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I predict "I'm incel despite BLANK" threads will be outright banned in the future.

  • Thread starter FrothySolutions
  • Start date


Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
Why? Because the rating thread was banned. It meant well, but it caused too much controversy.

The priority here on Incels.co has always been keeping the peace. And like the rating thread, these "I'm tall but I'm incel" or "I have a big dick but I'm incel" threads always invite controversy. The argument is that they're brag threads. And why shouldn't they be considered brag threads? Why do you feel the need to tell us you have a big dick? Some say "It's not brag unless you're saying it's a good thing. It's one thing to say you have a big dick, it's another to say you have an 'ideal' dick. The difference in phrasing implies that your dick is good." But I argue that "I'm incel despite BLANK" threads do imply that whatever quality you have is good. Because what you're saying is "One would think I shouldn't be incel because I have this good thing."

I understand some people, like @JeffGoldblumInTheFly, do it as rebuttal to perceived gatekeeping. They feel like someone's telling them they don't belong. Fair enough. Let's have no gatekeeping either. God damn it, the US Military had a perfectly fine solution for this: Don't Ask, Don't Tell. We apply that same concept here: Don't worry about how "incel" other people might be, just trust that they're incel. And don't feel the need to defend your own inceldom either. We don't need you telling us how you really really tried to get laid despite your big dick and height and everything else. Just nobody talk about it. There's no need.

Every thread I've seen like this recently has been modded. It's only a matter of time before threads like these are clarified to fall under the "No Bragging" rule and banned outright. And frankly, I think it'll be a smart move.
I was shot down for cherrypicking despite not cherrypicking.
So, just be careful.
Let's have no gatekeeping either. God damn it, the US Military had a perfectly fine solution for this: Don't Ask, Don't Tell. We apply that same concept here: Don't worry about how "incel" other people might be, just trust that they're incel.
Femcels and fakecels would just take over and we would become normiefied.
Fuck braggers
I don’t really care about gatekeeping tbh. Everyone has a different reason to why they’re here. Some fakecels are here but eventually they will leave when their time comes. Especially in 2020, where average men have no chance in the dating market unless they have some gigapersonality
Femcels and fakecels would just take over and we would become normiefied.

We already have a rule about no women, so there wouldn't be women. If a man shows up, we have no way of knowing he's a "fakecel" because he wouldn't be bragging about his life. So does it really matter?

Because if we tell someone they don't belong here, they'll make threads about why they do, and surely we've got better things to talk about than who does and doesn't belong here?
and surely we've got better things to talk about than who does and doesn't belong here?
Why not? We should determine who does or doesn't belong here to clean out the fakes.
Why not? We should determine who does or doesn't belong here to clean out the fakes.

We'll never agree on what makes someone a fakecel. You don't want people to announce their height here? Don't give them a reason to. Don't say "Tallfags are fakecels and they should get out" because then they'll have a reason to say "No because I'm 6ft and incel why don't you believe me???"
We'll never agree on what makes someone a fakecel.
Correct. The mods need to step in.
You don't want people to announce their height here? Don't give them a reason to.
Don't say "Tallfags are fakecels and they should get out"
because then they'll have a reason to say "No because I'm 6ft and incel why don't you believe me???"
How does saying tallfags are fakecels give them a reason to announce their height?
Aside of the height discussion, there's other problems: When BlkPillPres joined this forum there was a lot of gatekeeping and he suggested the banning of people who value female validation. The mods disagreed because "it would be too policing". Now, as a result of the mods not gatekeeping, the forum is soy'd up.
Nah bro we need gatekeeping tbh. The whole "dont ask dont tell" shit works in a perfect world, but that's the same thing that happened in r9k and look what happened. No gatekeeping=infiltration. I know for a fact 100% we already have infiltrators from females or soy cucks or chads. I just know that 100%. We need gatekeeping to stop infiltration.

Correct. The mods need to step in.

How does saying tallfags are fakecels give them a reason to announce their height?
Aside of the height discussion, there's other problems: When BlkPillPres joined this forum there was a lot of gatekeeping and he suggested the banning of people who value female validation. The mods disagreed because "it would be too policing". Now, as a result of the mods not gatekeeping, the forum is soy'd up.

Because if you tell someone they're a fakecel or that they don't belong here, they'll defend their legitimacy. As long as the rules say they can be here, they technically have the right to butt back when people say they don't.

Nah bro we need gatekeeping tbh. The whole "dont ask dont tell" shit works in a perfect world, but that's the same thing that happened in r9k and look what happened. No gatekeeping=infiltration. I know for a fact 100% we already have infiltrators from females or soy cucks or chads. I just know that 100%. We need gatekeeping to stop infiltration.

Also, there was never a rule against wanting female validation, just a rule against worship. So these "infiltrators," if all they're doing is saying "I wish a woman liked me," if that was wrong it would get modded for worship.
Also, there was never a rule against wanting female validation, just a rule against worship. So these "infiltrators," if all they're doing is saying "I wish a woman liked me," if that was wrong it would get modded for worship.
I'm not talking about female validation bro. I mean dead serious women, fakecel chads, and soy cucks. Again, no gatekeeping is what r9k did and look at what the fuck is happening to it.
I'm not talking about female validation bro. I mean dead serious women, fakecel chads, and soy cucks. Again, no gatekeeping is what r9k did and look at what the fuck is happening to it.

How would we know if a fakecel or a soy cuck was here if they don't break a rule?
they'll defend their legitimacy.
Can they defend their legitimacy without announcing their height?
Also, there was never a rule against wanting female validation, just a rule against worship. So these "infiltrators," if all they're doing is saying "I wish a woman liked me," if that was wrong it would get modded for worship.
This matter, in fact, was discussed months ago between @mental_out and @BlkPillPres .It was concluded, by @mental_out 's words, that the mods will never ban someone for indirect female worshipping.
Can they defend their legitimacy without announcing their height?

How would they do that? If the accusation is "Anyone here who's tall isn't really incel," how else can they rebut that without saying they themselves are tall and incel?

because people have been caught before

If someone's caught being a fakecel, it's because they bragged. And a "soy cuck" is hard to define, so what makes someone a soy cuck? How do we know we have one if they don't come out and say "I'm a soy cuck?"
How would they do that? If the accusation is "Anyone here who's tall isn't really incel," how else can they rebut that without saying they themselves are tall and incel?
Hmm... the accusation... includes "height>face". So... they defend their legitimacy by trying to debunk "height>face". Can they debunk it without announcing their height?
If someone's caught being a fakecel, it's because they bragged. And a "soy cuck" is hard to define, so what makes someone a soy cuck? How do we know we have one if they don't come out and say "I'm a soy cuck?"
You’re right that it can be a slippery slope, which is why we really need to have a base line. Like if you say females don’t have it easy or females deserve rights or women are empowered etc. idk bro I’m not a high Iq ideologue I just know that no gatekeeping is a way for women chads etc to get in
Hmm... the accusation... includes "height>face". So... they defend their legitimacy by trying to debunk "height>face". Can they debunk it without announcing their height?

Maybe their defense isn't height>face. Maybe they believe tall people can be incel not because it's "less important" than face, but because of the unimportance of height itself.
Maybe their defense isn't height>face. Maybe they believe tall people can be incel not because it's "less important" than face, but because of the unimportance of height itself.
Can they prove height is unimportant?
They're kind of shit to begin with,so I'm not too sad.As long as anime threads are up,I won't be losing any sleep.
Can they prove height is unimportant?
height is very subjective,whats tall in the US isnt tall in the balkans.
5'9 is considered turbo manlet in bulgaria.When you hear that someones above 6' don't assume that they're very tall,since they don't live in your country.
Nah bro we need gatekeeping tbh. The whole "dont ask dont tell" shit works in a perfect world, but that's the same thing that happened in r9k and look what happened. No gatekeeping=infiltration. I know for a fact 100% we already have infiltrators from females or soy cucks or chads. I just know that 100%. We need gatekeeping to stop infiltration.
And what is the problem with this infiltration? If they ever admit to being foids or chads they will get banned. If they spam bluepilled shit they will get banned. If we have actual females and chads and inceltears users that perfectly pretend to be incels and write blackpilled shit is there even a problem? No one unless severely brain damaged would even do that.
And what is the problem with this infiltration? If they ever admit to being foids or chads they will get banned. If they spam bluepilled shit they will get banned. If we have actual females and chads and inceltears users that perfectly pretend to be incels and write blackpilled shit is there even a problem? No one unless severely brain damaged would even do that.
infiltration wasnt a problem for r9k....Until it got to a big minority that slowly turned the forum around.

the fuckening of the forum isnt gonna happen in a day. I'm not saying opening the floodgates will automatically take down the server, but if we were to slacken requirements then we'll be looking at a tranny bluepill site a year or 2 down the road.
In fact, maybe let's put it to a vote come this year's survey. @SergeantIncel?
How do we know... that they are incel?

How do we know that anyone is incel? Suppose they don't use themselves as an example. How do we know their example is incel?
I'm incel because overprotective daddies of teen girls

They can't say "I'm incel and tall" because how do we know they're really incel? So who can they say is incel and tall? How do we know anyone is really incel without checking in on their daily/nightly sex life?
Controversy isnt bad, it allows for interesting discussions
Controversy isnt bad, it allows for interesting discussions

It seems to be the opposite of what we wanna do here. Chaos is for Lookism, the Incels.co family of products is for order.
We need some level of gatekeeping. Without it, this forum would get infected with faggots, trannies, foids, etc
We need some level of gatekeeping. Without it, this forum would get infected with faggots, trannies, foids, etc

Women are already banned. Discussing gay stuff is already banned.

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