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It's Over I tried to blackpill my friends. It worked TOO well [Enter at your own risks]



May 5, 2018
Very brutal blackpill yesterday.

I went out with two friends to a bar.

One is a former high-tier normie, with a n-count close to 10, and now with a GF for 3 years (let's call him A)
One used to have two or three girlfriends, but now his romantic life is much emptier (let's call him B)
And I am the incel.

We started discussing about foids and romantic relationships. They noted that one of our friends is extremely nice, well-behaved, studies in top universities, but it seems he's unable to get laid. He knows the best-looking girls but only as a friend. On the other hand, they were also surprised that another friend, which they describe as an asshole with respect to girls, was able to get laid.

So I tried to drop a Blackpill : "Yeah you guys are surprised but I'm in the situation of [the nice guy above], I can see girls fucking guys like [the second guy] all the time, but then they are going to settle down and they will find qualities in people like me and they will say "I'm a serious girl now!" "

A seemingly did not understand and said "Yeah the problem is that when you will be able to get laid, some girls you may want will already have babies" and blah blah, he talked about girls who have babies now.

So I insisted "It's more general than babies, first the vast majority of girls spend their prime years fucking tons of guys that are the total opposite from [the nice friend] and me, then they will look for a provider and may want to hypocritically settle with us. They will not recognize our qualities more than before, they will just see us as providers...." and B interrupted me to say "yeah, providers that will fund their lifestyles !"

And from that, A and B understood and dropped even more Blackpills :

A - "Girls used to think they deserved their BF, but it's not the case anymore, I can even see that my GF does not really respect me"

B - "As a lawyer, I can tell you that girls studying/working in law never have BFs in that field, they prefer cops or firemen."

A - "A long time ago, men could cheat and their wifes would still remain with them, now it's the opposite."

B - "I know a doctor who had a lawyer GF, she dropped him for a fireman"

A - "No matter how hard you work and how high your studies or job are, it does not mean anything for girls today."

And it goes on and on.

Then we went out of the bar, and A delivered the most brutal Blackpill to me : "You see VictoryOrDeath, now you are 2x, from let's say age 15, during [2x - 15] years you were hoping that it would get better. But it does not get better."

I was so pissed off to be reminded of the permanency of my incel status so brutally, not by incels.is but by a friend wich was still much more successful with foids than I would ever, than later I asked him : "But A, now you have a girlfriend, why do YOU keep telling us that it's doomed with girls ?"

His answer : "Now, I don't get any indication of interest from any girl. Having a GF used to increase girls' interest. Even that does not work anymore. So if my GF drops me...."

When we left, I said "I think we can conclude this evening by : It's over"
And they both smiled and replied : "Yeah, I guess so."
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Everyone is blackpilled deep down.
there is a little incel in each and every one of us
You didn’t blackpill them girls did
I have to say, of all the bluepill lies, the worst one is “things will get better when you get older”. I’m almost 40 and I can assure every young incel that THINGS DO NOT GET BETTER.
I have to say, of all the bluepill lies, the worst one is “things will get better when you get older”. I’m almost 40 and I can assure every young incel that THINGS DO NOT GET BETTER.

Now I know that. So sorry for you as well dude
You didnt even blackpill them you redpilled them because you didnt talk about looks being the main reason for not getting laid.
Good post. Men of our age who actually interact with women, particularly if they're non-Chads, probably get at least some aspects of the blackpill intuitively. It's not like you have to read manosphere or inceldom websites to get this shit, all you have to do is date or try to date in The Current Year. It's good that you have friends who are willing to acknowledge these kinds of obvious truths.
You didnt even blackpill them you redpilled them because you didnt talk about looks being the main reason for not getting laid.

I actually tried with B, but he replied that I was not ugly :chad:. But I reminded him of my incel status and said that it seemingly was not enough for girls. He could not have the time to reply because A went back from the WC and we went on with the former conversation

Good post. Men of our age who actually interact with women, particularly if they're non-Chads, probably get at least some aspects of the blackpill intuitively. It's not like you have to read manosphere or inceldom websites to get this shit, all you have to do is date or try to date in The Current Year. It's good that you have friends who are willing to acknowledge these kinds of obvious truths.

Thanks bro, your post is unfortunately full of truth
Shit, I still have a hard time working because of the :blackpill: exposed here
just policemaxx or firemanmaxx
I have to say, of all the bluepill lies, the worst one is “things will get better when you get older”. I’m almost 40 and I can assure every young incel that THINGS DO NOT GET BETTER.
I won’t make that mistake
Wish i had the attention span to read this
Everyone knows looks matter, issue is they don't want to fully accept it to look like good persons.
I have to say, of all the bluepill lies, the worst one is “things will get better when you get older”. I’m almost 40 and I can assure every young incel that THINGS DO NOT GET BETTER.

Situation is worsening every year. Hypergamy keeps escalating. Guys who do Chadfishing will tell you they need to use more and more gigas every year just to get matches. Women have gone insane and are going to take all of human civilization down just because they all want a male model.
Literally women and beta males have DESTROYED society. Say goodbye birthrate, the West will become like Japan in 20 years
Situation is worsening every year. Hypergamy keeps escalating. Guys who do Chadfishing will tell you they need to use more and more gigas every year just to get matches. Women have gone insane and are going to take all of human civilization down just because they all want a male model.
It is indeed over
nice post OP. You are a truecel
This wasn't much of blackpill. If you really think females give a shit if you're a cop or fireman or lawyer, you're not blackpilled.

Sounds like A only noted his GF doesn't respect him and has learned that he's weak betabux. Which is more being blackpilled by his cunt than you, tbh.
Sounds like a classic man talk. Be glad you have friends like that. Good friends are hard to come by
Situation is worsening every year. Hypergamy keeps escalating. Guys who do Chadfishing will tell you they need to use more and more gigas every year just to get matches. Women have gone insane and are going to take all of human civilization down just because they all want a male model.
It's crazy how fast hypergamy is increasing these days.
Probably due to the widespread use of internet and social media.
I've seen guys that had girlfriends about 5 years ago become completely forever alone now.
Less and less guys seem to be in relationships or get pussy
This wasn't much of blackpill. If you really think females give a shit if you're a cop or fireman or lawyer, you're not blackpilled.

Sounds like A only noted his GF doesn't respect him and has learned that he's weak betabux. Which is more being blackpilled by his cunt than you, tbh.

Yeah indeed the entire topic should more about how I discovered that even my friends were blackpilled

Sounds like a classic man talk. Be glad you have friends like that. Good friends are hard to come by

Thanks bro, nice to hear that

It's crazy how fast hypergamy is increasing these days.
Probably due to the widespread use of internet and social media.
I've seen guys that had girlfriends about 5 years ago become completely forever alone now.
Less and less guys seem to be in relationships or get pussy

High IQ
Yes, yes. Spread the blackpill like the bees spreads the pollen for new flower. From there a new world will grow not giving any space on the ground for the bluepilled weeds forto grow
LOL I wish I could talk about my beliefs to other humans IRL
going to bars with chad friends :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
going to bars with chad friends :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

It was not a bar for dancing and meeting foids, but just to drink a beer and discuss together.
They used to be high-tier normies/Chadlites, now they're getting always closer to incels kek
His looks have probably crashed dramatically over 3 years if he is in the 25-35 bracket, its like an olympic skislope at that age. For men and women.

Even worse it co-incides with the Tinder Armageddon of the dating scene, which by 2019 is basically done - there are now special apps better suited for women to hookup with chad and filter out everyone else.
Your soul will be dissolved into the astral chaos unless the light of asexuality provides your soul with definition. Death becomes dirt and most of the ground you stand on is literally a pile of dead, rotted bodies of things that lived, suffered, and died. Sex and reproduction are just coping mechanisms to solace the primitive consciences of souls damned to the accursed affliction of being born into primate flesh walkers in the spiritual hell of chaos, matter, mortality, and genetic hierarchical tyranny.
Your soul will be dissolved into the astral chaos unless the light of asexuality provides your soul with definition. Death becomes dirt and most of the ground you stand on is literally a pile of dead, rotted bodies of things that lived, suffered, and died. Sex and reproduction are just coping mechanisms to solace the primitive consciences of souls damned to the accursed affliction of being born into primate flesh walkers in the spiritual hell of chaos, matter, mortality, and genetic hierarchical tyranny.

high iq
Your soul will be dissolved into the astral chaos unless the light of asexuality provides your soul with definition. Death becomes dirt and most of the ground you stand on is literally a pile of dead, rotted bodies of things that lived, suffered, and died. Sex and reproduction are just coping mechanisms to solace the primitive consciences of souls damned to the accursed affliction of being born into primate flesh walkers in the spiritual hell of chaos, matter, mortality, and genetic hierarchical tyranny.
His looks have probably crashed dramatically over 3 years if he is in the 25-35 bracket, its like an olympic skislope at that age. For men and women.

Even worse it co-incides with the Tinder Armageddon of the dating scene, which by 2019 is basically done - there are now special apps better suited for women to hookup with chad and filter out everyone else.
His looks have probably crashed dramatically over 3 years if he is in the 25-35 bracket, its like an olympic skislope at that age. For men and women.


brutal agepill
It's crazy how fast hypergamy is increasing these days.
Probably due to the widespread use of internet and social media.
I've seen guys that had girlfriends about 5 years ago become completely forever alone now.
Less and less guys seem to be in relationships or get pussy
Damn imagine a gf a few years ago and then never being able to get one again thinking there is something wrong with you the whole time. This social media shit along with female empowerment has got to go.
Damn imagine a gf a few years ago and then never being able to get one again thinking there is something wrong with you the whole time. This social media shit along with female empowerment has got to go.
Never try to do it i tried didnt failed but nor gained anything. let them be.

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