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LifeFuel I want to live forever

Men have always had to pay. You either pay with money or looks. Nothing is free in this world.
Looks and money are not comparable, they are not two different currencies, because they produce totally different results. Looks produce genuine attraction, money produces "relationships" where the girl tries to get as much possible while having the least amount of sex possible. And why even SEA? Why not just use prostitutes in your own country then?
Why not just use prostitutes in your own country then?

You have never seen the quality of the prostitutes we have down here. I wouldn't pay $ 20 bucks to fuck those things. I'm going there because of the low aoc. It's not guaranteed that I will get a jb, but I feel the odds are in my favor over there.
Must save up to be put in a tank when I die
Looks and money are not comparable, they are not two different currencies

They are both currencies though at the end of the day, your argument sounds stupid, its like saying US dollars and the British Pound are not comparable, currencies are convertible and interchangeable, its just that looks as a currency functions on a more "innate" and "meta" level than humanly constructed currencies do

I've made an entire thread before about this very thing:

Every interaction when you think about it, is a transaction of resources, its just that the trade of "meta" resources goes by unnoticed as a trade because most people don't really think abstractly, so we treat looks, intelligence, entertainment, etc as separate from things like money, but they are all resources in a sense, being traded

When you have a conversation with someone, you didn't just merely have a conversation, you both traded your time as a resource and in some cases your knowledge, information, etc. People just don't look at it that way because like I said, most people don't think abstractly, but when you look at how people in certain professions see time, you begin to realize how true it is, lawyers often say time is money, and charge by the hour for clients, you have to pay a lawyer just to talk to you before they even begin to help you with your case

Plastic surgeons in the context of their field of work, know full well that looks are a resource, and take money in trade to increase someones looks, everything is a transaction taking place, literally everything, it just depends on how you are looking at it

It's not ascending, it's betabuxxing, prostitution, when will SEA retards get this?

I both agree and disagree

1. Paying a whore for sex is not betabuxxing, betabuxxing implies loyalty and ownership, in other words you are paying a woman for her companionship and exclusivity, when you pay a whore its just a temporary agreement to fuck and you are doing it full well knowing that no exclusivity exists or is even implied, people need to stop stretching the definitions of terms, it defeats the purpose of them, reminds me of when a guy said that paying a whore for sex makes you a cuck, there's a difference between renting a car, and car pooling, to say paying for sex makes you a cuck, is like saying renting a car is the same as car pooling, they are completely different, one is you taking on temporary ownership of a vehicle, the other is you sharing YOUR vehicle with other people

2. Paying for sex is definitely not "ascending", I'd say its the better route, "descending"

You have never seen the quality of the prostitutes we have down here. I wouldn't pay $ 20 bucks to fuck those things. I'm going there because of the low aoc. It's not guaranteed that I will get a jb, but I feel the odds are in my favor over there.

Same, also age of consent in the Philippines is 12, its very likely you can easily get a JB, good luck brother, may we find good fortune
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its like saying US dollars and the British Pound are not comparable, currencies are convertible and interchangeable
And that's why looks and money are not comparable, if I give you 10 dollars I can get x amount of y. If I offer you 8.23 pounds I can get x amount of y. If I offer z amount of looks I can get x amount of y. But no matter how much money I offer, I can't get y. I can only get something less valuable. It's not a problem of quantity, it's a problem of quality. Quality, which no amount of quantity is going to make up for.

Looks are not a "resource"; they are not a currency, there's no "looks pennies", which you can spend and which you can directly compare to actual money, like you can do with pounds and dollars. Looks are not only inextinguishable (and thus not used in "transactions", as you don't lose looks when you use them to get something), but also totally different in outcome.

1. Paying a whore for sex is not betabuxxing, betabuxxing implies loyalty and ownership, in other words you are paying a woman for her companionship and exclusivity, when you pay a whore its just a temporary agreement to fuck and you are doing it full well knowing that no exclusivity exists or is even implied, people need to stop stretching the definitions of terms, it defeats the purpose of them, reminds me of when a guy said that paying a whore for sex makes you a cuck, there's a difference between renting a car, and car pooling, to say paying for sex makes you a cuck, is like saying renting a car is the same as car pooling, they are completely different, one is you taking on temporary ownership of a vehicle, the other is you sharing YOUR vehicle with other people
Paying a whore for sex is not betabuxxing, but getting a wife (say, from SEA) and then providing for her is betabuxxing. SEA is not only prostitution, but also betabuxxing, because it involves components not present in regular prostitution.
Aoc in Mexico is 12.
I yi yi!
I don’t even have this cope, it’s completely over if you don’t have your health because even ugly poor gooks don’t want someone that’s sick and genetic trash.
same. fuck roping, I'm gonna live forever enjoying my solitude. i like being alone anyways
Die of cancer stupid cunt I've been turned down by literal 2/10 Ethnic and Rice landwhales just die you racebaiting cunt.
Hahahahahahahahahaha thanks for the rational and completely non-anecdotle reply. Though If you are the one of the extremely rare white truecels then know that I do have sympathy for you brother.
Hahahahahahahahahaha thanks for the rational and completely non-anecdotle reply. Though If you are the one of the extremely rare white truecels then know that I do have sympathy for you brother.
That is not true, once they are free of their third world countries they can chase good looking guys as much as they want and don't need to settle for uglies. This is most likely why they didn't give a damn about me. One even had a "friend" ( :waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat: ) who would give her lifts to another city where she attended university and she was a 2/10 ethnic landwhale, JFL.
That is not true, once they are free of their third world countries they can chase good looking guys as much as they want and don't need to settle for uglies. This is most likely why they didn't give a damn about me. One even had a "friend" ( :waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat: ) who would give her lifts to another city where she attended university and she was a 2/10 ethnic landwhale, JFL.
Nigga what?
Nigga what?
I mean even if you go for 2/10 ethnic/gook landwhales on dating sites it is pretty hard and you have a lot of competition I think.
I mean even if you go for 2/10 ethnic/gook landwhales on dating sites it is pretty hard and you have a lot of competition I think.
I see but they will still have an enormous preference for whites over ethnics

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