he will sit out waiting for me if it turns out I can't get checked in, and that he can drive me home. That's a big fucking NO. Look, I am friendless and desperate, but I am not THAT desperate. I tried to gently tell him that's fine he can drive off, if I missed my appointment I'll just eat lunch at the Subway nearby. He gave me his number and was desperate for me to text him back. I said I will (I did not).

Why why why did he come up to me and offer to give me a ride? Did I look like another incel to him? (probably)

It makes me wonder do I look like this to other people when I make the rare decision to open my mouth? Girls don't talk to me either. I can feel other guys humor me. I wonder if he would've been less annoying to me if he didn't have that high pitched voice and accent of his. I've met chad looking motherfuckers who were weird and annoying as hell too (and they somehow got girls, though mentally ill BPD types), but this asian manlet was even more annoying, especially when he starts talking about simping for girls and wanting to be a governor to "change the country". Bitch you can't even change yourself!
Incels can tend to be too open to conversation that’s why he kept spilling for long. Then again not much you can do about that when your sitting a few inches away in a car
Mogs me hard for having someone want to talk to you (and at length at that).

These two statements seem contradictory. Is he incel or not?
He did this to EVERYONE at the seminar. The girls ran from him of course.

Also I took everything he said with a grain of salt. Before he started his 1 hour long ramble about having his heart broken, he told me that he told this to other people at the seminar including one of the guys running it (why the FUCK would you tell him???) and how he told them about the personal issues he is having in his life. I didn't expect this to blow up when I asked "what did you tell them?" (my mistake). He told me that "every person I told about this girl, they thought it was so romantic and it is like a movie" but I highly doubt that. It was just about petty college drama and him getting drunk and the girl trying to prevent a mutual friend from killing himself, the suicidal druggie friend gets angry at them, he and the girl and other people get drunk again, she says he has a heart of gold for trying to keep the suicidal guy from killing himself, he tries to kiss her, she talks about not taking him seriously as a romantic prospect because she is moving, he claims he will follow her, she says "no thanks" and tells him she's a mormon. That's pretty much it. What the fuck?

This is fucking embarrassing. Did he REALLY tell the seminar host about his petty bullshit with this random girl? And the seminar host saw me and two ethnics walk out with this guy. I am sure the host thought I was a loser too but this shit just nails it to the coffin.
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He did this to EVERYONE at the seminar. The girls ran from him of course.

Also I took everything he said with a grain of salt. Before he started his 1 hour long ramble about having his heart broken, he told me that he told this to other people at the seminar including one of the guys running it (why the FUCK would you tell him???) and how he told them about the personal issues he is having in his life. I didn't expect this to blow up when I asked "what did you tell them?" (my mistake). He told me that "every person I told about this girl, they thought it was so romantic and it is like a movie" but I highly doubt that. It was just about petty college drama and him getting drunk and the girl trying to prevent a mutual friend from killing himself, the suicidal druggie friend gets angry at them, he and the girl and other people get drunk again, she says he has a heart of gold for trying to keep the suicidal guy from killing himself, he tries to kiss her, she talks about not taking him seriously as a romantic prospect because she is moving, he claims he will follow her, she says "no thanks" and tells him she's a mormon. That's pretty much it. What the fuck?

This is fucking embarrassing. Did he REALLY tell the seminar host about his petty bullshit with this random girl? And the seminar host saw me and two ethnics walk out with this guy. I am sure the host thought I was a loser too but this shit just nails it to the coffin.
Seems like a delusional mentalcel to me. He should be on this forum.
based schizo conspiracy-theorycel
was he the driver? and you should of talked to him about the blackpill instead to traumatize his ass
was he the driver? and you should of talked to him about the blackpill instead to traumatize his ass
I did tell him "the only difference between a confident guy and a creepy guy is how attractive he is" to test the water and see how he responds. He had no fucking sense of dark humor. He's the type to take himself too seriously. He took it personally even though he's the one who said he dressed like shit and didn't work out back then.

I didn't want him to tell me to get the fuck out of his car either in the middle of the highway, though he probably wouldn't have done that anyway because of how desperate he was to talk to someone.
This guy barely knows me and he is telling me all this. Then another 30 minute ramble about how this random bitch broke his heart, not getting to the point, something about how she told him he has a "heart of gold" and him simping for her and random shit about wanting to spend the rest of his life with her
nigga is goofy asf how tf did he even get a "girlfriend" in the first place and i bet he looks like this :lul:

nigga is goofy asf how tf did he even get a "girlfriend" in the first place and i bet he looks like this :lul:

I don't think the mormon girl was ever his girlfriend, though he started the story like they were in a relationship. Talking about she broke his heart, I asked "did she cheat on you?" and he just kept going "no, I'll get to that part". Then turns out they were never even an item, he never asked her out until she was actually planning to leave the state. Then of course she said no. How the fuck did she break your heart? You guys were never even an item. I highly doubt that anyone heard that story and thought "omg so romantic, its like a movie!" what a fucking weirdo.

Yeah he honestly look like that but his head was shape a bit funnier. Really a funny looking guy, I kind of feel bad for him because it's not his fault. Before we all got into the car he pulled out these nunchucks out of his trunk and started flailing them around as the rest of us just stood around waiting for him to finish. He talked about how he got into martial arts, and later during the car ride he said he got into MA because he was bullied as a kid and wanted to be able to defend himself. Which is also sad, better than doing fuckall, but still - I never even asked. He just volunteered that information.

So the seminar, I go to this seminar. This guy goes to the seminar. I've seen other guys like him (us) go to the seminar. It's a complete sausage fest except for like 3 foids out of like 20-30 guys. I wonder what it says about me if my fellow attendees are like this asian manlet.
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tbh i like tards like this, fun to just listen to autism spills
Seems like a delusional mentalcel to me. He should be on this forum.
To be honest I did wonder if he would be on this forum and find my post and recognize himself

I wonder if I should break it to him what he's doing wrong the next time I see him or maybe not. I don't think anyone has the heart to just tell him how he's fucking up. It's not my responsibility and this guy seems like he has the potential to go full retard and shoot people up.
how tf do people talk for so long I can never come up with anything to say
how tf do people talk for so long I can never come up with anything to say
Probably just airing out their stream of thought. He did seem to make the story longer and longer than it had to be instead of just getting to the point. It's one thing if he was just sperging out and infodumping, but it's another to try to push in disclaimers like how "everyone who heard this story thought it was so romantic and came out of a movie" because that shows that he is aware of what he's doing and is trying to inflate himself anyway. It's an attempt at manipulation, though he utterly failed.
He seems like a cool guy, definitely one of the boys.

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