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I just watched the incel episode from that medical show

Suicidal Schizoid

Suicidal Schizoid

The exile does not choose his babylon
Jun 8, 2024

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50XI4Rvney8

So some of you might remember this it was posted a couple of days here and I check twitter and see something about it so I decided to watch it. (spoilers ahead, no shit)

The title of the episode is ''All lonely people'' so supposedly loneliness will be a theme of it, so I put the hopes up and I want to see some realistic crushing shit.

First scene it starts with a chad and stacy doctor coworkers after a sex night, a couple, and they talk about having to go to some fundraiser event or something later

Starting off this supposed episode about loneliness with two people in love and kissing on it's own is just outright appalling lol, like hey here's an episode about loneliness but it starts with two people mingling and kissing and in love.

Then it goes to the scene linked above where the guy tries to shoot the blonde nurse, but he hits the sheboon nurse instead and has an accident.

Sheboon nurse is the ex of a chad chang doctor who does ER admissions, that's what they're talking about in the scene, that he's dating some other higher class sheboon instead of the sheboon nurse.

Incel comes in, shoots, gets hospitalized.

Cops show up, chang doctor says he needs to stay for a while cause he's not ready to leave, but he is reluctant to do so cause he shot his ex.

Psychiatrist notices, tries to give a psyche evaluation on the incel because of legality to determine whether he's sane or not, incel shows no remorse to the women so blonde foid starts yelling at incel thus disrupting it, psychiatrist notices and scolds her. She tries to answer by accusing him of relating to incel because he's also single...

Said blonde foid is to be the 'femcel' of the show, she's ugly so she overcompensate by working hard, doing a phd while being a doctor simultaneously.

Off from the incel character, some other doctor supposed brunette becky has to talk to the fbi because her ex was in witness protection and he's coming back to chicago and that broke their wedding plans, so he's back.

Brunette becky goes to her job, a chad man walks in with his pregnant wife, she has to give birth and she dies during it cause of an aneurysm.

Chad dad now has to be a widower and live alone with just delivered baby daughter so he's sad.

Chad doctor from the first scene is shown at work, talking to a tyrone and his kid who hit his chest with a nail, no mother in sight, implying the dad is single and the kid has no mom. Kid's gonna be fine he just needs an operation, so they do it and it works.

Switch to a cafetiria scene, femcel is getting her food and she goes to sit alone, psychiatrist is sitting and observing her, he realizes she was projecting her own loneliness on the incel and yelling at him for doing what he did cause she's supposedly lonely herself.

Back to the incel chang doctor needs to run more tests on him, so he does so as professionally intended, sheboon ex nurse gets mad at chang and talks to him and says it's wrong to help him, chang tells her he cares about her still and even though he shot her he has to do his job, incel has to have an operation now, so he does and it goes fine.

Post op, the psychiatrist decides that Incel is sane after seeing his incel page and that there was motive of revenge on the blonde nurse who rejected him. So he's sent out with the foid brunette cop to get locked up.

Blonde femcel talks to psychiatrist and sneers at him saying ''you sure you don't wanna admit him in psych'' something along those line.

Psychiatrist asks her to come meet him after work for a small talk.

Another scene is show of the nurses talking, the blonde nurse that got shot at says she has no friends and the sheboons consoling her...

Chad dad who lost his wife is show staring at a girl and her mother, brunette doctor who delivered his baby comes up and hugs him and consoles him.

He tells her what he thinks. He even gives her a compliment by making this statement ''men tend to blame others for their problems while women blame themselves and fall into depression'' and in typical foid nature she yells at him and calls him ''the expert on loneliness & depression'' because he's old and lonely without a woman or friends and then she walks out.

Before last scene is at the fundraiser, stacy meets chad's dad who apparently she had sex with for some money, so chad's dad who's another rich chad harasses her and says we should do it again, she gets mad and goes to chad and lies saying ''your dad is telling people we had sex'', chad goes and punches him, dad says ''I wonder what the lie is'' signalling at the end that their rs could be in trouble because of this.

Last scene is a wide shot of the psychiatrist standing on a bridge looking down on it, contemplating, while young groups of boys and girls are walking past him.

Supposedly the show is making this point, foids are better than incels at dealing with loneliness and not making it other people's problems, and the three men who are lonely are shown as an example of how to act as an incel man, but it misses the point, first off all, all the men were good looking and they will bounce back in no time, the tyroe and the chad are dads and the psychiatrist probably had an ex, so he has experienced love before but now he's old and lonely. So in all of those three male cases, they're not even incels and had their share of experience...

The incel is dismissed as an angry young man who's just spazzing out and blaming everyone else irrationally cause he doesn't have a gf or cause he got rejected, not the center of the episode at all despite apparently almost killing a character off...

It tries to show foids as logical, empathetic and not projecting their loneliness into society and bothering everyone with it, but it fails to do so because every foids behavior in the episode demonstrates this; (and this the only thing the show got right in this episode btw)

1.Foids are not able to step outside of themselves to do a job (sheboon nurse & blonde foid regarding the inkwell)
2.Foids are projecting their problems and feelings onto others (mostly men) like the blonde femcel did to inkwell plus her coworker (once again not able to step out and be reasoned with and understand)
3.Foids will use sex to get what they want, even if she is taken (the stacy/dad/chad that got cheated on storyline)

All the men focal characters are portrayed as asshole no feeling cunts, too logical for their own good.

Unironically the only decent foid was the brunette becky doc (also the cop too), cause she just showed up, did her job and got back with her fiancée.... (I take it back, she was mad at the federal agent who took her husband so once again, can't step out of their feelings)

Tl;dr it shows foids nature while trying to project a better image of them, and shows men in the opposite light

TL;DR shit and vapid unrealistic entertainement brought to you by hollywood
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Fuck am I doing with my life tbh
The best female character was a FED, brutally over in this glowie ruled world
Why would you watch that? I read it all and it seems like any other feminist drama show.
Why would you watch that? I read it all and it seems like any other feminist drama show.
Idk wanted to see how incels are portrayed, I've seen some other scenes from the show and they were OK especially the psychiatrist..

I'm biased I guess
I stopped reading after you got to the “Chad and Stacy doctor”. Pissed me off
Sounds like another fembrained sloppa for married mothers
omg who watches this dumb melodrama sitcom shit
You're crazy for actually watching that lol. It played out how I expected it to

Not even close
You're crazy for actually watching that lol. It played out how I expected it to
lmao idk I was bored
probably foids jfl

even more reason for tfd
probably big time

Anyway Dr.house is better
Sounds like another fembrained sloppa for married mothers

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