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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

SuicideFuel I paid a hooker for an "erotic massage" and it went just like I expected (1000% over for me)

@watcher - do you masturbate?
Once or twice a week.
Also, shit like excessive masturbation and "porn addiction" could not be the cause because I only masturbate once or twice per week, the last time I masturbated was saturday after waking up. And I have no problems getting morning wood as well.
Once or twice a week.

You know that affects your ability to stay aroused right?

Especially if that's been your ONLY source of sexual stimulation for YEARS

Your body isn't just going to magically be like - "oh a real woman, time to be more aroused than before", because as far as your body (well your brain) is concerned YOU WERE ALREADY FUCKING REAL WOMEN

Your body has become accustomed to being touched in a certain way, its memorized it, and that means its harder for it to not only maintain arousal to such a new experience, but also maintain arousal with the uncomfortability of being naked and intimate with another human being when you aren't used to that

I've only fucked a whore once, it was decent but it wasn't that amazing, and that's because I struggled to maintain an erection (she wasn't my type and I only went about a week without masturbating prior to the act)

You are going to have to do no fap for a month minimum to be able to be easily aroused during sex with a woman

I plan on doing nofap for at least 2 months before the next time I visit a whore, and after that I won't masturbate again, because I'll be wealthmaxxed then, no need to, I can have sex at a relatively consistent rate

I wake up with rock hard erections, I masturbate regularly (once a day), so don't think that because you wake up with an erection and your libido is good that you should be able to have sex, and its your narcissim magically keeping you from being erect, its erectile dysfunction causing it, you're too used to getting stimulated a certain way, from your brains perspective what you tried to do isn't natural when ironically its more natural than jerking off to a screen (we've conditioned ourselves)

Its going to take time to correct years of conditioning

Also JFL at using drugs and expecting nothing to go wrong
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Why not go for a full GFE, and while you're NOT under the influence of drugs?
C'mon bro not a big deal, you just was in a bad day. These things happens.

Anxiety sucks tho, it can really make things go that way so try to relax. Also, if you really want a drug that can make your anxiety disappear for a while without giving you ED take phenibut (look it up and you'll see) that shit is nice (look it up because it's not the kind of drug you can use all the time). You can also drink, smoke weed whatever the hell you feel like doing. Even exercising some hour before so you can get some serotonin in this brain of yours.
C'mon bro not a big deal, you just was in a bad day. These things happens.

Anxiety sucks tho, it can really make things go that way so try to relax. Also, if you really want a drug that can make your anxiety disappear for a while without giving you ED take phenibut (look it up and you'll see) that shit is nice (look it up because it's not the kind of drug you can use all the time). You can also drink, smoke weed whatever the hell you feel like doing. Even exercising some hour before so you can get some serotonin in this brain of yours.

IDK, how about @watcher just take a few deep breaths and focus and calm himself down, that's what I always do, though its usually for calming rage rather than anxiety, but it works the same way

JFL at all this normalized drug use for mundane shit

Just close your eyes, and breath in and out and really focus on the breathing, focus on the cool and calming feeling of the air going into your mouth and down into your lungs, I'm calm in like 3 breaths, never fails''
You know that affects your ability to stay aroused right?

Especially if that's been your ONLY source of sexual stimulation for YEARS

Your body isn't just going to magically be like - "oh a real woman, time to be more aroused than before", because as far as your body (well your brain) is concerned YOU WERE ALREADY FUCKING REAL WOMEN

Your body has become accustomed to being touched in a certain way, its memorized it, and that means its harder for it to not only maintain arousal to such a new experience, but also maintain arousal with the uncomfortability of being naked and intimate with another human being when you aren't used to that

I've only fucked a whore once, it was decent but it wasn't that amazing, and that's because I struggled to maintain an erection (she wasn't my type and I only went about a week without masturbating prior to the act)

You are going to have to do no fap for a month minimum to be able to be easily aroused during sex with a woman

I plan on doing nofap for at least 2 months before the next time I visit a whore, and after that I won't masturbate again, because I'll be wealthmaxxed then, no need to, I can have sex at a relatively consistent rate

I wake up with rock hard erections, I masturbate regularly (once a day), so don't think that because you wake up with an erection and your libido is good that you should be able to have sex, and its your narcissim magically keeping you from being erect, its erectile dysfunction causing it, you're too used to getting stimulated a certain way, from your brains perspective what you tried to do isn't natural when ironically its more natural than jerking off to a screen (we've conditioned ourselves)

Its going to take time to correct years of conditioning
I have a plan. I am going to cease porn and masturbation completely until I can successfully have an erection and fuck an actual woman. I don't care if I need 1 month or 1 year, I am going to be so fucking desperate and have my dick so easily aroused that I will eventually get to fuck a whore. I don't know exactly how long will I take, but once I am ready, I will know.

By the way, for someone who defend escortcelling so much, I thought you fucked many, many whores yourself. Only one?
Why not go for a full GFE, and while you're NOT under the influence of drugs?
That's the plan
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IDK, how about @watcher just take a few deep breaths and focus and calm himself down, that's what I always do, though its usually for calming rage rather than anxiety, but it works the same way

JFL at all this normalized drug use for mundane shit

Just close your eyes, and breath in and out and really focus on the breathing, focus on the cool and calming feeling of the air going into your mouth and down into your lungs, I'm calm in like 3 breaths, never fails''
He can try that as well, actually it if works without the need to take drugs it's the ideal situation. I'm an anxious motherfucker and I can't really function normally without drugs (haven't been sober in a while tho) so I kinda understand the feeling.

But yeah, I'm the kind of guy who has panic attacks tbh so I may not be the best person to take advice from if you have more like a mild or moderate anxiety
C'mon bro not a big deal, you just was in a bad day. These things happens.

Anxiety sucks tho, it can really make things go that way so try to relax. Also, if you really want a drug that can make your anxiety disappear for a while without giving you ED take phenibut (look it up and you'll see) that shit is nice (look it up because it's not the kind of drug you can use all the time). You can also drink, smoke weed whatever the hell you feel like doing. Even exercising some hour before so you can get some serotonin in this brain of yours.
What is a nice dose of phenibut?
IDK, how about @watcher just take a few deep breaths and focus and calm himself down, that's what I always do, though its usually for calming rage rather than anxiety, but it works the same way

JFL at all this normalized drug use for mundane shit

Just close your eyes, and breath in and out and really focus on the breathing, focus on the cool and calming feeling of the air going into your mouth and down into your lungs, I'm calm in like 3 breaths, never fails''
I tried everything.
Meditation, deep breathing, positive thoughts, power poses... all copes. Medication is the only thing that worked for me.
He can try that as well, actually it if works without the need to take drugs it's the ideal situation. I'm an anxious motherfucker and I can't really function normally without drugs (haven't been sober in a while tho) so I kinda understand the feeling.

But yeah, I'm the kind of guy who has panic attacks tbh so I may not be the best person to take advice from if you have more like a mild or moderate anxiety
If someone can fix their anxiety with deep breathing and positive thoughts, you know that person does not have actual anxiety.
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What is a nice dose of phenibut?
You should start by taking slow doses like 250-500mg and see how it works. The problem with this drug is that it builds resistance very quickly so what people do is that they take it twice a week only, not in consecutive days so it's more like a drug you take for occasions like this one, where you'd be very anxious.

But take a look at r/phenibut and do you research, I'm on SSRI right now and they don't seem do work well altogether. SSRIs are good too depending on the person but the thing with them is that they have way too many side effects and one of them is the possibility of ED depending on the drug, exactly what you don't want.
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If someone can fix their anxiety with deep breathing and positive thoughts, you know that person does not have actual anxiety.

Who said anything about positive thoughts, breathing feels good, breathing slowly and deeply literally slows your heart rate, which makes you less anxious

He can try that as well, actually it if works without the need to take drugs it's the ideal situation. I'm an anxious motherfucker and I can't really function normally without drugs (haven't been sober in a while tho) so I kinda understand the feeling.

But yeah, I'm the kind of guy who has panic attacks tbh so I may not be the best person to take advice from if you have more like a mild or moderate anxiety

TBH dude I don't believe any of that shit is real, I believe a lot of these things are modern problems that ONLY EXIST BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN AFFORD TO ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS

Can you imagine an Arachnophobic male in the hunter gatherer days? lol, how do these ultra specific conditions make it to the future, these guys would not reproduce, they'd die

Also the fact that we have something like "fear of clowns" (Coulrophobia) just adds even more to what I'm saying, there is not magically "fear of clowns gene", nothing could be that randomly specific for something that doesn't even exist yet

People have these conditions, because they have the excuse to accept these conditions as reality, and modern society tells all these people for years and years that feeling and thinking like this is alright and "normal", and they accept these things which ironically become so internalized that it might as well be an actual condition because its a part of them now

Seriously what the hell is an "anxiety disorder", if its genetic how did anyone's ancestors with it survive interactions with dangerous animals, other fighters, etc

What the hell is a "panic attack", how do people keep getting these things if they aren't genetic?
You should start by taking slow doses like 250-500mg and see how it works. The problem with this drug is that it builds resistance very quickly so what people do is that they take it twice a week only, not in consecutive days so it's more like a drug you take for occasions like this one, where you'd be very anxious.

But take a look at r/phenibut and do you research, I'm on SSRI right now and they don't seem do work well altogether. SSRI are good too depending on the person but the thing with them is that they have way too much side effects and one of them is the possibility of ED depending on the drug, exactly what you don't want.
I would never take medication as a routine, might try this only when I am feeling really anxious, is this medication dangerous while driving?
I tried everything.
Meditation, deep breathing, positive thoughts, power poses... all copes. Medication is the only thing that worked for me.

It doesn't matter if while breathing you are ironically still focusing on what brings you anxiety
It doesn't matter if while breathing you are ironically still focusing on what brings you anxiety
I became good with meditation, I can erase my thoughts and everything. But when its time to speak in public, nothing matters.
I would never take medication as a routine, might try this only when I am feeling really anxious, is this medication dangerous while driving?
nah, you just get to be more of a low inhib chad for some hours. Although if remember well it doesn't go well combined with alcohol, but it'd probably just give you some headaches or smth. It seems that when combined with caffeine the effects can be improved tho.
I became good with meditation, I can erase my thoughts and everything. But when its time to speak in public, nothing matters.

My hands use to shake and I would be staring at peoples faces with I had to do a public presentation, here's the thing all that "imagine them naked" nonsense is retard advice, the best way to get through these things is to focus and go up there with a game plan

If you try to "wing it", you'll just be even more nervous and you'll likely stutter, then look at peoples faces as you make mistakes, and its a snowball effect from there

You need to be sure of exactly what you are going to say and avoid eye contact unless you are asked a question

Also the best way to get rid of anxiety around other people is to spend time talking to people, being around people, I noticed that after years of going to various work places, my anxiety is pretty much gone, my persona changed, I went from being the quiet guy to the joker that has everyone laughing

You just have to become comfortable enough to be around people, of course though in my case, not caring about what people think about you helps with that, also being cynical and a nihilist
Who said anything about positive thoughts, breathing feels good, breathing slowly and deeply literally slows your heart rate, which makes you less anxious

TBH dude I don't believe any of that shit is real, I believe a lot of these things are modern problems that ONLY EXIST BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN AFFORD TO ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS

Can you imagine an Arachnophobic male in the hunter gatherer days? lol, how do these ultra specific conditions make it to the future, these guys would not reproduce, they'd die

Also the fact that we have something like "fear of clowns" (Coulrophobia) just adds even more to what I'm saying, there is not magically "fear of clowns gene", nothing could be that randomly specific for something that doesn't even exist yet

People have these conditions, because they have the excuse to accept these conditions as reality, and modern society tells all these people for years and years that feeling and thinking like this is alright and "normal", and they accept these things which ironically become so internalized that it might as well be an actual condition because its a part of them now

Seriously what the hell is an "anxiety disorder", if its genetic how did anyone's ancestors with it survive interactions with dangerous animals, other fighters, etc

What the hell is a "panic attack", how do people keep getting these things if they aren't genetic?
yeah they're modern problems that are caused by sick modern ways of living. It's a mental illness. Also you're right when saying there's not such a thing as genes like that (as far as I know, there may be some genes related to some predisposition to one or another disorder) but then again, it doesn't have to be a gene. Have you heard of epigenetics? Just by living and interacting with the world changes are being made on your genome, why traumatic experiences you had wouldn't affect they way you behave and perceive reality?

I mean, even animals can have behavior disorders, just look at some dogs who have been abused or animals in zoos/captive and how they're unable to be reintroduced in nature because they just can't behave like normal individuals of their species would.

Also, there's so many mental people out there who have no clue about how weird and mental they are. My dad is one, you only need a week with him to notice he can't be a normal human being with his perception of life. Same for me, although I didn't lack introspection to see how weird and meaningless my behaviors and fears are, but I just couldn't control them.

That's why we have therapy and everything, to try to fix that. Many of these disorders seem to be caused by traumatic experiences during childhood/teenhood so basically a period where you body is being changed and if you get something wrong during this process you may be fucked for life (like personality disorders)
My hands use to shake and I would be staring at peoples faces with I had to do a public presentation, here's the thing all that "imagine them naked" nonsense is retard advice, the best way to get through these things is to focus and go up there with a game plan

If you try to "wing it", you'll just be even more nervous and you'll likely stutter, then look at peoples faces as you make mistakes, and its a snowball effect from there

You need to be sure of exactly what you are going to say and avoid eye contact unless you are asked a question

Also the best way to get rid of anxiety around other people is to spend time talking to people, being around people, I noticed that after years of going to various work places, my anxiety is pretty much gone, my persona changed, I went from being the quiet guy to the joker that has everyone laughing

You just have to become comfortable enough to be around people, of course though in my case, not caring about what people think about you helps with that, also being cynical and a nihilist
I really apreciate the advice, but this did not work for me. I do have a social life, group of friends, talk to people, etc. I even hide my virginity and being incel to others, you would probably assume I was a normie if you saw me IRL. But when its time to speak in public, the facade falls down and I am just another dumbass sperg trying to pretend to be human.
This is the type of thread that once you make it, you will always be "that one guy who did that one thing" and become a mockery, but I don't give a shit, because if I can admit to being a 28 year old virgin on this forum, I can write about this. This is pretty brutal and hilarious at the same time.

I decided a few weeks (months?) ago that I didn't want to die a virgin and I wanted to at least try fucking a hooker, since fucking prostitutes is seen as an OK cope by the incel community I thought it could be a good cope for me as well.

However, I am an huge narcy like I already said many times before, and I just couldn't do it (the first time I thought about it was in 2017) so I kept delaying it, quitting it, etc.

I had a plan to make things easier for me, I would start with something easier (like getting a massage) so I could maybe get used to getting touched and shit, so I could little by little try being more ambitious.

Anyway, after a little planning, today was the big day, I was going to see a (supposedly) hot girl who was going to make me an erotic massage (so basically glorified masturbation) I kept telling myself over and over that if I didn't do it, I would never know whether this is actually fun or engaging anyway. But I kept questioning myself if this was really worth it.

Today I woke up with my typical raging morning boner. But my dick quickly became really 'timid' due to the anxiety, it was so small and pathetic, today was a little cold, sure, but DAMN it looked like I had a kid's dick, my size is not small, but I looked like I have a micro dick, basically. This happened through the whole day., I even tried watching some porn to see if my dick got happy but it even felt weird, like I didn't even gave a shit about sex or something.

Now let me make this clear: I am a very, very, VERY anxious son of a bitch, anything will make me feel like I am going to explode. So before going there, I took a beta blocker 'atenolol' because I didn't want to freak out in nervousness and shit. It worked OK during public presentations, nothing miraculous but whatever.

I got there, feeling not as nervous and I would (perhaps because of the medication) and she was a scammer: very different from the photos, she was worse looking, not a deformed ogre or anything, but much worse (her ad said she could make your dick grow bigger so that was already a redflag, obvious scammer) her skin was darker, her body worse (the girl in the phoros was hiding her face) I though about asking for a confirmation photo but I couldn't. But hey it was still a girl and looked like one. We did a little small talk (I even made her laugh once or twice) and it was all good.

I decided to go through with it because I didn't want to lose the ride and I wanted to know how it feels to get your dick touched.

She told me to get naked and lay on the bed, and so I did.... she came in after a while (she had a very big ass and it was touching me which was nice) and she started to stroke it... over and over... and over...

And........ I couldn't get hard, I just waited and waited there, patiently, while she stroked my pathetic limp dick. I could not even feel pathetic about it because I am so used to getting crushed by life that it didn't even matter, she asked me if I was nervous (for obvious reasons) and I said I was not (I was not feeling anxious anyway) she offered a BJ but I said no because I don't think it would work at all.

I waited a little bit, gave up, told her that its not working, gave her the fucking money (well she touched my dick and the time to turn around and leave was before that) and left.


I couldn't even feel sad or angry, all I could think about was how shitty life is but I even laughed a few times at how ridiculous this was.

I came back home, looked up atenolol side effects and... erectile dysfunction is one of them. It COULD explain it (together with the fact she was less hot) However my dick was so small and pathetic long before I took the medication, and I couldn't get an erection watching porn either, so I think this might not be the whole story. Also my hormonal profile that look like it was taken by a 80 cancer patient could've helped as well, there are men who fuck under all sorts of fucked up drugs and alcohol without any problem too. Also, shit like excessive masturbation and "porn addiction" could not be the cause because I only masturbate once or twice per week, the last time I masturbated was saturday after waking up. And I have no problems getting morning wood as well.

I don't know whether I should try this again (without taking medications) or give up now, holy shit I feel pathetic.

TL;DR: Hired a hooker to masturbate me, couldn't get hard, maybe due to betablocker or anxiety. It's over.

Here's where you fucked up.

You let her take control and followed orders. Even with hookers, you have to be the one that leads, establish your physical superiority over hers.

You turned down the BJ. There's been numerous times where I lose the boner and I ask for head to get it back.

You went through with it after being bait and switched . Ive never had a pleasant experience where I was bait and switched. You always walk away so you guarantee yourself not losing any money.

You could of also walked away and just given her half.
I really apreciate the advice, but this did not work for me. I do have a social life, group of friends, talk to people, etc.

JFL the irony, I have no social life at all
also OP, these things tend to get better the more you're used to them, I way better than I used to be when I was 15 or 16. I'd be anxious just by retarded things like eating in front of other people JFL

but yeah, I'm still anxious and I'm working on this with drugs (also because depression so they were like my last resort) and I had an incredible improvement. Maybe in a few years if the medication fix these crippled hormones in my brain I may be cured for good, so there's hope.
I'd be anxious just by retarded things like eating in front of other people JFL

If I just felt like someone was looking at my face I'd self consciously lick my lips and try to adjust my mouth because I always "just felt" like I had an angry face on, and when I look in the mirror my face would be plain lol, it was one weird quirk I'm glad I got rid of

I always used to feel like eyes were on me and I was being judged as stupid looking or weird
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Now compare this to some young chad who experienced teenage love and fucked his teenage lover like a rabbit.
Escortcelling is a massive cope. I respect those who fuck hookers, but that's just not for me. Knowing the bitch is only there for my money and wouldn't even give me the time of the day in another situation destroys my soul.
If I just felt like someone was looking at my face I'd self consciously link my lips and try to adjust my mouth because I always "just felt" like I had an angry face on, and when I look in the mirror my face would be plain lol, it was one weird quirk I'm glad I got rid of

I always used to feel like eyes were on me and I was being judged as stupid looking or weird
then we have these rituals. With me was fixing my glasses. Too relatable. The human mind can be so misguiding, most of the times we're pretty much blur faces on other people's point of view, especially if you're subhuman it's like you're a fucking ghost, yet we're thinking about people judging us.

At some point I even stopped wearing glasses so I wouldn't see people's faces jfl
Now compare this to some young chad who experienced teenage love and fucked his teenage lover like a rabbit.
Escortcelling is a massive cope. I respect those who fuck hookers, but that's just not for me. Knowing the bitch is only there for my money and wouldn't even give me the time of the day in another situation destroys my soul.

Again false comparison, ones enjoyment is based on ones perspective, your perspective creates a self fulfilling prophecy based on how you already see the act

You see paying for sex as beneath and you are an egoist, so from the get go paying for sex won't be enjoyable for you

You say - "Now compare this to some young chad who experienced teenage love"

I can respond to that scenario with - "Now compare this to a Lord or King many years in the past with multiple concubines there to serve his every sexual whim"

I hope you guys see the irony that your ego is greater than that of Kings

Kings had no problem having troupes of women paid just to fuck him, it didn't bruise their ego, make them feel less than, or anything, BECAUSE UNLIKE THE MEN OF TODAY, THEY DIDN'T WORSHIP AND REVERE WOMEN

(Oh and yes, if a woman simply not being attracted to you bothers you so much, you do indeed on some level revere women and even worship them, which is very ironic for an incel)

Their pride was staked in their combat ability, all the places they conquered and ruled over, all the battles they had won, those were the things men staked their pride in, things a woman can't take from you or manipulate you with

Women were like articles of clothing you threw on to show off your "finest wears", it wasn't really a cultural thing for men to be obsessed with women finding you attractive, it was a norm to just claim a woman, get one through conquest, get one through arranged marriage, etc

I hope you realize how mentally cucked you are, its not normal at all to be so focused on women liking you, to the point where you'd let yourself die a virgin, that's ridiculous

Men like you today act as if you are biologically hard wired to want specifically female validation, no, that's 100% FALSE, you want to fuck women, NOT LIVE UP TO ANY PERCEIVED EXPECTATIONS FROM THEM

That's modern indoctrination which you have thoroughly accepted and REFUSE TO BREAK OUT FROM

You guys need to stop with this nonsense, its not black pilled at all

If what you guys speak of was biological and all men were hard wired to want it, RAPE WOULD NOT EXIST

How do rapists survive without all this validation and affection that keeps you from wanting to having sex?

then we have these rituals. With me was fixing my glasses. Too relatable. The human mind can be so misguiding, most of the times we're pretty much blur faces on other people's point of view, especially if you're subhuman it's like you're a fucking ghost, yet we're thinking about people judging us.

At some point I even stopped wearing glasses so I wouldn't see people's faces jfl

Once you accept the black pill and let go, other peoples judgement of you literally no longer matters, I can't remember the last time I felt anxiety, I couldn't give one fuck what anyone in my life thinks lol
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Utterly brutal man. My condolences.
wish escorts were legal and easily accessible in the US tbh
Very brutal. I'm very sorry this happened to you. A lot of guys are insecure when they go to hookers because, at the end of the day, it is a BUSINESS TRANSACTION!!
I don't understand how normies keep insisting we go to see prostitutes to lose our virginity. We keep having shitty experiences like mind and the one OP had. It never gets better. It gets worse.

We need girlfriends that care for us and understand us and will take things at a pace we are comfortable with.
Unfortunately, we will never receive the type of intimacy that we crave so our only way to live in this life is to go full Monk-mode and abstain from sex or to visit prostitutes for shitty experiences that throw away our hard-earned money.
I'm sorry that happened, OP. :cryfeels:
But if it's 1000% over for you, then it's 2000% over for me! Atleast your dick got touched by a foid and felt her ass on you. My first experience with an escort was getting scammed. I paid her over internet and she never came out. I don't know if you read my post about it but it happened. :feelsrope:
At least you overcame your anxiety at that point that you decided to go to an escort (and you wasnt rejected), I dont feel like Im gonna make it anytime soon
Now compare this to some young chad who experienced teenage love and fucked his teenage lover like a rabbit.
Escortcelling is a massive cope. I respect those who fuck hookers, but that's just not for me. Knowing the bitch is only there for my money and wouldn't even give me the time of the day in another situation destroys my soul.

I don't even care anymore, I just want to fuck. To me these bitches are basically glorified sexdolls, I want to fuck their bodies, that's about it. I know I will never get teen love, a normal life, family, etc. I just want to take my masturbation to the next level with these bitches, its like a Virtual Reality sex with high quality 3D graphics lmao
Very brutal. I'm very sorry this happened to you. A lot of guys are insecure when they go to hookers because, at the end of the day, it is a BUSINESS TRANSACTION!!
I don't understand how normies keep insisting we go to see prostitutes to lose our virginity. We keep having shitty experiences like mind and the one OP had. It never gets better. It gets worse.

We need girlfriends that care for us and understand us and will take things at a pace we are comfortable with.
Unfortunately, we will never receive the type of intimacy that we crave so our only way to live in this life is to go full Monk-mode and abstain from sex or to visit prostitutes for shitty experiences that throw away our hard-earned money.

Yes its so easy for normies to tell us to simply go fuck hookers, I guarantee you the vast majority of them would NEVER touch a hooker even if she was 9/10 and had the best pair of tits they've ever seen. Feelings and validation matter a lot to them, but they pretend they are robots and that we should be too.

I am pretty sure escorts are a niche market, very few men truly seek and enjoy them, even among incels.
I'm sorry that happened, OP. :cryfeels:
But if it's 1000% over for you, then it's 2000% over for me! Atleast your dick got touched by a foid and felt her ass on you. My first experience with an escort was getting scammed. I paid her over internet and she never came out. I don't know if you read my post about it but it happened. :feelsrope:
What the hell, its a service where you pay them and then they come over? Yup, pretty easy for them to scam you... "she" might not even be a woman, just a male scammer on the other side exploiting inceldom.
What you have to do is find girls who have their own place and also confirmation videos/fotos showing its them. If they don't have it you ask for it, don't make the same mistake I did.
At least you overcame your anxiety at that point that you decided to go to an escort (and you wasnt rejected), I dont feel like Im gonna make it anytime soon
ngl I am pretty proud of going forward about it instead of pussying out like the other times, although it was a total disaster, I can say I had the guts to do it, which is more than I can say about many incels.
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OP, listen to me. I believe I had the same issues on my first escort experience.

Back then I had severe mental issues (obviously, as a mid-20 virgin incel), and had extreme anxiety, insecurity, and shame in regards to everything that had to do with woman, sex, and intimacy. But I knew I had to do something, to experience something normal people experienced 10 years ago already. I was already severely behind developmentally.

So even though I didn't feel well (nervousness, anxiety), I still forced myself for an appointment. The hours before I felt sick to my stomach, couldn't eat, had zero hunger or libido. I still went through with it and unsurprisingly nothing worked, I had no clue what to do, was extremely tense, couldn't get it up. I laid there like a fish. The only time I got a slight hard on was when I was touching her.

What I then had to figure out slowly and train myself to do to feel more comfortable and confident, apart from exposing myself more frequently to such situations, is to not have sex in mind, but really just do whatever I want to do in the moment of the encounter.

Often times, when you have no expectation to yourself and just do what you want to do in that moment, you can let go and just do whatever you feel like, even if its not sex immediatly.

What others write about "getting your body feel comfortable with the other person" and "foreplay" is also true.

In summary, what this guy wrote in this topic is 100% correct and the solution to your problem:

I think I might know or have the solution to your problem as a fellow anxiety sufferer.

Ok basically what you need is comfort and familiarity with someone to have your anxiety melt away enough so that you can produce a viable hard on and thereby get your fuck on.

So if you’ve got the cash perhaps next time you could find a reasonably hot girl to get with or rather become a regular of so you can get used to being around her and touching a girl’s body and having her touch you, etc, etc.

Also you may want to even see if the girl would agree to let you massage her ie what I’m saying is have her totally naked and laying on her back or stomach whichever you prefer and don’t go right for her cunny or titties immediately but really get involved and give her your best idea of a full and relaxing body massage to put you both at ease and once again increase your familiarity with the female body.

Eventually when relaxed enough with a certain girl and doing this you’re bound to finally get an erection that will pleasantly surprise you as if out of nowhere and it will come about because not only are you turned on but finally have become so familiar and comfortable with the girl that your thoughts are no longer racing and stressing over anxieties but calm and collected allowing your body to release and engage itself in far more pleasurable things.

Anyway once you’re hard you could of had an agreement far ahead of time that she can then begin giving you a blowjob from there or sex or both ie whatever you’re comfortable with.

Edit: Also I’ve heard having a few drinks (alcohol) beforehand helps but only enough to get a buzz on as you want to avoid the condition known as “whiskey dick” which is basically to say bad limp noodle. Also most people that say alcohol helps I think usually suggest some form of wine so not beer or whiskey.
OP, listen to me. I believe I had the same issues on my first escort experience.

Back then I had severe mental issues (obviously, as a mid-20 virgin incel), and had extreme anxiety, insecurity, and shame in regards to everything that had to do with woman, sex, and intimacy. But I knew I had to do something, to experience something normal people experienced 10 years ago already. I was already severely behind developmentally.

So even though I didn't feel well (nervousness, anxiety), I still forced myself for an appointment. The hours before I felt sick to my stomach, couldn't eat, had zero hunger or libido. I still went through with it and unsurprisingly nothing worked, I had no clue what to do, was extremely tense, couldn't get it up. I laid there like a fish. The only time I got a slight hard on was when I was touching her.

What I then had to figure out slowly and train myself to do to feel more comfortable and confident, apart from exposing myself more frequently to such situations, is to not have sex in mind, but really just do whatever I want to do in the moment of the encounter.

Often times, when you have no expectation to yourself and just do what you want to do in that moment, you can let go and just do whatever you feel like, even if its not sex immediatly.

What others write about "getting your body feel comfortable with the other person" and "foreplay" is also true.

In summary, what this guy wrote in this topic is 100% correct and the solution to your problem:
Well, what I plan on doing for now is going on nofap mode for a month and possibly become so horny that my desire surpasses my anxiety. If this does not work, I will wait another month, and think about it again, and do this for like 6 months.

After that, its either sexdolls or viagra for me...

Trust me, I am an anxious bitch, it took me fucking months to get used to taking a bus, and I did it every day back then. I would feel anxious every single day, for many, many months (maybe years if I am not remembering correctly)

If I keep going to escorts so nervous that I can't get it up, these experiences will keep on draining me and making me feel worse instead of better, no matter what I tell myself.
Well, what I plan on doing for now is going on nofap mode for a month and possibly become so horny that my desire surpasses my anxiety. If this does not work, I will wait another month, and think about it again, and do this for like 6 months.

After that, its either sexdolls or viagra for me...

Trust me, I am an anxious bitch, it took me fucking months to get used to taking a bus, and I did it every day back then. I would feel anxious every single day, for many, many months (maybe years if I am not remembering correctly)

If I keep going to escorts so nervous that I can't get it up, these experiences will keep on draining me and making me feel worse instead of better, no matter what I tell myself.
Read again what I wrote, and what the guy I quoted wrote.

Yes, nofap helps with PIED and give you more "fuel" overall. But fuel doesn't help if the car is broken! Just think about it, you couldnt get it up with porn as well when you were with the escort. The main issue is no lack of stimulation, it's your mindset.

And as for how to fix mindset I wrote the above mentioned post.
Read again what I wrote, and what the guy I quoted wrote.

Yes, nofap helps with PIED and give you more "fuel" overall. But fuel doesn't help if the car is broken! Just think about it, you couldnt get it up with porn as well when you were with the escort. The main issue is no lack of stimulation, it's your mindset.

And as for how to fix mindset I wrote the above mentioned post.
Nofap changes your mindset, you start to be so sensitive to sexual stimulation and care so much about it, that everything else seem irrelevant. The whole point is fixing my mindset.

In theory, at least... I remember getting high streaks and you become a horndog
I'll read this later

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