Step 1: Black pill as many incels, normies and Chads as possible. Every man should know the true degenerate and deceptive nature of females and the gynocentric legal system and society.
Step 2: The black pilled masses should stop supporting women and limit their interactions with them. Don't marry them, don't pay their debts, don't help them. No violence is required.
Step 3: Men are the most productive members of society, without us this whole thing would fall apart. At the same time men are more capable than women to tolerate low living standards and endure hardship. Get men to stop contributing to the economy, only work and/or consume the bare minimum, pay as little taxes as possible (most of it goes to women anyway).
Step 4: Collectively funnel money to research that will develop artificial wombs, lovebots and artificial intelligence to replace women with more reliable machines. Every black pilled man should get a sexbot, even if you don't want to use it, then give it to a poorcel who wants one.
Step 5: Watch society either change for the better by rolling back womens rights and bringing back the patriarchy, or burn to the ground so that it can be rebuilt in a better way. Either option should be acceptable.