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I think Masturbation is pathetic



"Just take a shower and get a haircut"
Apr 24, 2018
I am quitting masturbation and I am going to stop fantasizing about these femoids who do not give a crap about me. I think its kind of pathetic, I am going to have some self dignity and stop thinking about femoids once and for all.
Same, but I cannot stop doing it.
Only days I don't masturbate is when I am way more depressed than usual.
Try it on weed. Feels twice as good.
Try it on weed. Feels twice as good.

Oh I know, I was like addicted for two years smoking weed just to watch porn. Was extremely intense. But again I find it kind of pathetic now, the only reason I do not smoke is cause I know ill end up jerking off for an hour to a porn video
You go boy ! NoFap starts now ! 30 more days of nofap and ur life will improve.
Go on NoFap for a month.
I dont expect it to improve my life, but just knowing I am not fantasizing about femoids will give me some more dignity
Quit western porn and fap to hentai and jav
I actually think that nofap doesnt improve life, it just give you energy to change your life and improve by yourself. But as incel, you know there is no point in it, so its better maybe to try noporn rather nofap
Yes porn and masurbation is pathetic. NOFAP baby!
no fap for over 2 weeks and i feel good
I relapsed last night. And earlier this week, I relapsed 6 times in one night.
Denying yourself the one pleasure as unlovable genetic trash just lol
I am quitting masturbation and I am going to stop fantasizing about these femoids who do not give a crap about me. I think its kind of pathetic, I am going to have some self dignity and stop thinking about femoids once and for all.

JFL @ no logic incels.

Whats more pathetic:
1. Not being sexually desirable enough to get laid on a consistent basis
2. Masturbation

The obvious answer is #1, well guess what morons, were already at point #1, so instead of stopping masturbation for the sake of not masturbating WHILE STILL REMAINING PATHETIC, how about you try and get laid and let that be your means of stopping, and if you can't get laid then you simply continue to masturbate.

That sounds like a more logical sequence of actions than to simply stop because you "feel pathetic", if you actually feel pathetic because you masturbate and not because of the reason why you masturbate (can't get laid), then you my friend are a complete fucking retard. #1 should make you feel pathetic, you are skipping a step there moron, don't feel shame for the action, feel shame for failure that caused the action, and if you can't change that failure into a success, maybe you should just enjoy that action for a little while more.

Denying yourself the one pleasure as unlovable genetic trash just lol
This, these no fap retards always confuse me
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Pretty much self cucking
Pretty much self cucking

Yup it is self cucking "Oh I wish that was me oh fap fap fap" sorry but its fucking pathetic. I agree with the early 1900s people, fapping is weird
I want to have self disipline and self mastery. I think If i can quit fapping I can do anything (maybe)
JFL @ no logic incels.

Whats more pathetic:
1. Not being sexually desirable enough to get laid on a consistent basis
2. Masturbation

The obvious answer is #1, well guess what morons, were already at point #1, so instead of stopping masturbation for the sake of not masturbating WHILE STILL REMAINING PATHETIC, how about you try and get laid and let that be your means of stopping, and if you can't get laid then you simply continue to masturbate.

That sounds like a more logical sequence of actions than to simply stop because you "feel pathetic", if you actually feel pathetic because you masturbate and not because of the reason why you masturbate (can't get laid), then you my friend are a complete fucking retard. #1 should make you feel pathetic, you are skipping a step there moron, don't feel shame for the action, feel shame for failure that caused the action, and if you can't change that failure into a success, maybe you should just enjoy that action for a little while more.

This, these no fap retards always confuse me

Sounds like you are addicted and get very angry when other people want to stop. Like why else would you give a shit?
I don’t fucking care. I’m never going to get laid or see pussy IRL besides the one time I saw my moms. It’s over. I will continue to jack off once a day, now piss off.
Denying yourself the one pleasure as unlovable genetic trash just lol
The goal of life is not "pleasure". And it could be argued that "pleasure" actually reduces our ability to be happy.

The difference between pleasure and happiness is basically an issue of time. Pleasure lasts only seconds (and in the case of solitary sex, is often intertwined with negative emotions), while happiness lasts far longer and does not need constant replenishing.

Masturbation had been condemned for thousands of years in the West, first by Judeo-Christian morals and then by medical doctors, for good reasons. Only a fool thinks that the parameters have changed. The only parameter that has changed is that now, according to mainstream media, you are free to do whatever you want. Of course they tell you this: they're not the one dealing with the consequences, and sex sells.
Tbh not masturbating just gives you more time to do other stuff ya know?
Enjoy your blue balls, I'll keep fapping.
Enjoy your blue balls, I'll keep fapping.
Blue balls don't exist. And stop using modern euphemisms like "fapping" to describe the degenerate, heinous act of onanism/masturbation.
Masturbation is the only thing keeping me away from raping some passed out slut on a bar
Like thinking about sex 24/7, unless your libido is supressed.
Instead of thinking about stupid cunts all the time I just started doing other shit like reading or playing videogames.
fuck nofap

I just broke my nofap streak of 1 month this morning and it felt too good for me to be depriving myself. Its not like nofap is gonna change my facial bone structure. I'm never doing nofap again tbh
I don’t understand nofap. Why would you even torture yourself like that? The only reason not to is to prevent ED.
i think breathing is pathetic
fuck nofap

I just broke my nofap streak of 1 month this morning and it felt too good for me to be depriving myself.
You sound like a heroin addict who just relapsed and tries to justify his weakness. Nothing in your behavior or your words is commendable.
You sound like a heroin addict who just relapsed and tries to justify his weakness. Nothing in your behavior or your words is commendable.
keep coping with your nofap just lol

youre still an ugly virgin(If youre not a fakecel) whether or not you touch your dick or not.
fuck nofap

I just broke my nofap streak of 1 month this morning and it felt too good for me to be depriving myself. Its not like nofap is gonna change my facial bone structure. I'm never doing nofap again tbh
Be strong, brother, resist the worldly urges.
You sound like a heroin addict who just relapsed and tries to justify his weakness. Nothing in your behavior or your words is commendable.
The high and mighty nofapcels :feelsgah: You made the conscious decision to supress your sex drive, don't make it a bigger deal than it is.
Sounds like you are addicted and get very angry when other people want to stop. Like why else would you give a shit?

If once a day, sometimes once every two days is an addiction then I don't know what to tell you, most of the guys that say they are going on no fap are like "3 to 6 times every day", I think its them that lack self control and ironically that's why they need no fap, they can't "self regulate".

Things that are illogical anger me period, especially when its men doing it because I can "see myself" in other men, it almost feels like trying to stop myself from doing something stupid. It would be no different than if I saw a rich blue pilled guy who was about to propose to a known gold digger, I would be arguing with him the same way I'm arguing here. Now if we applied your logic I'd just be mad because he's getting married and I just want him to stop because I'm angry about that.

Whats the point of spreading the black pill then, or trying to convert blue pillers, by your logic were just trying to get them to stop because were angry right?. It has nothing to do with being angered and confused by idiocy or something illogical and feeling the need to correct it.

The goal of life is not "pleasure". And it could be argued that "pleasure" actually reduces our ability to be happy.

Look at picture below, you literally sound this retarded:
Retard Logic

"If you stimulate your brains pleasure centers, you aren't happy"

My God its either you have to be an idiot to even take part in nofap or nofap itself affects your brain in some way and makes you an idiot, maybe its both, and you morons spiral down endlessly into further idiocy.
how, ur dik must've been sore
My balls did hurt during my 6th time. I think I did it in 2.5 hours time, maybe 3. I don't remember. But, my record is 7 times in 2 hours.
Think of females as just flesh for your pleasure and problem solved. Stop watching cuck porn where they treat the woman decently and give them pleasure.
I don't get nofap, I only have motivation after fapping.
Think of females as just flesh for your pleasure and problem solved. Stop watching cuck porn where they treat the woman decently and give them pleasure.
What about guys with big dicks who doesnt care about pleasuring women but those still moan from it?
What about guys with big dicks who doesnt care about pleasuring women but those still moan from it?
Well, the catch is that women are masochists so treating them like shit in bed will most likely give them pleasure anyway. But at least they're only thinking about their own pleasure, so it's ok.
Addiction is hard to beat
If that's your thing, good for you. Hope you succeed. I think the pseudo-science of nofap is stupid, but you didn't cite that as your reason to quit. If dudes jack it hours and hours daily, that's their thing. If they feel a compulsion to do it despite negative consequences, then they're addicted to it.

I look at porn and fap daily. I do it because I need to release all my sexual energy and frustration. If I don't I'm even more angry and miserable than I normally am. Plus, I honestly think I might rape some bitch if I didn't. I like violent porn where she doesn't like it, but there's not much of it out there, so I still fap to more mainstream porn. Yeah, I am fantasizing about me being the one to fuck the femoid with my big dick and that might be lame but my balls will explode if I don't jack off at least once a day. But that's me. Whatever gets any of us through the day is okay with me and I try not to judge other incels for their thing when it comes to PMO.
my balls will explode if I don't jack off at least once a day. But that's me. Whatever gets any of us through the day is okay with me and I try not to judge other incels for their thing when it comes to PMO.

I think that makes sense. Not trying to convince you or anything but at least for me the first 2 weeks are just like that, more sexually fusterated and irritable. But eventually as long as you dont entertain that thought you become kind of A-sexual in a way where you just dont think about it anymore because you end up doing things and thinking of other things to do just to avoid the urge to jerk off and it becomes more of a habit. So I become sort of A sexual where I dont really care about sex, but thats after the really tough hump of it intensifying for a couple weeks.

When I fap off to get rid of urges, they come back within an hour or two. I want them gone permanently. I managed that a couple years ago for 45 days. But for some stupid god for saken reason I thought itd be a ok to smoke a little weed. Well I fapped to porn never been able to make it past that 2 week hump again. But trying hard now
Low IQ thread.

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