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JFL I want to make a parody RPG Maker game about a group of nazis killing fags, niggers, spics, kikes etc.

Would you play this game?

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Life passing by as I watch
Feb 20, 2020
By the way I have A LOT of experience with this engine so I am pretty sure I can make a solid game even if its just a joke game, basically a game for laughs and that should not be taken seriously.

It is a politically incorrect based mostly around /pol/ memes

1.You start in a post apocalyptic future in the USA where whites who are not pozzed are locked in prisons. You play as a group of 4 whites who refused to bow down to the Globohomo Corps and their reigns. The classes work like RPG archetypes but they are references to IRL right wing groups like Alt-Knight, Skinhead, Incel, Trad Wife, etc.
2.The enemies would be from different 'reigns' like the faggots/antifa, feminists etc.
3.The game could have a lot of parodies like vegan food healing a little but reducing your strength, stereotypes, etc.
4.Weapons would be either melee like baseball bats or guns like rifles, heavy machine guns etc.
5.After leaving the first dungeon and escaping prison, the player have to visit the shrines of the 4 gods to choose who they are loyal to

6.The game would have shitty graphics made from montages, all photobashed (looks extremely ugly but also funny at the same time)


As the player escapes the prison, he is visited by the spirit of Adolf Hitler, who tells them its their mission to destroy the GloboHomo Corps, but suggests that they find the temples of the four gods to help them first. After that, the player is free to do whatever he wants

God system:
1.Each god have their own optional quest (destroy each reign)
2.They can be found in their temples which are around the world
3.The player can choose to devote their allegiance to that god, be their enemy or simply ignore them
4.If the player have an adept in their team (Alt-Knight, Odinist, Muslim or Tradwife) then they can't choose to be that god's enemy
5.By finishing the quest, the player can go back to the god for a reward: a very strong weapon. By being their enemy, the player fights the adepts of the temple, gaining money and experience
6.The christians don't fight back
7.The god will either help the player (finishing quest) or sabotage the player (destroy their temple) on battle
8.By destroying all temples, the player gains a fedora (it prevents angry gods from attacking the player)

Quest Weapon: Longinus
Adept: Tradwife
Battle Aid: Heal / Revive

Quest Weapon: Mjolnir
Adept: Pagan Odinist
Battle Aid: Massive physical damage (lightning)

Quest Weapon: Kek Staff
Adept: Alt-Knight
Battle Aid: Bad condition on enemies (plagues)

Quest Weapon: Zulfiqar
Adept: Muslim
Battle Aid: Massive magical damage (fire)


Each dungeon have their own theme, and they have 3 floors each, with a teleport between each floor that allows the player to return to the entrance. If the player does not defeat one of the
last bosses of the dungeons, they will be summoned by Soros to fight them inside GloboHomo Corps

SLUTDOM SAFESPACE: feminists, dykes, simps, female kikes etc simp riders! vagina art, dead fetuses, trillions of cats
Location: New York
Hated by Jesus
Last Boss: Hillary Clinton
GHETTOS OF WAKANDA: niggers, pitbulls etc hobos, drugs, we wuz kangz mythos (big ass George Floyd sphinx)
Location: Washington, DC
Hated by Odin
Last Boss: Obama wearing the Black Panther costume and his tranny wife
LOS MUERTOS: cartels, brazilian thugs, junkies, goblins with many children etc corpses
Location: California
Hated by Kek
Last Boss: Ocasio-Cortez and cartel soldiers
Friends Assisting Good Gays Or Trans (F.A.G.G.O.T): fags, trannies, antifa, vegans, furries etc
Location: Oregon
Hated by Allah
Last Boss: Demon Trannies (those who red stories to children)

GLOBOHOMO CORPS: kikes, government(CIA, FBI), military robots etc
Last Boss: Soros


Melee (Strength based)

Ranged (Aim based)
Shotgun (causes smaller damage to other enemies as well)
Machine Gun (Multiple hits)
Rocket Launcher (Damages all enemies)

Bleeding: lose HP every turn
Depressed: can't recover HP
Blind: low hit chance
Retarded: can't use techs
AIDS: higher chance of being affected by other status ailments
High: TP won't increase
Stunned: can't act

Enemy examples: jew who always runs away but drops a lot of gold if killed, feral tribal niggers, typical sociology students, e-girl who summon simps, etc.

Smuggies: scattered around the world, they are collectibles that simply show a picture stirizing the left. Maybe there are NPCs that can trade them, and one that can grant you a nice reward
for the whole collection


CLASSES (these are the pics used in the game)

There will be a total of 10 skills per class (maybe more)



2: 4 3 2 2
(Kek adept)
Anime flavour

4: 4 2 3 2
Confederate Redneck
Starts with a war pig that helps in battle (untargetable)
-Capture: Can enslave a nigger (pokemon style, bosses too) requires the target to be low on HP, bad conditions help
-Release: Release a captured nigger to free the slot for a new one

6: 4 2 2 3
Proud Boy
Main Role: Paladin



8: 3 4 2 2
Pagan Odinist
(Odin adept)
Faces: Golden one
Main Role: Warrior

20: 2 4 3 2
Faces: curtis allgier
Main Role: Rogue
-Prison Break: Escape from a dungeon

22: 2 4 2 3
KKK Member
-Burning Cross: Causes nigger enemies to flee
-Noose: (high level skill) instantly kills target if its a nigger


24: 3 2 4 2
(Allah adept)
Main Role: Assassin
-Allahu Akhbar: The user sacrifices himself to cause massive fire damage to all enemies

25: 2 3 4 2
(Soldier from nazi Germany resurrected)

27: 2 2 4 3
Faces: Virgin vs Chad meme, Eliott Rodger, El Paso shooter, BlackOps2cel


20: 3 2 2 4
(Jesus adept)
Faces: Natalya Poklonskaya, Lauren Southern, ChristChan
Main Role: Healer
-Traditional Feast: Can only be used outside of battle. Fully recovers the HP of the entire party
-Marionette: Winks and charms the target enemy, which starts fighting on your side. Works better against simps

22: 2 3 2 4
Faces: Alex Jones, PJW
Main Role: Blue mage (learn enemy skills)
Can also teach their skills to others

24: 2 2 3 4
Asian Waifu
Main Role: Wizard

So what do you think? Should I make this dumbass game or would it just be a waste of time and effort?
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The racism market hasn't really been fully catered for.
The racism market hasn't really been fully catered for.
BFV really killed my enthusiasm for vidya, in BF1 at least you could run with a swatika custom emblem.
You should have a game about raping foids
BFV really killed my enthusiasm for vidya, in BF1 at least you could run with a swatika custom emblem.

The Swastika isn't racist at all though it's a really ancient symbol virtually everyone seemed to use even the Native Americans. Just because the Nazi's used it for a few years. It was even in ancient Rome look.

This is what happens when white volcels have too much time on their hands instead of seamaxxing. Wasting enormous amounts of energy Larping as their racist fantasy
I am pretty sure there are a lot of games like that (made in Japan)
That’s based. Japancels have a lot of good copes.
what can the confederate redneck do with the nigger prisoner?
what can the confederate redneck do with the nigger prisoner?
Hit the nigger so he works harder (cause damage and increase stats)
This is what happens when white volcels have too much time on their hands instead of seamaxxing. Wasting enormous amounts of energy Larping as their racist fantasy
I am not white
the redneck? or does he make the prisoner work for him?
He can capture niggers with low HP (one at a time) the nigger will help in battle attacking enemies and using their skills. The redneck can fight too or he can use skills to capture niggers. The idea is that any nigger in the game can be captured (even Obama)
He can capture niggers with low HP (one at a time) the nigger will help in battle attacking enemies and using their skills. The redneck can fight too or he can use skills to capture niggers. The idea is that any nigger in the game can be captured (even Obama)
So he converts a nigger to his side AND increases that nigger's stats? sounds decent.

will the prisoner slowly decay and die?
So he converts a nigger to his side AND increases that nigger's stats? sounds decent.

will the prisoner slowly decay and die?
No, but the nigger can be killed or released.

This gave me an idea though... like a cotton farm in the game, where you can leave captured niggers working and go back there to punish them or something. That would be pretty funny ngl :lul:
sounds cringe
Would play ngl
add some blackpill elements too
The Swastika isn't racist at all though it's a really ancient symbol virtually everyone seemed to use even the Native Americans. Just because the Nazi's used it for a few years. It was even in ancient Rome look.

Not to mention being a nordic symbol, the Pagan Sun wheel for example. And also the Hindu symbol for peace.
Not to mention being a nordic symbol, the Pagan Sun wheel for example. And also the Hindu symbol for peace.


Literally everyone had a version of it. Heck even the Jews had a version of it.
White people crying again
Japan has a lot of based copes. I am guessing this is because the incel population there is through the roof
yup, there many places with many incels. but Japan's are high IQ and willing to put in the effort to make good copes for themselves
yup, there many places with many incels. but Japan's are high IQ and willing to put in the effort to make good copes for themselves
America could also start doing the same thing as Japan were they start making new amazing copes to distract incels or it will face societal collapse as the hatred between groups will cause society to fall apart
America could also start doing the same thing as Japan were they start making new amazing copes to distract incels or it will face societal collapse as the hatred between groups will cause society to fall apart
America sadly will go towards the latter future.
America sadly will go towards the latter future.
What I wish would happen is all incels would buy out a plot if land and create an independent country. In that country all kinds of media will be legal and you can watch/play all the kinds of rape porn or games. The copes that would be there will be much better than jewmerica. And only virgins with the exception of escortcells would be allowed. The place will kinda be like this forum but it would be a country instead
Cringe but I would play tbh
I would play the fuck out of this, plz make
Make an autistic truecel a powerful mage that help incels in their quests.
Would really want to see this to see the femipoop react :feelshaha:
Don't make it one of those shit-ass RPG maker games that suck ass.
What I wish would happen is all incels would buy out a plot if land and create an independent country. In that country all kinds of media will be legal and you can watch/play all the kinds of rape porn or games. The copes that would be there will be much better than jewmerica. And only virgins with the exception of escortcells would be allowed. The place will kinda be like this forum but it would be a country instead
We'd get invaded by Jewmerica the moment we declared ourselves a nation, JFL. You think (((they))) would ever let people be based and noncompliant anywhere if they have anything to say about it?
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