I was born in 1982, and things really haven't changed that much for me. I don't interact with society almost at all though.
I do remember political-correctness and environmentalism being all over the place in the 90's. I guess we still don't want any global warming, (back then it was just "a hole in the ozone layer"), but I had no idea political-correctness would actually increase! I thought it was about as bad as it could be already. (They were letting girls play sports! gasp!)
9-11 did seem to mark a large shift towards PC culture increasing. It seemed like right after 9-11 everyone was all puffed-up and jingoistic, and everyone started watching middle-easterners with suspicion. But then there was blow-back, it was racist to suspect middle-easterners may be more likely to be terrorists.
It was semi-recently established that being racist was about the worse thing you could be (it wasn't that huge of deal before). People who thought their racism was justified felt victimized by being portrayed as evil and dumb in the media; in response they started just openly saying whatever paranoid and hateful thing they thought, without listening to any opposition. Of course the left responded by doing the same. Portraying the other end of the political spectrum as evil, and knee-jerkingly disagreeing with everything they said, wasn't super-prevalent until then.
Uhhh, damn, I wrote stuff. Fuck me, I guess.
Oh and women... Yeah, like I said before it was still very common at that time to marry the first person you started dating seriously. It wasn't odd for people who were couples in middle-school to get married after high-school. Even ugly guys paired up with ugly girls. Not me, but that's because I went to an all male high-school, and was depressed and autistic and shit.
Oh, and shit sucked back then and it sucks now. I've always been miserable, so I don't have rose-tinted glasses about anything from the past.