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Story I started an anti-sexual cult in middle school



mentally crippled by sleepoverless teen years
May 27, 2018
Note: By "middle school" I mean Polish "gimnazjum" where children between the ages of 13 and 16 were (the system changed a few years ago) taught.

My recall of my past is very limited. It's probably a defense mechanism, because I'd die of cringe otherwise. Sometimes I randomly remember something and today it was my short-lived anti-sexual "cult" which I started in middle school.

As you may remember from my previous posts, I've been hating the concept of sex, both the act and the human sub-category (i. e. gender), ever since I'd learned about it. It makes little sense when you consider that my parents were very liberal (for 00s Poland standards) and sex-positive, but perhaps it was my way of rebelling against them or I just was high IQ for my age and realized some facts of life very early on.

I started the cult around the beginning of middle school. My middle school class was mostly children with whom I attended elementary school (I lived in a small/middle-sized town, so transferring a whole class like that was popular). I think I made it in reaction to the changes I saw around me, i. e. boys hitting puberty and becoming detestable simps who abandoned their male friends for a promise of pussy. :feelsUgh:

The entire thing lasted less than one year, about one semester (4/5 months). I've never really had friends, but there were a few other losers with whom I sometimes talked during breaks. 2 of them and me were the core of the cult and there was also one ultra-religious guy (who seemed to try to be my friend, but his religiousness was annoying, he only wanted to "befriend" me to convert me to Catholicism/Christianity) who had some interest in it and a girl (who was friends with that religious guy and we knew each other from kindergarten where we were friends, but she became degenerate when puberty hit :feelsUgh:) who also sometimes talked with us about it.

In some ways I independently invented some SJW ideas which I had no way of learning about, because it was a Polish town in 00s, where the limits of tolerance was allowing homos to live. :feelshaha: The cult postulated complete abolishment of sexual distinction in culture, treatment and preferably eventually even on biological level. I coined the phrase "sexual Apartheid", describing situations where genders are separated, like sports or toilets. I considered gender an obstacle in the unification of mankind (at that time I was learning Esperanto and was really into unifying mankind). I advocated for gender-neutral language like calling people "person" or "human" instead of "man" or "woman" (and saying "this person" instead of "he" and "she").

Since the source of all this stuff was sexual dimorphism and sexuality (i. e. sexual acts) itself I considered disgusting, it was a major part of the cult. This is the part where it gets really cultish and I became more radical in this regard as time went on, eventually ending the "cult". I started with "sex only for procreation" approach, but later discouraged any form of sex, instead advocating in-vitro fertilization. I discouraged masturbation or even sexual thoughts and even perceiving someone as "a girl" instead of "a human" was considered "sexual". Of course, on this basis I rejected relationships, because if you wouldn't do it with a same-sex friend, you shouldn't do it with someone of different gender (at the time I started learning about communism and discovered the idea of communal upbringing of children). I made a pact with these two other losers to stay virgin (not counting in-vitro fertilization) forever.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was me advocating to boycott (shun) anyone engaging in "sexualism" like having relationships or accepting having sex as an option. Even the losers claimed I was weird and stopped talking to me (and started simping for foids). The religious guy and the foid were kinda on the side and not present for my more extremist phrase, so they kept talking to me. Fortunately they haven't told any adult or anything (well, we didn't do anything illegal, but I can see this being categorized as dangerous behavior :feelskek:).

Anyway, that's a nice blast from the past. I guess I underestimate my autism sometimes, because this was quite a period. :feelshaha: I guess I cursed myself into inceldom with that virginity pact. :worryfeels:
That was quite a read.

I was a vigorous masturbator at those ages. :feelskek:
Note: By "middle school" I mean Polish "gimnazjum" where children between the ages of 13 and 16 were (the system changed a few years ago) taught.

My recall of my past is very limited. It's probably a defense mechanism, because I'd die of cringe otherwise. Sometimes I randomly remember something and today it was my short-lived anti-sexual "cult" which I started in middle school.

As you may remember from my previous posts, I've been hating the concept of sex, both the act and the human sub-category (i. e. gender), ever since I'd learned about it. It makes little sense when you consider that my parents were very liberal (for 00s Poland standards) and sex-positive, but perhaps it was my way of rebelling against them or I just was high IQ for my age and realized some facts of life very early on.

I started the cult around the beginning of middle school. My middle school class was mostly children with whom I attended elementary school (I lived in a small/middle-sized town, so transferring a whole class like that was popular). I think I made it in reaction to the changes I saw around me, i. e. boys hitting puberty and becoming detestable simps who abandoned their male friends for a promise of pussy. :feelsUgh:

The entire thing lasted less than one year, about one semester (4/5 months). I've never really had friends, but there were a few other losers with whom I sometimes talked during breaks. 2 of them and me were the core of the cult and there was also one ultra-religious guy (who seemed to try to be my friend, but his religiousness was annoying, he only wanted to "befriend" me to convert me to Catholicism/Christianity) who had some interest in it and a girl (who was friends with that religious guy and we knew each other from kindergarten where we were friends, but she became degenerate when puberty hit :feelsUgh:) who also sometimes talked with us about it.

In some ways I independently invented some SJW ideas which I had no way of learning about, because it was a Polish town in 00s, where the limits of tolerance was allowing homos to live. :feelshaha: The cult postulated complete abolishment of sexual distinction in culture, treatment and preferably eventually even on biological level. I coined the phrase "sexual Apartheid", describing situations where genders are separated, like sports or toilets. I considered gender an obstacle in the unification of mankind (at that time I was learning Esperanto and was really into unifying mankind). I advocated for gender-neutral language like calling people "person" or "human" instead of "man" or "woman" (and saying "this person" instead of "he" and "she").

Since the source of all this stuff was sexual dimorphism and sexuality (i. e. sexual acts) itself I considered disgusting, it was a major part of the cult. This is the part where it gets really cultish and I became more radical in this regard as time went on, eventually ending the "cult". I started with "sex only for procreation" approach, but later discouraged any form of sex, instead advocating in-vitro fertilization. I discouraged masturbation or even sexual thoughts and even perceiving someone as "a girl" instead of "a human" was considered "sexual". Of course, on this basis I rejected relationships, because if you wouldn't do it with a same-sex friend, you shouldn't do it with someone of different gender (at the time I started learning about communism and discovered the idea of communal upbringing of children). I made a pact with these two other losers to stay virgin (not counting in-vitro fertilization) forever.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was me advocating to boycott (shun) anyone engaging in "sexualism" like having relationships or accepting having sex as an option. Even the losers claimed I was weird and stopped talking to me (and started simping for foids). The religious guy and the foid were kinda on the side and not present for my more extremist phrase, so they kept talking to me. Fortunately they haven't told any adult or anything (well, we didn't do anything illegal, but I can see this being categorized as dangerous behavior :feelskek:).

Anyway, that's a nice blast from the past. I guess I underestimate my autism sometimes, because this was quite a period. :feelshaha: I guess I cursed myself into inceldom with that virginity pact. :worryfeels:
You should've had grandER ambitions like resurrecting the nationalist governments of Europe.:feelsdevil:
Be the leader that heads change according to his will and strikes fear to all his enemies.
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:feelsUnreal:WTF. You fucked your teen years, because of a bullshit mentality...
Carry on the cult. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: Make it a cult of one. :feelsthink: Instead of relying on other people to tell you how to be, think and research yourself about how the world is and how you could possibly change it for the better.
It's over because I'm mogged
Innymi słowy zacząłeś gej-klub? :feelshaha:
Is this true? Kurwa :feelshaha: I also did some edgy cringe shit in school but I always shut my mouth about sexuality.

But your cult isn't over, you found like minded people here
Based genderless utopia for eunuchs
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Holy based thread and memory from one of the OG Slavcels:feelzez::feelzez::feelsokman::feelsokman:.
I started the cult around the beginning of middle school. My middle school class was mostly children with whom I attended elementary school (I lived in a small/middle-sized town, so transferring a whole class like that was popular). I think I made it in reaction to the changes I saw around me, i. e. boys hitting puberty and becoming detestable simps who abandoned their male friends for a promise of pussy.
This is something I deeply sympathize with. I saw friends that were together since they could walk back stab each other for a foid who wasn't interested in them. It was the most enraging thing imaginable, and still is. I can't stand seeing that shit happen, and it forms a core part of why I think females must be replaced and eliminated for there to be peace in society. They exist solely to create male competition.

As far as the anti-sex cult, I had a small group in elementary school that I was apart of when I was 7-9 that was exclusively a boys only club. Foid teachers intervened after some of the girls tried to pull the proto-chads and chadlites away late in the last part of my elementary school time. They chastised us for not allowing girls to "join" (girls had their own little group they ran, and obviously there was no issue with this). I even asked why the girls were allowed to have a club but the boys weren't. Foid teachers ignored me and forced us to accept the foids in. The dynamics changed and girls quickly began to choose who was "cool" and who wasn't. Prior to this, social status was decided by how funny you were or the kinds of dumb bullshit you could get into. By sixth grade, puberty was in full swing and everything revolved around girls, ruining so many previously strong friendships. Guys like me (ugly/low status) were left behind with the other losers to aimlessly wander through school alone. It really made me hate females, not even factoring in the sexual failures.
So you confused "sex" with "sexual". Thus somehow transMOGrifying an abstinence cult into a gender abolutionist cult.

Man, I don't know how anyone survives childhood without friends. 0-12 were the only happy years of my life and I can't imagine how mentally fucked I'd be without them.
Pretty similar for me in middle school. I was not anti sex or ideologically pan per se, but the simping and toxic sexism kind of broke my brain (and soul). I had only one friend in a different school class though and got bullied as "homo" for not being a heteronormative orang utan. That totally ruined me tbh.

1) Sexually awakening totally changes one's personality
2 ) Foid self comodification is one of the main reasons, why we can't have peace (and sth like communism)
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The blackpill is the truth :blackpill:

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