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Belgrade clan in shambles right now

How will the the Koala and Kanga clan take advantage of this situation:feelswhere:
All curries should add a 29 to the end of our names in honor of our brother in blood comrade
All curries should add a 29 to the end of our names in honor of our brother in blood comrade
A tribute to the demise of a fellow pajeetcel
ban all fucking slavnigger fakecels

I was going to make a thread on this myself but it looks like OP beat me to it.
Good for him.
The real question is why this guy isn't banned? All who ascend should be banned. Nepotism around sexhavers shouldn't be allowed.
Should be changed to Drunken. for the Drunk Fist clan which has our resident drunks like @Wombles The Koala and @SuperKanga.Belgrade
I agree this is a good idea
whats gonna happen to all the dot belgrade cels now @SuperKanga.Belgrade @Sloth :feelshaha:
I changed my username yesterday
@WorthlessSlavicShit @starystulejarz @weaselbomber Slavs are fakecel :feelsugh:
Not East or West Slavs, JFL. Only Balkan Slavs. I’d heard they slay German foids in Germany (as do Albanians, who are not Slavic), so I assumed a similar situation in The Netherlands on account of it being a country geographically and culturally very close to Germany. That’s why I guessed that Ron probably fucked a Western European chick
@WorthlessSlavicShit @starystulejarz @weaselbomber Slavs are fakecel :feelsugh:
You have to understand Slavs are a broad ethnolinguistic grouping and have a variety of phenotypes
Not East or West Slavs, JFL. Only Balkan Slavs. I’d heard they slay German foids in Germany (as do Albanians, who are not Slavic), so I assumed a similar situation in The Netherlands on account of it being a country geographically and culturally very close to Germany. That’s why I guessed that Ron probably fucked a Western European chick
But many of the Slavs that self-hate here are Balkan Slavs. And all Slavs mogg
Tbh I didn't expect to wake up and see such news
ban all fucking slavnigger fakecels
@WorthlessSlavicShit @starystulejarz @weaselbomber Slavs are fakecel :feelsugh:
Not East or West Slavs, JFL. Only Balkan Slavs. I’d heard they slay German foids in Germany (as do Albanians, who are not Slavic), so I assumed a similar situation in The Netherlands on account of it being a country geographically and culturally very close to Germany. That’s why I guessed that Ron probably fucked a Western European chick
Even for a Balkaner it's a bit impressive to get with a Dutch girl ngl. I've looked at the outmarriage data for my country for the last five years, and The Netherlands was at the absolute top of countries having more men marrying our women than the reverse, the ratio was legit over 50:1, with over a hundred women from here marrying Dutchmen and only two guys marrying Dutchwomen:shock:.

Either what @Chudpreet says is true even more than we'd guess and comparing North Slavs with Balkaners is basically useless, or Ron has much higher SMV than we'd guess... or this is just a lucky fluke:waitwhat:.

Tbh I didn't expect to wake up and see such news
Me neither, especially since I talked with @DarkStar about him just yesterday:giga:.

jfl all of these members on an 'incel' forum are named after a sexhaver

even on this site, sexhavers get privilege

absolute state of .IS
I guess (hope) all the belgrade names will be removed then
That's good he ascended and can finally leave. He was a good guy here who never seemed to start beef and was based overall. Plus he was here for like a year with 20k posts, and made worthwhile contributions to the forum as well. Can't we just be happy that someone we know was able to escape the hell that is inceldom? The crab bucket mentality here is real and many want others to stay incels. I don't, and I hope myself and anyone else here that's not a total POS manages to ascend.
Holy this
Even for a Balkaner it's a bit impressive to get with a Dutch girl ngl. I've looked at the outmarriage data for my country for the last five years, and The Netherlands was at the absolute top of countries having more men marrying our women than the reverse, the ratio was legit over 50:1, with over a hundred women from here marrying Dutchmen and only two guys marrying Dutchwomen:shock:.

Either what @Chudpreet says is true even more than we'd guess and comparing North Slavs with Balkaners is basically useless, or Ron has much higher SMV than we'd guess... or this is just a lucky fluke:waitwhat:.

Me neither, especially since I talked with @DarkStar about him just yesterday:giga:.
Fuck off Slav, I don't trust you anymore. You Slavs are all moggers :feelsugh:
Tbh I have a feeling he ascended with a Western European foid. Makes sense for a 6'0" Balkan MTN (I think those were his stated stats, correct me if wrong)
just be 6 feet is law
not surprised this retarded ass site made him mod and gave him army of faggots
@Corvus and i never liked him
@Chang Longwang remember that thread u were just spamming everyone on the forum is fakecel?

u just knew
Only a matter of time before he himself ascends with a noodlestacy
ever since he joined he gave NT normie impressions, being popular, getting into social groups here, getting connections, Discord friends etc
No surprise to me
Ron is based, leave him alone. :feelsUgh:
He doesn't belong here. I'm siding with @Chang.Beijing on this
This is supposed to be INCELS.IS
Fuck copemaxx and fuck Ron. Jebem mu majku blesavu
He's a great guy but he didnt even bother to request a selfban or a goodbye thread and left us as soon as he ascended
Atleast he didn't make a bragging thread, that is actually good
Ban anyone who had the name .belgrade IMMEDIAELY


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