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I said the n word in front of a white girl and now she hates me.

Don't fucking do that, you idiot. Even if you had a chance, you lost it when you did that. You don't think about her when she's not around, ever. It's harmful to you, and it is a major goal for women.
I haven’t talked to any foid in a couple of months. haven’t shown her attention or talked to her even once. She doesn’t know that I have thought of her at all. I know it’s harmful but I am a youngcel and not all my hope has died away yet.
I get confused for sand most of the time but a couple people have thought I was curry.

No, is it what I write or how I write that makes it seem that way?
Paki then
The white bitch in deniable you hurt her feel cause she know shes a bbc beliver and sexhavor foids are nothing but coping whores
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
She is secretly fucking a nigger , you should double down and call her a nigger loving whore.
She didn't like a currynigger like you insult her BBC Gods.
>I fucking liked her too
Ah, that's fucking too bad. Your chances plummeted from zero to zero.
Why do you care?
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
she would of loved it if you were chad
dnr (die niger retared)
She doesn’t know that I have thought of her at all.
Not the point. It is inherently harmful to you to fantasize about women.
I am a youngcel and not all my hope has died away yet.
You know who loses his house at the casino? The guy who had hope of winning. We're conditioned to think of "hopeless" as a bad word, but every scam in the book depends on you having hope in the wrong things.
Brutal she is probably had sexual experience with niggers and you had fantasies of being with a sloppy second. Why do people always worship the white girl on here like one of the worst female demographics stereotyped to do the most degenerate shit, then get surprised she does degenerate behavior. I don't get it. The white girl is no different from the rest, your Aryan love dream fantasy will always get crushed by a dog, a horse, and or a nigger. They were the demographic with a more broadened dick pallette. Not even black ghetto females are this bad.
Say it to her face again.
Make that woke sjw whore afraid of you some unfiltered racism more dark than her coffee should do it.
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
If it makes you feel any better - she didn't feel anything toward you, otherwise she'd probably try to do something, anything to include you in her fucked-up friend circle. Your fantasy was just that - a fantasy. Never would have happened.

As fucked up as that sounds, it means that you never really ruined anything. At best she'll bitch at you from now on, simply ignore that entitled, virtue-signaling meat toilet. She's trying to be seen as sooo educated and empathetic to boost her social standing. If she likes her niggers so much, she can always just live with them in their mud huts over at the African continent.

Or maybe she's a coal burner lmfao, even less of a reason to fantasize about that bitch being your wife, brocel.
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
lol at her saying you’re a “whiny little dick” this is legitimately the only way women are able to insult men, every time. Notice she be didn’t say you were wrong or explain how you were incorrect.

Women like this are usually idiots who don’t think for themselves and are just deferring to what they’ve been programmed top down to see as unacceptable behavior — women like this should be left on the street in the ghetto for three days and I can assure you they’ll understand why people starting use racial slurs to describe some of these people.

Also I guarantee you 1000% if there was a black guy at your table who called white people cracker hillbilly Mayo monkeys she wouldn’t even bat and eye and would probably go post on social media about how “white people have wronged this noble fellow, he explained it all today at lunch”.

Social media absolutely destroyed women and turned everything in life into virtue signaling and consolidating “appropriate thought” and making “wrong think” concrete in their brains. They don’t even know why people are critical towards some groups and it’s like the concept of on average trends and differences between groups alludes their understanding entirely.
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She probably fuck niggers, nasty
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
What a cunt beat her
Don't say slurs in front of toilets if you don't want them to dislike you
If chad said nigger, she'd suck his dick
Most of the time its your looks but this time it could be because you're unhinged and lowkey racist
Never back down always give up don't let a bitch change your swag MY NIGGA.
What context did you say it in?

Fuck her, who cares.


I hate women
There’s this cute white girl who’s friends with all of my “friends” except me JFL. She sat with us for some reason one day and me being the autist I am didn’t give a fuck and said nigger a bunch of times. A couple of days later she messaged my friend and told him that I shouldn’t say nigger and I am a whiny little dick for saying it. I fucking liked her too why am I so low inhib except when it comes to girls fuck my life fuck me i want to rope so bad :feelsrope::feelsrope:. I had created a whole fantasy with her about getting married and having kids and growing old and now i fucking ruined it why do I have to be so subhuman:feelsree::reeeeee:
Chad calls her probably his nigga-slut while he's fucking her hard.

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