Meh, routines, shmoutines. Unless you're some teenage piece of shit (then you shouldn't be here, teenagers can't be incel), it's your diet that will make the most difference.
But if you want routines, here's mine (gymcel for 13 years)
Monday (chest): bench press 3 sets, incline dumbbell press 2 sets, weighted dips 1 set
Tuesday (back): weighted pull ups 3 sets, upright rows 2 sets, barbell shrugs 1 set
Wednesday (legs): squats 3 sets, deadlifts 3 sets, dumbbell lunges 2 sets
Thursday (shoulders): military press 2 sets, dumbbell press 3 sets, dumbbell side lateral raises 2 sets, bent over raises 1 set
Friday (arms): barbell curls 2 sets, close grip bench 2 sets, dumbbell hammer curls 1 set, ez bar triceps extensions 2 sets
This works for me because every muscle group gets at least 2 days to recover. Chest also hits shoulders and triceps, so they get a rest for 2 days. Back also hits biceps and forearms so they also get 2 days rest. My workouts are rarely longer than 20 minutes. Every set is to failure, weight is so I can't do more than 8 reps, ideally 6-7.
I did this routine since my third week at the gym, and my muscles grew so fast I still have striations after 13 years.
But women won't give two shits about your body if they don't like your face, so don't expect much.