Ibuprofen will absolutely not work, please don't try and kill yourself with drugs (especially Tylenol, that shit will kill you but it takes 3 weeks of absolute agony before your liver finally fails completely) if you don't know what you're doing. It's highly likely you won't end up dying and instead will just be in intense pain for the rest of your life until you finally off yourself a different way.
Much more successful and easy ways to kill yourself if you must:
- Exit bag with helium or Nitrogen
- Yeet yourself off of a roof, preferably at least 8 stories so you don't end up a broken but alive mess
- Buckshot through the roof of your mouth, make sure to point back at your brain so you hit that instead of just blowing your face off
- Suicide by Cop is always fun but not fullproof
Just don't do the ibuprofen. Shit will fuck you up but not in the correct way where it will kill you.