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I made a script that shows the users who aren't following you back

I got you brocel
I just weeded out every single nigga who didn't follow me in return. And the only ones I don't follow back are low to no post count greys
@Animecel2D should try this and see what his list looks like
It would be hilarious
technically with this script u can enter a different user's id in the window.current_user section at the top and it will show u what their list looks like, but i dont wanna just post screenshots of other user's lists without their permission that might trigger some niggas
technically with this script u can enter a different user's id in the window.current_user section at the top and it will show u what their list looks like, but i dont wanna just post screenshots of other user's lists without their permission that might trigger some niggas
Interesting. I'm gonna try that
Interesting. I'm gonna try that

so u see those numbers (63723) in the url?

click on some user's profile and then copy those numbers and then replace the first two lines of the code with:

window.current_user = "63723";

or in this case the id of the other user u want to see.
View attachment 1340742

so u see those numbers (63723) in the url?

click on some user's profile and then copy those numbers and then replace the first two lines of the code with:

window.current_user = "63723";

or in this case the id of the other user u want to see.
I'm too computer illiterate to figure it out lmao
The only thing I care about is having a 1:1 ratio
Brutally over for the ones following you who didn't get a follow back if it's not totally even
I'm too computer illiterate to figure it out lmao
no worries

i modified the script for you.

all you have to do is click on the profile of any user you are interested in (go to their profile page)

then run the script there, this one in particular:

window.current_user = window.location.href.match(/\/members\/[^/.]*\.(\d+)(?:\/|$)/);
if(!window.current_user || !window.current_user[1]) {
    alert("ERROR: Make sure you are running this script on a member's profile page.");
    throw 'Profile not found.';
window.current_user = window.current_user[1];
function getList(data) {
    var doc = $($.parseHTML(data.html.content.trim())[0]);
    return doc.find('ol.block-body .block-row').map(function() {
        var username = $(this).find('.username').text();
        var user_id = $(this).find('.username').data('user-id');
        var html = $(this).html().trim();
        return { username, user_id, html };
function getNext(type, page, list, cb) {
    function onerror() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            getNext(type, page, list, cb);
        }, 1000);
    $.get('https://incels.is/members/'+window.current_user+'/'+type+'/page-'+page+'?_xfResponseType=json', function(data) {
        if(data.status !== 'ok') {
        var cur = getList(data);
        if(cur.length) {
            getNext(type, page+1, list.concat(cur), cb);
        } else {
console.log('fetching following list...');
getNext('following', 1, [], function(following) {
    console.log('fetching followers list...');
    getNext('followers', 1, [], function(followers) {
        function diff(a, b) {
            var seen = Object.create(null);
            b.forEach(function(member) {
                seen[member.user_id] = 1;
            return a.filter(function(member) {
                return !seen[member.user_id];
            }).sort(function(a, b) {
                return (a.username || '').localeCompare(b.username);
        var brutal = diff(following, followers);
        var grays = diff(followers, following);
        function log(list) {
                return 'No members in this list.';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return '@' + member.username;
            }).join(' ');
        function display(list) {
                return '<p>No members in this list.</p>';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return member.html;
        console.log("Members who aren't following you back\n\n" + log(brutal));
        console.log("Members you aren't following back\n\n" + log(grays));
        document.body.innerHTML = "<style>.contentRow { margin-bottom: 10px; } body { padding-left: 30px; }</style>";
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members who aren't following you back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(brutal);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members you aren't following back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(grays);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h2>This script was created by some nigga named @lowz1r</h2><br>";
no worries

i modified the script for you.

all you have to do is click on the profile of any user you are interested in (go to their profile page)

then run the script there, this one in particular:

window.current_user = window.location.href.match(/\/members\/[^/.]*\.(\d+)(?:\/|$)/);
if(!window.current_user || !window.current_user[1]) {
    alert("ERROR: Make sure you are running this script on a member's profile page.");
    throw 'Profile not found.';
window.current_user = window.current_user[1];
function getList(data) {
    var doc = $($.parseHTML(data.html.content.trim())[0]);
    return doc.find('ol.block-body .block-row').map(function() {
        var username = $(this).find('.username').text();
        var user_id = $(this).find('.username').data('user-id');
        var html = $(this).html().trim();
        return { username, user_id, html };
function getNext(type, page, list, cb) {
    function onerror() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            getNext(type, page, list, cb);
        }, 1000);
    $.get('https://incels.is/members/'+window.current_user+'/'+type+'/page-'+page+'?_xfResponseType=json', function(data) {
        if(data.status !== 'ok') {
        var cur = getList(data);
        if(cur.length) {
            getNext(type, page+1, list.concat(cur), cb);
        } else {
console.log('fetching following list...');
getNext('following', 1, [], function(following) {
    console.log('fetching followers list...');
    getNext('followers', 1, [], function(followers) {
        function diff(a, b) {
            var seen = Object.create(null);
            b.forEach(function(member) {
                seen[member.user_id] = 1;
            return a.filter(function(member) {
                return !seen[member.user_id];
            }).sort(function(a, b) {
                return (a.username || '').localeCompare(b.username);
        var brutal = diff(following, followers);
        var grays = diff(followers, following);
        function log(list) {
                return 'No members in this list.';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return '@' + member.username;
            }).join(' ');
        function display(list) {
                return '<p>No members in this list.</p>';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return member.html;
        console.log("Members who aren't following you back\n\n" + log(brutal));
        console.log("Members you aren't following back\n\n" + log(grays));
        document.body.innerHTML = "<style>.contentRow { margin-bottom: 10px; } body { padding-left: 30px; }</style>";
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members who aren't following you back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(brutal);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members you aren't following back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(grays);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h2>This script was created by some nigga named @lowz1r</h2><br>";
@Animecel2D's list is pretty messy tbh. He has tons of people in each category. Should use this program and unfollow the niggers who don't follow him back and follow more of the ones that are kek
It did work lmao. I'm saving this shit. For some reason, @InsidiousMerchant has unfollowed me even though he used to follow me. And of course Fat Link and Master never followed me back, but that's it. I did a good job painstakingly going through this list on my own.
Yeah, I mass unfollowed. I recognized this wasn't Tiktok
Yeah, I mass unfollowed. I recognized this wasn't Tiktok
Following literally doesn’t give you any notifications. It’s just the equivalent of a Facebook friend. So why did you do it
Following literally doesn’t give you any notifications. It’s just the equivalent of a Facebook friend. So why did you do it
You have 170 followers and you follow 161 people. It can't be equivalent
high iq asf. good job broski works really well
You have 170 followers and you follow 161 people. It can't be equivalent
I don’t follow around 9 no post or extremely low post greys I don’t trust. Everyone else I follow if they follow me
I'm sorry for making you upset. Here :feelshehe:
Didn’t make me upset per se, but I only follow people who follow me in return. If I notice someone has unfollowed me, I just unfollow them in return.
Didn’t make me upset per se, but I only follow people who follow me in return. If I notice someone has unfollowed me, I just unfollow them in return.
Imagine I just unfollowed you lol
And the users that you aren't following back...

I don't really care about people who don't follow back but I vaguely recall some users such as @VintageCarCoper saying they get pissed whenever they don't get followed back, so I figured there might be some users who want to see this list without going through the tedious process of manually checking them one by one.

How to use
Open inspect element on this page (which is usually the F12 shortcut), click on the console section, and paste the code from the spoiler below into the console and press enter.

    window.current_user = $('nav .avatar').data('user-id');
function getList(data) {
    var doc = $($.parseHTML(data.html.content.trim())[0]);
    return doc.find('ol.block-body .block-row').map(function() {
        var username = $(this).find('.username').text();
        var user_id = $(this).find('.username').data('user-id');
        var html = $(this).html().trim();
        return { username, user_id, html };
function getNext(type, page, list, cb) {
    function onerror() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            getNext(type, page, list, cb);
        }, 1000);
    $.get('https://incels.is/members/'+window.current_user+'/'+type+'/page-'+page+'?_xfResponseType=json', function(data) {
        if(data.status !== 'ok') {
        var cur = getList(data);
        if(cur.length) {
            getNext(type, page+1, list.concat(cur), cb);
        } else {
console.log('fetching following list...');
getNext('following', 1, [], function(following) {
    console.log('fetching followers list...');
    getNext('followers', 1, [], function(followers) {
        function diff(a, b) {
            var seen = Object.create(null);
            b.forEach(function(member) {
                seen[member.user_id] = 1;
            return a.filter(function(member) {
                return !seen[member.user_id];
            }).sort(function(a, b) {
                return (a.username || '').localeCompare(b.username);
        var brutal = diff(following, followers);
        var grays = diff(followers, following);
        function log(list) {
                return 'No members in this list.';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return '@' + member.username;
            }).join(' ');
        function display(list) {
                return '<p>No members in this list.</p>';
            return list.map(function(member) {
                return member.html;
        console.log("Members who aren't following you back\n\n" + log(brutal));
        console.log("Members you aren't following back\n\n" + log(grays));
        document.body.innerHTML = "<style>.contentRow { margin-bottom: 10px; } body { padding-left: 30px; }</style>";
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members who aren't following you back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(brutal);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>Members you aren't following back</h1>";
        document.body.innerHTML += display(grays);
        document.body.innerHTML += "<h2>This script was created by some nigga named @lowz1r</h2><br>";

Was there a point to making this? Probably not.
Why did I do it? Because I'm a fucking incel.

tagging @lazy_gamer_423 because I've seen him use inspect element before.
tagging @The Scarlet Prince because he made a thread on javascript before.
post it on github and contribute open source inceldom
there was a guy who used script to postmaxx i tried it and it worked can't remember the name though.
I don't really care about people who don't follow back

I say this even though I went ahead and unfollowed everyone who wasn't following me back and then followed everyone who I wasn't following back :feelsseriously:
This is something that Instagram normies could use you should make this feature for kikestagram

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