Yes it will.
But of course I am not delusional, I know it won't change my face dramatically, it will be a minor adjustment at best, maybe it will bring me up 1 SMV point if I'm lucky, I'm not counting on more.
This is merely part of the compounding changes I am making. I think the far more pressing problem is my hair or the lack of it. I have severe receding hairline, basically non-existent anymore. Hair is life like Hamudi says, this makes me look so much worse. I will solve this by micropigmentation 'surgery'. It's not really a surgery just a long ass process of people inserting ink into your head to make it look like you got a full head of hair just shaved. I have also considered hair transplant but ruled against it, because one it will take up to 18 months to properly grow and two it's inconsistent as fuck. Hair system is also a hard no for me, I would worry about it 24/7 looking fake.
Aside from that, I will wear coloured contacts and go down to a very low body fat %.
All of this together will hopefully be enough to uplift my truecel status. All I want is to be a normie.
Maybe I'll release it here one day. I have already left so much personal info here that if somebody really wanted to, they could probably doxx me if they haven't already. It's not that I really care if people discover who I really am, but it will cause me problems, might as well try to avoid it.
I'll probably post it eventually.
If it's not then there is no point to continue in this life. I have already got a taste of what life of an ugly man is. It is not worth it. If I can't ascend after all this surgeries and changes, I might as well call it quits and I am deadly serious about it. I can't be bothered to deal with this life as a sexless loser anymore, it just ain't worth it buddy boyo...