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Venting I know now that Im a truecel



May 9, 2024
Here is a song you can listen to while you read this Someone made a post about aphex twin A few weeks ago and it reminded me of it
I think it fits in well with this its probably one of my favourite songs
I was listening to it while writing this so I thought I would put it here

View: https://youtu.be/q86g1aop6a8?si=d5tKKOsz6yzYlw7L

I accept now that I am a truecel there is
no coping around it
I have pretty much nothing going for me
I get mogged by most people in everything daily
Its such a fucking brutal way to live

Im low Iq and uneducated
physically weak and unhealthy

My face is fucked up and I have several mental problems like adhd ptsd and anxiety (not surprising that I have the last two at all given my shit genes)

I genuinely never stood a chance In life
Its crazy to think about that and Im sure youve all had similar thoughts too

All the struggles and pain Ive gone through in life were for fucking nothing
All the dreams and hopes I had were only a delusion they were there to keep me going
they were never really possible
literally nothing worthwhile will come from this shit existence
Even the few good things I have now will slowly fade away until I have nothing left to exist for
And I say exist because I Cant say I ever lived at all

I will just rot away while Everyone else gets to live their good lives because they got lucky
What was the point of me even being born into this fucking rigged and evil world??
Just to be a puppet used by the world to make other people laugh and feel good about themselves
is that really it

Im always thinking about this shit Ive made a couple other posts pretty much saying the same thing because I cant get it out of my head

Im one of the smallest men Ive seen in my life This is what I would say makes me a truecel
Even with all of my other flaws I would say this is the thing that has ruined me

This is what Has caused most of the hardship in my life
the abuse and bullying and all the disrespect I have faced for years and couldnt do anything about
Thats why I named myself Runt since it has been one of the main defining traits of my how my life turned out

Tiny hands and tiny feet (5.5/6) tiny wrists(5.8/6)and small skull
Narrow shoulders (I wear xs tshirts idk the actual width) small waist too like 27-28 inch
I have no muscle I have pretty much all the bad traits of an ectomorph with none of the good ones like height since I'm 5’6/5’7
Im 20 btw so Its not like im some 17 year old complaining who still has time to ascend somehow
My fate is fucking sealed

I think I might genuinely get frame mogged by fucking ER
Ive always hated my pathetic frame
I dont even give af as much about being ugly compared to my shit frame It completely ruined my life

If I could be an ugly big intimidating guy who still got no women I would be happy with that

atleast I could feel like a man then instead of a fucking subhuman

I feel like I was given the worst traits of each gender with none of the good ones
Ill give a couple examples of what I mean because I cant think of anymore off the top of my head

I was given The frail pathetic weak body of a woman without the social power of her gender and cunt that allows her to thrive in life
And put into a world where subchad men are hated and treated like second class citizens and cannon fodder
but I dont have the physical strength or power like a normal man does
So I am just thrown Into this hostile world with no means of defence

My whole existence has just felt grey and dead There never really was any life being lived
If you listened to the song at the beginning I would say If I could put my life into a song that would be it
Long depressing and boring

I feel like when I realised how bad my genes were any hope for colour to come into my life faded away and now I am just trapped in this void forever wishing to escape

Any of you who still have a chance at anything in life should be happy to get anything at all

I know you might not be slaying but Atleast you can enjoy some things in life

I guess I can too But its all not as enjoyable when you get mogged every second
Even when Im watching films or playing games Im reminded of how even fucking women sizemog me let alone fucking men
I just imagine what I would look like next to these people and its fucking brutal
I genuinely wouldn't even look human

I wish I could box or fight but My frame is too fucking pathetic
Ive always wanted the confidence that comes with knowing you can fight but I would never get this even if I trained because of my frame

I wish I could create beautiful art but I don't have natural talent at it and I dont want to take years just to get to the point that someone with talent starts at

The brutal thing is I have a few people in my family who are naturally talented and make really good art but im fucking terrible and have given up on it now because it just makes me angry every time I try to draw anything

I wish at the very least I could have had something as unimportant of a skill as being good at gaming just so I could enjoy that more as a cope but I dont even fucking get that
Im shit at nearly every game I play Whenever I play with my friends They are always near the top of the leader board while I am always at the bottem
That’s pretty much my life summed up

Nearly everything in my life has been ruined by my genes I really fucking hate the state my life has ended up in

Shit even this post is fucking terrible With my shit iq I cant write anything interesting or anything that anyone actually gives af about
This wont be a post that anyone thinks about or cares about after reading
If you even read up to this point you will forget about it in around a few hours at the most

I just wish I could have something In life to keep me going
Some sort of talent or hobby that im actually good at and can cope with
Something that would make it worth me ever existing at all
I always wanted to be someone important or special
but my genes have failed me at everything in life
nothing can pay the price to fix the hole that my terrible genes have left

Im just going to continue neetmaxx/ldaring since being able to do this is one of the few privileges I got in life
If I was forced to work on top of all of this I would have genuinely fucking lost it by now
If you read this far I appreciate it and you are a real nigga :feelsYall:
I hope the best for you hopefully you wish me the same If not fuck you
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Read every single sentence
Find God, last hope
Give Him a chance. When you have nothing to lose, there's nothing wrong in Asking God for help
God caused this in the first place, if he gave a shit we wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with
God caused this in the first place, if he gave a shit we wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with
Excited Lets Go GIF
Didn't even take you 1000 posts to figure out eh
God caused this in the first place, if he gave a shit we wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with
I hear this shit a lot from people who have questions about God: "Why would God allow evil/bad things to happen to people?"

It's because he fucking allows it to happen and NOTHING takes him by surprise. He planned your appearing ugly and you will live the rest of your life as a weak petty excuse of a man. You will rot in your room alone in inceldom like the rest of us and throughout all your trials in life you realize that you passed as a truecel in every single one BECAUSE GOD PLANNED IT ALL OUT. IT IS GOD'S PLAN.
Which is your race

They have truly stripped us off our rights
I hear this shit a lot from people who have questions about God: "Why would God allow evil/bad things to happen to people?"

It's because he fucking allows it to happen and NOTHING takes him by surprise. He planned your appearing ugly and you will live the rest of your life as a weak petty excuse of a man. You will rot in your room alone in inceldom like the rest of us and throughout all your trials in life you realize that you passed as a truecel in every single one BECAUSE GOD PLANNED IT ALL OUT. IT IS GOD'S PLAN.
who said I want to be a martyr
fuck all that simping for god when he literally raped you
White but that doesn’t mean shit when all your physical traits are bad
I knew hence why i didn't read a single word

It's not over for you
I knew hence why i didn't read a single word

It's not over for you
Jbw doesnt mean shit if you dont have some of the traits that makes whites attrative

Im not tall i dont have a big frame I dont have blonde hair or blue eyes
And the rest of my physical features are unattractive
Even geomaxxing has became a known thing to normies now so I would stand no chance

Jbw is just a cope for ethnics to use to cope around their physical features being the main problem and for whitecels to have a delusional last hope
Jbw doesnt mean shit if you dont have some of the traits that makes whites attrative

Im not tall i dont have a big frame I dont have blonde hair or blue eyes
And the rest of my physical features are unattractive
Even geomaxxing has became a known thing to normies now so I would stand no chance

Jbw is just a cope for ethnics to use to cope around their physical features being the main problem and for whitecels to have a delusional last hope
If you dont have white features like a broad frame, tall height, light hair, eyes or at least pink skin you're not white then dude duh.
Heartbreaking post man. I genuinely almost cried halfway through. While I can't say that my situation mirrors yours, it was still very relatable and I felt your pain.

What was the point of me even being born into this fucking rigged and evil world??
Just to be a puppet used by the world to make other people laugh and feel good about themselves
Fuck them. They are truly the most pathetic scums out there. They are malicious enough to degrade you despite knowing all too well that they will never have to go through the pain you experience in one day their whole lives.

I wish I could create beautiful art but I don't have natural talent at it and I dont want to take years just to get to the point that someone with talent starts at
I have some advice for you brocel. I know this might sound bluepilled or even cliché, but hear me out.
If you truly enjoying doing something, such as art in your case, don't let external factors such as your raw natural talent stop you from doing what you love.

Sure, you may end up spending hundreds or even thousands of hours just to be mogged by someone who is naturally talented in a few days.
But you can still improve from the point at which you started from. You can still feel very accomplished because you know you worked really hard to get better, even if the end result isn't inherently impressive or exceptional.

If you really thought about it logically, what is more impressive? A short guy training for years to be able to jump high enough to dunk a basketball, or a very tall guy that was easily able to dunk after just a few weeks of training? To the average audience, they could not care less about the fact that the tall guy got to where he was more easily because of his genetic predisposition. They could not care less about how hard the short guy worked to be able to jump that high and will cheer on the tall guy instead (it is the sad reality of life and the shallow nature of human beings).

But the short guy knows he was at a natural disadvantage. He knows that despite having the odds completely stacked against him, he put in serious effort and was able to achieve his goal. That is how you can truly feel accomplished.

This is water, but the reality is that natural talent almost always beats hard work. A naturally talented person will have the fame, the validation, the admiration, and the end result with much less effort. But once you accept this reality and come to peace with it, you will be able to enjoy doing the things you love. You shouldn't care less about how X person was able to mog you with minimal effort, because you know that person had a natural advantage. As Ernest Hemingway said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Shit even this post is fucking terrible With my shit iq I cant write anything interesting or anything that anyone actually gives af about
This wont be a post that anyone thinks about or cares about after reading
You spoke your mind completely unfiltered without a care in the world. That is something I don't think I will ever be able to do.

I hope the best for you hopefully you wish me the same If not fuck you
I hope the best for you my nigga. Life really is rigged and unfair, but it is up to us to fight against it. Good luck fighting, brocel.
Heartbreaking post man. I genuinely almost cried halfway through. While I can't say that my situation mirrors yours, it was still very relatable and I felt your pain.

Fuck them. They are truly the most pathetic scums out there. They are malicious enough to degrade you despite knowing all too well that they will never have to go through the pain you experience in one day their whole lives.

I have some advice for you brocel. I know this might sound bluepilled or even cliché, but hear me out.
If you truly enjoying doing something, such as art in your case, don't let external factors such as your raw natural talent stop you from doing what you love.

Sure, you may end up spending hundreds or even thousands of hours just to be mogged by someone who is naturally talented in a few days.
But you can still improve from the point at which you started from. You can still feel very accomplished because you know you worked really hard to get better, even if the end result isn't inherently impressive or exceptional.

If you really thought about it logically, what is more impressive? A short guy training for years to be able to jump high enough to dunk a basketball, or a very tall guy that was easily able to dunk after just a few weeks of training? To the average audience, they could not care less about the fact that the tall guy got to where he was more easily because of his genetic predisposition. They could not care less about how hard the short guy worked to be able to jump that high and will cheer on the tall guy instead (it is the sad reality of life and the shallow nature of human beings).

But the short guy knows he was at a natural disadvantage. He knows that despite having the odds completely stacked against him, he put in serious effort and was able to achieve his goal. That is how you can truly feel accomplished.

This is water, but the reality is that natural talent almost always beats hard work. A naturally talented person will have the fame, the validation, the admiration, and the end result with much less effort. But once you accept this reality and come to peace with it, you will be able to enjoy doing the things you love. You shouldn't care less about how X person was able to mog you with minimal effort, because you know that person had a natural advantage. As Ernest Hemingway said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

You spoke your mind completely unfiltered without a care in the world. That is something I don't think I will ever be able to do.

I hope the best for you my nigga. Life really is rigged and unfair, but it is up to us to fight against it. Good luck fighting, brocel.
I’ve basically just given up with art at this point im 20 now And Ive been drawing since I was a kid
I used to enjoy drawing but Now It just annoys me if I cant make anything good

You spoke your mind completely unfiltered without a care in the world. That is something I don't think I will ever be able to do.

I guess so I just try to say things how they are if I can
It doesn't really matter if I get judged for it since its over for me anyway
You could definitely do this too I feel like anyone could

Theres alot more I would have said but I cant even put it into words

I would have tried to reply to more of what you said But if im being honest im playing dayz rn and im paranoid about getting jumped If I take my focus away for too long :feelskek:

I hope the best for you my nigga. Life really is rigged and unfair, but it is up to us to fight against it. Good luck fighting, brocel.
Thank you brocel :feelsYall:
Here is a song you can listen to while you read this Someone made a post about aphex twin A few weeks ago and it reminded me of it
I think it fits in well with this its probably one of my favourite songs
I was listening to it while writing this so I thought I would put it here

View: https://youtu.be/q86g1aop6a8?si=d5tKKOsz6yzYlw7L

I accept now that I am a truecel there is
no coping around it
I have pretty much nothing going for me
I get mogged by most people in everything daily
Its such a fucking brutal way to live

Im low Iq and uneducated
physically weak and unhealthy

My face is fucked up and I have several mental problems like adhd ptsd and anxiety (not surprising that I have the last two at all given my shit genes)

I genuinely never stood a chance In life
Its crazy to think about that and Im sure youve all had similar thoughts too

All the struggles and pain Ive gone through in life were for fucking nothing
All the dreams and hopes I had were only a delusion they were there to keep me going
they were never really possible
literally nothing worthwhile will come from this shit existence
Even the few good things I have now will slowly fade away until I have nothing left to exist for
And I say exist because I Cant say I ever lived at all

I will just rot away while Everyone else gets to live their good lives because they got lucky
What was the point of me even being born into this fucking rigged and evil world??
Just to be a puppet used by the world to make other people laugh and feel good about themselves
is that really it

Im always thinking about this shit Ive made a couple other posts pretty much saying the same thing because I cant get it out of my head

Im one of the smallest men Ive seen in my life This is what I would say makes me a truecel
Even with all of my other flaws I would say this is the thing that has ruined me

This is what Has caused most of the hardship in my life
the abuse and bullying and all the disrespect I have faced for years and couldnt do anything about
Thats why I named myself Runt since it has been one of the main defining traits of my how my life turned out

Tiny hands and tiny feet (5.5/6) tiny wrists(5.8/6)and small skull
Narrow shoulders (I wear xs tshirts idk the actual width) small waist too like 27-28 inch
I have no muscle I have pretty much all the bad traits of an ectomorph with none of the good ones like height since I'm 5’6/5’7
Im 20 btw so Its not like im some 17 year old complaining who still has time to ascend somehow
My fate is fucking sealed

I think I might genuinely get frame mogged by fucking ER
Ive always hated my pathetic frame
I dont even give af as much about being ugly compared to my shit frame It completely ruined my life

If I could be an ugly big intimidating guy who still got no women I would be happy with that

atleast I could feel like a man then instead of a fucking subhuman

I feel like I was given the worst traits of each gender with none of the good ones
Ill give a couple examples of what I mean because I cant think of anymore off the top of my head

I was given The frail pathetic weak body of a woman without the social power of her gender and cunt that allows her to thrive in life
And put into a world where subchad men are hated and treated like second class citizens and cannon fodder
but I dont have the physical strength or power like a normal man does
So I am just thrown Into this hostile world with no means of defence

My whole existence has just felt grey and dead There never really was any life being lived
If you listened to the song at the beginning I would say If I could put my life into a song that would be it
Long depressing and boring

I feel like when I realised how bad my genes were any hope for colour to come into my life faded away and now I am just trapped in this void forever wishing to escape

Any of you who still have a chance at anything in life should be happy to get anything at all

I know you might not be slaying but Atleast you can enjoy some things in life

I guess I can too But its all not as enjoyable when you get mogged every second
Even when Im watching films or playing games Im reminded of how even fucking women sizemog me let alone fucking men
I just imagine what I would look like next to these people and its fucking brutal
I genuinely wouldn't even look human

I wish I could box or fight but My frame is too fucking pathetic
Ive always wanted the confidence that comes with knowing you can fight but I would never get this even if I trained because of my frame

I wish I could create beautiful art but I don't have natural talent at it and I dont want to take years just to get to the point that someone with talent starts at

The brutal thing is I have a few people in my family who are naturally talented and make really good art but im fucking terrible and have given up on it now because it just makes me angry every time I try to draw anything

I wish at the very least I could have had something as unimportant of a skill as being good at gaming just so I could enjoy that more as a cope but I dont even fucking get that
Im shit at nearly every game I play Whenever I play with my friends They are always near the top of the leader board while I am always at the bottem
That’s pretty much my life summed up

Nearly everything in my life has been ruined by my genes I really fucking hate the state my life has ended up in

Shit even this post is fucking terrible With my shit iq I cant write anything interesting or anything that anyone actually gives af about
This wont be a post that anyone thinks about or cares about after reading
If you even read up to this point you will forget about it in around a few hours at the most

I just wish I could have something In life to keep me going
Some sort of talent or hobby that im actually good at and can cope with
Something that would make it worth me ever existing at all
I always wanted to be someone important or special
but my genes have failed me at everything in life
nothing can pay the price to fix the hole that my terrible genes have left

Im just going to continue neetmaxx/ldaring since being able to do this is one of the few privileges I got in life
If I was forced to work on top of all of this I would have genuinely fucking lost it by now
If you read this far I appreciate it and you are a real nigga :feelsYall:
I hope the best for you hopefully you wish me the same If not fuck you

This life sucks
Here is a song you can listen to while you read this Someone made a post about aphex twin A few weeks ago and it reminded me of it
I think it fits in well with this its probably one of my favourite songs
I was listening to it while writing this so I thought I would put it here

View: https://youtu.be/q86g1aop6a8?si=d5tKKOsz6yzYlw7L

I accept now that I am a truecel there is
no coping around it
I have pretty much nothing going for me
I get mogged by most people in everything daily
Its such a fucking brutal way to live

Im low Iq and uneducated
physically weak and unhealthy

My face is fucked up and I have several mental problems like adhd ptsd and anxiety (not surprising that I have the last two at all given my shit genes)

I genuinely never stood a chance In life
Its crazy to think about that and Im sure youve all had similar thoughts too

All the struggles and pain Ive gone through in life were for fucking nothing
All the dreams and hopes I had were only a delusion they were there to keep me going
they were never really possible
literally nothing worthwhile will come from this shit existence
Even the few good things I have now will slowly fade away until I have nothing left to exist for
And I say exist because I Cant say I ever lived at all

I will just rot away while Everyone else gets to live their good lives because they got lucky
What was the point of me even being born into this fucking rigged and evil world??
Just to be a puppet used by the world to make other people laugh and feel good about themselves
is that really it

Im always thinking about this shit Ive made a couple other posts pretty much saying the same thing because I cant get it out of my head

Im one of the smallest men Ive seen in my life This is what I would say makes me a truecel
Even with all of my other flaws I would say this is the thing that has ruined me

This is what Has caused most of the hardship in my life
the abuse and bullying and all the disrespect I have faced for years and couldnt do anything about
Thats why I named myself Runt since it has been one of the main defining traits of my how my life turned out

Tiny hands and tiny feet (5.5/6) tiny wrists(5.8/6)and small skull
Narrow shoulders (I wear xs tshirts idk the actual width) small waist too like 27-28 inch
I have no muscle I have pretty much all the bad traits of an ectomorph with none of the good ones like height since I'm 5’6/5’7
Im 20 btw so Its not like im some 17 year old complaining who still has time to ascend somehow
My fate is fucking sealed

I think I might genuinely get frame mogged by fucking ER
Ive always hated my pathetic frame
I dont even give af as much about being ugly compared to my shit frame It completely ruined my life

If I could be an ugly big intimidating guy who still got no women I would be happy with that

atleast I could feel like a man then instead of a fucking subhuman

I feel like I was given the worst traits of each gender with none of the good ones
Ill give a couple examples of what I mean because I cant think of anymore off the top of my head

I was given The frail pathetic weak body of a woman without the social power of her gender and cunt that allows her to thrive in life
And put into a world where subchad men are hated and treated like second class citizens and cannon fodder
but I dont have the physical strength or power like a normal man does
So I am just thrown Into this hostile world with no means of defence

My whole existence has just felt grey and dead There never really was any life being lived
If you listened to the song at the beginning I would say If I could put my life into a song that would be it
Long depressing and boring

I feel like when I realised how bad my genes were any hope for colour to come into my life faded away and now I am just trapped in this void forever wishing to escape

Any of you who still have a chance at anything in life should be happy to get anything at all

I know you might not be slaying but Atleast you can enjoy some things in life

I guess I can too But its all not as enjoyable when you get mogged every second
Even when Im watching films or playing games Im reminded of how even fucking women sizemog me let alone fucking men
I just imagine what I would look like next to these people and its fucking brutal
I genuinely wouldn't even look human

I wish I could box or fight but My frame is too fucking pathetic
Ive always wanted the confidence that comes with knowing you can fight but I would never get this even if I trained because of my frame

I wish I could create beautiful art but I don't have natural talent at it and I dont want to take years just to get to the point that someone with talent starts at

The brutal thing is I have a few people in my family who are naturally talented and make really good art but im fucking terrible and have given up on it now because it just makes me angry every time I try to draw anything

I wish at the very least I could have had something as unimportant of a skill as being good at gaming just so I could enjoy that more as a cope but I dont even fucking get that
Im shit at nearly every game I play Whenever I play with my friends They are always near the top of the leader board while I am always at the bottem
That’s pretty much my life summed up

Nearly everything in my life has been ruined by my genes I really fucking hate the state my life has ended up in

Shit even this post is fucking terrible With my shit iq I cant write anything interesting or anything that anyone actually gives af about
This wont be a post that anyone thinks about or cares about after reading
If you even read up to this point you will forget about it in around a few hours at the most

I just wish I could have something In life to keep me going
Some sort of talent or hobby that im actually good at and can cope with
Something that would make it worth me ever existing at all
I always wanted to be someone important or special
but my genes have failed me at everything in life
nothing can pay the price to fix the hole that my terrible genes have left

Im just going to continue neetmaxx/ldaring since being able to do this is one of the few privileges I got in life
If I was forced to work on top of all of this I would have genuinely fucking lost it by now
If you read this far I appreciate it and you are a real nigga :feelsYall:
I hope the best for you hopefully you wish me the same If not fuck you

Read every word, a lot of this was relatable to me. This was very brutal and I wanna say I'm sorry. Just know that none of this is your fault, brocel.
Read every word, a lot of this was relatable to me. This was very brutal and I wanna say I'm sorry. Just know that none of this is your fault, brocel.
I appreciate it bro
I never blame myself for anything that went wrong in my life unless it was directly my fault
The road trucels travels such as ourselves ain't an easy one.
Read all of it. Good song selection, I used to listen to it when I studied and looked at the monkey periodically.
Read all of it. Good song selection, I used to listen to it when I studied and looked at the monkey periodically.
Something About the monkey always reminds me that We are all just evolved monkeys and arent anything special as a species like other people think we are

theres something wise looking about it though
The way It stares looks like it knows all the brutal truths of Life and now it has been hardened to life
then it closes its eyes as if Its about to meditate like a monk
The road trucels travels such as ourselves ain't an easy one.
Its one filled with hatred, failures, rejection, and heartbreak. It’s a chaotic one for sure. Not for somebody who’s mentally weak
Its one filled with hatred, failures, rejection, and heartbreak. It’s a chaotic one for sure. Not for somebody who’s mentally weak
And you go through all of that to get no reward at all
then it closes its eyes as if Its about to meditate like a monk
Accurate description, it looks very relaxed. Whoever decided to put the music and the video together is a genius.
And you go through all of that to get no reward at all
Your reward is the brocels on this forum and the rest knowing its all over after you die of old age or rope
This forum isnt enough to make up for my failed life
Neither is it for mine, This, Food, Ricecel studymaxxing, vidya, driving around is all I got
I don't think being a big ugly guy would help you anyway. I read the book of mice and men and you mean you want to be like Lenny. Nobody wants to be like Lenny, trust me
I don't think being a big ugly guy would help you anyway. I read the book of mice and men and you mean you want to be like Lenny. Nobody wants to be like Lenny, trust me
Lenny was also retarded so that was his main problem
I would be alot happier if I wasnt a framecel
Lenny was also retarded so that was his main problem
I would be alot happier if I wasnt a framecel
What makes you think you aren't retarded. At least I can admit I'm not as smart as a normies otherwise I would have lived a normies life. Even people who are savants at one thing are often retards in general.
What makes you think you aren't retarded. At least I can admit I'm not as smart as a normies otherwise I would have lived a normies life. Even people who are savants at one thing are often retards in general.
Because Im not literally retarded :feelskek: I might be stupid but im not not retarded
What makes you think you aren't retarded. At least I can admit I'm not as smart as a normies otherwise I would have lived a normies life. Even people who are savants at one thing are often retards in general.
You would have lived a normie life if you had normie genes
being smart doesnt matter for living a normie life
It’s probably better to not be smart if yoU want to fit in with normies
You would have lived a normie life if you had normie genes
being smart doesnt matter for living a normie life
It’s probably better to not be smart if yoU want to fit in with normies
Being smart means you pick up on shit fast and make good decisions. That's shit like looksmaxing early and making money to geomax or betabux even. Because most normies are just betabux with a small flavour of real chad life. But we get nothing because we are dumb
God caused this in the first place, if he gave a shit we wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with
Exactly. God is cope. I’ve suffered through many physical and mental illnesses before too and god doesn’t give to fucks. Today I feel like shit because I only slept 4 hours because my asshole neighbors had noise repairs being done at fucking 9:00 A.M. while I was trying to sleep. I am brutally exhausted by life and everything just stacks up. I’m sick of it and I curse god out every time shit like this happens. I don’t even really believe he exists tbh
Exactly. God is cope. I’ve suffered through many physical and mental illnesses before too and god doesn’t give to fucks. Today I feel like shit because I only slept 4 hours because my asshole neighbors had noise repairs being done at fucking 9:00 A.M. while I was trying to sleep. I am brutally exhausted by life and everything just stacks up. I’m sick of it and I curse god out every time shit like this happens. I don’t even really believe he exists tbh
They must be trolling when they say to find god idk how any incel could believe in god
The road trucels travels such as ourselves ain't an easy one.
Yeah its going to be a brutal life for both of us

Normal people and chads drive on a nice straight road but we drive on a road filled with potholes in a warzone that is currently being bombed
They must be trolling when they say to find god idk how any incel could believe in god
I know. They have to be. Even if an incel believes in god, he has no reason to like god. I was cursed with inceldom, severe OCD, autism, many chronic physical health issues, being a night owl and often sleep deprived by daytime society, and my father died when I was only 19. I’m sick of life and am not gonna simp for god
I know. They have to be. Even if an incel believes in god, he has no reason to like god. I was cursed with inceldom, severe OCD, autism, many chronic physical health issues, being a night owl and often sleep deprived by daytime society, and my father died when I was only 19. I’m sick of life and am not gonna simp for god
God is just testing you bro just have faith in him and trust his plan for you bro
God is just testing you bro just have faith in him and trust his plan for you bro
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: I’ve been told that a million times by copers, lol.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: I’ve been told that a million times by copers, lol.
Yeah same
Even If that was true why would that make me feel any better?? :feelskek:

Why did this mf choose to fuck with me out of everyone while he just lets everyone else live normally
Hes pretty much just fucking with me for his own entertainment

Not only have I been bullied by normies but im being bullied by fucking god too :feelskek:

But I'm somehow still expected to not hate god
Yeah same
Even If that was true why would that make me feel any better?? :feelskek:

Why did this mf choose to fuck with me out of everyone while he just lets everyone else live normally
Hes pretty much just fucking with me for his own entertainment

Not only have I been bullied by normies but im being bullied by fucking god too :feelskek:

But I'm somehow still expected to not hate god
Yeah, if god exists, he chose me to fuck with. That doesn’t sit too well with me. Love and friends come naturally to most people yet those things are so out of reach to me. Even most people naturally sleep at a reasonable hour. I fight to get sleep all the time and it’s brutal being cursed with night owl genetics

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