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I miss the islamistcels.



Nov 7, 2017
Nausea, bushladen, and some other islamistcels are either gone or stopped posting.
They added a sense of radicalism to this site that couldn't be found anywhere else, come back guys.
I'm glad the larpers are gone. Oh and hey bushladen is a cucktear, just go to their sub and look at one of the recent posts. JFL. Cucktears larping as Muslims because cucktears hate Muslims. I hate cucktears even more now.
@Allblueeeee @Stanx22 read my previous post ITT.
Bushladen is an inceltears invader.
I'm glad the larpers are gone. Oh and hey bushladen is a cucktear, just go to their sub and look at one of the recent posts. JFL. Cucktears larping as Muslims because cucktears hate Muslims. I hate cucktears even more now.
Link to the post? And how would it show that he was cucktears?
Link to the post? And how would it show that he was cucktears?
@Kointo just posted it. JFL if you think there are many Muslims here. Maybe 4-5 in total.
How do you know?
It says his goddamn username on it, and look at the posts he makes. It's the same exact posts he would make on here talking about "toxicity"
It says his goddamn username on it, and look at the his posts. It's the same exact posts he would make on here talking about "toxicity"
I just linked it above
Wtf he was one of the original posters on this site, are we sure it's actually him and not just someone using the name since it's a new account.
And the piece of shit is saying he's had 2 girlfriends before, if that's actually him than I hope a muslimcels decapitated him.
Wtf he was one of the original posters on this site, are we sure it's actually him and not just someone using the name since it's a new account.
And the piece of shit is saying he's had 2 girlfriends before, if that's actually him than I hope a muslimcels decapitated him.
It's him. I just explained.

>I'm not an incel. I had 2 girlfriends in the past. Try taking those posts down faster next time then. You can't deny that some incels do take those posts seriously.


a textbook apostate. sad to see it go this way.

>I'm not an incel. I had 2 girlfriends in the past. Try taking those posts down faster next time then. You can't deny that some incels do take those posts seriously.


a textbook apostate. sad to see it go this way.
Jesus Christ, most of you muslimcels are larping, I don't think any of you actually practice the religion, you just meme it up because it's radical.
I wrote 4 first, then I thought lemme include @Tellem--T in this even though he's really disconnected ATM.
you dont know me brother and my past im prolly the best muslim on this site, i prayed today and went jumah today
I'm glad the larpers are gone. Oh and hey bushladen is a cucktear, just go to their sub and look at one of the recent posts. JFL. Cucktears larping as Muslims because cucktears hate Muslims. I hate cucktears even more now.
wow, he spent all that time larping as an incel. What a fucking loser. We should doxx that faggot
you dont know me brother and my past im prolly the best muslim on this site, i prayed today and went jumah today
You're making it sound like you don't pray everyday.
you dont know me brother and my past im prolly the best muslim on this site, i prayed today and went jumah today
Masha'Allah you are bettering yourself. First and foremost take care of your mother however. Start listening to her and be respectful. Also don't curse God again when times get tough. Astagfirullah brother. I wish you good luck.
wow, he spent all that time larping as an incel. What a fucking loser. We should doxx that faggot
JFL I know right. Cucktears are truly pathetic.
Masha'Allah you are bettering yourself. First and foremost take care of your mother however. Start listening to her and be respectful. Also don't curse God again when times get tough. Astagfirullah brother. I wish you good luck.

i do respect my mother i overexaggerated walahii
Jesus Christ, most of you muslimcels are larping, I don't think any of you actually practice the religion, you just meme it up because it's radical.

i cant even go to Jummah today because the mukhabarat have infested it.

look at points 6 and 7. there are informants at EVERY. SINGLE. MOSQUE. IN AMERICA. period. read up about it. its at the point where our Ummah is being socially deconstructed and torn. and what basis do you have claiming takfir on me when youre not even a Muslim and probably dont know much. i pray as much as i can and ALWAYS make up prayers.

The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood radhiyallahu anhu when he inquired from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam about the SIGNS OF QIYAMAH.
  1. Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
  2. People will indulge in homosexuality.
  3. There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
  4. There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
  5. People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
  6. Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
  7. The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
  8. The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
  9. Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
  10. Various wines will be consumed excessively.
You're making it sound like you don't pray everyday.

all that matters is that i will pray in the future, plus the majority of my lifetime minus my childhood days i prayed all the time, my faith use to be very strong but living in a all white kaffir city with a very weak muslim community weaken my faith
all that matters is that i will pray in the future, plus the majority of my lifetime minus my childhood days i prayed all the time, my faith use to be very strong but living in a all white kaffir city with a very weak muslim community weaken my faith
its what dar-al kufr does. Allah knows best. almost every imam ive spoken with recognizes it is difficult to be Muslim(edit: in the west). shaytan is available at the instance of one click to pornhub. its on billboards on highways, its in pictures in gyms.
all that matters is that i will pray in the future, plus the majority of my lifetime minus my childhood days i prayed all the time, my faith use to be very strong but living in a all white kaffir city with a very weak muslim community weaken my faith
@RREEEEEEEEE is right, boy. You haven't been a good Muslim.
also @RREEEEEEEEE i dont like how you disregard someone who has weaken faith a kafir, im very offeneded you assumed i was kaffir, this is haram to think like that, dont ever call any muslim a kaffir even those paki bitches that slut around, we should not call them kafir because we dont know regardless the sins they do, allah knows best we shouldnt say anything

i cant even go to Jummah today because the mukhabarat have infested it.

look at points 6 and 7. there are informants at EVERY. SINGLE. MOSQUE. IN AMERICA. period. read up about it. its at the point where our Ummah is being socially deconstructed and torn. and what basis do you have claiming takfir on me when youre not even a Muslim and probably dont know much. i pray as much as i can and ALWAYS make up prayers.

The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood radhiyallahu anhu when he inquired from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam about the SIGNS OF QIYAMAH.
  1. Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
  2. People will indulge in homosexuality.
  3. There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
  4. There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
  5. People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
  6. Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
  7. The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
  8. The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
  9. Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
  10. Various wines will be consumed excessively.
Tbh all religion is majorly cucked in america, you won't find a single Catholic church that dosnt support homosexuality or abortion in most major cities.

i cant even go to Jummah today because the mukhabarat have infested it.

look at points 6 and 7. there are informants at EVERY. SINGLE. MOSQUE. IN AMERICA. period. read up about it. its at the point where our Ummah is being socially deconstructed and torn. and what basis do you have claiming takfir on me when youre not even a Muslim and probably dont know much. i pray as much as i can and ALWAYS make up prayers.

The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood radhiyallahu anhu when he inquired from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam about the SIGNS OF QIYAMAH.
  1. Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
  2. People will indulge in homosexuality.
  3. There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
  4. There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
  5. People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
  6. Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
  7. The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
  8. The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
  9. Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
  10. Various wines will be consumed excessively.
Think the Jews are the only ones that get to practice their religion freely without gov interference.
Tbh all religion is majorly cucked in america, you won't find a single Catholic church that dosnt support homosexuality or abortion in most major cities.
this. and its just sad. Christians used to be an honorable people, particularly the ones who followed the teachings of Issa alayhi salam closely.

now you see whores wearing a crucifix gold necklace posting nudes on /soc/ and reddit. its a century of religious famine, and Qiyamah (judgement day) is coming VERY soon.

Think the Jews are the only ones that get to practice their religion freely without gov interference.
Allah is enraged with the state of the Jews today. they have accelerated the onset of judgement day. every single one of their actions has embodied kufr and adultery. every value of God has been abandoned.

the only thing that comes to mind when someone says "Judaism" is israelis dancing to jordi and drinking while singing hava nagina hava around a golden cow.
I know that you indirectly said that you don't pray often.

"the best of sinners are the ones who come back and repent"

and today i did mashallah and alhamduallah, allah he is the most forgiving
also @RREEEEEEEEE i dont like how you disregard someone who has weaken faith a kafir, im very offeneded you assumed i was kaffir, this is haram to think like that, dont ever call any muslim a kaffir even those paki bitches that slut around, we should not call them kafir because we dont know regardless the sins they do, allah knows best we shouldnt say anything
I'm not calling you a kafir, I'm just uncomfortable with saying somebody's a Muslim here for a fact when most people are just larping and when I'm like yeah, he's not a larper, suddenly you say you some larp bullshit, kek. But I'm definitely not calling you a kafir.
"the best of sinners are the ones who come back and repent"

and today i did mashallah and alhamduallah, allah he is the most forgiving
mashaAllah. be shure to always capitalize Allah, it is a form of iba'ada(worship) even if youre not praying.
I'm not calling you a kafir, I'm just uncomfortable with saying somebody's a Muslim here for a fact when most people are just larping and when I'm like yeah, he's not a larper, suddenly you say you some larp bullshit, kek. But I'm definitely not calling you a kafir.

do you beleive im amuslim?
Jesus Christ, most of you muslimcels are larping, I don't think any of you actually practice the religion, you just meme it up because it's radical.
This. Except it's not radical but (((the media))) tells everyone otherwise which is obviously wrong.
You judge the extremists here, and call them larpers.
this. i never understood why @RREEEEEEEEE calls me a kafir. its just not possible to make a takfir one someone over an internet forum unless its just blatant apostasy like shirk, adultery etc.

too many other factors to consider to make takfir on things apart from those main ones.
You judge the extremists here, and call them larpers.
Because there's no such thing as a "Muslim extremist," anyone who pretends to be one is an obvious larper.
Because there's no such thing as a "Muslim extremist," anyone who pretends to be one is an obvious larper.
i mean i agree. only the west has labeled Islam as a terrorist or radical or extreme ideology.
Nausea, bushladen, and some other islamistcels are either gone or stopped posting.
They added a sense of radicalism to this site that couldn't be found anywhere else, come back guys.
tbh im pretty sure i fit this criteria
this. i never understood why @RREEEEEEEEE calls me a kafir. its just not possible to make a takfir one someone over an internet forum unless its just blatant apostasy like shirk, adultery etc.

too many other factors to consider to make takfir on things apart from those main ones.
You think (((ISIS))) are Muslims.
i mean i agree. only the west has labeled Islam as a terrorist or radical or extreme ideology.
Then we're on the same page. But you do keep perpetuating that meme with your (((ISIS))) appreciation threads. Only a larper would do that. So it's not weird I would call you a kafir because that's how they act as well, kek.

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