Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I want to know your stories, what made you join this place, this community



Feb 4, 2025
I just joined this little community of yours, my goal here is just try to grasp some of the logic behind all of this, considering that in the outside world, the consensus is that 'incel' is a thing to be despised or feared most of the time and people really use yall as laughing stock or put yourselves in a bad light, i also wanted to see if i qualify as a proper incel.

lets see, growing up i've never even bothered to approach girls cause i was the typical overweight, shy and ugly kid and when i did it was quite shameful, i would lose my marbles very quickly and there was one time where a girl just straight up laughed at my face, back then it really didn't matter cause i had a group and that was my support throughout elementary and middle school. On high school however, i lost it all and since there was kind of a pandemic going on i had absolutely zero human contact during a lengthy period of time, which ruined my life along with my minute social skills, i was a mute, anxiety filled, isolating prick, by the time classes came back i was already known as the quiet one, the introvert and i had to build myself up somehow, i had friends again they kind of adopted me into their circle and we really bonded throughout those 4 years but i couldn't for the life of me go beyond that, i didn't build a single meaningful relationship at that time, most(not all) of my classmates were merely acquaintances. I did go a little further with women, i talked a little more, interacted more with the ones i knew, little gestures etc etc but nothing ever came out of it, i never searched for a partner or whatever because i had mental problems of my own to solve. I spent(still do) most of my days at home playing videogames and watching youtube, there were some rare ocasions(3 or 4) where i was invited to parties and i did go to those, to drink myself blind of course, at least there i felt some conection to people.

Anyways, i'm a virgin and single since birth, i yearn a lot and i mean a ton, i hate myself more than i hate others, im quite hopeful sometimes, of course my circunstances differ greatly from the average US student(culture and all that) so that's why i wanted to see what yall have to say about it. i was a shy guy in a world of competitive extroverts, all around me.
I joined this forum because im short and ugly. nothing else more to say
i joined to give material to glowniggers and reporters
I got bored of having sex
I discovered the community after getting ghosted by my then-oneitis, and I realized that all the theories I made up in my mind ("personality matters is bs", "only looks matter") were true, proven by lots of data and that plenty of guys lived the same things than me
My stacy girlfriend introduced me to the forum
tie yourself a rope, slimy grimy smug reddit nigger faggot, I can see through the fake manufactured post structure to blame yourself in 10 different ways so then the redditors that created your strawman character can begin circlejerking how its really all incels to blame for their own faults
:feelsrope: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :cryfeels: :feelsrope:

I’m ugly, short, autistic, and left traumatized from my childhood

I realized that all the theories I made up in my mind ("personality matters is bs", "only looks matter") were true, proven by lots of data and that plenty of guys lived the same things than me
I just joined this little community of yours, my goal here is just try to grasp some of the logic behind all of this, considering that in the outside world, the consensus is that 'incel' is a thing to be despised or feared most of the time and people really use yall as laughing stock or put yourselves in a bad light, i also wanted to see if i qualify as a proper incel.

lets see, growing up i've never even bothered to approach girls cause i was the typical overweight, shy and ugly kid and when i did it was quite shameful, i would lose my marbles very quickly and there was one time where a girl just straight up laughed at my face, back then it really didn't matter cause i had a group and that was my support throughout elementary and middle school. On high school however, i lost it all and since there was kind of a pandemic going on i had absolutely zero human contact during a lengthy period of time, which ruined my life along with my minute social skills, i was a mute, anxiety filled, isolating prick, by the time classes came back i was already known as the quiet one, the introvert and i had to build myself up somehow, i had friends again they kind of adopted me into their circle and we really bonded throughout those 4 years but i couldn't for the life of me go beyond that, i didn't build a single meaningful relationship at that time, most(not all) of my classmates were merely acquaintances. I did go a little further with women, i talked a little more, interacted more with the ones i knew, little gestures etc etc but nothing ever came out of it, i never searched for a partner or whatever because i had mental problems of my own to solve. I spent(still do) most of my days at home playing videogames and watching youtube, there were some rare ocasions(3 or 4) where i was invited to parties and i did go to those, to drink myself blind of course, at least there i felt some conection to people.

Anyways, i'm a virgin and single since birth, i yearn a lot and i mean a ton, i hate myself more than i hate others, im quite hopeful sometimes, of course my circunstances differ greatly from the average US student(culture and all that) so that's why i wanted to see what yall have to say about it. i was a shy guy in a world of competitive extroverts, all around me.
Dude why where you at the pulse nightclub?

Are you gay?
tie yourself a rope, slimy grimy smug reddit nigger faggot, I can see through the fake manufactured post structure to blame yourself in 10 different ways so then the redditors that created your strawman character can begin circlejerking how its really all incels to blame for their own faults
Hmm… OP does come off as a redditor. Or a fed that’s being too obvious. :feelsseriously:

Well. I’ll entertain your questions regardless mysterious new guy… or foid. Whatever you are.

I’m an incel because my whole life I found myself isolated. Not just with the opposite sex, but with society as a whole. I’m a man who throughout his life felt had nothing to lose. And nothing to gain.

I am the source of people’s ridicule and mockery. Both in my job, and while I was in school. I’m also a short and ugly man, no amount of self improvement tried and trust me. I tried.

point is, mysterious newcomer
its over todd krizelman GIF by National Geographic Channel
I discovered the community after getting ghosted by my then-oneitis, and I realized that all the theories I made up in my mind ("personality matters is bs", "only looks matter") were true, proven by lots of data and that plenty of guys lived the same things than me
Pretty much the same story with me. Along with people, who I thought were my friends, embarrass me in front of her because they knew how much I loved her.
I am an FBI agent who got assigned the task of infiltrating this place because I was too incompetent to do anything else. There are lots of us though, it is fun trying to instigate ER incidents together.
I am an FBI agent who got assigned the task of infiltrating this place because I was too incompetent to do anything else. There are lots of us though, it is fun trying to instigate ER incidents together.
Alex. Please come to my office, you blew your cover. Silly goy. :fbi:
Alex. Please come to my office, you blew your cover. Silly goy. :fbi:
Yes Sergeant Sir! If you stayed quiet, they would have interpreted it as ironic, though. I think it is actually you who blew the cover.

(Rest of forum, this is all a friendly funny joke of course)
I know
Kill Yourself
Yes Sergeant Sir! If you stayed quiet, they would have interpreted it as ironic, though. I think it is actually you who blew the cover.

(Rest of forum, this is all a friendly funny joke of course)
:worryfeels: Right. *clears throat* uh… WOMEN SUCK. Kill all foids!
For my part, I don't really know the reason.
In short, it was rejected between the ages of 16 and 30.
They played with my feet, feelings, used me, etc
I worked to build myself up and get two degrees in IT.
Today, at 40 yo, I have my apartment, my job, money, I rent accommodation for students.
And since I turned 30, as if by magic, I've only started to interest single mothers with sometimes several children, never from the same father, and who think that I'm going to be their spare wheel or the stopgap.
And the cherry on the cake is that in the lot, currently, I had seven who had rejected me between 10 and 20 years ago who tried their luck... (let them go f*** themselves)

I was still a little more 'lucky' and had a 3 and a half year relationship with a woman who sent me into serious depression and made life impossible.
Thought I was trying to save a sinking ship when she was already a submarine that had imploded...
In short, I lost time, energy and a good part of my mental health and put an end to this ordeal almost three years ago.
I was doing everything to try to save this relationship that was something so impossible to have but it was destroying me.

Today, I am tired of being patient and taken for an idiot and I would say things this way; it is time to change something in my way of being and become their reflection.
I won't talk about exactly what informations I'm looking for here, but in any case, thank you for having me.

Courage guys, you're not alone in this case !
I was still a little more 'lucky' and had a 3 and a half year relationship with a woman who sent me into serious depression and made life impossible.
I was doing everything to try to save this relationship that was something so impossible to have but it was destroying me.
First post and you are already gone. RIP to you good saar :feelsrope:

George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
I had a normal childhood and had many friends, I am an athletic tallfag and played sports and that's how I survived around normies despite having Asperger syndrome and a lazy-eye. I always knew I was ugly so I never approached any foids and as I got older I lost all motivation to do anything in life since I knew I wouldn't be able to start a family or even just get laid.

After highschool (2003) I left society due to being an ugly sperg, but kept in contact with my best friends. I tried to cure myself of the 'tism using alot of drugs and sometimes I almost felt like a human. The years passed and my friends got girlfriends and started careers. Eventually my embarrassment over being an ugly NEET failure became too much and I cut contact with everyone I knew. In 2012 I stopped going outside my house at all.

Now I am 40 years old and I pray for death every day.
Wojak suicide

P.S. To qualify as an incel all it takes is that women will not have sex with you without you paying them in some way.
Obvious reporter is obvious
I just joined this little community of yours, my goal here is just try to grasp some of the logic behind all of this, considering that in the outside world, the consensus is that 'incel' is a thing to be despised or feared most of the time and people really use yall as laughing stock or put yourselves in a bad light, i also wanted to see if i qualify as a proper incel.

lets see, growing up i've never even bothered to approach girls cause i was the typical overweight, shy and ugly kid and when i did it was quite shameful, i would lose my marbles very quickly and there was one time where a girl just straight up laughed at my face, back then it really didn't matter cause i had a group and that was my support throughout elementary and middle school. On high school however, i lost it all and since there was kind of a pandemic going on i had absolutely zero human contact during a lengthy period of time, which ruined my life along with my minute social skills, i was a mute, anxiety filled, isolating prick, by the time classes came back i was already known as the quiet one, the introvert and i had to build myself up somehow, i had friends again they kind of adopted me into their circle and we really bonded throughout those 4 years but i couldn't for the life of me go beyond that, i didn't build a single meaningful relationship at that time, most(not all) of my classmates were merely acquaintances. I did go a little further with women, i talked a little more, interacted more with the ones i knew, little gestures etc etc but nothing ever came out of it, i never searched for a partner or whatever because i had mental problems of my own to solve. I spent(still do) most of my days at home playing videogames and watching youtube, there were some rare ocasions(3 or 4) where i was invited to parties and i did go to those, to drink myself blind of course, at least there i felt some conection to people.

Anyways, i'm a virgin and single since birth, i yearn a lot and i mean a ton, i hate myself more than i hate others, im quite hopeful sometimes, of course my circunstances differ greatly from the average US student(culture and all that) so that's why i wanted to see what yall have to say about it. i was a shy guy in a world of competitive extroverts, all around me.
Go back to cuckit and work on your personality, GrAY.
Pretty much the same story with me. Along with people, who I thought were my friends, embarrass me in front of her because they knew how much I loved her.
Check my public diary then, it's in the sewers :feelsaww:
tie yourself a rope, slimy grimy smug reddit nigger faggot, I can see through the fake manufactured post structure to blame yourself in 10 different ways so then the redditors that created your strawman character can begin circlejerking how its really all incels to blame for their own faults
goddamn, i'm not one of them buddy, calm yourself
I joined this forum because I'm sub5 and KHHV
Hmm… OP does come off as a redditor. Or a fed that’s being too obvious. :feelsseriously:

Well. I’ll entertain your questions regardless mysterious new guy… or foid. Whatever you are.

I’m an incel because my whole life I found myself isolated. Not just with the opposite sex, but with society as a whole. I’m a man who throughout his life felt had nothing to lose. And nothing to gain.

I am the source of people’s ridicule and mockery. Both in my job, and while I was in school. I’m also a short and ugly man, no amount of self improvement tried and trust me. I tried.

point is, mysterious newcomer
its over todd krizelman GIF by National Geographic Channel
point taken
mostly joined because the community is a source of refraining bewilderment and rather than interacting with bluepilled celebrities on elon’s plot i wanted to get a taste of the actual ting, wanted to interact with arbiters of the true comedy which bluepillers don’t have any effective depth of touching on since they’ve never suffered. my biggest weakness is sacrificial comedy that’s why i decided to do everything i could to be allowed to join and a living epitome of the true comedy was what prompted me to decide to be a forum participant (kind of)
Because I want an Asian bitch on my shit, but it will never happen because I’m a loser.
I don't have any interesting stories, but I see that the community has a very negative image and very depressed people. I consider myself a happy person and I would like to contribute by helping people in this community (I am also an incel, in case it is not clear).
You are probably some sort of (((journalist))) but here's my story anyway cos I wanna be famous (joke)

I discovered this forum about a year ago and I lurked around for a bit, and realized, wow, everything being talked about here is so relatable to me. It's only now then I decided to finally get myself an account here, as I realized I needed people to talk to FREELY, who can also relate to me.

If I was on reddit, I will only get screched at to improve my "pErSonAlIty" which is fucking annoying, when I know myself it is not the issue.
The reason why I came to this forum is basically this, there's nowhere to vent my frustrations and anger without some (many) douchebags ruining it all with their "Just have a better personality", "Just take showers bro!", "Just lift my nigga!". NIGGA SHUT UP!!!! Do you honestly think I don't shower? Who fucking doesn't? Literally basic hygiene. And yes I do go to the gym.

I'd genuinely wish that they'd say that "Yes, the reason why you aren't getting girls and why society treats you like shit is because you indeed look like shit". Just that, straight truth without any of the "pErSoNaLiTy" gaslighting that we've all come to hate. It'd really feel a lot better if they'd just be honest.

And contrary to what most incels here want, personally, I don't care that much about getting a gf. Yes I'd indeed love to have a gf, but I really want people to treat me like a real human, instead of some turd on the road because of how I look. I remember getting pushed around, people literally push into me all the time when I go outside since I'm small and weak. I keep getting glared at by workers at stores whenever I ask for something. I remember in school, I get bullied, but it's mostly subtle, but I definitely feel it a lot, and I fucking hate it. I wouldn't be so insecure and self hating if people treated me like a person. But NO.

I hate going outside, it is a geniune pain to me, especially if I see a group of similar aged youths having fun together in a group. It makes me feel jealous that they are experiencing life but I aint. They are actually happy but I'm miserable. I feel as though I am completely missing out on all the fun experiences people had when they were youths. I wish I was able to even make friends. I want to go and have parties. I want to do normie shit like post crap on (((instagram))) or (((tiktok))) and have my friends all see and like what I post, and so do I on their's. I wanna run around and do stupid shit with my friends and have little-to-no consequences. I wish I was able to go barbequing at the beach with my niggas. I don't wanna be alone anymore, not just in terms of girls but normal friends too.

Normies will never understand what it is like to be an ugly male and will always make fun of people like us. Which made me attracted to this forum since I could actually be free and whine about my problems to fellow ugly niggas

inb4 dnr
I am an FBI agent who got assigned the task of infiltrating this place because I was too incompetent to do anything else.
FBI incel being tasked with monitoring an incel forum

meanwhile the chad and stacy FBI agents get tasked with cooler shit like false flag attacks and helping the cartels funnel drugs in america
Long story short 29 yo neet virgin
I just joined this little community of yours, my goal here is just try to grasp some of the logic behind all of this, considering that in the outside world, the consensus is that 'incel' is a thing to be despised or feared most of the time and people really use yall as laughing stock or put yourselves in a bad light, i also wanted to see if i qualify as a proper incel.

lets see, growing up i've never even bothered to approach girls cause i was the typical overweight, shy and ugly kid and when i did it was quite shameful, i would lose my marbles very quickly and there was one time where a girl just straight up laughed at my face, back then it really didn't matter cause i had a group and that was my support throughout elementary and middle school. On high school however, i lost it all and since there was kind of a pandemic going on i had absolutely zero human contact during a lengthy period of time, which ruined my life along with my minute social skills, i was a mute, anxiety filled, isolating prick, by the time classes came back i was already known as the quiet one, the introvert and i had to build myself up somehow, i had friends again they kind of adopted me into their circle and we really bonded throughout those 4 years but i couldn't for the life of me go beyond that, i didn't build a single meaningful relationship at that time, most(not all) of my classmates were merely acquaintances. I did go a little further with women, i talked a little more, interacted more with the ones i knew, little gestures etc etc but nothing ever came out of it, i never searched for a partner or whatever because i had mental problems of my own to solve. I spent(still do) most of my days at home playing videogames and watching youtube, there were some rare ocasions(3 or 4) where i was invited to parties and i did go to those, to drink myself blind of course, at least there i felt some conection to people.

Anyways, i'm a virgin and single since birth, i yearn a lot and i mean a ton, i hate myself more than i hate others, im quite hopeful sometimes, of course my circunstances differ greatly from the average US student(culture and all that) so that's why i wanted to see what yall have to say about it. i was a shy guy in a world of competitive extroverts, all around me.
- Approached at least 500x on match.com and my account got eventually blocked for spamming. Nothing. Even if I was a paid subscription. This was in 2011.

- was always the bullied kid. It took me learning how to fight so that others will leave me the fuck alone and stop bullying me.

- constantly get phased out of jobs if not rejected outright. Only jobs I last long are isolated jobs where there isn't much interaction with coworkers, supervisors, clients, etc.

- had abusive parents. Especially my mom who just constantly looked at me with disgust and treated me like shit. Since day 1.

I don't even have to post my face or describe myself. You tell me what I am based on those stats.
Multiple reasons. One of mine was for a place for people similar to me, and to feel uncensored and included. I can speak here without bias, or any sort of censorship. It's also just a really good place for reliability.
I found this forum through IncelTear

I dont really use reddit. But when i do, its for surfing anime subreddits.
I remember scrolling down the reddit algorithm and coming across some IT post that featured an .IS thread. I clicked into their subreddit and came across more IT posts that featured .IS threads.
And i just started seething because it felt like watching a bunch of heartless bullies make fun of lonely and broken guys that i heavily relate to.

I remember going into incels.is and surfing through so many posts, espacially in the must-read section, and becoming blackpilled. I was still somewhat in a redpilled mindset but finally accepted the blackpill after a month.

This forum and the blackpill has changed my life, mindset, beliefs, and philosophy.
Ive been addicted to using this forum everyday since then. I literally pull out my phone and go on .IS the moment I wake up, no joke. This place gives me a sense of community and make me feel sane. Everyone here is super real and down to the earth.

Its honestly funny how IncelTears thinks they're calling out the "evil inkwells!:soy:", but in reality they're just advertising our forum for free :feelskek:
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found the website through a video of a foid making fun of the forum, I saw a lot of posts and decided to join because this seemed like a place I can express myself truly.
I went to college and indulged in self improvement. I did 2 years of university and failed due to
lack of autism/dyslexia support (they tried to send me 1.5 hours away for tutorials) only 36% of
autistic people get into university, and only 1% pass it.

I did good in college with support though. I then indulged in further self improvement. I focused
on my social skills when i was about 24. I went out to places to meet women constantly. I did
this for 2 years/along with talking online. Nothing worked. I changed my clothes/hairstyle and
improved confidence. I have 100s of traumatic experiences regarding women and how they've
made me feel really bad about myself.

Never had a date despite asking a lot of women. Spent the next 10 years trying to find a date
no response. Realised that discrimination is rampant in our country. I then joined the forum -
and quickly realised that a lot of people on the forum have autism as well. I then looked at
government accounts and saw them cutting autism services year by year.

I was diagnosed with dyslexia at 21, sent through school with no help, and figuring out
i had autism by my parents at 38.

Can you imagine what that life feels like?
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I too shall do my best to contribute to this no doubt highly ambitious research project.

Autistic (diagnosed only in adulthood), social outcast since entering kindergarten, got way worse after puberty hit (total social isolation), quit school after mental breakdown and visiting the psychiatry for a while. Mostly positive relations with women up to that point, although I already perceived some intense inequality and hypocrisy in anything from how YA fiction treated male vs female characters to the simple, face-fuckingly obvious fact that I as a man was less free, less empowered, less in control, less desirable and less privileged in my search for a partner compared to the girls around me.

Honestly too tired to talk through the rest in detail, bunch of statistics and ideas absorbed online got me started on the "genetics is what primarily makes us who we are, it's behind many core issues of our time and genetic inequality is the root cause underlying every other kind of inequality in the world" rabbit hole and introduced me to a bunch of other socially unacceptable ideas.

Started considering feminism a pure expression of female self-interest with little to no upsides and without any morally redeeming factors after witnessing absurd amounts of cruelty, stupidity, narcissism and cowardice from the men and women around me when it came to standing up for the weak and vulnerable (low status) men of our society.

Got my wizard status before losing my virginity to a hooker. Have had sex a few more times by now with professionals while also trying to date in a more and more desperate manner (on apps for disabled people for example). Last rejection was from a woman 20 years older than me.

Still think I might get a gf sooner or later, because I don't even look that bad (4/10 I would say, maybe a 3,5/10 now but with 5/10 in reach if I get a high-quality hair transplant done). Won't change the way I feel about the world and the people in it though, for me this is more of an ideological struggle than a personal one.

It's not really about getting laid, it's about
-being born in the sex less privileged on the sexual realm
-which is one of the most important domains, since social and sexual needs are the needs most likely to go unfulfilled in a modern first world setting
-while also being central to your overall lifetime happiness, self-worth, development as a person (from leaving your teenage self behind over finding your adult self in part during your relationship with women to starting your own family after you have found a viable long-term partner)
-Sex, love, affection, human warmth, human touch, parntership, the list goes on. The class that has privileged access to all these is obviously absurdly overpowered and you would be dumb as hell to play anything else.
-these matter so much, many people on here are from second or third world hell holes but their biggest issues is still not getting pussy. Because you can be happy even when poor, or homeless, or unsafe, but most men can not be happy while being unfuckable, unloveable and undesirable for life based mostly on immutable characteristics like facial structure, height, race, dick size, and so on
-all this at a time where equality is oh so holy a value
-but not in this domain, because ~all women are selfish and most men are spineless cucks
-unable to bear the hypocrisy and dishonesty and unwilling to go along with all the BS I constantly have my sense of fairness and justice violated just perceiving the way the western world treats my sex, especially the members of my sex most in need of support and empathy
-while being totally powerless to do anything about it since there is no representation for us, no one willing to really take our side by making male collective interests a priority

So yeah, getting laid would be ok, finding a woman I like and who likes me back and having a relation with her would be amazing, neither will make solve the fundamental issues I have with the world (which aren't limited to the incel stuff, that is rather just one example of a bunch of more general problems).

Anti-natalist, betting on AI doom in the near to semi-near future (3-20 years), 2000% simping immune, hate women for corrupting any group I might have wanted to find a home in (rationalists, effective altruists, just to name two). I perceive myself to be irrationally / autistically "good" or cooperative and I can't bring myself to go along with all the evil I perceive women to be doing just for some minimal personal benefit like status, ego, power, cheap sexual pleasure or monopolizing affection, attention, the role of the victim and societal empathy in general.
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