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Blackpill "I lost my virginity with a hooker" NO YOU DIDNT LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY EVEN IF YOU FUCKED 1000 HOOKERS



Nov 8, 2017
Let me explain what virginity is about in my book. Losing your virginity, to me, and even in my bluepilled days, meant the fact of someone desiring you sexually enough to have sex with you. Thats what the ritual of "becoming a man" is, its about having other human being accept you into their intimate space.

For me, someone who is an experienced hooker user but didnt fuck without paying is a total virgin still, while someone who did cuddle/kiss/play sexually wit a girl, even if they didnt get to fuck, is not a virgin anymore.

Losing your virginity, to me, and even in my bluepilled days, meant the fact of someone desiring you sexually enough to have sex with you.
Most men are virgins then.
Most men are virgins then.

Any sexual desire is enough. Just getting a girl to fuck you without being a betabuxx or a hooker user. I'm just talking about the r/ForeverAlone redditors (and surprisingly, some r/Braincels and former r/Incels ones) who claimed that they were no longer virgins because they visited some hooker.
Let me explain what virginity is about in my book. Losing your virginity, to me, and even in my bluepilled days, meant the fact of someone desiring you sexually enough to have sex with you. Thats what the ritual of "becoming a man" is, its about having other human being accept you into their intimate space.

For me, someone who is an experienced hooker user but didnt fuck without paying is a total virgin still, while someone who did cuddle/kiss/play sexually wit a girl, even if they didnt get to fuck, is not a virgin anymore.


I swallowed this pill already & repeated this several months back.
Any sexual desire is enough. Just getting a girl to fuck you without being a betabuxx or a hooker user. I'm just talking about the r/ForeverAlone redditors (and surprisingly, some r/Braincels and former r/Incels ones) who claimed that they were no longer virgins because they visited some hooker.

Thing is when I said this. I got a hell of a lot of stick for it.

I'd still say escortcelling is 1 of if not the best copes out there though...
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Loosing your virginity means vaginal penetration. That's it
Any sexual desire is enough. Just getting a girl to fuck you without being a betabuxx or a hooker user. I'm just talking about the r/ForeverAlone redditors (and surprisingly, some r/Braincels and former r/Incels ones) who claimed that they were no longer virgins because they visited some hooker.

You have a different (idealized) idea of what sex means. In real life women aren't fucking guys because they desire them. Women are essentially prostituting themselves without calling it prostituting.

Women lust after Chad. All other guys are being manipulated by women; women use sex as the prize to get men to jump through hoops.
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Oh mighty asteroid kill us all
Anyone can fuck a hooker if they have cash in hand & their inhibition is not too high, some will say no but there will be those willing to do the deed.

I can stick my dick in a fleshlight to bust a nut & temporarily fix my physiological need but that sex toy will never make me feel loved, wanted, chosen, ACCEPTED.

Let me explain what virginity is about in my book

Well you are obviously some blue pilled ego driven fool. I understand things based on an objective interpretation, not some subjective arbitrary BS. One loses their virginity by having sex (penetrative sex), it doesn't matter how you had sex, it matters that you had it, that's the criteria for losing your virginity, point blank period.

If we go by your logic, hypothetically if a woman payed for sex, she could get gang banged by 10 guys each packing 10 inches of dick, completely removing any trace of a hymen and widening her walls to the point that 5 inches is barely felt by her, but because she paid for it, it doesn't count.

You are completely ignoring the PHYSICAL AND OBJECTIVE criteria for losing ones virginity, and attempting to superceed it with MENTAL AND SUBJECTIVE criteria.

Guys like you are afflicted with VBS (Vestigial Blue pill Syndrome)

Loosing your virginity means vaginal penetration. That's it
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Well you are obviously some blue pilled ego driven fool. I understand thinks based on an objective interpretation, not some subjective arbitrary BS. One loses their virginity by having sex (penetrative sex), it doesn't matter how you had sex, it matters that you had it, that's the criteria for losing your virginity, point blank period.

If we go by your logic, hypothetically if a woman payed for sex, she could get gang banged by 10 guys each packing 10 inches of dick, completely removing any trace of a hymen and widening her walls to the point that 5 inches is barely felt by her, but because she paid for it, it doesn't count.

You are completely ignoring the PHYSICAL AND OBJECTIVE criteria for losing ones virginity, and attempting to superceed it with MENTAL AND SUBJECTIVE criteria.

Guys like you are afflicted with VBS (Vestigial Blue pill Syndrome)

Extremely shallow way to look at it. Also virginity for women is different, unless the women is master level truecel. I do not consider almost any woman virgin even if they didnt reach PiV
Extremely logical way to look at it.

Tell me where the cope is in not considering paid sex as "real" sex.
Imagine if a hunter walks into a KFC, you're sitting there eating, he walks up to you and says - "that isn't "real" meat you're eating, you see you didn't "earn it", so it doesn't count". Would you give a fuck about the pointless subjective BS he was spewing, or would you simply rely on common sense and understand that its still meat, because it literally is meat, how it was acquired has no bearing on if its meat.

This is some pretty simple shit, I don't see why elementary concepts like this need to be explained to you, this is what happens when you are blinded by ego, you don't operate based on logic, you operate based on emotion. You want to "feel loved" and/or "feel validated" so you keep telling yourself that if you can't get those things then the "sex doesn't count".

This is VBS in full effect, an affliction that makes a black piller sound completely blue pilled.
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I'm fine with fucking hookers. I just don't want to lose my virginity to one.
you don't operate based on logic, you operate based on emotion. You want to "feel loved" or "feel validated" so you keep telling yourself that if you can't get those things then the "sex doesn't count".

Validation from peers is a BASIC HUMAN INSTINCT and also a DIRECT MEASURE OF YOUR VALUE AS A MALE. Virginity stigma doesn't exist because "you didnt stick penis in vagina", it exists because "if you are virgin it must be because you are ugly/no one accepted you of all people". Thats what it's about. I know that the literal meaning is not having literal sex, whatever it may be. I am talking about the huge connotations and how is virginity really valued and defined as a concept.
"you didnt stick penis in vagina", it exists because "if you are virgin it must be because you are ugly/no one accepted you of all people"

Soooooo the men who want virgin wives, want them because they are undesirable, not because they are "unfucked" and therefore not used goods?

Again when you add subjective BS onto something that has a straight forward and obvious objective meaning it doesn't make much sense.
Soooooo the men who want virgin wives, want them because they are undesirable, not because they are "unfucked" and therefore not used goods?

Again when you add subjective BS onto something that has a straight forward and obvious objective meaning it doesn't make much sense.
Also virginity for women is different
Oh yeah, I forgot you said you were "holding out", you can literally go have sex any day, you have the means and location, but you are "holding out" likely for "something special". Do you know how volcel that sounds.
Oh yeah, I forgot you said you were "holding out", you can literally go have sex any day, you have the means and location, but you are "holding out" likely for "something special". Do you know how volcel that sounds.

If you call someone volcel for refusing to go to a hooker, you don't know what incel means.

Oh, ill remind you anyways: Incel: Someone who can't get sex or intimate contant without resorting to force, cohercion or money.
Virginity for women isn't really "different", its the "inverse" of male virginity, men get judged for not having sex, women get judged for having sex, but the defining criteria has and will always be simply that YOU HAD SEX (penetrative sex).

You do realize not to long ago it was a normal male custom for a father to take his son to a brothel for his first time when he reaches a certain age right? (usually in their young teens). By your logic those men were still virgins afterwards.
Virginity for women isn't really "different", its the "inverse" of male virginity, men get judged for not having sex, women get judged for having sex, but the defining criteria has and will always be simply that YOU HAD SEX (penetrative sex).

You do realize not to long ago it was a normal male custom for a father to take his son to a brothel for his first time when he reaches a certain age right? (usually in their young teens). By your logic those men were still virgins afterwards.

Yes, they were. One loses their virginity when they are fully acepted intimately by another individual. That is the true "ritual of passage".
Incel: Someone who can't get sex or intimate contant without resorting to force, cohercion or money.

So basically like this guy said
Most men are virgins then.

I don't think you realize how all encompassing your definition is, most men have to basically pay women for sex, things like dating, marriage, etc are all just COVERT FORMS OF PROSTITUTION. Its all prostitution, always has been, always will be. So by your logic, most men are incels, because were all paying for it, some just more than others.

I've said this before and i'll say it again - EVEN CHAD PAYS IN THE END, HE JUST GETS A DISCOUNT ON THE ENTRANCE FEE.

When I was a cashier I'd see numerous regular couples, and a few couples where the woman was regular and the guy was a chad, some I grew to know on a first name basis after months of cashing them.

Do you know what I noticed. The Chads had to pay for shit just as much as the regular guys. They were buying all the snacks, food, feminine hygene products, etc, just like the regular guy with a regular GF/wife.

Do you guys think Chad isn't buying gifts, celebrating holidays, paying for dates, buying an engagement ring?

Do you think when a Chad gets divorced he isn't paying alimony, child support, etc.?

This is what I mean by you guys are clouded by ego and replaced logic and reasoning with emotionally based subjective nonsense. Of course even chad is paying once the relationships ACTUALLY STARTS. He may get a free fuck at the club in a bathroom stall after buying a few drinks because he's "hot", but when they start "dating" (again just covert prostitution). He starts paying just like a regular guy, ALL MEN PAY, ITS ALL PROSTITUTION.

I noticed this from talking to other men and from my observations, this is why I've never been jealous of Chads or normies, because I know where it ends, I just want acces to sex, that's it, not all the extra baggage, so I'm quite fine just paying for it, I consider what ever extra costs it has to be a "security fee" so I can avoid all the other maintenance fees of having a woman.

model tier

Sure with round ramuses that will never debloat, rounded lower eyelids, poor zygo prominence so I need monk diet for my cheekbones to show, pencil neck, absolutely subhuman frame and king of manlets height.

See? thats why I told you you are haloing guys with girlfriends thinking they are Chad.
god this is so stupid
some incels r completely retarded or have such shitty mrntal gymnastics they do to keep from killing themselves
So basically like this guy said

I don't think you realize how all encompassing your definition is, most men have to basically pay women for sex, things like dating, marriage, etc are all just COVERT FORMS OF PROSTITUTION. Its all prostitution, always has been, always will be. So by your logic, most men are incels, because were all paying for it, some just more than others.
This is how I view it as well. It goes back to the beta bux model. The beta cucker, representing the common normpleb, has to barter for sex and romance because he wasn't born into sexual aristocracy like Chad.
Loosing your virginity means vaginal penetration. That's it

This. OP is a mentally ill Chad who likes to come here to spam nonsense to incels to make him feel better.
This. OP is a mentally ill Chad who likes to come here to spam nonsense to incels to make him feel better.

What's it going to take to get this guy banned? We all know he gets laid occasionally, dude comes on here acting stupid with this supposed God complex. I'm certain that postwall trash looks passed his frame and gets lost in his face. This dude just seems angry that he doesn't get 10/10 staceys.
  1. the state of never having had sexual intercourse.
    "he lost his virginity in college"
This is how I view it as well. It goes back to the beta bux model. The beta cucker, representing the common normpleb, has to barter for sex and romance because he wasn't born into sexual aristocracy like Chad.

By that logic, that means anything below a chad is condemned to a life of betabuxxing. You're giving weight to the sub8 Theory.
It's over for escortcels.
High IQ post. Same applies to bestiality-cels.
he lose his virginity but he didnt lo lose his inceldom
Unrelated but @Zyros what’s ur bideltoid?
Let me explain what virginity is about in my book. Losing your virginity, to me, and even in my bluepilled days, meant the fact of someone desiring you sexually enough to have sex with you. Thats what the ritual of "becoming a man" is, its about having other human being accept you into their intimate space.

For me, someone who is an experienced hooker user but didnt fuck without paying is a total virgin still, while someone who did cuddle/kiss/play sexually wit a girl, even if they didnt get to fuck, is not a virgin anymore.

Very cool, @Zyros .
So basically like this guy said

I don't think you realize how all encompassing your definition is, most men have to basically pay women for sex, things like dating, marriage, etc are all just COVERT FORMS OF PROSTITUTION. Its all prostitution, always has been, always will be. So by your logic, most men are incels, because were all paying for it, some just more than others.

I've said this before and i'll say it again - EVEN CHAD PAYS IN THE END, HE JUST GETS A DISCOUNT ON THE ENTRANCE FEE.

When I was a cashier I'd see numerous regular couples, and a few couples where the woman was regular and the guy was a chad, some I grew to know on a first name basis after months of cashing them.

Do you know what I noticed. The Chads had to pay for shit just as much as the regular guys. They were buying all the snacks, food, feminine hygene products, etc, just like the regular guy with a regular GF/wife.

Do you guys think Chad isn't buying gifts, celebrating holidays, paying for dates, buying an engagement ring?

Do you think when a Chad gets divorced he isn't paying alimony, child support, etc.?

This is what I mean by you guys are clouded by ego and replaced logic and reasoning with emotionally based subjective nonsense. Of course even chad is paying once the relationships ACTUALLY STARTS. He may get a free fuck at the club in a bathroom stall after buying a few drinks because he's "hot", but when they start "dating" (again just covert prostitution). He starts paying just like a regular guy, ALL MEN PAY, ITS ALL PROSTITUTION.

I noticed this from talking to other men and from my observations, this is why I've never been jealous of Chads or normies, because I know where it ends, I just want acces to sex, that's it, not all the extra baggage, so I'm quite fine just paying for it, I consider what ever extra costs it has to be a "security fee" so I can avoid all the other maintenance fees of having a woman.
Hear hear! I agree with you agreeing with me!

Yeah, I'm middle-aged, so I'm too jaded to think of love or the first time being special.

Really I hate women, so I don't want a relationship. What I need is the life of a giga-chad. I want to be a guy like Jack Nicholson, Wilt Chamberlain, or Gene Simmons -- guys that pick up women for one night stands constantly. I'd like to fuck a woman once, then throw her away like soiled tissue paper.

I never, ever want a long-term relationship. The idea sickens me. If I do get in one it will be by trickery and manipulation.
Let me explain what virginity is about in my book. Losing your virginity, to me, and even in my bluepilled days, meant the fact of someone desiring you sexually enough to have sex with you. Thats what the ritual of "becoming a man" is, its about having other human being accept you into their intimate space.

For me, someone who is an experienced hooker user but didnt fuck without paying is a total virgin still, while someone who did cuddle/kiss/play sexually wit a girl, even if they didnt get to fuck, is not a virgin anymore.

Virgin pride
High IQ thread. JFL at people here who think fucking hookers is ascending.

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