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RageFuel I like how I'm not allowed to generalize women when the majority have treated me horribly, but women can do the inverse when Chad pump and dumps them.



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
To preface, I have not been bullied by another guy since 2013. I very rarely have bad experiences with other guys, and other guys rarely try to provoke me. I don't believe I have been provoked even ONCE on my college campus by another guy.

However, for pretty much all of my 24 years of living, and especially since I hit puberty, women have treated me like shit through and through. I have been taunted by women almost regularly from childhood on. When I have to be on my university campus during the fall and spring semesters, at least once or twice every two weeks I will have some random broad who I never met a day in my life do a bullying tactic to directly attempt to negatively provoke me (ew at me, point and laugh at me, etc).

When I'm out in the general public this will happen to me too, but ONLY by women, as it has been this way for the past 24 years. I'm neither schizophrenic nor do I go out smelling like shit, I'm pretty well groomed and I, of course, shower before I go out.

The only time when this doesn't happen is when I'm at my job, which is basically my happy place at this point (besides my computer), as sad as that sounds.

Best part is that I'm not allowed to vent about this anywhere EXCEPT on here. If I vented this shit on Soyddit, I would get downvoted to oblivion and have my account banned, however, women can use ANY of these social media/pozzed leftist spaces to talk about how much they hate men and want to kill men all they want, when ONE Chad pump and dumps them. Normies love to wonder why we need a separate forum from everyone else, all the while gaslighting the shit out of us when we vent about our lives.

This is what I hate. The very fucking blatant double standards. It's like women are this protected, infallible chaste who are the arbiters of morality, while everything we do is heavily scrutinized. If the way that modern men are treated isn't some potential pathway to genocide, then I don't know what is.
foids can do anything and people will support them
Uhhmmmm inkler wahmen are allowed to generalize men all they want but you're not allowed to bcus that's like sexxism didn't you know???
Women do this because they know they can get away with it. So long as they save face to society we are deemed it's moral inferiors. :dafuckfeels:
Reddit is a for-profit company. The internet became shit when ad revenue became the profit model same as tv. Social media needs holes to be on the site so their preferences can be tracked to create targeting marketing that becomes revenue when web space is sold to for-proft companies. The entire AI hype is based around software creating ads specifically tailored for the exact moment that hole is online. Women, niggers and faggots all spend more than save so ate celebrated. Thrifty white and asian men are demonized.
Cultural Marxism is oppressor versus oppressed thinking. That's why dumb blacks and women will tell you you can't be racist vs whites and you can't be sexist vs men, because whites, straights and men are the oppressor-class and only they can oppress.

I don't mind calling out the double standard, it's important that normies who are completely oblivious to what's happening in the world get these redpills in them, but everyone here already knows this. And don't expect any leftard to give a shit either, you can show them their hypocrisy 24/7 they'll redefine the word or ban you before ever admitting/caring that they're hypocrites.
Reddit is a for-profit company. The internet became shit when ad revenue became the profit model same as tv. Social media needs holes to be on the site so their preferences can be tracked to create targeting marketing that becomes revenue when web space is sold to for-proft companies. The entire AI hype is based around software creating ads specifically tailored for the exact moment that hole is online. Women, niggers and faggots all spend more than save so ate celebrated. Thrifty white and asian men are demonized.
Uh-huh, the communist grooming website are actually evil greedy capitalists who just want to make money by banning half the population (rightwingers) from their website.
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Uh-huh, the communist grooming website are actually evil greedy capitalists who just want to make money by banning half the population (rightwingers) from their website.
What is a communist for-profit site? Your type always omits the money trail and gets caught up in some weird narrative. Do you believe money to Ukraine is to defend democracy? Prison is part of justice? Schools are for learning? These are all money making schemes to someone.
What is a communist for-profit site? Your type always omits the money trail and gets caught up in some weird narrative. Do you believe money to Ukraine is to defend democracy? Prison is part of justice? Schools are for learning? These are all money making schemes to someone.
No your type always blindly follows the money, like it's impossible for you to imagine that some billionaire jew could spend 0.1% of his money to influence public opinion.
No your type always blindly follows the money, like it's impossible for you to imagine that some billionaire jew could spend 0.1% of his money to influence public opinion.
So they influence public opinion by having an IPO and becoming a mechanism for other profit driven people to contribute their scheme money to? Makes no sense. Once a company is set for maximizing revenue, they will cater to the groups that do the most spending, especially if their investor relations presentation is all about catering to said groups with ad space.
So they influence public opinion by having an IPO and becoming a mechanism for other profit driven people to contribute their scheme money to? Makes no sense. Once a company is set for maximizing revenue, they will cater to the groups that do the most spending, especially if their investor relations presentation is all about catering to said groups with ad space.
Why not make money of both rightwingers and leftwingers and push the ads for chopping your dick off at a 50% discount in the troonsubs while pushing buygoldnow scams in the rightwing ones.

I just don't get this logic, are all these people with billions just waiting to make their next million so they can swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck? What the fuck is the point if you already have 100 lifetimes worth of money to spend? Philanthropy exists, maybe a rich jew wants to honor his lampshade parents by pushing leftism and anti-racism in the public and he's willing to give up a few shekels to do so, is that possible?
Why not make money of both rightwingers and leftwingers and push the ads for chopping your dick off at a 50% discount in the troonsubs while pushing buygoldnow scams in the rightwing ones.

I just don't get this logic, are all these people with billions just waiting to make their next million so they can swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck? What the fuck is the point if you already have 100 lifetimes worth of money to spend? Philanthropy exists, maybe a rich jew wants to honor his lampshade parents by pushing leftism and anti-racism in the public and he's willing to give up a few shekels to do so, is that possible?
Not logically consistent. If jews were lampshaded for being insane money grubbers, then that should carry through when assessing their actions. If the actions are creating more money, that can't be assumed to be coincidental. The richest people are such because they prioritize money, many are even certified autists.
It is bizarre that people aren't allowed to generalize foids, even though everyone knows that foids are all the same

but they can generalize males, who are different

society is so perverse it's sickening
It is bizarre that people aren't allowed to generalize foids, even though everyone knows that foids are all the same

but they can generalize males, who are different

society is so perverse it's sickening
Yep. Many such cases.

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