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I want to try and corporate some stuff from TRP



Nov 12, 2017
...just to see if any of it is actually legit, but every time I read something from there my cringe meter overloads.
it won't work especially those things like, you should just be aloof and act like you don't care about the girl. abundance mindset yadda yadda.

if u act uninterested in a girl, u will NEVER get a response. best we can do, is be full on beta bucks. well too fucking bad women in the west have their own money now. so then whats left is asia
If can't internalize this shit so hard that you basically becomes someone else - don't even try it.
Autistic introvert trying to act all alpha is the cringiest shit on the planet.
it won't work especially those things like, you should just be aloof and act like you don't care about the girl. abundance mindset yadda yadda.

if u act uninterested in a girl, u will NEVER get a response. best we can do, is be full on beta bucks. well too fucking bad women in the west have their own money now. so then whats left is asia
The problem is acting desperate or "thirsty".
JFL @ TRP, Chad could be the biggest fucking beta and out slay that whole sub.
Here's my take on it. Some information is useful to an extent. For example, slouching is a giveaway of low status so avoid it is good advice imo. However, it's not a panacea and won't help an ugly guy mog all the guys in the room as the PR promises. That's the scam part when it's a paid service telling you so.
Acting uninterested in a female only works after you know she's attracted to you. The reality is when a female is attracted to you, you can do damn near anything and it won't matter.

This is the problem with nearly all forms of this advice. The female needs to be attracted to you first.
Some of it probably works, I just cannot be bothered reading the novel length posts the autists there actually type there.
Shorten it down niggers.

Also the things that work usually require you to have female friends or a social circle, so it's over.
...just to see if any of it is actually legit, but every time I read something from there my cringe meter overloads.

The things that work are basically common sense.

All else is just mambo jumbo by wannabe thugs who spend most of their time watching twitch in between coding sessions.

Then they go to the gym do 10 pull-ups and a dumbbell bench and think they have "frame" and "alpha" juice in them.

Then, they watch some moronic YB videos related to philosophy and think they've cracked the world.

In reality, it works mostly for young pretty boys.

And most of the girls they fuck are boosted in points - i.e. she is is a 4, mr. Field report says she is a 6.

But in general, it is better for your life to self-improve than to self-destruct.

Which is what many people on here are looking for an excuse to do.

Also, many of the posters on the TRP are humble promoting their "alpha" blogs selling you e-book to unleash the inner lion in you.


Are you going to be attracted to some landwhale just because she is negging you?

But in general, it is better for your life to self-improve than to self-destruct.

That is really what I'm after: Self improvement.

I've improved my face and body a lot, but I still need to improve my brain/mindset.
it won't work especially those things like, you should just be aloof and act like you don't care about the girl. abundance mindset yadda yadda.

if u act uninterested in a girl, u will NEVER get a response. best we can do, is be full on beta bucks. well too fucking bad women in the west have their own money now. so then whats left is asia
TRP is cope

This tbh, JFL at your thread @OP
When you cannot rope,all that's left is to cope,so go for it op.
It honestly does help to some degree, but only if you're not ugly.
I came from trp and it doesn't work for truecels. If you are average and above, then trp might work for you
Some of it probably works, I just cannot be bothered reading the novel length posts the autists there actually type there.
Shorten it down niggers.

Also the things that work usually require you to have female friends or a social circle, so it's over.

Yup, those autists literally read/write those mental masterbation shit by spending hours after hours, unbelievable. I always wonder what do they actually do for living, tbh.
It will work if you are a mentalcel
TRP you mean PUA bullshit? Not likely to work. Some very bad analysis. Even more theorycrafting. Also, relies on Alpha/ Beta theory, something that doesn't even work in wolves (where the terms where borrowed from). It is more action oriented, and by "action" I don't mean retarded catfish wastes of time and energy, so that might be a good thing, but when the approach is vitiated, you're likely to fail and relapse here with a vengeance.
Acting uninterested in a female only works after you know she's attracted to you. The reality is when a female is attracted to you, you can do damn near anything and it won't matter.

This is the problem with nearly all forms of this advice. The female needs to be attracted to you first.
You recommending people to lift and self-improve, seems red-pill'ish enough for me.

@Kointo what are thoughts about... what Gopinggymcel said? Lol.
The amount of 8+ females is through the roof according to TRPtards. They're so delusional that a bald 5`6 guy thinks he is a 8/10. I wouldn't believe a single word they say unless they provide proof.
The amount of 8+ females is through the roof according to TRPtards. They're so delusional that a bald 5`6 guy thinks he is a 8/10. I wouldn't believe a single word they say unless they provide proof.

they will never provide proof because they don't have any

TRP is basically a bunch of coders who figured out that by not texting a woman every hour you preserve some of your pride
That is really what I'm after: Self improvement.

I've improved my face and body a lot, but I still need to improve my brain/mindset.
TRP is cope bullshit. You already know all you need to know. Problem is high inhibition, lack of opportunity and lack of looks.
Good luck.

I said I would start talking to girls, but I can't do so just yet.
Self improvement is a load of bullshit created by the system to prevent you going ER. It doesn't work. It's never worked. You're either attractive or you're not, none of this red pill rubbish matters at all.
TRP only works if you're average looking or better
ok. trp is retarded and if it works for you that just means you're decent looking and were probably just mentalcel before.

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