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i think I could;ve gotten like 70% of my crushes if I was NT



Jan 1, 2018
I'm just a fucking aspie and high inhibition.
Even if I was NT I still wouldn't get a gf because I look like a fucking skeleton
Yoyo said:
Even if I was NT I still wouldn't get a gf because I look like a fucking skeleton

im ugly too but most of my oneitises are ethnicels who date ugly guys.
Then GTFO off this forum. Go to a social skills sub, go too the redpill sub and learn how to talk to woman.
Nautica1983 said:
Then GTFO off this forum. Go to a social skills sub, go too the redpill sub and learn how to talk to woman.

i have legit autism. I can't socialize at all.
imbored21 said:
i have legit autism. I can't socialize at all.

Diagnosed or self diagnosed?
Nautica1983 said:
Diagnosed or self diagnosed?

self diagnosed. I've been around people my whole life and still can't say anything other than 1 word answers. It's not even inhibition anyore. I'm just a fucking aspie.
Nautica1983 said:
imbored21 said:
i have legit autism. I can't socialize at all.
Diagnosed or self diagnosed?
look i don't need some dumbass and his fancy learning to tell me I'm a FUCKING RETARD
I already know that, it doesnt take 4 years at Yale and 100$/ an hour to understand that Verstandlich?
Same here. I just cant function in a social enviroment.

This. If you are self diagnosed than its not legit. If it was legit than all those teens that are "depressed" would be too, you are just introverted and maybe just socially retarded
imbored21 said:

Obviously not if you believe you could get 70% of your crushes if you were NT. I am NT and I've gotten 0% of my crushes.
imbored21 said:
self diagnosed. I've been around people my whole life and still can't say anything other than 1 word answers. It's not even inhibition anyore. I'm just a fucking aspie.

It's over.
this forum isnt going to help with that. This forum is for people who have given up and realized its over. GTFO if you had chances and hire a coach or some shit.
You're coping hard dude. If you were attractive but NT you wouldnt be 25212-0 on Tinder.
Honestly being NT is your only hope if you're sub6. sub4 women will take a looksmatch + 2 if NT. If not NT and sub6, literally no hope.
ropecel said:
Honestly being NT is your only hope if you're sub6. sub4 women will take a looksmatch + 2 if NT. If not NT and sub6, literally no hope.

well said
Same here, a beta aspie created by a too old mother birthing me, which is known to lead to beta aspie qualities.All the while children born from chad pump and dumps when they are younger create dominant chads. She did me the ultimate cruelty. As far as lookism goes, most supposed facecels are just iqcel retards or fatboys anyway.
are u ugly = yes = its over
are you ugly = no = its not over, start slaying
I wouldn’t have 99.9 percent of the problems I have if I wasn’t autistic.
If you still think social skills matter, then you still don't get it buddy boyo.

It doesn't matter what Chad says on tinder. It doesn't matter what Chad does on a date. The women are still interested. You can sit there discussing facial aesthetics and why gymcelling is a waste of time with a woman if you're a Chad to her. You can talk about how you don't have any friends and don't really want any either. You can talk about how you believe wagecucking is for losers and you'd prefer to be a bum who has free time. IT DOESN'T MATTER.

You've won or lost on the date the moment the woman sees your face.
itsOVER said:
If you still think social skills matter, then you still don't get it buddy boyo.

It doesn't matter what Chad says on tinder. It doesn't matter what Chad does on a date. The women are still interested. You can sit there discussing facial aesthetics and why gymcelling is a waste of time with a woman if you're a Chad to her. You can talk about how you don't have any friends and don't really want any either. You can talk about how you believe wagecucking is for losers and you'd prefer to be a bum who has free time. IT DOESN'T MATTER.

You've won or lost on the date the moment the woman sees your face.

Just because chad doesnt need to be nt does t mean being nt cant help you
Either you're coping or you're a fakecel who shouldn't be here.

Which one is it, op?
itsOVER said:
If you still think social skills matter, then you still don't get it buddy boyo.

It doesn't matter what Chad says on tinder. It doesn't matter what Chad does on a date. The women are still interested. You can sit there discussing facial aesthetics and why gymcelling is a waste of time with a woman if you're a Chad to her. You can talk about how you don't have any friends and don't really want any either. You can talk about how you believe wagecucking is for losers and you'd prefer to be a bum who has free time. IT DOESN'T MATTER.

You've won or lost on the date the moment the woman sees your face.

lol do u talk about this with thai girls? whats the typical reaction?
BlackpilledTruecel said:
lol do u talk about this with thai girls? whats the typical reaction?

Yep, they've typically being my main conversation topics.

Most were laughing, smiling etc. The ones that weren't had no interest right from the start (I.e they saw my FACE).

The blackpill is liberating in that way. You know there's nothing you can do to change the outcome so it doesn't even matter what you do or say. Normies go home after a bad date and beat themselves up over not having enough 'game'.
itsOVER said:
Yep, they've typically being my main conversation topics.

Most were laughing, smiling etc. The ones that weren't had no interest right from the start (I.e they saw my FACE).

The blackpill is liberating in that way. You know there's nothing you can do to change the outcome so it doesn't even matter what you do or say. Normies go home after a bad date and beat themselves up over not having enough 'game'.

whenever i encounter a female online ill usually talk about blackpill stuff too, havent ever done it irl tho except mentioning im deformed to my mom or something. lmao i cant wait to be chad tier in SEA
You're not incel as a result of you not being NT. You are not NT because you are incel=ugly/manlet.
Cope, your tinder matches say otherwise. Jfl at being 0 for 20000 and claiming your issue is being not NT
Cope, your tinder matches say otherwise. Jfl at being 0 for 20000 and claiming your issue is being not NT
I feel like that pic is fake
I haven't had many crushes honestly. I don't like being rejected.

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