Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

I pity those of you who will get girlfriends in the future.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Does this (201) still count as high-functioning autism or is it worse?

Worse? More like low-functioning God. Can you create matter with your mind? Do you sit in a wheelchair and babysit adult Retards by telling them lies of fantastic powers they supposedly have? Are you bald? Was your archenemy in highschool a MAGNET for chicks?
"Hey, don't worry, you gotta pay your dues. Nobody makes a lot when they're young, in 10 or 15 years you'll be making bank bro". /s

Fucking idiots, everybody thinks like this. You gotta tolerate being poor and working your ass off all day long for pennies while you're young. Pissing your youth away with nothing to show for it. Licking the boss's boots and working overtime just so maybe you'll make it one day.

And of course, 20 years later, when you're still poor and working for pennies, they'll tell you "you didn't work hard enough bro, you didn't want it enough". Didn't work enough overtime, didn't kiss the boss's asshole enough.

This is actually indeed infuriating. Just imagine how bad the world will be in 10 or 15 years.

Just cope harder:

Monk 462181 960 7201
even if you escape inceldom....


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even if you escape inceldom....

Very nicely written summary - anyone hoping/trying to ascend should realise what is waiting for him ultimately.
This masterpiece is better to be pinned somewhere in public.
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Very nicely written summary - anyone hoping/trying to ascend should realise what is waiting for him ultimately.
This masterpiece is better to be pinned somewhere in public.
I would definitely like that pinned.

it's very easy to protect yourself because there's maybe one opportunity every 8 years for you to totally humiliate yourself for 1/10 that wants total slavery from you

better off just trying to make money, enjoy personal pursuits, good rest, etc
Same experience. Youngcels take note.
Good analogy. High IQ.

indeed. Last night I was wondering about it.

To witness love and all such feel good emotions, reciprocation and validations. Rinse and repeat with each partner , by 30 they (normans) got conditioned to the female companionship and it's ensemble of -ve to +ve experiences. Then they marry/have kids aka the settling.

An incel who never witnessed any of these basic human experience: his female companion is the one living in his mind, fueled and sustained by hope. Hope which is a good thing for a norman - will only work against an incel. His thirst is amplified through lack of romantic experience and the collective association of it to failure at life - therefore he is forced to ascend to betabux a landwhale or an alpha widow'ed roastie - whom he sees as an experience worth it (because, otherwise it's crippling loneliness). As long as he does the provider job surpassing the levels expected by his master, he tells himself that his marriage is working - else end up as MGTOW.

Embrace the black pill instead.
Another vital point here:

When an incel is ascending, it is his very first experience with female companionship. On the other side she views you in her own rose colored lens enriched by the entirety of her experiences with every male she dated/slept with. Imagine the vivid ways those men did to impress her (only to get laid). Your mating dance has to be in those standards. You will be compared to them and insulted (either politely or explicitly) so that you are nudged to 'do better'.

Ascension is not your sprint to the 100m. It is a marathon. You are just entering the game. You will fail eventually - your fight is to keep pushing that day when you come to terms with it.
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Some people are meant to be with people. (The good looking ones)

That's just the way it goes!
else end up as MGTOW.

I read their reddit a bit and now they sound like a bunch of failed 40+ y normies, hence anti incels.
They are who once were in many relationships but got divorced.
I will kill myself long before 30. I will not let those used up whores drain my bank account, because they want someone they can leech off on permanently, after they've fucked who knows how many chads.

It's degrading to even date after 30. All you have are cum dumpsters looking for someone to betabuxx. These women would literally not have paid you any attention if you were younger, because all they wanted was Chad's cock.

But now they're getting too old for Chad's cock, and they're looking for the person who is most beneficial to them. Not out of love, but out of greed. At this point in life, you will never be enough for her, you will never compare to the Chads she has fucked. She will always think about Chad, and miss her younger days.

You will have a dead bedroom, pure fucking starfish sex. She will not get aroused, because she does not feel any attraction towards YOU, she only feels attraction towards what you can provide. Why else do you hear so many stories about men getting divorced because of employment troubles? Once you can't fulfill a foid's shallow desires, she will find someone who will. Love is not a factor, because it wasn't there to begin with.

Once a foid has been with a man that has better physical qualities than you, she will never be happy or satisfied with you. She will always think back to him, and how inferior you are in comparison. It's over, it always has been, and always will be. This world is cruel, love is shallow and fake, death is a blessing, and happiness is an illusion.
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Thank God this was posted. Ngl brocels, the idea of a unicorn 1/10 good personality girl had been creeping into my unconscious these last few days.
I've seen a few normies lives up close and i'm starting to be convinced that for a sub8 man a 'relationship' like the one described here is not even comparable to camaraderie between bros who share your hobby or are your coworkers. And no, I'M NOT COPING. I know that we are wired to look out for intimacy and that friendship won't make up to it because who do you think gets to experience romance and sex and doesn't get to wait until he's 35. That's right, Chad. And he doesn't even need to spend money.
I'll give just one example of something that i heard from a 6-6.5/10 (probably under that fat he was a chadlite) chubby guy from a wealthy family.
He told us that before becoming a couple he was just friends with this foid. One day he called her 'dude' by accident because that's how they treated each other when they were just friends and suddenly she was like "EXCUSE ME?!" and of course he had to apologise immediately. If he were Chad i'm sure she'd be like "Teehee, i'm not a dude honey, i'm your gf, silly".
He also told us that whenever they would go on a date they would agree on the time that he will pick her up at her house and every time she'd make him wait in his car from half an hour to even two hours on occasions.
Imagine if a guy did this to you, you'd send him a whatsapp telling him to fuck off and you'll leave him or you could argue with him and he won't start crying and tell you "why you don't understand me, you are so mean to mee :feels:". And if one day another friend called you "how are you doing bitch?" and you'd respond "what's up motherfucker" and both of you will laugh after. And if you go to eat at some place of course you'll split the bill accordingly.
I can't imagine being with a woman more hideous than you and on top having to be careful to not step on a landmine all the fucking time.
I will kill myself long before 30. I will not let those used up whores drain my bank account, because they want someone they can leech off on permanently, after they've fucked who knows how many chads.

It's degrading to even date after 30. All you have are cum dumpsters looking for someone to betabuxx. These women would literally not have paid you any attention if you were younger, because all they wanted was Chad's cock.

But now they're getting too old for Chad's cock, and they're looking for the person who is most beneficial to them. Not out of love, but out of greed. At this point in life, you will never be enough for her, you will never compare to the Chad's she has fucked. She will always think about Chad, and miss her younger days.

You will have a dead bedroom, pure fucking starfish sex. She will not get aroused, because she does not feel any attraction towards YOU, she only feels attraction towards what you can provide. Why else do you hear so many stories about men getting divorced because of employment troubles? Once you can't fulfill a foid's shallow desires, she will find someone who will. Love is not a factor, because it wasn't there to begin with.

Once a foid has been with a man that has better physical qualities than you, she will never be happy or satisfied with you. She will always think back to him, and how inferior you are in comparison. It's over, it always has been, and always will be. This world is cruel, love is shallow and fake, death is a blessing, and happiness is an illusion.

Blackpilled and based! Well said.
indeed. Last night I was wondering about it.

To witness love and all such feel good emotions, reciprocation and validations. Rinse and repeat with each partner , by 30 they (normans) got conditioned to the female companionship and it's ensemble of -ve to +ve experiences. Then they marry/have kids aka the settling.

An incel who never witnessed any of these basic human experience: his female companion is the one living in his mind, fueled and sustained by hope. Hope which is a good thing for a norman - will only work against an incel. His thirst is amplified through lack of romantic experience and the collective association of it to failure at life - therefore he is forced to ascend to betabux a landwhale or an alpha widow'ed roastie - whom he sees as an experience worth it (because, otherwise it's crippling loneliness). As long as he does the provider job surpassing the levels expected by his master, he tells himself that his marriage is working - else end up as MGTOW.

Embrace the black pill instead.
Another vital point here:

When an incel is ascending, it is his very first experience with female companionship. On the other side she views you in her own rose colored lens enriched by the entirety of her experiences with every male she dated/slept with. Imagine the vivid ways those men did to impress her (only to get laid). Your mating dance has to be in those standards. You will be compared to them and insulted (either politely or explicitly) so that you are nudged to 'do better'.

Ascension is not your sprint to the 100m. It is a marathon. You are just entering the game. You will fail eventually - your fight is to keep pushing that day when you come to terms with it.

Some great thoughts man, if you didn't even get access to participate on the marathon what does that mean?

If you lacked basic human connection in your developmental years, you'll start seeing this lack of connection as something natural in your life.

A guy who has been rejected and excluded all his life by the opposite gender wouldn't have too much inspiration or even need to start dating at 30, rejection has become the default for him.
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I’m almost 30, and not even worth settling for.

I will readily admit there is no reason for a foid to want to be with me, and I would be extremely skeptical otherwise. So no, it’s not going to happen.
What will in fact happen is that women get REALLY crazy at ~30. You'd think they were high, that's how crazy they get about snaring a man and popping out a kid. That's after riding the cock carrousel for 15 years. I actually had the misfortune of hearing a few early 20s Stacies talking about marriage recently. Talking about how they'll settle down at 30 (I guess in the meantime they're just whoring around and looking for the biggest Chad they can get), and that at 30 a woman should take any man that doesn't have a drinking probem, has a job and goes to the gym. This is coming from a country that's supposed to be more conservative and not as feminist and whorish as the west. God fucking damn it, this world is hell.

JFL, I’m almost 40, even post 30 foids wouldn’t settle for me. I actually think it’s just fucking hilarious how unattractive I must be at this point, my life is like a comedy film or a comic strip or something.
Cope. I hate every single one of you who will one day get to experience love, regardless of context. Any experience you'll have that life is better than my existence.
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I will kill myself long before 30. I will not let those used up whores drain my bank account, because they want someone they can leech off on permanently, after they've fucked who knows how many chads.

It's degrading to even date after 30. All you have are cum dumpsters looking for someone to betabuxx. These women would literally not have paid you any attention if you were younger, because all they wanted was Chad's cock.

But now they're getting too old for Chad's cock, and they're looking for the person who is most beneficial to them. Not out of love, but out of greed. At this point in life, you will never be enough for her, you will never compare to the Chads she has fucked. She will always think about Chad, and miss her younger days.

You will have a dead bedroom, pure fucking starfish sex. She will not get aroused, because she does not feel any attraction towards YOU, she only feels attraction towards what you can provide. Why else do you hear so many stories about men getting divorced because of employment troubles? Once you can't fulfill a foid's shallow desires, she will find someone who will. Love is not a factor, because it wasn't there to begin with.

Once a foid has been with a man that has better physical qualities than you, she will never be happy or satisfied with you. She will always think back to him, and how inferior you are in comparison. It's over, it always has been, and always will be. This world is cruel, love is shallow and fake, death is a blessing, and happiness is an illusion.
You speak the truth. Earlier in their lives, foids fucked and dated because they felt a spark, they felt attraction, raw sexual magnetism. Later in life it's just a boring old contract, emotionless and full of lies.
Cope. I hate every single one of you who will one day get to experience love, regardless of context. Any experience you'll have that life is better than my existence.
"Love"? You really think anybody who has honestly considered themselves an incel at one point could ever find love? At best they'll get some used-up whore who's looking for a provider and can't find anyone better. Sure, she'll pretend she loves him just enough to not lose her paypig, they're damn good at that, but his life would be miserable.
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The more women get careers the less they need beta bux so I doubt most of us will get GFs because women will fuck each other
It's degrading to even date after 30. All you have are cum dumpsters looking for someone to betabuxx. These women would literally not have paid you any attention if you were younger, because all they wanted was Chad's cock.

But now they're getting too old for Chad's cock, and they're looking for the person who is most beneficial to them. Not out of love, but out of greed. At this point in life, you will never be enough for her, you will never compare to the Chads she has fucked. She will always think about Chad, and miss her younger days.

You will have a dead bedroom, pure fucking starfish sex. She will not get aroused, because she does not feel any attraction towards YOU, she only feels attraction towards what you can provide. Why else do you hear so many stories about men getting divorced because of employment troubles? Once you can't fulfill a foid's shallow desires, she will find someone who will. Love is not a factor, because it wasn't there to begin with.

Once a foid has been with a man that has better physical qualities than you, she will never be happy or satisfied with you. She will always think back to him, and how inferior you are in comparison.
High iq.
I will kill myself long before 30.
It's over, it always has been, and always will be. This world is cruel, love is shallow and fake, death is a blessing, and happiness is an illusion.
I rather escortcel or visit SEasia and not sui, we might not get what chad's getting today in this cucked world, but the future will get better, and even now we don't have to marry old whores for pussy. Soon I believe non-chads are going to stop being cucks and remove the laws that are screwing them over. There will also be sexbots and artificial wombs, so foids will stop getting government support and the average foid's smv will be lower than an indian janitor's.
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How am I going to ascend at 30 if it's going to get even worse in the coming years?

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